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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    So while I'm waiting for Microsoft to fix my friend's 360, there's still the small chance that it won't work. Even if it does, my friend took the harddrive for his new one. Here's my dilemma. Assuming it doesn't work (the thing's been modded and we're way out of warranty, lol), I kind of want an Xbox now. Either way, it looks like I'm going to be dropping $300. The 360 is $200 + $100 for a 120gb harddrive. The Elite, which is prettier ( ) is $300 but comes with the hard drive. I heard that the Elite can't be modded to play burned games? Anyone know if this is true? I'm by no means a gamer, I'm still using my PS2 from when I was like 8. But nowadays I have massive amounts of time to kill, and all my friends who live far away do this, so.. yeah. Help teh poor gamer noob?
  2. Izzy

    I can't read code, but I'll write a defeater (in words) if you tell me what you're doing with it. *edit* I really need to stop abusing teh smileys.
  3. Haha thanks. :D Dude, I ended up being up until 6:30 last night. Literally just woke up. D:

  4. Izzy

    Your edit scares me..
  5. Izzy

    Actually, I think I'm right. I just used an online perfect square producer (to save me the trouble), and it works for 1111. I'd check higher.. but it won't let me go over 1000, I cba to get a calculator, and I *really* need to go to sleep. *edit* Well, I'm right for my nondecimal answers. I haven't thought of a way to check for the others yet. *edit* Google calculator ftw. I'm right about the ones I'm right about. Fairly sure about the rest.
  6. Izzy

    Oh, and I got this *awesome* bookmark and book from my four year old cousin (which he totally picked out himself ). I just remembered because I was about to log off and read. "I" for "Izzy" and it says inspire on the other side. Practical, because until then I was using my joker card.
  7. Izzy

    New phone with full qwerty keyboard (I actually got this as an early present, and it was taken away in school the day before the break ), new plasma high def TV, $100 Apple and Barnes and Nobles giftcards, 250 euro, some guitar stuff, and various other things I can't remember. The most random thing is probably the peppermint chocolate milk mix. Oh, and it's technically not a present per se, but my friend's 360 broke, and his parents bought him a new one. He's offered to give it to me. So I accepted, and we're currently trying to figure out how to fix it. Free games follow if we get it working. ;D Oh, and haha. An unmentionable goodie bag from one of my friends.
  8. Izzy

    I prefer omitting the first three rather than just the first. It's hard to really be pure strategy after only one round.
  9. Izzy

    I have no idea what Shakee means or what the old fashioned way is, but if you figured it out, way to go.
  10. Izzy

    ..Not to resurrect a pretty dead thread, but I was just thinking about something and remembered this statement. I don't know why I didn't respond earlier. Gametes (sperms and eggs) are formed through meiosis, so instead of ending up with a diploid like in mitosis, you end up with four haploids, which is the sperm/egg. So during (I think) Prophase 1, the genetic information of the male/female is entirely recombined, "crossing over", and it separates. Then you go through the other phases, repeat, and you end up with four entirely different haploid cells (the gametes). So, unless I'm wrong and misunderstood biology, each sperm/egg is unique.
  11. Izzy

    Awesome. My only request is that the tournament be held after New Year's. Otherwise, I don't know if I'll be able to modify my algorithm enough to participate.
  12. Izzy

    What does test2 do? I don't like this: test2 won 100 games and izzy1 won 0 ~ there were 0 ties...
  13. Izzy

    Okay, you've solved what the riddle said, but do you know why each symbol is each letter? If you did, then there's an easier way to solve it besides letter substitution. ..But this is where my hint comes in.
  14. Izzy

    Man.. so this is actually my first riddle. It actually just sorta came to me. This is really easy, and there actually is logic in solving it. ßø≥≥ ?? ¥ø¨æ√´ µå∂´ ?† †˙?ß ?å® å?∂ ¨?∂´®ß†å?∂ ∑˙å† ?æµ ßå¥??©≤ ¥ø¨ µ¨ß† ˙å√´ å π®´††¥ ©øø∂ ?∂´å ø? ˙ø∑ ?æµ ∂ø??© †˙?ß≥ ∫¨† †˙å† ?ß?æ† †˙´ ®?∂∂¬´≥ å?¥ ø? ¥ø¨ çø¨¬∂ ˙å√´ 𬨩©´∂ †˙?ß ??†ø å 箥π†ø©®åµ ßø¬√´®≥ †´¬¬ µ´ ˙ø∑ †ø ç®åç˚ µ¥ æçø∂´æ≥
  15. Izzy

    You want the good answer or the real answer? My life, an ultimately random chance of event, is interesting and pleasurable enough for me to wish to continue it. As it is of no inconvenience to myself, I see no reason to end it. I live, I laugh, I have fun. If my personal life weren't fun, then the situation would be entirely different, and perhaps suicide would be a foreseeable route. Without dwelling too much on my personal life, I'll let out that I am a nihilist, in the sense that life is meaningless, but mixed with my hedonistic feelings, I live my life of no point for personal pleasure. Entirely selfish, perhaps, but I have one hell of a time. (Er, just because this is in the abortion thread, one disclaimer: I promise to not have a stupid sex life?) On the less me more everyone else level: I'm an only child to a mom who has just gone through a divorce. Killing myself runs the risk of killing her, and I don't want my selfish actions doing that to my mom. That's what I meant with my earlier post of living in debt to your parents. I'm pretty much guilted into living when it comes down to it, woohoo. So, not having been born wouldn't really devastate me. Again, I'm indifferent towards it. Life is cool, death is peaceful. *shrug*
  16. Izzy

    ^ Nevermind. I didn't see the spoiler.
  17. Izzy

    ^ I'm going to echo that feeling. I mean life, woo, great and whatevs, but I don't really feel inclined one way or the another. *shrug*
  18. Izzy

    Can I see patternSeeker vs. patternSeeker? ;P
  19. Izzy

    Exactly what Medji said. There are also the suicidals and those that live in debt to their parents. So meh.
  20. Izzy

    You can't really deduce the opinions of the unborn..
  21. Izzy

    *shrug* Isn't abortion the same thing?
  22. Izzy

    Woah, back up. I never said that no one should ever have to take responsibility for their actions. Of course you should, under certain conditions. I don't think pregnancy is one of these conditions because the option to just get rid of it is there. The mother has the option to terminate whenever she wants, but the father doesn't. So in all fairness, he should get the same option, which is not having to provide for the child that he doesn't want. This really isn't even that different from adoption, other than that the father doesn't have the child's best interest at heart. ..And any argument that might arise from this about it messing up the child is bull, and I can personally testify for that. Unreality clearly made the connection I was looking for, have a look at his post. Maybe murder was the wrong term, because "killing" fits the situation for accurately. And that pretty much sums up your entire argument anyway. "It's unfair to the baby ...... because you are killing it/it's potential."
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