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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Bleh, tired, just got home, so a few quick points: Fairy tale and religion are synonymous: they both revolve around magical and imaginary beings in lands, my Mac Dictionary's definition of "fairy tale". Galileo and Newton were religious because of the time period, similar with Darwin. Einstein was definitely atheist; do some research before you spew "facts". I'm going to be honest, and come off like a major jerk, but I judge my science and history teachers based on whether or not they're atheist. If you teach a language, math, or an elective, okay, I don't expect you to be too into it. You're teaching me science or history? No, know your s'hit and make logical conclusions if you want me to take you seriously. Regarding the experiment: Hai, it's already been done. See, more or less, pastafarianism. EDM: "you can't just simply say that there's no such thing as God if more than half the world say otherwise" READ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum Goodnight.
  2. Izzy

    It's a very existentialist view of science, but these factors must be taken into account because we experience the objective world subjectively, so to say we know with absolute truth what's going on would be a self-delusion. We can, however, make subjective observations and compile these to for data and reach conclusions for our subjective world. It's a very far stretch to say that gravity isn't "true", but it is "only a theory", meaning it consistently behaves the way we expect it to with out subjective bias. In the objective world, it's possible it may behave in ways very different than from what we've observed, but since we can't really ever live in this world, for all purposes concerned, it's still great that we have an accurate description of how it behaves here. That's the difference between science and religion. Science will admit that it's wrong, religion's will (or, at least should, an omniscience sky fairy wrote your book, remember? ) stick with their original arguments, closing the gaps for their god to hide in. Lol, and don't try "But Izzy, since we experience the world subjectively, how do we know G-dawg doesn't live in the objective world?" Well, it's a possibility, but remember that our subjective world is merely an interpretation of the objective world, it doesn't exactly leave much room for anything to hide. We can still see/feel/touch/smell/hear what's going on.. just.. not exactly how it is. Example. The color red. Lovely color, yeah? It's really just a load of particles with a specific energy level and frequency chilling out on my pillow case. I don't see that. I see red. With science, we can still tap into the objective world, but it's tentative at best. However, since science attempts to explain the world we are actually in, I'm not too bothered by it. Dude, all QM explains is that micro-particles behave in weird ways we don't expect or observe in macrostuffs (lol, word). Technically, nothing exists.. What you actually probably read is that negative and positive energy and mass, were they to cancel each other out, would zero exactly. Until then, I have this load of matter over here, and some antimatter over there. As far as I'm concerned, until they meet, that matter is still there to play with. @EDM: Wrong experiments are taken into account, which is why they're under constant repetition, scrutinized, and peer reviewed to check for accuracy.
  3. Izzy

    Might as well address this before anyone brings it up: I'm not suggesting science is infallible. Mistakes are made, and theories are appropriately thrown out when that happens. However, when experiments are repeated leading to the same results, obviously that should give people *some* incentive to accept the conclusion, irrespective of the implications it may have on their other beliefs.
  4. Izzy

    It's simple, really. Science is true, regardless of religion. Religion may be true, unless stated otherwise by science. What's the problem here? Empirical facts > fairy tales.
  5. Izzy

    Responding to silliness with silliness is the best way to go about it, no? Gawd forbid anyone take this man seriously.. Oh wait, people did.
  6. Izzy

    How long do you think the chain will get? I want some scientologists to step in and threaten with Bible Burning if the Rev doesn't lay off the Muslims. It's never felt so good to be on the sidelines.
  7. Izzy

    Matters are only going to worsen if they agree to move it, eugh. *sighhhh* I have not. Why?
  8. Izzy

    I'm pretty easily offended if you actually insult me. Insulting my (lack of) religion or any of my other beliefs will just let me reach the obvious conclusion that you're (not you, anyone) an inflammatory idiot that isn't worth anything more than a laugh. People that get upset over religious, country-related, etc. insults are just as bad. Guys, you've all been indoctrinated into your religious affiliation and patriotism. Either over come it, or realize people from other cultures go through the exact same thing with different beliefs, meaning you shouldn't whine about it when two two different world views clash. Gawd, humanity is annoying. Doubtful. Trust me, if I'm offended, it will be known. Lawl, agreed.
  9. Izzy

    Bleh, it doesn't offend anyone to burn books. On a scale that large, it's honestly just a waste of resources. Ready for some compassion? OMG. WTF?! Wtfffffffffffff. What a douchebag, this was probably his plan all along. I hope they don't have to move the community center because the pastor used to media to fulfill his unfair agenda. *edit* The dark side has cookies.. Look, as Jedi, I'm a defender of peace, but my allegiance isn't to the Republic, it's to the Jedi Order, which involves defending peoples' rights first and foremost.
  10. Izzy

    Of course! I'll even mirror it all over the internetz if you like. Then I'll make a video of me burning your post while playing the video of you burning my post in the background. I'll ship it off to the middle east labeled "A guide on how to handle this!", and will accept my Noble Peace Prize on any day this week besides Saturday. Get to it.
  11. Izzy

    *cringe* *eye twitch* THEY WERE GOOD MOVIES. Burn the ending to Episode VI, no one needs to see that... Necessary censorship right there..
  12. Izzy

    If you want to print them out and make a video of yourself burning them, be my guest. I'll certainly be entertained.
  13. Izzy

    Yeah, and that's their fault for taking something seriously to the extent to start a war over it. Considering Islam preaches peace, they're huge hypocrites if this gets out of hand. Which is why I think the extremists are just looking for another excuse to attack and recruit, which wouldn't change even if this didn't happen.
  14. Izzy

    Burn the constitution! Burn the holy books! Burn the Star Wars movies (in case people thought I was being biased here). Why? It means you're standing up for something you believe in and are taking a non-violent (ish) approach to a political protest. Why else? Because it doesn't actually matter. People need to stop getting offended over *everything*.
  15. Izzy

    EDM, the only thing it is "WRONG" to burn are children, animals, and things that don't belong to you. Who cares what it symbolizes?
  16. Izzy

    Just realized this is happening in Florida. I swear, we have all the crazy people.
  17. Izzy

    I'm largely unaffected by it. The only potential problem it will pose is if people start citing his version of the book as an argument against evolution because of the "lack of evidence". It would bother me less if he burned it than his rewriting of it. ....Haha, the Qur'an is derived from the Bible so I guess Christians are sort of in the same boat. Except, you know, the minor difference being that Darwin's theory is factually based (and doesn't attempt to disprove any god, I don't see why so many people take a problem with it ), so the omissions take away from the academic integrity while going from Bible to Qur'an is about as significant as Santa wearing black or brown boots.. This is in small and gray font because I feel the difference should be noted, though I didn't necessarily want to point it out. ..Yeah)
  18. Izzy

    Not what I meant. What he did was worse.
  19. Izzy

    ^ Eh, the Bananaman already did it for you by destroying The Origin of the Species. (Which.. I guess is as close to a "holy book" as you'll get.)
  20. Izzy

    Incinerate the books! The idiot will go to jail for not having a permit to start a large scale fire, anyway (he's been informed and stil plans to go through with it). This goes for religions and philosophies of all sorts: practice the peace you teach. Write the redneck and his followers off as some dispensable layer of filth polluting the ground of the world that they'll never rise above. There's no reason to start a holy war over it. If anything, burn some bibles to make it even (yay, mutual benefits!). It irritates me so deeply that people still haven't realized that their provocative elementary-level playground stunts and cries for attention serve no purpose and do way more harm than good. =/ To be fair, I recall several flag burnings from the middle east being boardcasted on the news. I have a total lack of empathy for people that take their patriotism seriously to the extent that they'll retaliate with physical attacks. As far as was ever reported (yay censorship ), America handled it fairly well. I don't understand why we should expect differently now that they've been placed in the same shoes the Americans once stood in. If there's some outbreak, *shrug* they'll sort it out themselves. I know what the f'uckwit is doing is morally unjustified and on par with complete idiocy, but we shouldn't stop him from doing it on the basis of offending people. That's one of the things I love about America. Mmm, this reminds me of some song lyrics. I'll throw a pie in the face of piety I'll torch a Torah right off a bridge I am a reverend of irreverence I'm a shill for any sacrilege [...] Anything that is your holy or sacred I'm gonna desecrate and use in jest But you'll never hear a crack about Mohammad 'Cause I don't wanna get shot in the chest Blasphemy, isn't this fun? Rob a rabbi, bugger a nun! Blasphemy, want some more? Mother Mary, the virgin w'hore!
  21. Izzy


    SORTA - If 0, A is the first letter. SORTS - If the above is 0 and this is 1, A is the last letter.
  22. Izzy

    Phaze is very strange indeed.
  23. Izzy

    *takes Phaze out of context* Them drugs make you kill people, aye boy? Off to the asylum with you.. Nick, chemicals control the impulses as well. YOU are YOUR chemicals, so it's still YOU making the decisions, just not in the way you think.. Eugh, we're venturing into free will again..
  24. Izzy

    Well, okay, think about it in simpler terms. Your body produces adrenaline (a chemical) to give you that extra boost when you need it, right? You can feel the adrenaline, and you know it's a real thing. The thing that determines how much adrenaline is secreted is determined by your genetic material. The same goes for other chemicals in the body, like serotonin and dopamine, that are responsible for the feelings of love. How much of these chemicals you get and when is impacted by your environment, but it's mostly a genetic thing. Like with adrenaline. If you're skiing down a mountain during an avalanche, the environment puts pressure on your body so the adrenaline is released, but over all, how much and how fast is determined by your body. DNA itself is a chemical compound, so 'nuff said, life's all chemical . Talk how?
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