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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    ...On the other hand (continuing from where I left off earler), intellect is genetic, and, *ahem* people of a higher intelligence are more likely to question the social strata of their society, religions included. They will seek actual answers to their questions, and with their pursuit of knowledge, overcome their religious disadvantages. Now, there are outliers, and people can be incredibly intelligent and religuous.. but.. *digs up charts* So, in a sense, religion have a genetic basis (not the religion itself, but the inclination to actually believe in it), but it's still mostly environmental, arguably the antithesis to homosexuality. If no one has heard of particular religions, they won't come back. If no one has heard of homosexuality, it will still happen because it feels natural to those people whereas religion is, lightly put, brainwash.
  2. Izzy

    I know correlation doesn't equal causation, but all I'm saying is that with the statistic there, it means it's a serious possibility and as likely as the explanations you've provided. With further insight, we can probably know. Without, our reasoning is guesses at best. ..I don't understand Phaze's question? Is he asking if I think religiousity is evolutionarily beneificial? Roflmfaowtf no. It was used by rulers to legitimize their rule. If it were, we would have never gotten past polytheism. I think there's two ways to look at this. One will start a flame war, one won't. Both are.. probably right. The child indoctrination of religious filt belief does have a huge impact on the child, especially depending on how naive they are. Most children? Very. If you regard something as absolute truth upwards of 5-10 or even 15 years and are constantly in a community of people with the same beliefs practicing the same rituals, it makes sense you're going to believe it. This isn't genetic. Put some kid from Africa with an animalist past into the home of some fundies; making a hypothesis of the results shouldn't be too difficult. And.. I'll post the other bit when I get home. School time. D:
  3. Izzy

    Yeah, I know, definitely mostly biology, but.. man, how do I phrase this. I wouldn't consider that "nurture", but it definitely shows it isn't all chemically based, or, at least doesn't have to be.
  4. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    No headache smiley? As long as you know where to dig..
  5. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I think I figured out something else? That's what the Wipe the sleeves was for. Your eye thing wasn't a person hint, it was.. something else, right?
  6. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    ...Wait, how do we know we aren't going for the same people?
  7. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Eureka moment when I got that. (Well, I think I got that.) Be wise. I do not.
  8. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Chaotic implies my intentions weren't premeditated and confusion and disorder resulting from my actions are mere byproducts of erratic happenings I have no leverage over. I prefer a different word. I am neither chaotic nor insane - the lunatic is on the grass, not in my head. I exercise the utmost diligence when crafting these publishings. Their guise of chaos means I'm being effective. Being purposely chaotic is the antithesis of chaos. It's order of the highest degree. Almost paradoxical by nature. Penny?
  9. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Phaze, be a little more like R2 and a little less like auto-pilot please?
  10. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Don't hate, we're making some serious progress here!
  11. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    How can you say I never cared?! Toss me a penny, I need it.
  12. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Yeah, Nick has no idea what we're talking about. ..Am I right, Phaze? Key word wasn't brocolli..
  13. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    In the beginning, Phaze started playing mind games. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. On a serious note, I don't care who you kill as long as you eat your broccoli. And you better not wipe your face on your sleeves, if that's what you mean?
  14. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    After rereading every single one of your posts in this thread... what are you talking about?
  15. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I was using the term 'fact' incredibly loosely. Don't play by "more likely"'s when you have twenty pages of text telling you otherwise. Phaze lies. I lie. We destroy each other; we don't work together. Didn't you wonder why we stopped ragging on each other after the night post? This is Mafia. THINK. Spreadsheets are helpful, but if that's all you needed to win the game, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Analyze the game related chatter, not just the night posts. That's all, for now. Maybe. *edit* Ragging, not rigging.
  16. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Hey Magnifying Glass, I'm going to assume you already know this, but in case you're one of the newer people, bare this in mind. RID kill every goodie spy result you get as Facade the following night. Since Facade appears as a random goodie, it's the only sure way of getting him. So, since I was spied, "RID Izzy as Facade" would be the logical night action, unless you know of other baddies/indies to target. It beats the hell out of random guessing. Nick, hints are going to be subtle, but they were dropped for Phaze on numerous occaisons. It got so bad that he had to out himself completely. If we lose him, I can't really think of anyone else to blame. "You're clear, hehe." "No, I'm not." Ring a bell? The fact that NO ONE challenged him should have been enough for you to take something aside from your "statistical proof" into consideration.
  17. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    If you'd actually read the thread (which you just pointed out you hadn't), you'd know what we were talking about. Since enough roles have been outed today and it's impossible to be sure of your faction, I'm not going to paint it for you. Oh yeah, us being right is unreasonable. You were basing your votes off of a meaningless probability. We were basing our votes off of night actions. Which is more logical? As already demonstrated, we can twist statistics to show anything. Read the thread for actual facts the next time you're in the mood to spew irrelevent data at us all and ponder why we don't see your 'logic'.
  18. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Lies, damned lies, and statistics is probably the most accurate Mafia summary one will encounter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lies,_damned_lies,_and_statistics
  19. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    @Phaze: Based on yesterday, do I rightly assume the identity of 24? I think you know what I'm thinking about, but I'm not sure.. Yes or no will suffice, there's been enough outing today and indy RIDs are definite possibilites.
  20. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Fixing roster.. Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for RT 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting for Marq 4)Vipe195 - Voting for Phaze 5)Filly - Voting for Fox 6)LJ - voting for GMaster 7)Phaze - Voting for Harvey 8)yuiop - voting for limey 9)Glycereine - voting for Harvey 10)Vineetrika - voting for Phaze 12)Marq is voting for Harvey 13)RainThinker 14)Harvey is Voting for Phaze 15)Limey is voting for LJ 16)woon is voting for voting for GMaster 17)qwerty 18)Fox - voting for Harvey 19)MissKitten - voting for Phaze 20)EDM - Voting for Phaze 21)NickFleming - voting for Phaze 22)Izzy is voting for Harvey 23)24_65... - Voting for Harvey 24)golfjunkie - Voting for Harvey 25)onetruth - Voting for Harvey Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors
  21. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    ^Is Harvey indy or baddie, btw?
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