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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Someone's aggressive today..
  2. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Should I call the police? They can scratch that for you..
  3. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    *argles at Phaze*
  4. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    This is more random than not, but... voting Marq because she was pretty upset with MM because of Serenity. Blatant meta-gaming, I know; deal with it. Likely to change if/when new information arises. *edit* Missed GMaster's vote. Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 is voting for Kat 4)Vipe195 5)Filly 6)LJ 7)Phaze 8)yuiop 9)Glycereine 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker 14)Harvey 15)Limey 16)woon 17)qwerty 18) Fox 19)MissKitten 20)EDM 21)NickFleming 22)Izzy is voting for Marq 23)24_65... 24)golfjunkie 25)onetruth Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors
  5. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Of ALL teams, independant counting as a team. Like every single player dying at once. I would be highly amused, even if it meant a stale-mate.
  6. Izzy

    ^It isn't a choice; it's something predetermined by your genetic code, and possibly to a lesser degree your environment. (There's been some research to suggest the latter bit may be true, but I'm not sure..)
  7. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Don't listen to Phaze, I'm not claiming indy.
  8. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I lol'd at the first sentence. I specifically threw in my definition of team, just to avoid that. Indy and goodie wincons are sometimes compatible..
  9. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    *roots for simultaneous abolition of all teams* *shrug* It would be cool. (Indy counts as a 'team', btw. I don't need that coming back to me later. )
  10. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Does this mean that game's on hold, again? =/
  11. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I think the next course of action is watching Phaze try to convince us he isn't funny looking while the penny drops for RT. A part of all true Mafias, of course.
  12. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Whatever you say, princess.
  13. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    *facepalm* God Phaze, why do you always do this to us?
  14. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    If I die, it's only appropriate that I take you out with me. We need to stay consistent.
  15. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Well.. you're.. allowed to. I can't technically forbid you. Feel free not to.
  16. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    That wasn't the agreement? I thought we decided that you have to use mind games on me so I can analyze you in return for my participation of this game, and when that takes place, I'm not allowed to prosecute you for them?
  17. Haha, as much as I hate to admit it, I ended up using quite a bit of his religious commentary as examples of ethos. *shrug* It is a predominantly religious nation and I'm not above BSing essays for good grades. (We wrote one about Einstein's letter to Phyllis yesterday, so I'm sure my teacher will be very confused about where I stand reliously. )
  18. I have to write an essay on JFK's inaugural address. Here's a snippet of it, which would have fit the thread a while back. =/ What happened to people thinking like this?
  19. Izzy

    I think it'd be reasonable to predict that the results would be "Wtf are you talking about? What a primitive lot of people you all are..." It would definitely be interesting, even more so if the results actually differ from that.
  20. Izzy

    EDM, I made a chart for you. Feel free to dispute any of those points.
  21. Izzy

    Er, not the experiment per se, but something minimally different that I feel would yield similar results. In 2005, Pastafarianism was created as a way to combat the Texas and Kansas school board's attempts to teach "Intelligent" Design alongside Evolution. It's similar to the experiment in the sense that no one had been exposed to it previously, and the religious and non-religious alike regard it as utter bull. The funny thing, the belief uses the Christian doctrines almost verbatim, the key difference being that a Flying Spaghetti Monster with all the omnis on his label created the universe instead of some god that created man in his image. Since, in reality, most religions sound this absurd, I find it difficult to believe that someone never exposed to faith in the first place would actively choose to take it up.
  22. Izzy

    Er, not the experiment per se, but something minimally different that I feel would yield similar results. In 2005, Pastafarianism was created as a way to combat the Texas and Kansas school board's attempts to teach "Intelligent" Design alongside Evolution. It's similar to the experiment in the sense that no one had been exposed to it previously, and the religious and non-religious alike regard it as utter bull. The funny thing, the belief uses the Christian doctrines almost verbatim, the key difference being that a Flying Spaghetti Monster with all the omnis on his label created the universe instead of some god that created man in his image. Since, in reality, most religions sound this absurd, I find it difficult to believe that someone never exposed to faith in the first place would actively choose to take it up.
  23. Izzy

    Alright, give me a miracle. I'll gladly rip it to shreds for you. EDM, try to look at it objectively (erm, the other definition of objectively, not the one used earlier ). Look, I don't *care* if you believe in G-dog. (Lmao, funny, off topic thing happened yesterday. Friend: I call my grandma "g-ma" when she's not around. Me: Really? I call Gawd "G-dog" when he's not around!) I'm not judging you by it because I don't expect you to have done considerable research in either history or science, meaning it's likely that you don't know the facts based simply on a lack of interest. At what part, exactly, did my arguments become nonsensical (ignoring all the off topic stuff, lmao)? You shouldn't stop caring just because you disagree with the poster. I actually remembered a Galileo quote that might attest for his atheism, depending on how it's interpreted. At the time, he made some discoveries that contradicted what the church taught, but this could also be an atheistic statement. "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo Galilei
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