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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    That sounds.. awesome, but tricky. Man, I'm really wishing I could remember what my cancer cure entailed. We were discussing cells in biology, and I came up with something involving lysosomes, and my teacher just smiled and was like "I have a senior doing his EE on that. " So, I'm assuming whatever I thought of is already being looked into, but it really was a good idea. =/
  2. Izzy


    AQUAE xy·lyl definition Pronunciation: /ˈzī-lil/ Function: n : any of several isomeric monovalent radicals C 8 H 9 derived from the three xylenes by removal of a hydrogen atom especially : a radical of the formula (CH 3 ) 2 C 6 H 3
  3. Izzy


    SLOPE If slope = 1, the last letter is e because not the slp from slaps, and not the o because whole and while both retained 1 while having different middle letters, meaning neither is correct.
  4. Izzy

    Thinking as I'm typing (meaning I haven't formed an opinion yet haha).. but.. Well, viruses can only inject their information into cells with a specific protein on the outside, which is how the virus recognizes the cell. For this to work, cancer cells would have to be distinguishable from other cells to viruses based on their exterior. Otherwise, you're inserting something into your body capable of mass destruction (because you can't direct the virus). Since cancer cells are just cells misreplicating during cell division, I somehow doubt this would lead to a change in their protein (or sugar?) layer. Chances are, the virus would end up targetting all, say lung cells, and the consequences may be much worse than having cancer. ..If not the same, because perfectly healthy cells are still being compromised. Man, I had an awesome idea for the cure for cancer, but I can't remember it anymore. Something about lysosomes, I think.
  5. Izzy


    ***** ...Sorry, but it helps eliminate/confirm letters. *edit* Not a word Rookie allows apparently. W HORE?
  6. Izzy

    Three words: Assassin's Creed II. (Haha, I was Sampson when we acted this out for English.
  7. Izzy


    KHAKI ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1) QUAIL - (1) GRAPE - (1) CRAMP - (1) SHACK - (2) GOATS - (1) DIARY - (1) WHALE - (2) KHAKI - (5) Nick + 10 Plainglazed + 20 Izzy + 17 Izzy - 351 Unreality - 279 Glycereine – 199 Framm - 177 Plainglazed - 164 t8t8t8 - 163 golfjunkie - 72 Dawh - 71 woon - 63 Vineetrika - 49 blahblah99 - 28 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 JarZe - 20 NickFleming-18 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15
  8. Izzy


    _ _ A _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1) QUAIL - (1) GRAPE - (1) CRAMP - (1) SHACK - (2) GOATS - (1)
  9. Izzy


    _ _ A _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1) QUAIL - (1) GRAPE - (1) CRAMP - (1)
  10. Izzy


    _ _ A _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1) QUAIL - (1) GRAPE - (1)
  11. Izzy


    _ _ A _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1) QUAIL - (1)
  12. Izzy


    NickFleming +5 _ _ A _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0) BLAST - (1)
  13. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1) SNUCK - (0)
  14. Izzy

    Post count aside, I wouldn't really say unreality is that devoted. At least, not anymore. I may drag him in here to tell you that himself, though..
  15. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0) SNACK - (1)
  16. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1) IGLOO - (0)
  17. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0) IRATE - (1)
  18. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0) TAPAS - (0)
  19. Disagree. It depends on quality, not quanity. I really don't think there's a huge problem with this now, anyway. If the police find people with hundreds of cats all living in filth, then I agree, charge them for neglect, but if someone else is perfectly capable of handling that many.. *shrug*
  20. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ ALPHA - (0) TREES - (0) EERIE - (0)
  21. Izzy


    Haha, not gonna lie, I was pretty sure I messed up in there somewhere. w00t. Izzy + 30 Glyc + 11 Izzy - 334 Unreality - 279 Glycereine – 199 Framm - 177 t8t8t8 - 163 Plainglazed - 154 golfjunkie - 72 Dawh - 71 woon - 63 blahblah99 - 28 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 Vineetrika - 49 JarZe - 20 NickFleming-8 _ _ _ _ _
  22. Izzy


    irate brute grate prate
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