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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. The same as we have to care for our children. Those incapable of caring for themselves deserve help, and we as a civilized society should provide. In other loosely related news, holy factorial at my English class today. We had a prompt about gun rights, and it somehow turned into this huge gay rights/atheism/Tea Party idiots debate. So many people in my class are so.. eugh. I eventually shut them up about California voting against gay marriage by pointing out that mankind is inherently stupid and asking if we should bring back slavery if everyone voted in favor of it. I consider that a win, even if they don't.
  2. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I agree with Glyce completely. Though, if we are right about Harvey, the unwarranted bandwagon on Phaze will definitely point us to future targets.
  3. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Probably no defense because this half of the world is sleeping? ..Or, meant to be..
  4. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Blatant lies. It may only come off that way because of your sadistic tendency to mess with people's minds..
  5. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Weird indeed. Sucks that I can't play this game against you. ;_;
  6. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    GMaster, no; 24...ish. Why?
  7. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I know. Ergo 'hehe'.
  8. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Yeah.. Though, I went back and reread. You're clear. Hehe.
  9. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    For the record, I now question the hint based on the Mirror Glass/Opacity mix up on both our parts..
  10. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    @Phaze: Remind me to quote that out of context some time. ..I take it Harvey's bad, then? Don't answer that, rhetorical question. Temporary vote that will remain if I reread the night post and it appears that someone wasn't redirected. *edit* Woah, wrong roster. Thought I finished reading the page.. Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for RT 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting for Marq 4)Vipe195 - Voting for Phaze 5)Filly - Voting for Fox 6)LJ 7)Phaze - Voting for Harvey 8)yuiop - voting for limey 9)Glycereine 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker 14)Harvey is voting for qwerty 15)Limey is voting for LJ 16)woon 17)qwerty 18)Fox - voting for LJ 19)MissKitten - voting for Phaze 20)EDM 21)NickFleming - voting for Phaze 22)Izzy is voting for Harvey 23)24_65... - Voting for Harvey 24)golfjunkie - Voting for Harvey 25)onetruth is voting for Marq Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors
  11. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    If Harvey is a baddie, Opac should subtly let it be known, and not totally out himself.. @GMaster: To be fair, if I *was* pulling your leg, you already have fallen for it.
  12. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Nick isn't a baddie, his associates would have told him to shut up by now.
  13. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    I meant the one that included Nick. He should at least realize that it's disappointingly imprudent of him to attempt to lynch Phaze on a 45% baddie chance when he has a 43% chance of being a baddie by the same analysis, especially when claims and hints have claimed to the contrary.
  14. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Misleading in what sense? That I've found it frustratingly obvious through this rather pointless discussion who Phaze is, and Nick is either blind or willingly ignoring it? A MASSIVE hint was dropped; I don't need to be Prism to see it if that's what you're getting it. If you're referencing the math, see my example.
  15. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Actually, let's continue on with the messed up math. Nick, I know you aren't who I am, I know you didn't spy on me, I know you aren't who Phaze is, and I know you aren't Prism. 25 roles, 4 you are not. 12 goodies, 9 non-goodies. A mere 43% chance that you're a non-goodie, *nothing* compared to Phaze's 45%! Just to put that into perspective for you.
  16. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Vipe, what 'facts'? Nick's math? That isn't factual whatsoever so much as a poorly formulated statistical assumption not taking into account that the event has already occurred.
  17. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster and his Noodly Appendage <3. Nick, that isn't how statistics work. I flip a coin. It lands on heads. BEFORE I flip, there's a 1/2 chance of it landing on heads. AFTER I flip, there's a 1/1 chance of it landing on heads. BEFORE roles are dealt, there's a 1/25 chance of Phaze being <role>. AFTER roles are dealt, there's a 1/1 chance of Phaze being <person>. It's kind of counter intuitive, but even if you narrow it down to five roles, four of which are baddies, there isn't an 80% chance that Phaze is a baddie, but rather a 100% chance that Phaze is who he is.
  18. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    My god Nick, take the hints. Actually read before blindly accusing. The probability of an event that has already happened (like Phaze being dealt his role) is 1.0. There is a 100% chance Phaze is the role he is, not a 55% chance that he's other roles. Your statistics stem from numerical ignorance. Continue it, and I'll be forced to equate your fallacious mathematics and refusal to see the hints in this thread with badiness, because I know you're smarter than that. I can't control you.. Though if he keeps it up, I won't decline.
  19. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Nick, Prism will not out himself to save Phaze. The lack of pressure and an additional vote for him should make it apparent that you are wrong. Look at the amount of people online. It's almost certain Prism has been here.
  20. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    *thinks you guys should chill out until Prism makes a call for this* Opacity can vouch for me..
  21. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Read my edit. Also, chill out a bit. No one's going to lynch you.
  22. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Phaze, remove your vote. Nick is acting far too skirmish and insensible to be a baddie. You're not helping. If you two keep it up, the goodies won't benefit from it. Nick, you too. Phaze is either the goodie Prism spied him as or Facade. It's impossible to know right now, but it makes sense to lean toward the former unless Prism does a follow up spy.
  23. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    "Baddies potentially have a RID, should I publicize my spreadsheet?!" Wtf, no. Don't make it easier for them; we're all perfectly competent of creating our own spreadsheets, don't let the baddies/indies benefit from your work.
  24. Izzy

    Mirror Mafia

    Read Facade's RD. If you were him, Prism wouldn't know it unless he spies on you at least twice.
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