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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy


    APPLE = 1. Not the A from Auras, not the second p from tapes, not the L from tails. This leaves _ P _ _E. SPITE = 2, not the i because of tails. SP_TE WRITE = 3, not the i because of tails, so WR_TE We need 2 letters from SP_TE and 3 from WR_TE. There is no way to have 3 letters frm WR_TE and not have a letter overlap with SP_TE. So either the t and/or the e is correct. There is no way for the S and the P (together) to be correct in SP_TE because then we cannot get three correct letters from WR_TE. So, it's the S or P, or neither. If neither, the last letter is e for sure. If s, the last letter is still e for sure (eliminating the P from _ P _ _ E). If it's P, then the other letter must be T because because we cannot have P and E together (hence, only one from _ P _ _ E). So, our possible combinations are ST, SE, and PT. Now we much look at WR_TE. Our possible combinations are WRT, WRE, WTE, and RTE. Anything with a leading S cannot match up with a leading W because they are in the same place. So, our possibilities are: WRT+PT, WRE+PT, WTE+PT, RTE+ST, RTE+SE R's and P's also cannot go together because they occupy the same place. So, now we have: WTE+PT and RTE + SE, written out, in order, they are WP_TE and SR_TE WP_TE is not possible because P and E cannot be together, leaving: SR_TE However, this is also not possible because that has 3 letters from SPITE. Which is why we must use the RTE by itself, because everything else has been logically eliminated. Therefore: _R_TE (Lmao... I really hope I did that right. If I left out anything, it will screw everything up.. )
  2. Izzy

    You told me Asma had six toes, meaning you do too.
  3. Izzy

    Hmm. So if I say I'm 2 for 2 in these Murder Mysteries, while I didn't contribute to every arrest, it's still true, right? Just a bit of critisism, the first game was better in that there was one clear objective (even for those involved in side-quests), and the winner was easily determined. I didn't really like how we had to go through the detectives to arrest someone. =/ Oh, dawh, yeah, I couldn't steal from Ralph even if I wanted to. I would just incriminate myself in the process. I think everyone that had something stolen from them told me to give them their item back because of the word rainbow, and it's like "Woah, dude, I don't have it."
  4. Izzy

    Yeah, that was my understanding. I did know about some other crimes (JarZe the bank robber, idk if you got him), but I didn't think they were important?
  5. Izzy

    ...Did you submit them before or after me? Because Gmaster said you didn't turn him in, and he was confused, and he ended up confessing everything to me, haha, because you knew anyway and he assumed I did, and I went with it. Timing depending, one of us won. *glares at Bob, for my father*
  6. Izzy

    I think the attempted eradication of an entire species is grounds for an arrest, but whatever man. *smokes psyflora*
  7. Izzy

    Hahaha. Damn. I had a feeling that was coming. Was there anyone that wasn't guilty of something? ..Wait. F**k. Does that mean I can't win? I can quote one the enforcers saying that if I ever find myself on the wrong side of the law but help solve this thing, they'll give me a little lenience. ..Other I was Dawh arrested for lying and obstruction of justice.
  8. Izzy

    Angel Mafia

    Guys, chill with the posts, or Rookie's going to lock us up, and Nick will never know if he died.
  9. Izzy

    IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE A CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL AND MOM WAS UNSATISFIED BECAUSE YOU ONLY WANTED A55! Such a liar. I was the son you always wanted. And then I turned on you because I found out what a douchebag you were. Well you know what, dad? I'm glad you're my father. I learned how messed up the world was before most people, and that led me to my life style. It's your fault I'm an atheist hippy. I hope you die, happily knowing that. I WILL HAVE YOUR OWN PEOPLE KILL YOU BEFORE YOU LAY A HAND ON HER.
  10. Izzy

    IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE A CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL AND MOM WAS UNSATISFIED BECAUSE YOU ONLY WANTED A55! Such a liar. I was the son you always wanted. And then I turned on you because I found out what a douchebag you were. Well you know what, dad? I'm glad you're my father. I learned how messed up the world was before most people, and that led me to my life style. It's your fault I'm an atheist hippy. I hope you die, happily knowing that. I WILL HAVE YOUR OWN PEOPLE KILL YOU BEFORE YOU LAY A HAND ON HER.
  11. Izzy

    YOU KILLED MY MOTHER YOU ROTTEN BASTARD. And no, MURDER IS NOT A FORM OF POST-COITAL CONTRACEPTIVE. Asma and I are still getting married, and you are NOT invited. You get NO visitation rights. I can't wait until they arrest you for GOOD. I don't want your filthy business. Asma and I are going to have a beautiful life in a country that doesn't technically exist, and you will have no part in it. I HATE you. And my name isn't Vincenzo you sadistic scoundrel, it's ZIGGY. Burn in hell.
  12. Izzy

    Wibs pops. This thang over yet? You have a wedding to fund.
  13. Izzy

    Here, my homeless friend, this one's on me. *hands a bottle of Rain Organic Vodka, a bag of chronic, and a goodie bag of assorted drugs* You solved it for me, after all. (I *think*)
  14. Izzy

    Not what I was referring to. Gmaster knows.
  15. Izzy

    Bob stole it from Gmaster. ..Has anyone won yet?
  16. Izzy

    For Gmaster's sake, I kind of feel like you should have issued this even before he was arrested. *hides as to avoid internet-kick when his quarantine is lifted*
  17. Izzy


    JarZe's logic is incorrect. However, the last letter is S, because Party = 0, and parts = 1, and it's the only different letter. Are we allowing one-word logic? We did a few games ago.. PERTS If that scores 2, then the second letter is e. We've already established the final s. Not the p, r or t, because party = 0, leaving only the second letter. If PERTS scores 1, then the third letter is N because cents scored 2. In cents, we've already established the s, crams eliminates the c, perts eliminates the e and t. Summing it up. _ _ _ _ S If PERTS = 2, then _ E _ _ S If PERTS = 1, then _ _ N _ S
  18. Izzy


    Vineetrika + 15 Woon +5 PVRoot + 5 Plainglazed + 5 Unreality +5 Izzy + 27 Izzy - 294 Unreality - 279 Framm - 177 Glycereine – 168 t8t8t8 - 163 Plainglazed - 149 golfjunkie - 72 Dawh - 71 woon - 63 blahblah99 - 28 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 Vineetrika - 15
  19. Izzy


    Jedis it is. Give me a sec while I figure out scores.
  20. Izzy


    Vineetrika + 5
  21. Izzy


    _ E _ I S faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1) fails - (1) fairs - (1) abyss - (1) cools - (1) delis - (3) relic - (2) folic - (1) aegis - (3) semis - (3) lexis - (3) falls - (1) eerie - (2) denis - (3) nevis - (3) hopes - (1) yetis - (3) tucks - (1) lewis - (3) "wenis" - (3) peris - (3) medic - (3) cedis - (4)
  22. Izzy

    Yeah, I agree, there's another 25 days in those years where someone would have the opportunity to bypass Rookie. But no, seriously, 7 years?
  23. Izzy


    _ E _ I S faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1) fails - (1) fairs - (1) abyss - (1) cools - (1) delis - (3) relic - (2) folic - (1) aegis - (3) semis - (3) lexis - (3) falls - (1) eerie - (2) denis - (3) nevis - (3) hopes - (1) yetis - (3) tucks - (1) lewis - (3) "wenis" - (3) peris - (3) medic - (3)
  24. Izzy


    _ E _ I S faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1) fails - (1) fairs - (1) abyss - (1) cools - (1) delis - (3) relic - (2) folic - (1) aegis - (3) semis - (3) lexis - (3) falls - (1) eerie - (2) denis - (3) nevis - (3) hopes - (1) yetis - (3) tucks - (1) lewis - (3) "wenis" - (3) peris - (3)
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