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Everything posted by andromeda

  1. andromeda

    Ugh! This one is more gross then the M&M joke! On the other hand, Bear Grylls does it on regular bases so it can't be that bad?!
  2. Thank you! I bought that pool toy... now all I need is a pool!! :P

    At least I can legally drink and do stuff Goldilocks :D

  3. andromeda

    I don't quite understand the question? We'll see if they are too hard or not, my PM is in!
  4. andromeda

    Well I know how to explain it in Serbian, but in English... So I've rummaged through the net and thought of looking it up on YouTube too! I've searched there for meiosis animation and this is what popped up! This one lists some of the phases during meiosis! I don't know how far you go in details in school, but these should be a good place to start in understanding the process. I hope this helps a bit!
  5. andromeda

    Well it seams to me like these would work like regular riddles too! There's probably a reason why you are posting them one by one... My brain is fried right now and I'm feeling down so I don't know if I'd be playing... Sorry
  6. Posted before! Search before posting peace
  7. andromeda

    Well... writing at night when everyone else is asleep is much better, but if you are working during day it's impossible!
  8. Hahaha... I love the cute little smirky face in your signature! Your creation I assume! :)

  9. I wanted to start a new thread about this, but decided to search first Here's my April Fools prank that I pooled of on my mom!
  10. andromeda

    1. unreality 2. woon 3. Limeliam 4. RainThinker 5. Kay 6. GC 7. renan 8. andromeda 9. ***OPEN SPOT*** 10.***OPEN SPOT*** 11.IDoNotExist 12.Squirt 13.FIF 14.DeViLdUdE 15.peace*out 16.beth123 17.The monkey of the jungle 18.kellykel 19.scsw 20.CuteSplarklezGirl: 1 point I'll check the rules tomorrow, I'm off to sleep. Question - CSG has one point, why?! EDIT: Where are the rules of the game? Can you post a link in your signature? Thanks!
  11. It's a neat special effect the movie blows though Spotting this mountain-face optical illusion and Colin Farrell's potato were the only two things that were interesting in that movie Another interesting thing is that when I've watched the movie for the second time (yeah I've seen that gibberish twice ) I didn't see the mountain-face illusion. I knew it was there and I was focusing too hard to see it again, and that was probably the reason I missed it...
  12. andromeda

    You should have twisted them a bit like solemnraven did!
  13. Hahaha Period Table! Every girl has one of those!! Didn't you mean Periodic Table Iz?? :lol:
  14. I totally forgot about this illusion. I've noticed it right away when I was watching the movie (well on big screen it's not too hard to spot it ) In the scene of the Oliver Stone movie "Alexander", when Alexander and his army got to the mountains that were blocking his progress towards the east, there is a quick snapshot of the mountain (over Alexanders right shoulder EDIT: or so I remember, I haven't seen the movie in years) with the following optical illusion! Nice one Oliver! I couldn't find a video of it
  15. andromeda

    I have a wireless too! Batteries have nothing to do with the mouse performance, cause the mouse works flawlessly until the batteries run out (and even then if you don't have a spare pair of batteries you can recycle the old ones, of course the old ones will only work for two to three minutes or so, but it's enough time for you to finish whatever that you were doing at your computer). However I had problems with my mouse and the pointer "running" to the corner of the screen! I had no idea what the hell was wrong with it until I removed the mouse pad, apparently the mouse pad was somehow disrupting the connection between the mouse and the keyboard, cause that's where the signal goes. My mouse pad was too shiny, but I have never tried using another one. I'm running it on my desk ever since and I haven't experienced any disruptions at all I love my wireless mousy, I would never exchange it for the one with a tail
  16. andromeda

    How come that every thread ends up us discussing religion?? Just for the record, there's nothing wrong with Islam, but with people misinterpreting it and pulling sentences out of context (I'm talking about Qur'an)! I'm proud to have Muslim friends! EDIT: I probably have some Muslim ancestors, cause Serbia, well the entire Balkan peninsula was under the Turkish empire for 500 years, and I think that my grandmother's (from my dads side) ancestors converted to Christianity (when, I have no idea, the genealogy records were probably lost during the civil war), but I definitely... well all of us living here in the region probably have Muslim blood running through our veins
  17. I'm not really familiar with the Bible, but didn't Jesus turn water into wine?? Good joke btw!
  18. I have no idea! Was Enders Game even discussed? I haven't read it! I have a PDF version of it, but I can't read books on my computer and I have no where to print it, so... I've bought a book called "A for Andromeda" (Fred Hoyle and John Elliot). There was something about the title that made me buy it
  19. Um... well your local time hasn't changed...

  20. Don't you forward your clock in Slovakia? We have switched to summer time yesterday!

  21. andromeda

    5. I have a hundred legs but cannot stand, a long neck but no head; I ease the maid's life. What am I? Welcome to the Den! EDIT: I forgot about the neck and I forgot what is a maid... I have found one of your riddles posted before.
  22. I think that this is what we have so far!
  23. Just to get things started! EDIT: One more!
  24. andromeda

    I had weird dreams where my reflection was different (I didn't look like I do now, but it was me) and all the furniture was like hundred and fifty years old. Spooky... One time I dreamed that I was a cat. How do I know this, well I was really short, I was hopping gracefully all over the furniture with all four legs and I could see all the letters on some kind of paper, but I couldn't read, and there was a hair ball stuck down my throat The last bit I was kidding about, but the other stuff is true So... the weirdest creatures that I have encountered in my dreams was me, not being myself
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