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Heroes: Season 1.1


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  Yoruichi-san said:
AHA! :ph34r:

Matt Parkman – chooses one person each day to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered and may send one message to Matt. He cannot be protected two nights in a row.

And we have our first Company member, ladies and gentlemen. Since there is a chance Niki is dead, but Ted is definitely still alive, I'd say Ted should take Impervious ;P.


Edited by Impervious
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  Cherry Lane said:
And sorry about today, Impervious. I didn't know when I chose to vote for you that anyone would follow along. I was just trying to get the discussion going.

Wow, I'm slow today! I'm retracting my comment above. Should not have doubted my intuition.

  Yoruichi-san said:
AHA! :ph34r:

Matt Parkman – chooses one person each day to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered and may send one message to Matt. He cannot be protected two nights in a row.

And we have our first Company member, ladies and gentlemen. Since there is a chance Niki is dead, but Ted is definitely still alive, I'd say Ted should take Impervious ;P.

Am I correct that there's a 50% chance Impervious is one of the roles that can't be saved by Linderman (Lind. or HRG) and could die by Ted's hand? What if he's HRG? Then we don't want Ted to act...

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  itachi-san said:
Good work Y-San ;) Since the vote was close, I doubt Candice used her 'once a game' but it is certainly possible. I'm curious what Niki will be up to tonight B))

Thank you ;D.

Yeah...so I agree with Sinistral that Impervious is probably an important role...Linderman? (hoping ;P)

And Niki, if you're still alive, give me a little time...been a busy day so I haven't really looked at all the posts that much...I'll give you my suggestion as soon as I can ;P

Edited by Yoruichi-san
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I should believe that Imp. is Matt? I will start a sheet to keep track of us heroes. The best thought I had was maybe right. The only thing to do is wait for beans to spill. Night post is tomorrow and I will wait like the rest of us. PT seems nonsuspicious somewhat. Never put the cart before the horse or jump the gun so to speak. ST did not show any guilt that I could see. Perhaps this injection stuff is the only way to figure out the roles. It just seems too early to start accusations without something sturdy to hang someone.

Edited by akaslickster
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  Cherry Lane said:
Wow, I'm slow today! I'm retracting my comment above. Should not have doubted my intuition.

Am I correct that there's a 50% chance Impervious is one of the roles that can't be saved by Linderman (Lind. or HRG) and could die by Ted's hand? What if he's HRG? Then we don't want Ted to act...

Quite a predicament you have yourselves in. kill me risk sylar winning.

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  akaslickster said:
I should believe that Imp. is Matt? I will start a sheet to keep track of us heroes. The best thought I had was maybe right. The only thing to do is wait for beans to spill. Night post is tomorrow and I will wait like the rest of us. PT seems nonsuspicious somewhat. Never put the cart before the horse or jump the gun so to speak. ST did not show any guilt that I could see. Perhaps this injection stuff is the only way to figure out the roles. It just seems too early to start accusations without something sturdy to hang someone.

Uh...I think we've found Co. Member #2...:P...Niki...about that suggestion...;)

  Impervious said:
Quite a predicament you have yourselves in. kill me risk sylar winning.

Nice bluff Linderman XP.

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HRG is outed when he dies. I don't think they would have modified the genetics information just to have a 50% chance of HRG being outed anyways.

Thank you for confirming that though, Impervious. However, sadly, I think you're fair game.

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Uh...I think we've found Co. Member #2... :P ...Niki...about that suggestion... ;)

If you know something that is helpful for Heroes then please proclaim it. You have nothing on me, unless you are company. :huh:

Nice bluff Linderman XP.

He is Matt so the board says. Edited by akaslickster
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Just telling you guys that if you could start getting your PMs in soon (or at least some ideas), that would be great. As of now, I only have a few, the more, the better. Anyway, not to rush you, but don't forget to send your action tonight, I'm not sending out PMs to individual people anymore. :P

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By the fact that Impervious is trying to get us not to attack him...he's not savable ;P

I agree with what SomeGuy said. He's not HRG...so that leaves our favorite evil old man who makes the yummy pot pies...unfortunately I think Ted will be burning them to a crisp tonight :P

Niki could pay a visit to Slick...if Hiro wants to act I'd suggest one of the ppl who put in their vote for ST later...(it's highly unlikely she was Company since she and Impervious were voting for each other)...Itachi made a good point about Marth...;P

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Alright, to clarify that bit about ties earlier...if there's a tie, both people are injected, and both call their own individual coin flip. Remember that tomorrow, to make it easier, when you cast a vote, put either heads or tails in parenthesis next to your name so I know what you call if you are injected, like this:

Mohinder Suresh (Heads) - voting for Frost

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Good show, Y-san! So Impervious could very well be Linderman(good for us), Candice(herself) or the haitian. Or he could be HRG. I agree Candice using the role-changing-ability on HRG looks slim, but the company might have done it to protect HRG, as Sylar would then be sure to come after him tonight. So we shouldn't rule out Impervious being HRG. But yeah, one of us need to go for him. Thanks Y-san for organizing the night. ;)

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Great! I have all the PMs in! Though a little sooner would have been nice... :P

Night post coming...once I write it... :D

Oh wow. This is looking to be a very interesting an exciting night...

Edited by Frost
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This one's much longer, but it is most certainly exciting! :D

Night 2

A Night Full of Surprises

Yoruichi-san was tired after a long grueling day of arguing and fighting. She needed some time to just go home and relax. After leaving Suresh’s lab, she turned down the street and headed home. She walked along the dark and lonely street, as most of the other heroes had already gone off to wherever they went for the night. Arriving at her house, she went up the steps and got out her keys. Fumbling with the keys in her hand, YS finally got the correct one and put it in the lock. Unfortunately it was old and worn, so she had to fiddle with the keys to get them to unlock the door. Yoruichi-san placed her hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it to the right. She swung the door open. Then something lunged out of the darkness directly at her.

The clock struck three in the morning when an annoyed Prince Marth got out of bed. He looked over at his clock and groaned. “If that stupid faucet keeps dripping all night, I’ll never be able to get to sleep!” he thought to himself. He walked across the hall into the upstairs bathroom to try and fix it. When he walked in, he could hear the piercing “drip…drop…drip…drop” of the faucet. He leaned over to get a better view, and he proceeded to twist the handles to try and stop it. The faucet let out another drop, then another. Then it stopped.

Impervious was scared for his life after the meeting they had had that day with all of the heroes. “They’re all out to get me!” He said to no one in particular, “What am I going to do?” “I’ve got an idea for you,” came a voice from behind him. Impervious only had time to turn around before Ted vaporized his body. “That’s what you get,” Ted muttered to the pile of ash that lay on the sidewalk. As he walked away into the night, the wind picked up, and some of the ash started to scatter.

It was her cat. Yoruichi-san scrambled to get the crazed kitten off of her face. The cat had scratched up her face violently. “What’s wrong with you?” YS asked, “You aren’t normally this high-strung.” YS was too tired to care anymore, she simply headed into the living room and collapsed on the couch. “Ahhhhhhhh…” she said, letting out a deep sigh of relief. Looking down at her cat, she noticed that the cat was staring through her, wide-eyed. “Now what?” YS mumbled, turning to look over behind the sofa. Before she had time to react, a hand descended over her forehead, and then she started to forget…

A droplet of water hung in midair, hovering between the faucet and drain. A dark figure casually walked into the bathroom and glanced around. “Dang, this guy has nice towels,” the man thought to himself. He looked over at PM, frozen in time. The figure drew his sword and stabbed Prince Marth directly in the heart repeatedly, until he was sure that PM was dead. “I wonder what he’ll have to say yesterday,” the man said, talking to himself. As he left the room, he picked up one of the towels and took it with him. “I doubt he’ll need this.” Then he vanished into the past as quietly as he had come. After Hiro’s departure, the fatally wounded Prince Marth collapsed onto the floor of the bathroom; the faucet continued to drip…drop…drip…drop.

A single, solitary man walked along the dimly lit street. He came upon a small pile of ash that was slowly drifting away with the wind. “Ah, there you are,” Linderman quietly called out. He drifted his hand over the small pile and closed his eyes. The ash started trembling, and as Linderman concentrated, little pieces of ash slowly rolled towards the pile. The pile grew in size, and started rising into the air to form a shape. He continued to wave his hand over the pile, and the particles of ash slowly healed and melded back together. After only a few moments, Impervious was standing there. Linderman opened his eyes. “Uhh…thank…you?” Impervious mumbled, staring at the creepy old man. He walked away, picking up from where he left off when Ted had interrupted him.

Waking up, Yoruichi-san blinked her eyes in the bright light above. “Well, look who decided to join us,” a man in the back of the room said. As she became more aware, YS eyes focused and she realized that she was in some sort of lab, lying in a hospital bed. She tried to lean up to see who had spoken, but she couldn’t move. The man came closer, and she noticed that he was wearing a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. “How unusual,” she thought to herself. “Where am I,” YS gasped out. “Don’t worry, the man said, “You’ll be better in no time.” He pulled a gun from his holster and pointed it at YS. “No time at all…” Suddenly the man was tackled from behind by someone. He fell to the floor, the gun skidding away. By the time he had gotten up, both YS and his attacker were gone. “Dang it!” HRG yelled out, “How the hell did that guy get in here?”

Sylar sat in the very comfortable chair in the apartment. “I must get more power…” he mumbled fiendishly, “delicious power.” He continued waiting in the dark as the seconds ticked by. He was very patient when it came to getting what he wanted. Then the latch on the door turned slowly, and GC stepped into the apartment. Sylar kept waiting. GC put down his keys on the counter and took off his jacket. “What a long day,” he said into the dark and supposedly empty apartment. “Yes it was,” came a reply from the far corner of the room. GC hurriedly flicked on the light, but it was too late. With a flick of the wrist, Sylar flung GC against the wall. Approaching the struggling man, Sylar thought out loud “I wonder what you can do…we’ll just have to see, won’t we?” Amidst screams of pain, Sylar raised his finger and cut open GC’s skull. “Ah, now I understand,” he muttered to himself.

And day two begins! I won't be around until after the day ends tomorrow, so whatever the votes are at the 24 hour mark are the final results. Don't forget about calling Heads or Tails with your vote!

Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Yoruichi-san

2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company

3) Unreality

4) Prince Marth

5) Akaslickster

6) SomeGuy

7) Impervious - Injected [Matt]

8) Prof. Templeton

9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar

10) Cherry Lane

11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar

12) Sinistral

13) Itachi

14) Kat

15) Star Tiger


Rules, Roles, and Intro

Night 1 - The Return

Day 1 - Five More Minutes…

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Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Yoruichi-san

2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company

3) Unreality

4) Prince Marth

5) Akaslickster

6) SomeGuy - voting for Impervious

7) Impervious - Injected [Matt]

8) Prof. Templeton

9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar

10) Cherry Lane

11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar

12) Sinistral

13) Itachi

14) Kat

15) Star Tiger

I have a question about Y-san's rescuer...

Did he fly in, or walk through walls? Or is that left up to our interpretation? Because it sounded like that was DL, but he's supposed to be dead >_>

Also, good gracious Impervious, you are a resilient one. Think we should lynch him again, just to make sure?

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  SomeGuy said:
I have a question about Y-san's rescuer...

Did he fly in, or walk through walls? Or is that left up to our interpretation? Because it sounded like that was DL, but he's supposed to be dead >_>

Yeah, I was curious about that as well, it sounded like it was DL...if it was, what does that tell us about the Prof? :huh: I have company over in about...no wait nevermind, there goes the doorbell, I'll be on later to vote. Bye!


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Nice job to whoever saved Y-san!

So Impervious was saved, meaning he's either Candace or the Haitian. Sounds like a good injection target to me.

  SomeGuy said:
I have a question about Y-san's rescuer...

Did he fly in, or walk through walls? Or is that left up to our interpretation? Because it sounded like that was DL, but he's supposed to be dead >_>

"There are no clues in the posts" is what hosts normally respond to musings like this. And I don't think today is any different. Frost was intentionally vague, so we don't know who the rescuer was.

Now, Prince Marth: why shouldn't you die tonight?

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