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Anime Battle Royale: Naruto


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  grey cells said:
I am thinking PrinceM is a Shinobi as his defense the last night seemed like it was not a defense he chose but was a defense automatically granted to him. I could be wrong but still...

I think he was training, as the end of the Night Post says "Marth could not be found", and according to the opening, this is the case when a player who is training is attacked and the attack is not successful. If he had been defending, Kisame would not have revealed his identity to him, as according to the opening, the only way the identity of the attacker would be revealed during a Defense is if PrinceM were using a Trap defense, and this was not the case.

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  Wally West said:
I think he was training, as the end of the Night Post says "Marth could not be found", and according to the opening, this is the case when a player who is training is attacked and the attack is not successful. If he had been defending, Kisame would not have revealed his identity to him, as according to the opening, the only way the identity of the attacker would be revealed during a Defense is if PrinceM were using a Trap defense, and this was not the case.

I considered training but what happens if a person is in a territory in which he has auto-defense? Does he just disappear? There's a chance that PrinceM was attacking last night on his territory.


How about PrinceM being Itachi and asking Kisame to attack him to remove suspicion off PrinceM? Sounds like a farfetched idea, but definitely not impossible to implement. Like the last time I attacked Prof. T.

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I agree with Brandonb. Kat has to be either Itachi or Deidara because of the clone defense. There was a 50/50 chance that either Sai or Garaa would learn the identity of Kat because of the defense type. I don't know if that would be put in the night post or not. If Kat is deidara, I think there is a possiblity that she was training and got lucky that the attack took place at "the cliffs" where she is given an auto defense. I may be because of the auto defense no ID is possible. :huh: Prince Marth was attacked in the River and only his attacker, Kisame, has an auto defense there, so he was likely training and could be anyone. But GC brings up a good question. What if PM is Itachi, used his "can't be found" defense, and had his partner attack him? Interesting. I would like to see who PM votes for.

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  Prof. Templeton said:
Prince Marth was attacked in the River and only his attacker, Kisame, has an auto defense there, so he was likely training and could be anyone. But GC brings up a good question. What if PM is Itachi, used his "can't be found" defense, and had his partner attack him?

I agree. It's now considered a classic plan for baddies to attack their own. But I don't see why they would do that and waste a defense this early in the game.

If I were them, I would have had both people train on the first night, with one of them not training their chakra. In that case, there would be no way for one of them to kill the other on the 2nd night b/c of the 0% kill chance when attacking a person that is training, with a 50% chakra (I hope that comes across well, it seems confusing when I try to write it). I believe there is a next to zero possibility that they would waste a defense for such a ploy.

So I see it as a long shot that PM and Kisame would have planned such an attack. There are many options as to who PM could be if he in fact was merely training. But then again, I may be falling for the classic :P . I dunno. I've just had so many bad results lately when voting for someone else as a method of gaining more info, when there is a confirmed baddie already among us.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther

12) Cherry Lane

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral

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  itachi-san said:
The auto-Defense is also a "cannot be found one" similar to Training.

In that case, we know that Kat is Itachi since her defense was a clone. We should tackle someone whose identity we cannot be sure of...I have a few people on my list, but I'm not ready to vote quite yet.

Actually, on second thought, we probably don't... :( if she chose to defend, then maybe that would override the auto-defense... :unsure:

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Another thing I just thought of, is that PM just lost one of his Defenses as a penalty for inactivity. It would be stupid for him to use his last defense for that purpose. <_< I'm not trying to defend him, but the accusations about him using a defense just don't seem to be thoroughly thought out :blink:

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  Wally West said:
I agree that neither Itachi nor Deidara poses a great threat to us tonight. I don't know who Prince Marth is, but I can see no reason for him to protect Kisame's identity unless he is on the same team as Kisame, and so is a Villain.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru)

3) Dawh

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther

12) Cherry Lane

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral

I am completely willing to change my vote if he reveals Kisame's identity ;) .

I agree. ;)

In that case, we know that Kat is Itachi since her defense was a clone. We should tackle someone whose identity we cannot be sure of...I have a few people on my list, but I'm not ready to vote quite yet.

Actually, on second thought, we probably don't... :( if she chose to defend, then maybe that would override the auto-defense... :unsure:

Kat could also have been Deidara, remember.

Anyway, I think Kat is Deidara, and i agree with Wally West, so my vote:

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral

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  Brandonb said:
Another thing I just thought of, is that PM just lost one of his Defenses as a penalty for inactivity. It would be stupid for him to use his last defense for that purpose. <_< I'm not trying to defend him, but the accusations about him using a defense just don't seem to be thoroughly thought out :blink:

I am just speculating on PM's type of role. But if PM was training and his chakra was greater than or equal to Kisame's then there would have been no need for him to defend. His defense could still be intact, right?

And I too think we should go for Kat, a confirmed baddie than a Shinobi who could be executed like Mekal. BTW, sorry Mekal I just put my vote on you with the intention of changing it later if needed. But that need never arose and you had to be executed. :(

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While I agree Kat may not be the most dangerous one out there, I'd rather get a known baddie than wrongly kill someone else.

I do think Prince Marth needs to reveal what he learned last night. Unlike other games, revealing his knowlege here does not give away his role, so there's no reason to keep it a secret - unless he's a baddie. If he doesn't tell us as we get closer to the end of the day, I'll switch my vote to him.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral

Edited by Cherry Lane
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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral

I'm afraid that I find Prince Marth's reluctance to divulge Kisame's identity to be a little concerning. As a Konohan, he should have no qualms about making such a revelation. If he does not give up the identity, then I think that we can be assured that he is no friend of ours... :o

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  Cherry Lane said:
I do think Prince Marth needs to reveal what he learned last night. Unlike other games, revealing his knowlege here does not give away his role, so there's no reason to keep it a secret - unless he's a baddie. If he doesn't tell us as we get closer to the end of the day, I'll switch my vote to him.

Good point. There's a 75% chance that Kisame revealed his role to Marth (assuming that Kisame trained his attribute in night 1). Or a 100% chance that it was revealed to Marth if Kisame hadn't trained.

The odds are pretty high that you learned who Kisame is, so what do you have to say Marth?

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  Brandonb said:
Good point. There's a 75% chance that Kisame revealed his role to Marth (assuming that Kisame trained his attribute in night 1). Or a 100% chance that it was revealed to Marth if Kisame hadn't trained.

The odds are pretty high that you learned who Kisame is, so what do you have to say Marth?

Oh, between the night post

  itachi-san said:
Marth: So that's who you are? Hmm. Thanks for the tip hothead. Maybe you should cool off some more in that River.

and Marth's one post afterward:

  Prince_Marth85 said:
Well well...You really need to control that anger of yours Kisame.

I'm sure he learned something

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  grey cells said:
The only problem with voting for PrinceM is we don't want to have another Mekal. That is, if PrinceM is a Konohan. :sigh:

EDIT: Agreed CL. PM definitely learned Kisame's identity.

That's why I'm not voting for him until he has sufficient opportunity to share his info. There's a good chance he hasn't been on since before we started asking for it.

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

I do agree with what everyone is saying about Prince Marth, it does look like he learned an identity and isn't sharing, but will wait to hear what he has to say and go with Kat for now. Then again, if things end up like yesterday he may be inactive and not say anything. <_<

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I'm not too sure about Marth...But since it's not clear who he is, I'd rather get one of the known baddies out of the way rather than end up possibly lynching an innocent again like we did with Mekal/Shikamaru.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl - voting for Kat

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

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I won't be on much until late this evening so I am going to go ahead and vote although I have don't really have a strong opinion about anyone yet. Okay, I'm going to spin the dial.....and....vote....for..........*ugh* Frozen. Sorry, pal, the wheel of fortune has spoken.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

Edit: removed quote tags

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My randomizing table is running......

oops! number 3

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student

10) woon - voting for Dawh

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

Sorry dawh, just a random vote as I don't know whom to vote between Kat and Prince M. :huh:

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PG and woon, you could always vote for PM to put some pressure on him to tell what he knows with the intent to change it later. It's more useful than just picking a name at random (IMO. -_- )

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Like everyone else am going to go with Kat before I hear from PM... if PM turns out to be inactive I think the votes for PM should be changed to Kat, as PM wouldn't get defending himself.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat

10) woon - voting for Dawh

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

Would just like to say that I'm now suspicious of both woon and PG. There is clear evidence against Kat, so woon, if you're confused surley you should vote for the confirmed Akatsuki... super strange why you wouldn't no?

And PG why would you vote for FIF again when we have a known Akatsuki in our midst... I'm confused by your post you say Frozen, then mention you will go for Kat, but vote for Frozen...


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  Brandonb said:
Good point. There's a 75% chance that Kisame revealed his role to Marth (assuming that Kisame trained his attribute in night 1). Or a 100% chance that it was revealed to Marth if Kisame hadn't trained.

The odds are pretty high that you learned who Kisame is, so what do you have to say Marth?

It's not a high chance, the Night Post explicitly tells us that Marth learned Kisame's identity.

  itachi-san said:
Kisame: Prince Marth! Show yourself!

Marth happened to be near the River and heard the fool shouting at the top of his lungs. He ducked next to a large tree, and lay flat against it, listening to his enemy yell.

Kisame: I am the great Hoshikage Kisame! Nobody ignores me! Come out now! ... I am the great ______ ... oh, I mean, Kisame, I am Kisame and you will die by my sword tonight!

Marth: So that's who you are? Hmm. Thanks for the tip hothead. Maybe you should cool off some more in that River.

Kisame thought he heard a mocking laugh from the direction behind him, but when he turned, Marth could not be found.

Itachi-san did a similar thing in ABR3 when SK revealed her identity to me.

PrinceM does know Kisame's identity. And if he does not want to reveal the information, he may attempt to avoid our questions with "inactivity".

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I agree with Wally West - PM for sure learned the identity of Kisame, without a doubt. First of all the chance was 75-100%, but as WW quoted, the name was definitely revealed. Thus PM knows - the only reason that he hasn't come on to post is if he's inactive (... in that case, he isn't much use, but I doubt it) or trying to hide the info. Either way we need to pressure him out of it:

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF

2) Mekal - DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality - voting for Prince Marth

9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat

10) woon - voting for Dawh

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

If PM waits too long, we'll end up lynching him instead of Kat (a known villain), so for the good of the innocents he better cough up soon

[edit: color code]

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF

2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru]

3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth

4) Prof. Templeton

5) Kat -voting for Prince Marth

6) Prince Marth

7) Laharl

8) unreality

9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat

10) woon - voting for Dawh

11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth

12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat

13) GC - voting for Kat

14) Brandonb - voting for Kat

15) FIF

16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth

17) Sinistral - voting for Kat

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