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Why do people believe they will be forced to leave their current plan and providers? Both canidates have stated this won't happen with either of the plans they are floating. My problem with McCain's healthcare plan is the taxing of healthcare expendatures, that were previously a pre-tax deduction, and then offsetting this with a tax credit. While the average tax-payer may see a net decrease in their total tax the first year or years, with healthcare costs increasing almost 7 percent a year that decrease will turn into an increase in a short time.

Right, I agree with all of that. I would add that what McCain is proposing is the first ever taxation of employer provided health benefits. That won't be sustainable for you or your employer for long which will basically force everyone into the private individual market, which decreases everyone's ability to negotiate with the insurance companies. Employers to date have been able to work out deals with insurance companies to provide discounts and things for their employees because they recognize that healthy employees are productive employees. If McCain's plan were adopted and everyone went it the individual market, they would no longer have the ability to negotiate those discounts and that tax credit isn't going to cover very much in the long run.

Our best bet in that case would be to form insurance unions to group together to force insurance companies to come to the table...I'm sure that's just what McCain had in mind. ;):P

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If you ask me, I think that both canidites kind of suck, and I totally wish Palin was running for Prez.

So far, I see Mccain as the better canidite, so long as he runs with Palin.

Palin should be elected vice no matter who wins.

She can balance out any harm done by Obama or Mccain.

Joe Biden is a total plagirizer, and really sucks.

Yep, if I had my way, Palin would be our Prez, and I guess Obama could be vice!

Just too point something out, either way, the USA will get a first women vice, or a first black prez.

Ok, now I got to go read what everyone else has written

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I think I'm off for the day.

I'd just like to say....


right now, i dont really care who wins though, they boths seem like they could do well as presidents.

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I think I'm off for the day.

I'd just like to say....


right now, i dont really care who wins though, they boths seem like they could do well as presidents.

WOO HOO!!! TIME TO VOTE... not me though... honestly, my vote would go for Obama... buuuuut he is going to get assassinated...................................... <_<

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There was some concern over the last week or so that Obama's (comfortable?) lead in the polls might translate to lower voter turnout - people feeling they don't need to vote. So this post is to report that here in Virginia, at least, any concern was unfounded.

I have never had to wait more than 15 minutes to vote, but this morning may wait was about an hour. I've never seen so many people at my polling place! I was there just after they opened at 6am. Everyone was talking about the line - but no one was unhappy. The woman behind me was actually doing a little dance because she was so happy to see people coming out to vote. Now, by the time I finished, the line was significantly shorter (probably a 30-minute wait) since we were past the first rush. But that's still more than what I normally see there, so I am confident it is an indicator of high turnout throughout the day.

On my walk to the bus stop, I pass another polling location. It was even busier than mine - and this was after the initial rush.

A great day for democracy, regardless of the outcome!

Edited by Cherry Lane
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I've been thinking for a while about this and seeing as how it's election day, I should probably post the idea while it's still somewhat relevant. I don't think it has anything to do with partisanship and would neither benefit/hurt either party. I was thinking about the whole "Get out and vote" mantra. Is that really the best concept? I would say something to effect of "Get out and make an informed vote" would be much better. I know this wouldn't be popular among most Americans because in most cases, testing is frowned upon by those who have to take them, but I think voters should have to take a test to get their voter registration renewed each election cycle.

The test would be something along the lines of: some USA historical questions, some current events, who's in power at home and abroad (i.e. who is Nancy Palosi? who is the leader of Germany, Russia, etc... and what is their Political stance?) Obviously people could cheat, but that's not the point. Cheating or looking answers up is totally fine, they still get the knowledge and that's really the point: for people to vote with knowledge. This would eliminate people voting based almost on nothing which I think a lot of people do. I have a feeling that this election there was a very high percentage of informed voters compared to past elections, but I guarantee that plenty were not. Anyway, it's just an idea and I'm sure it will never be implemented: at least no time soon.

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Hmm, good idea. Informed Voting = prevents another Bush :P

anyway, completely unrelated... or maybe not ;D


Ticker Tape at bottom: "Doctors at San Francisco hospital discover man with forks for arms has just b een hiding his hands in his sleeves". :lol: love the onion!

On Itachi's point: although I'm not an american, and do believe informed voting is definitely a good ideal, making people pass a test to allow them to vote I think is [no offence meant here], a terrible idea. The fact that every adult can vote is essential to a democracy, it's the foundation of it. I see where you're coming from on, but what would happen is in the end up, alot of people would end up not voting. Just because a person doesn't exactly know Nicholas Sarkozy (sp?) is the French leader, and that his views are more right wing and conservative, doesn't mean that person doesn't know what they want in terms of social/health/economical issues.

On a practical level it would be nearly impossible to implement and administrate (although I know you acknowledged this). But my belief is strong on that if you think a democratic government is the best way to rule a country (which in certain cases can be a tiny bit doubted in my own socialist opinion ;)), then every one has the right to vote, and once a person is of a mature age it should definitely be afforded to them. Certainly a test on political affairs would result in maybe a more liberal voting population no? Well here in Ireland it would, and as a liberal I wouldn't mind that ;), but it's not exactly democratic.

If I've missed something fair enough :) but that was just my initial opinion on your idea...

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Itachi, I agree that we need to find some was to make the American voters more informed about the candidates. While I don't agree with the test, I do think a good idea would be to have "cheat sheets" available at each voting site that listed all of the candidates on that location's ballot and their positions on the issues...along with other important info about their background, experience, etc.

A great place to look online is OnTheIssues.org where you can find the skinny on nearly every politician out there.


ROFL!!! :lol: UR, that link was hilarious!

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hehe :P

I do support the idea of informed voting, but on more inspection a 'test' doesn't look like the best idea, as JS showed. I like PG's idea... why not hand out booklets to everyone waiting in line? It can detail all of the candidates, their stances, and all of the proposals that are being voted on and what they mean and what their exact wording is, etc. It could have statistics, data and descriptions. And an advertisement or two from non-political companies to fund the mass production of the booklets

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Itachi, I agree that we need to find some was to make the American voters more informed about the candidates. While I don't agree with the test, I do think a good idea would be to have "cheat sheets" available at each voting site that listed all of the candidates on that location's ballot and their positions on the issues...along with other important info about their background, experience, etc.

A great place to look online is OnTheIssues.org where you can find the skinny on nearly every politician out there.


ROFL!!! :lol: UR, that link was hilarious!

Are you still running for Pres PG? Also, I think they do have those "cheat sheets" where i'm from, it's a packet of information about the candidates such as education, life as a kid, etc.

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Well, I'm glad that's over! :D And I'm glad it wasn't close so there wasn't all that recount nonsense like in recent elections.

All in all, I think we made the right choice. I began by supporting McCain because I preferred his policies, but he continued to fail over the past months to the point that I didn't like him anymore. Obama, I never really liked and am still unsure why people are so ecstatic about him, but I do think he was the better choice. He's got charisma, will give us a better reputation internationally and can speak proper English so those will all be nice changes. ;) He's also pro-internet! -whereas McCain was seemingly scared of "the internets" :rolleyes:

I still hope for a future where we don't have only column A or column B to choose from and get some new parties recognized, but seeing as how we only had 2 options this time (for all intents and purposes), Obama was the way to go. I'm interested to see what he does. He gets to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices, so expect the Judicial Branch to get pretty liberal. I didn't look into the Senate race yet to see if they got the super-majority. Either way, liberals have control of everything. Since Republicans tried and failed, let's see what Democrats can do. It's all on them now.

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Up go the taxes, down with defense. Maybe it's a good thing?

I don't care anyhow. We are already in deep sh....!

:lol: that pretty much sums it up Slick. ;) I'm going to be optimistic though and hope things improve. If not, then we'll just get sucked back into the 8 years Dem, 8 years Rep, 8 years Dem never-ending cycle of never-improving govt.

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:lol: that pretty much sums it up Slick. ;) I'm going to be optimistic though and hope things improve. If not, then we'll just get sucked back into the 8 years Dem, 8 years Rep, 8 years Dem never-ending cycle of never-improving govt.

that does seem to be the cycle...

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