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Informed voting - informed would imply an actual science or true understanding -such as honest, open and commitment to manifesto (not sure what you call manifesto - UK it's the so called 'promise' such as lower taxes and better education). Once the 'promise is made and judged it then has to be followed through. so despite turnout and the psychology or the 'play' of the political game, it was a certain bet for Obama a long time ago.

Leaving that aside it is being celebrated the world over as a positive thing and despite the tax worries - the $ should be safer IMOP. I see it as a victory for people outside the US too. Can the US citizens look past the foggy issues of race and can Obama avoid the useless discussion/topic of race. I hope that the people of America have it better - it is a relief that Bush has finally gone; he should have had a vote of no confidence a long time ago.....

Which brings me to politics the whole world over - those in charge should be performing and keeping good their promise or loose position. Sure it's a hard job but why should it be different from any other promise, especially when you should be shaking the foundations of the issues that have been caused by the people who supported you on the way up - private funding off political campaigns is gonna affect your decisions on change where it is needed but that's an old story and getting boring - time for an upgrade. who is going to be brave enough to 'improve' it?

I think Obama is sharp and focused - lets see if it will turn into a true victory rather than nest feathering and robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Wishing you all the best in the US

BTW - I am already fed up with the black interviews by black people. To me it is negative - it is a person entrusted with a position; colour, gender, physical disability is not the issue - ability is the issue. As i said in the beginning. Can people get past this quickly. I for one am watching that space. Would be interesting if a 'native American' was running and won.

I'm LIS'tening

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OMG i cried!

Through joy or anguish? Do you consider the result to be bad news If so, who for and how?

Before anybody asks for my opinion, I would like to hold judgment on actions rather than anything else. Unfortunately, I have not been paying too much attention to the race to the polls for politicians in another country from me so I cannot comment on their policies as I do not know what they stand for. This comment is just to see what this means for people in The Philippines.

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I think Obama being elected was the best thing for the country - we'll see how he lives up to his promises. Also, polls were conducted across the world, and something like 90% (or very high) supported Obama and hated McCain, so this will improve our worldy status by a LOT, which is always good :D

Not that we will be the best in this world untill we get out of this mess.....but at least we will be better liked!! :)

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I think Obama being elected was the best thing for the country - we'll see how he lives up to his promises. Also, polls were conducted across the world, and something like 90% (or very high) supported Obama and hated McCain, so this will improve our worldy status by a LOT, which is always good :D

Yeah defo, if this election was run here in Ireland I would have been extremely surprised to see McCain get 5% of the vote. It will improve your popularity no end, especially because of Obama's more liberal attitudes. (Although personally I don't believe him to be as liberal as people make out. Liberal compared to recent powerful American politicians yes, but in the grand scheme of things... not so much).

Still glad to see he's won :)

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I thought it was Palin 2012? :P

Nah... Mike Huckabee would be a pretty good president... as far as i know, i havn't really looked him up... but from what i have gathered he is a good all around person...

Besides... Palin has a bit too much in her life and the media is already on her so there is a high chance she wouldn't make it past the primary's

But anyway, best of luck to obama... may he not get overwhelmed and may he exceed my expectations... (which should be easy since i don't really have any... :P )

Edited by Mekal
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Nah... Mike Huckabee would be a pretty good president... as far as i know, i havn't really looked him up... but from what i have gathered he is a good all around person...
Huckabee actually was one of the few candidates who wanted the Fair Tax, which would be amazing for the USA. Ron Paul also wanted it. Huckabee's a good guy, but too religious for my liking for a President (he literally was or is a Southern Baptist minister). I am a fan of Ron Paul though. The Republicans screwed up by turning him into a joke and laughing him off the debates for the Rep nomination. He was the one making the most sense in those Rep debates. I think Ron Paul should run again next time.

Besides... Palin has a bit too much in her life and the media is already on her so there is a high chance she wouldn't make it past the primary's
Yeah, she got Dan Quayled by the media and will not be able to run next time around. To be fair, she did bring a bunch of that on by herself too, but she got more verbal abuse than she deserved IMO.

But anyway, best of luck to obama... may he not get overwhelmed and may he exceed my expectations... (which should be easy since i don't really have any... :P )
I totally agree. Since it's official, we can only hope for the best. Obama succeeding means we succeed, so let's all hope for that. Ron Paul was still the best choice IMO :P ...too bad he wasn't allowed to debate for the Presidency like Nader, etc... they really need to fix that. The more people who debate, the better for all. And the less talking points for all ;)
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True that the world will have more confidence in the US, that's why the $ fought back pre victory - a forgone conclusion

Fair tax always is important - just as important is fair spending of it - I was not a happy bunny over the Falklands war and Britain paid big time for it. Why? because there are Brits there... No! because there is oil there. And It helped Thatcher stay in power. Up to that point she did well. Just goes to show that being in power can withdraw you from reality. You listen to your cabinet, aides etc but you have no workshop with the people and loosing touch means loosing the plot and focusing on winning votes short term - unfortunately it is no the 'informed' public that are voting. In that case they voted for a war monger winner. The taste of victory over the everything else.

Generally the second paragraph is mostly irrelevant other than to say - Obama focused well, lets see if he gets sidetracked or misguided. If he only wants to please the people/companies that financed him then it will all be for nothing and the hype over his election win will certainly be for nothing in the end and worse a great deal of mistrust for some of what he stands for.

Repeating - good luck and hope that the citizens of the US have it good for a change -but it will be a while before all the cats have a chance to lick the cream - fat cats will stay fat cats though.

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Everyone is for Obama...

Do you know some people are scared as hell that he is president? Alot of the people that came from communist countries either today or before (like russia) are thinking that this is going to be the end of America.

Then again this once again proves that this IS the land of opportuinity. 40-50 years ago America was segregated, most whites hated the black people. Now look where they are... our first black president. Either way it would of been a first, first black president or first woman vice president.

I just hope this isnt the end... :(:unsure::wacko:

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Everyone is for Obama...

Do you know some people are scared as hell that he is president? Alot of the people that came from communist countries either today or before (like russia) are thinking that this is going to be the end of America.

Then again this once again proves that this IS the land of opportuinity. 40-50 years ago America was segregated, most whites hated the black people. Now look where they are... our first black president. Either way it would of been a first, first black president or first woman vice president.

I just hope this isnt the end... :(:unsure::wacko:

Or first female president - but are there still issues of race and gender Blade, as opposed to abillity? Not sure how to read or take your comment - probably me being dumb. I think the best 'man' won.
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In response to UR - Yup I'm looking forward to better standing in the world. better world political standings should hopefully = better world economic standings, if I'm correct.

In general - The night of the election, I was highly impressed by both Senator McCain's as well as President-elect Obama's Speeches. McCain's primarily because that was probably the best speech of his campaign as well as the most genuine. I was proud to see that he was getting upset about all those Republicans booing Obama (which I thought was totally out of line and immature).

The next four years should be interesting. I'm looking forward to promises being kept, and change being made for the better. The bigegst thing though is that now that he has been elected, we all (Republicans and Democrats , and all the rest of the parties) need to work together to do our part to help. We need to speak up when things aren't working instead of idly waiting around for change.

For those of us in California that voted No on Proposition 8 we need to act again. We need to take a stand and get those rights back. I'm not personally gay but I do stand up for gay rights. That and I believe we should ALL be equal no matter our race, religion or sexual preference.

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