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Three Teams.

Fifteen Castaways.

One Island.

One Destiny.

One Winner.

One Survivor


*** Game Process ***

3 teams of 5 each

- immunity challenges, 2 teams win each challenge, the loser going to Tribal Council (TC), where one person is voted off from that team by their fellow team members and eliminated from the game

- the first team to hit 2 people gets split up into the other 2 teams, one person going to each of the other teams randomly

2 teams left now

- now only team wins immunity, the other goes to Tribal Council

- when the total drops to 5 people, the teams merge into one

1 team left, of 5 people: the final 5

- immunity is individual, with only one person winning

- the team goes to TC after each immunity challenge, with the immunity-winner exempt from being voted for

- when it gets down to 2 people, the Jury decides who wins. The jury consists of 5 people, from the 7th place person to the 3rd place person, and they hold a final discussion where questions are asked, etc, then each juror casts their vote for the ultimate winner. For the ultimate survivor.

*** Tribal Council ***

A brief discussion will be held in public, then I start the voting and everyone PMs me the name of the person they want kicked off the team. I will tally the votes and the person will be asked to leave the show immediately :) (hehe). If the game is down to one team: Before the vote (during the discussion), if the Immunity Holder (IH) wants to give the immunity to someone else, they must state it before the voting begins!

- It takes majority (above 1/2) to kick someone off the island

- Immunity-Holder: if the game is down to 1 team and someone votes for the person with immunity, I will reply and tell them to change their vote. Also, the IH votes just like everyone else

- Hidden Immunity: if someone has a secret immunity idol, when they PM me their vote they must also tell me they want to use it, or if they want to give it to someone else

- Before revealing the vote tally, I will reveal if anybody used a hidden immunity or transferred immunity to anyone else. This can affect the voting: if someone is revealed as immune, all votes against that person are void, and the second-most voted person is sent packing

- In the event of a tie, I will constrict the ballot to the names involved in the tie, and redo the vote. If the vote is still tied after the second redo, other options will be pursued

*** Rules ***

The No's

: No insulting

: No complaining

: No announcing in-topic or in a PM that you have sent your vote in to me, or who you voted for, though you can of course say beforehand who you will vote for (however true that may be :P)

: No not having fun :D

The Yes's

: You can PM each other privately, but CC me in the PM!!!

: Please PM your vote in soon after I call for the votes, or as soon as you can. If a majority is reached before you have the chance to vote, you will be excluded from the vote, unless I know that you have an immunity idol, in which case I will wait to see if you use it. This won't affect anything or give away info because nobody knows who has PMed me

*** Challenges ***

I have a few ideas for challenges already, and may create a system of stats, numbers, etc, and possibly reward challenges to go with that, not sure yet. I will think on the finer details while people sign up :D

*** Sign Up ***

Team ?






Team ?






Team ?






When you sign up, please copy the full roster over. Also, when you put your name in, also put an idea of what you think the team name should be. For example:

Team ?

1) Bob - Team Zulu

2) Randy - The Awesome Team




Team ?




4) Zirk - The Island Security Agency (ISA)


Team ?

1) Ribs - We Like Ribs





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what is a ment?

This is going to take forever? Uhhh...

It seems as though interest is waning.

I havent seen many ppl posting.

whats up with that?

sorry duh!

I read it as 1 ment per day and not "I meant per day"

I get a bit confused when grammar is miss used. And yet, I

mess up myself all the time..

go figure....

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WOO! I've got the fever!!! We will triumph!

Kicks leg in air and waves pom poms

Who's got spirit? Who's got game? It doesnt reallt mater, because the other teams are alme!

[Creative I know]

I wonder that will causing you to lose some strenght? :P

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NM: did you read my post where I described the challenge? I already reducted everyone's Strengths and Swimming scores based on Health, you don't need to worry about that

Frost: yeah that's all there is to it. And that's why I want people to hurry up, lol. I'll put asterisks behind people that have taken their turn this round:

[NM wants to run to the Shooting Gallery, he can do this in one turn since he has a modified Strength of 5]

Team Corsican Fever

* CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector

* Frost: Beach - 3u from Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items

GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items

Team CoR

* Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector

* WW: Starting Mats - EW, 5/6/5/6, No Items

* NM: Shooting Gallery, 5/6/2/9, No Items

Team :ph34r:

* Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector

Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items

Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items

we're waiting on GC, Bb and Itachi - and I still have to PM WW the encryption, I'll do that now

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I've sent the encryption to WW, so the round can continue once GC, Bb and Itachi go. The triple asterisks mean that these people have to take their turn before the round can end and the next one begins:

Team Corsican Fever

CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector

Frost: Beach - 3u from Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items

*** GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items

Team CoR

Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector

WW: Starting Mats - EW, 5/6/5/6, No Items

NM: Shooting Gallery, 5/6/2/9, No Items

Team :ph34r:

Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector

*** Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items

*** Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items

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I've sent the encryption to WW, so the round can continue once GC, Bb and Itachi go. The triple asterisks mean that these people have to take their turn before the round can end and the next one begins:

Team Corsican Fever

CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector

Frost: Beach - 3u from Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items

*** GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items

Team CoR

Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector

WW: Starting Mats - EW, 5/6/5/6, No Items

NM: Shooting Gallery, 5/6/2/9, No Items

Team :ph34r:

Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector

*** Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items

*** Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items

I think I should probably drop out of this. It's a really interesting game, but I can't devote much time to it right now. I suggest that Sinistral just takes my spot in this challenge so that no more time gets wasted trying to find a replacement. Thanks for the game, it's definitely cool.

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I think I should probably drop out of this. It's a really interesting game, but I can't devote much time to it right now. I suggest that Sinistral just takes my spot in this challenge so that no more time gets wasted trying to find a replacement. Thanks for the game, it's definitely cool.

I'm gonna have to second that. I really underestimated the amount of time going into this and the calculations that it would take. I have tons of exams right now and I really can't do something this intense right now. In fact, I wouldn't have signed up if I knew it was going to be this intense. Sorry.

I'm willing to stay in the game on the roster, but I couldn't possibly participate as actively as needed until this weekend or maybe even tuesday.

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Hmmm... it seems like it will take a while, especially since I can only be on small amounts of time cuz of school, and I'll start to get much more busy next week... should we drop the game? Or should we find replacements - including maybe me... cuz if you guys are gonna drop, I might too, I'm pretty busy as well...

sorry, I realized just yesterday how long it would really take, ie, about 42-45 "days" (yikes!, lol)

Opinions, thoughts, ideas? :D

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This game seemed to be going along fine until the challenge started. I think the main problem is just how long and complicated the challenge is. It could be its own game. While it's a great and well thought out challenge, the major problem is the time it takes to complete it. Maybe a smaller challenge? I'm not sure, it seems like people have been busy lately, I don't even remember when GC was last on. And I can only get on even less than unreality. I'm not sure if we should drop it, I'd like to see what others have to say.

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perhaps someone could take my place as host, if they wish - tis another possibility. Then they can make further changes if they want :D

UR, if you've gotta drop out then I think the challenge needs to be severely revised, or the game should possibly end <_< I can't imagine anyone else being able to host this gaming goliath.

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Well, I thought the idea of this was that it would be slow-paced, so even people with not much time (or in my case, not much access) could play. I hate to see people dropping out - I love the concept of this game, and I'd like to see if we can make it work. I do think the challenges should be less involved, so they can be completed in a fewer number of turns. But ther than that, there's not much that's time intensive about this (now that we know how to best feed ourselves, that is). We can let the days continue until everyone has a chance to participate, and players should just know and expect that this is not a mafia-paced game, and as long as everyone does something toward the game once per day, it should move along.

One idea to make the game last fewer "days" - we could have just one immunity, and 2 tribal councils (for as long as we have 3 teams)

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I think the problem is that it takes a long time for everyone to get their actions in, so at one round a day this will probably take an insane amount of time. The concept and stat system behind the game is great though, and I think it would be a shame to have to cancel it.

On my team, it sounds like Itachi has some stuff going on and will be unavailable for an indefinite amount of time, so we may need to find a replacement for him. If it is alright with everyone else, I can play the challenge instead of him.

Another suggestion that would help things along would be to allow one team member to possibly control the actions of the other players on the team. Since Brandonb will be available again by the weekend or early next week, Mekal or I could direct the actions of his character for the time being. The same would go for all the other teams. I noticed that the feeding actions went much faster when one person took control and coordinated the feeding for most of their team. As long as we trust our team members I think this would work okay and would speed up the game considerably and still allow people to be inactive if necessary.

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I'm trying to think of ways to automate the chance mechanic so that a host isn't needed but that's tough without a random number generator function built into the message board code. We'd still need a host for the encryption riddle though.

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I'm trying to think of ways to automate the chance mechanic so that a host isn't needed but that's tough without a random number generator function built into the message board code. We'd still need a host for the encryption riddle though.

And someone to make up the challenges!

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Well I think Unreality has some awesome ideas so perhaps he can still make the challenges and do the encryption puzzle. I think I have a solution for the chance thing that will allow us to automate it and therefore less time commitment on his part for maintaining the game.

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If you guys can do this (what Sinistral has been suggesting), and thus help to speed along the game without me being there, then I'm definitely willing to give it a try to continue :D

I could roll all the dice in advance and PM them to a player I trust, however that person would know whether they would fail or succeed or whatever. I dunno

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If you guys can do this (what Sinistral has been suggesting), and thus help to speed along the game without me being there, then I'm definitely willing to give it a try to continue :D

I could roll all the dice in advance and PM them to a player I trust, however that person would know whether they would fail or succeed or whatever. I dunno

Okay... the ideal solution would have been to write up a php "dice roll" function that we could call within a post just like the spoiler or codebox. However, this would involve editing the Brainden forum itself so that gets ruled out pretty quickly. Originally I was going to code my own dice roller and host it somewhere, which wouldn't take too long, but then finding a way to prevent cheating really complicates things. Any solution to prevent cheating I could think of involved storing previous die rolls in a file or database somewhere with some kind of id number to identify them. This way if people rolled multiple times we would be aware of it. That kind of thing would have taken me significantly longer, but fortunately I came across a site that does all that already. They use url links instead of images like my original idea, so it won't be as pretty, but the effect is the same and it has a way of checking for cheaters. And it doesn't give me any added workload... which is good :D

Example: I rolled a 12 sided die to test, and the result was 9. The site gives me a BBcode url link which I copy and pasted below.

testing roller part 2 (1d12=9)

To check for cheating, we can just click the link and it gives more detailed info like the name of the person who rolled it, the exact time they rolled, and what their previous rolls were. In this example I used "SinistralTest" as the name. To prevent cheating here are the rules I propose:

-For any given die roll situation, each player should only roll once.

-If you need to make any test rolls, just add test to your name, or use a different name.

-In order for a roll to count in Astray, the name that appears in the invisiblecastle roll must match your username here on Brainden EXACTLY.

-Since the time of the roll is stored and anyone can view your previous rolls, if we find extra rolls in your log... that will count as cheating.

What do you guys think?

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