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he is something I wrote up at lunch

Ways for the mimic to win:

Kill a mafia, then next day/night kill off the last incient (likely)

Kills a QA and then kill mutant next day (if mutant alive)

Kills a QA and then do the secret objective ( if mutant dead)

Kills Zero then kills 7

Kill a incient and then have the last mafia die. (likely)

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  ThunderChicken said:
I'm the Mutant, I don't wanna be saved because Zero is alive and the QAs would just waste their time trying to kill me because of that very reason...

Hmm, interesting ... or maybe TC is trying to deceive us :huh:

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Gaaahhh, AI really need to go to bed...okay, one more PM...and, no more mind changing! Night ends after 18 hours OR when I get all the PMs, so once you PM me your choice, that's it!

When I get the last PM, that's it for the night, but the night post probably won't come until later, since I'll be asleep when the deadline ends and I don't know if I'll have time to finish writing it and post it before I have to go to the office...

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  onetruth said:
BrandonB, my vote for you was originally completely random (due to your insult against all noobs), but you look really guilty. I seriously doubt that you're the Mimic, and I don't plan on letting you control me during this game (not the way you're controlling TwoaDay). I agree with Joe's Student's line of thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if Brandon turns out to be Zero, or maybe even Mafia. His attempt to get TC taken out of the game for no apparent reason makes me think he's not a QA, but I could be wrong. I don't know. But he's definitely not an innocent. He's playing this game the same as the last one.

Will the real Mimic please stand up? Darn, too bad we don't have video to see who just got out of the chair!

Sorry but i don't agree there i think Bb is definetly the Mimic.. i know he's deceiving at times but it was too risk-ay a role to come out with unless it was your actual role. He came out as a baddie, never been done before (i don't think :lol: ), whereas a safer option would have been to come out saying he was the Uber-Hacker or another role, trying to bluff his way through.

By coming out as the Mimic he was lynched (except for intervention from Wraith) so i doubt he's lying on this occasion.

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  taliesin said:
@BrendonB you keep saying you are going to offer information for a save, and you know this and that. No one is going to believe and trust you unless you make some definite information. We wont something alongs the lines of "I know who <insert role name here> and will tell you" or " i know <insert anme>'s role".. As long as you keep avioding the finer details you dont stand a chance.

If I give you the finer details, then I have no bargaining chip.

Ever played poker? It doesn't work so well if you start off the game showing everyone else your hand, and then expect them to bet normally. That would be the situation where I wouldn't stand a chance.

I'm not going to bluff you, b/c then I will be killed on the next deal.

Nor am I going to show my hand, until all bets have been made.

Edited by Brandonb
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OK fellow Innocents, I am coming out with my role. The Mafia knew my role the very first night. So there's my role.

And they didn't kill me as they didn't need to. I have come out with my role cuz:

1. Mafia already know my role, damn them. :P

2. Zero will waste a kill on me.

3. Mimic has no use for me.

4. QA's, I can only warn you not to target me, as there's an unknown factor in this game, that may well be your doom. QA's, don't have any misconceptions. I am not trying to save you guys/gals by telling this. I am only saving myself. If you target me, it's a suicide mission for you QA's and also for me.

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I had a lucky night and hence followed Lady Luck. :P I am going to spill the beans now,in case I don't survive the night. MedBot/herbalist, if you haven't chosen whom to save, you can save me as a confirmed innocent.

So I chose Onetruth(sorry Onetruth, but I had to) and MathGirl identified her as a QA. So we have a target for tomorrow's lynching. GO innocents! :D

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And somehow, I keep getting the feeling that Brandon is Mafia, not the Mimic. This thought keeps coming to my mind whenever I read TAD's posts. I have marked Brandon and TAD as mafia. And Phaze could have very well been Mafia. That way Brandon's statement about Phaze being Mafia could be true. :P

EDIT : Insertion

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  grey cells said:
OK fellow Innocents, I am coming out with my role. The Mafia knew my role the very first night. So there's my role.

And they didn't kill me as they didn't need to. I have come out with my role cuz:

1. Mafia already know my role, damn them. :P

2. Zero will waste a kill on me.

3. Mimic has no use for me.

4. QA's, I can only warn you not to target me, as there's an unknown factor in this game, that may well be your doom. QA's, don't have any misconceptions. I am not trying to save you guys/gals by telling this. I am only saving myself. If you target me, it's a suicide mission for you QA's and also for me.

I'm confused. :huh: "You're coming out with your role" so instead of telling us, you instead provide a series of "facts" about your role (that indicate to me that you are Robbie.)

  grey cells said:
I had a lucky night and hence followed Lady Luck. :P I am going to spill the beans now,in case I don't survive the night. MedBot/herbalist, if you haven't chosen whom to save, you can save me as a confirmed innocent.

So I chose Onetruth(sorry Onetruth, but I had to) and MathGirl identified her as a QA. So we have a target for tomorrow's lynching. GO innocents! :D

and then make a claim that sounds more like a discovery role, like the Uber Hacker or Space Agent. I not inclined to trust you until we clear this up. If you're Robbie, what did you lie-detect that identifies OneTruth as a QA? As Robbie, you're afraid that Zero will target you so you're asking for protection? If that's the case, I would say that that's not the best use of a saving role. Only one role can kill you with impunity and Zero has very little reason to care about you.

However, if you're not Robbie, how do you know that the M4F14 already know your identity? This doesn't make sense to me. :o

Also, I have to say that I agree with Joe's Student on this one. I think that Bb is telling the truth about his role (there is a small chance that he is M4F14, but I doubt it.) Only the Mimic would come out as the Mimic, because that draws fire from the other baddies and there are more killing roles amongst the baddies than the innocents.

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  dawh said:
I'm confused. :huh: "You're coming out with your role" so instead of telling us, you instead provide a series of "facts" about your role (that indicate to me that you are Robbie.)

and then make a claim that sounds more like a discovery role, like the Uber Hacker or Space Agent. I not inclined to trust you until we clear this up. If you're Robbie, what did you lie-detect that identifies OneTruth as a QA? As Robbie, you're afraid that Zero will target you so you're asking for protection? If that's the case, I would say that that's not the best use of a saving role. Only one role can kill you with impunity and Zero has very little reason to care about you.

However, if you're not Robbie, how do you know that the M4F14 already know your identity? This doesn't make sense to me. :o

Also, I have to say that I agree with Joe's Student on this one. I think that Bb is telling the truth about his role (there is a small chance that he is M4F14, but I doubt it.) Only the Mimic would come out as the Mimic, because that draws fire from the other baddies and there are more killing roles amongst the baddies than the innocents.

Dawh... he's not claiming Robbie, mafia figured him out night 1, look at the first night post again and you'll understand what he's claiming. It makes sense to me. I was worried that they'd try to kill that role on night 2 so it makes perfect sense for him to come out and ask for protection.

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  Sinistral said:
Dawh... he's not claiming Robbie, mafia figured him out night 1, look at the first night post again and you'll understand what he's claiming. It makes sense to me. I was worried that they'd try to kill that role on night 2 so it makes perfect sense for him to come out and ask for protection.

Right, sorry. :blush: Now I understand. I forgot about that.

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  SoKrisky said:
I don't get you Sinistral...what about the first night post?

If you reread the night post, a role was discovered by the M4F14, and GC is claiming that role. I highly doubt he's lying, and that role can be useful, but it's all up to chance. I have to admit though, it would be a good idea for the Medbot/Herbalist to save him, we don't want to risk losing him.

And CP, it's a FOX not a cat <_<


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  Kathleen said:
If you reread the night post, a role was discovered by the M4F14, and GC is claiming that role. I highly doubt he's lying, and that role can be useful, but it's all up to chance. I have to admit though, it would be a good idea for the Medbot/Herbalist to save him, we don't want to risk losing him.

And CP, it's a FOX not a cat <_<


Sorry Kathleen, can you see how i assumed it was a cat due to your name?

Reminder to us all...

assuming makes an a$$ out of u and I.

I was so bummed to wake up and not find a night post.....

now I have no idea if I survived. Damn all you PMer's!! :P

And damn me for having the patience of a squirrel!

And now that I have read the posts I am questioning my

previous beliefs.

Sometimes I think Bb should play under an assumed name

and not tell anyone. We all seem to be dancing his dance.

And I never learned how to fox-trot....

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I have just woken up and after reviewing things very carefully... I have nothing to say. At least, not until after the night post. :P

btw, when is the night post? Ina few hours, I hope...

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No problem :D And this is driving me crazy: Is your signature from a show called How I met your Mother? I reconize it from there <_<

I think the night post is supposed to come today, probably around noonish, or I might be completely wrong :P I think I'm seeing the downside of 36 hours instead of 24


Edit: Added a sentence

Edited by Kathleen
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  Kathleen said:
No problem :D And this is driving me crazy: Is your signature from a show called How I met your Mother? I recognize it from there <_<

I think the night post is supposed to come today, probably around noonish, or I might be completely wrong :P I think I'm seeing the downside of 36 hours instead of 24


Edit: Added a sentence

I believe that we are at the nighttime part of the game

which is 18 hours from the last Day post.

I thought that would have made the night post arriving at 5am pst

but then I am not sure about the whole time thing ...dealing with

the different time zones.

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  crazypainter said:
I believe that we are at the nighttime part of the game

which is 18 hours from the last Day post.

I thought that would have made the night post arriving at 5am pst

but then I am not sure about the whole time thing ...dealing with

the different time zones.

Well Y-54N said that it should have come at 7am CDT, but also mentioned that she would not be awake to post it then and wasn't sure if she could write it before she had to go to work. So it's not clear exactly when she will be available to finish and post. She'll post it when she posts it.

Technically the night is over, but I assume that the day will not start until the nigh post comes. As such, I would classify this as "Dawn-Early Morning" where everyone is waking up and trying to figure out what happened during the night. So if you want to send further PMs for the night, it's probably too late. :mellow: We can only wait and hope that the saving roles made good picks... :unsure:

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