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I have to be gone for a while and may miss the end of the day, so here are my conditional votes:

If unreality spies on crazyP and she is QA, my vote is crazyP. Likewise for Y-san, but I think its more likely to by crazyP. If unreality spies on someone else who turns out to be QA, I'll vote for that person. In all other cases (including if the spied-on player is Mafia or GR), my vote is for PG. If you missed why, its in some post somewhere: I believe QAs are our most imminent threat and they should be targeted first

Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl

2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl

3) Frozen -

4) Slick -

5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl

6) Yoruichi-san -

7) Taliesin -

8) Itachi -

9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl

10) Cherry Lane - conditionally voting for Puzzlegirl unless another is proven to be QA

11) Dnae -

12) Nayana -

13) Dawh -

14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty -

17) Puzzlegirl -

18) Tolecnal -

19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia]

20) Sinistral -

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl

2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl

3) Frozen -

4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl

5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl

6) Yoruichi-san -

7) Taliesin -

8) Itachi -

9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl

10) Cherry Lane -

11) Dnae -

12) Nayana -

13) Dawh -

14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty -

17) Puzzlegirl -

18) Tolecnal -

19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia]

20) Sinistral

Unless I can nail a different baddie this must be darling. I like baklava instead of brownies. :P

Edited by akaslickster
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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl

2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl

3) Frozen -

4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl

5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl

6) Yoruichi-san -

7) Taliesin -

8) Itachi -

9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl

10) Cherry Lane - conditionally voting for Puzzlegirl unless another is proven to be QA

11) Dnae -

12) Nayana -

13) Dawh -

14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty -

17) Puzzlegirl -

18) Tolecnal -

19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia]

20) Sinistral -

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  Cherry Lane said:
I don't really want to get into an argument over this, but here's the proof: here are the time stamps from posts 873 and 874. You posted 11 minutes AFTER I asked my question.

Not that I ever expected you to comply. I wouldn't have, either.

Wow, you're right. sorry. I must have been busy typing my reply post when you submitted yours. I clicked submit then shut down so I didn't see it. Anyhow, I still would not have given you a name...that's just silly logic.

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  akaslickster said:
Unless I can nail a different baddie this must be darling. I like baklava instead of brownies. :P

All's forgiven, dear. Personally I prefer apple pie, but brownies tend to be a hit with the majority. Perhaps you and I will get together later and have some baklava topped with cinnamon apples...by candlelight. :)

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Sorry, dawh, and sorry Itachi, but personally I think Aurora should be used to save more than one person, otherwise it's not much better than what a doctor/healer does every day and it's one of the Shaman's only 2 skills, which he dies after using...so it makes his/her role kinda weak if Aurora saves only one person. I think it should at least save 2, and ideally 3...;)

I see where you're coming from; it's just that the Shaman only gets one shot at it and can't protect people every night like the Healer and Doctor. Ideally, the Shaman would save two or three innocents, but as I've stated before people are rarely afforded long lifetimes when the Mafia, QAs and GR are about, so there's no guarantee that the Shaman will survive until the fourth night. I would rather that the he/she save one person on the Second night then wait to save three people on the Fourth night and get taken down by the Mafia or QAs on the Third night (or even the Ninja.) Regardless, I think that Itachi is glad to be safe with life (and identity) intact.

We can't rely on UR getting his ability to spy on CP, and a lot of people are thinking that she is highly suspicious and I certainly agree, so rather than just rubberstamp PG's lynching, I think it would be good to turn up the heat on CP. We know that the Shaman used Aurora last night, so once he/she uses Scry, he/she will die and if PG is telling the truth, then that means that in addition to whatever killings take place tonight, we will be down two innocents soon, without the baddies' help. Unless the Shaman is the other ML, in which case there would be no Scrying and only one non-Baddie related innocent death, but that seems unlikely (I just thought I'd throw that out there as a possibility to see where that gets us.)

In short (or not so short, :P ) I'm currently voting for CP to try to get things moving, though in all probability PG will take the stake.

Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl

2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl

3) Frozen -

4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl

5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl

6) Yoruichi-san -

7) Taliesin -

8) Itachi -

9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl

10) Cherry Lane - conditionally voting for Puzzlegirl unless another is proven to be QA

11) Dnae -

12) Nayana -

13) Dawh - voting for CrazyPainter

14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty -

17) Puzzlegirl -

18) Tolecnal -

19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia]

20) Sinistral -

I hope you enjoy those brownies pw0nzd, but I would be careful taking food from a baddie if I were you ;)

Once again, a dozen posts pass me by as I try to get my thoughts into words...I hope I have the right words after all this. :wacko:

Edit: Already thought of something to add. While CP is not a confirmed baddie and PG is not a confirmed ML, unless we have a different target for the Ninja, what advantage is there in taking the risk of PG bluffing? If she's telling the truth, we can avoid the ML problem by having the Ninja do the job tonight and maybe get another baddie in the lynch at the same time. I just think that we need to think carefully since this game is not completely locked up by the Innocents yet. If we screw up and lynch an innocent I would rather we choose the person to die than have the ML situation choose for us. Unless someone thinks that the innocent masked lover should reveal him/herself (probably bad idea, but I'm trying to get conversation moving about our options.)

Edited by dawh
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Sorry for not being active for the past day or so, when I first signed up I was under the assumption that the game wasn't starting till the 10th and I mentioned that I'd be on vacation this weekend. I wouldnt have signed up if I had known it was starting early. I'll still try to keep up with things each day but I can't be as active as I would like. If you guys feel that it would be better to get someone else to replace me, that would be fine.

My thoughts on the Unreality/spy/unbalanced issue - whatever the host decides is fine, though personally I think limiting the ability to every other day is a good idea, and that the baddies should have a cancellation role, but that discussion is better left for the discussion thread.

As far as the voting today goes, I like the idea (sorry I dont remember who's idea it was), about the ninja killing Puzzlegirl tonight if she is in fact a masked lover, so that we can lynch another one today. I have my suspicions, but unfortunately I'm not totally sure who the other baddies are, and since I wont be around that much for the rest of today to discuss things, I will cast my vote for the definite baddie Puzzlegirl.

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we all have good reason to believe GC was a QA. Only 2 QAs active on the 2nd night, and Rene wasn't a QA, so it must've been GC. Right? My assertion that he was the Janitor is flawed, he was the other QA

so, moving onward:

the Godfather usually spots the kill before acting on it. When they saw that GC was a QA, they wanted to kill him off. Yes, last game the Mafia spied on Bb first, learned he was QA, and then decided NOT to kill him. And guess what? The QAs won first place! The QAs have the easiest win condition. They're a huge threat not only to the Innocents but to the Mafia.

This isn't just possible reasoning, since the Mafia did in fact kill GC. They reasoned the same way.

So, GC is dead as QA, Rene is dead as Mafia, and the Mafia know that the Shaman is still alive. Ergo, they know it will be used and everybody will survive no matter what.

So they target Itachi... notice how only 1 of the 2 Mafiosos attacked Itachi? The other Mafioso could've been Itachi! They knew that everyone would survive since they knew the Shaman was alive (even if they didn't check GC's identity as QA, the chances were high that the Shaman was alive). So if they targeted one of their own, it's a perfect way to "clear" someone by killing them, since they knew I-san wouldn't actually die

I'm not saying I-san is Mafia, this is just something to think about... we can't entirely dismiss I-san from being Mafia, and especially from being baddie ;D

edit: again, just wild speculation :P

Edited by unreality
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the vote:

Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl

2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl

3) Frozen -

4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl

5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl

6) Yoruichi-san -

7) Taliesin -

8) Itachi -

9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl

10) Cherry Lane - conditionally voting for Puzzlegirl unless another is proven to be QA

11) Dnae -

12) Nayana -

13) Dawh - voting for CrazyPainter

14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty -

17) Puzzlegirl -

18) Tolecnal -

19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia]

20) Sinistral - voting for Puzzlegirl

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Oh, and I still think the 2nd night Aurora was a good choice... they had potentially 3 kills and we had confirmed discovery roles who were out in the open. By using Aurora we were 100% guaranteed their safety for another night which allows us to figure out more identities. Good job Shaman!

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Hi all, thought I should comment on being a newbie and how that doesn't make me an idiot. If I had to guess as to which one of us "newbies" was a QA and was dumb enough to go after the bomb, I would guess either TwoaDay or Rene just based on "newbie" actions so far in the game, (don't mean this personally, if that at all makes it better). TwoaDay for his voting shenanigans (accurate spelling :P ) and Rene for pushing the "I'm a newbie, thus don't know what I'm doing" thingy. I think the actions of both have given "newbie" a bad rep. I might be a newbie, but I definately read the rules and would know that going after the bomb is wicked stupid, it is so wicked stupid that I have doubts even a newbie would do that. TwoaDay, of course, is the bomb and thus cannot be blamed and Rene, of course, is dead, so she too can't be blamed. I love that Dusty (also a newbie) is saying that Sinistral and I, as newbies, might be to blame for being stupid. Well if we are going to be doubted I think we need to make sure Dusty is included.

I'm not trying to turn this around, but please consider just how stupid going after the bomb is, and just how unlikely it is that ANYONE would do that without an alternative motive.

PS Sinistral or Dusty, if you are the newbie QA who did this, I apologize for calling your actions and your person stupid so many time...

And if there is still more suspicion, I AM AN INNOCENT and I AM NOT A QA and I AM NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO GO AFTER THE BOMB :)

I do suggest that the lie detecting/spying be done on someone else though because it would be put to more use, but if you feel it is necessary feel free

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Is it possible that the other QA just laid low for one night, expecting the Aurora and trying to get us to think that GC was the other QA? I suspected GC was the janitor too.

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In reply to #962, UnR wouldn't this be more reason to vote for someone else. That way, we have the option of taking out two baddies instead of one innocent and one baddie.

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I might add that it would be good baddie strategy to vote for PG's lynching, that way they or one of their counterparts won't be targeted for the lynching and PG is dead anyway.

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HEY, i may not be great but i was less careful than i would, should, could have been because i knew i could always just come out as the bomb and be almost garunteed to live a day and night, i probably should have thought more, but im not the noob you think i am, mabey after the game i will tell you why tolecnal but i dont want to give anything away to baddies.

o and i think it might have been sinistral who targeted me

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Didn't mean to offend anyone TwoaDay, the context of the discussion was a touch offensive to begin with and I couldn't find a good way around it, but I probably could have tried harder sorry about that. I would love to hear the why of everyone's actions after the game, it is one of the most interesting parts of Mafia.

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I just thought I'd add this little tidbit I copied from UNREALITY's post on Mafia Rules & Strategies:

Innocents: try to figure out who everyone is, and keep all the possibilities in mind. Just because someone claims to be something and nobody objects doesn't mean you should trust that person implicity- or anyone implicitly. Many Innocents lie too, and lying doesn't mean baddie. This is a game of deceit, so play your cards carefully and don't give out too much info about yourself. Don't let yourself get swayed into voting, and think about the choices and reasons involved- though sometimes it's a good idea to go with the flow. But if you think something needs saying, say it.

There might be a very good reason (besides offing the Innocent ML) why I shouldn't be lynched today. I wish I could give you more info, but you guys are doing a good job following some other leads and thinking things through. Hopefully, you'll wise up and I can look forward to being numb-chucked to death by the Ninja tonight. :)

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Dang, this is getting exciting! Unfortunately I am heading out the door for the remainder of the evening. I hope to still be alive when I return, but if not I bid you all a fond farewell.

And, if there are any posts addressing me that were stamped after #974, then I didn't see it. Sorry.

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