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Goodies: Defeat the Baddies

Bugs Bunny

Roll for Action: Save, Spy, Trap, Kill, Redirect, Vote Mod(another)

If spied appears as a random goodie not lynched

Duck Dodgers - from the 24th and a half century

RID Kill


Spy - All baddies appear to be a mean old puddytat. (Sylvester)

Road Runner

Save or Spy

Foghorn Leghorn


Pepe Le Pew


Porky Pig

Vote Mod(himself)

Speedy Gonzales

Save or Spy

Michigan J Frog

No action

Takes 2 kill/lynch to die

Baddies: Defeat the Goodies (BTSC - No Night Kill)

Inherited RID Kill is added to actions.

Vulnerable to archnemesis - Action fails and trapped next night even if RID is wrong.

Emler - Bugs; Marvin - Dodger; Sylvester - Tweety; Wile - Road Runner; Henery - Foghorn

Elmer Fudd

RID Kill

Marvin the Martian


First to inherit RID Kill if Elmer or Henery are killed



Second to inherit RID Kill if Elmer or Henery or Marvin are killed

Wile E Coyote

Roll for Action: Spy x2, Trap x2, Kill, No Action

Inherits RID Kill if last baddie standing

Henery Hawk

RID Kill

Indy: Secret



I do not want to give away the Indy player yet. If someone experienced thinks this might be worth hosting with me I will share with them to work it out.

Thanks in advance for you comments and suggestions.

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This is interesting... The lack of a NK is a good start. Two baddie RID Kills will get powerful at the end of the game. Wile can roll a kill or a spy, as well. Spies mean death the following night. =P The biggest advantage is 5 in BTSC--which is pretty big. Game theory suggests that with one Baddie NK and one goodie spy, "when there are a large number of players and the win probability for either side is 50%, the innocent's lack of information means that the Mafia numbers need only double when the total number of players quadruple for the win chances to remain even."

A good fix for this might be to place a baddie outside of the BTSC...?


"Vulnerable to archnemesis - Action fails and trapped next night even if RID is wrong."

I really like that. It's hard to judge the balance on this one, but I still think it's presently in favour of the baddies.

An interesting idea might be one I just lifted from Glyc's House of Cards. Have Speedy's (or someone else's) spy results go to Duck Dodgers. If the spy ever targets Duck, they gain BTSC (I added the BTSC). *Shrug*

Edited by Molly Mae
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gah I guess for input I need to tell you what the Indy can do... and since the baddies need a chance to RID him

Indy: Redirect archnemesis groups 3 times and live - must be different pairings and only one pairing counts each night

redirect to create the archnemesis pairings - Elmer => Bugs would eliminate Bugs => Elmer as an option

Tazmanian Devil

Redirect: x(Players/5) - not sure if N2 should be rounded up or down

Cannot be killed/lynched until N3

Edited by curr3nt
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Agree with Molly Mae, 9 vs 5 vs 1 with a spy + 2 RID kills looks to favor the baddies the most right now.

And it is hard to judge how the 2 RID's kills tip the balance during the game:

- See normally if you add something (let's say a "TRICK" = one or more abilities/btsc. For lack of a better term.) to a faction - for example, made goodie RID kill and spy work together somehow, the balance may look good with the trick. Till the key component of the added trick dies (the goodie RID Kill in this case). Your added "TRICK" is dependent on one (or more persons).

- but you made the RID Kill inheritable among baddies, so that "TRICK" is very persistent. And as the game progresses RID Kills increase in efficiency (since information is gained).

So it's very hard to say how many "TRICKS" or people need to be added to the goodies to balance the inheritance RID Kill(s).

But I like the idea, so please keep it (I don't know if it's been attempted before) and we'll get to field-test and see how it works.

Now, the one part that counterbalances the inheritance (or at least I think it was meant to) is this: "Vulnerable to archnemesis - Action fails and trapped next night even if RID is wrong."

But I don't really get what it does. E.g. Elmer is vulnerable if he targets Bugs? In what way is Elmer's action a failure or Elmer trapped? And what does "even if RID is wrong mean?".

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Now, the one part that counterbalances the inheritance (or at least I think it was meant to) is this: "Vulnerable to archnemesis - Action fails and trapped next night even if RID is wrong."

But I don't really get what it does. E.g. Elmer is vulnerable if he targets Bugs? In what way is Elmer's action a failure or Elmer trapped? And what does "even if RID is wrong mean?".

If Elmer targets Bugs or is redirected to target Bugs then Elmer fails that night and loses the next night action regardless of the RID Elmer gave. In the spirit of the cartoon the goodies turn the baddies action against them. A direct reversal seemed too powerful so went with a trap.

Downside to this is it tells the baddies who Bugs is if he wasn't redirected.

In the night post it would only say Elmer tried to kill Bugs and got trapped. If not redirected then baddies would know who Bugs is. If redirected baddies wouldn't know who Bugs is.

edit - Thinking Taz's redirect targeting wouldn't be in the night post just the results of what those targets do. Bugs and Foghorn's redirects would be in the night post.

Edited by curr3nt
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If i forget to sign up, ill think ill play this round...

so if i forget to, sign me up! :)

I agree with MiKi, with the number of baddies, along with the fact that they have BTSC, there should be something that gives them a one up. I do like that they dont have a collective night kill, but im worried about if that "equals it out"...i dont think it does because goodies dont have a collective ___________ either.

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This looks like one I'll definitely sign up for. What stage are you up to in designing it?

The design phase is almost over, taking into account all that's been said in this thread.

There are just a few things to iron out behind the scenes before posting the signups, which will happen probably immediately after HP 2 & TMM III.

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