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Based on information provided yesterday, I am pretty sure Araver is bad. The hitman should kill him tonight unless the hitman is blocked. I suggest to the bodyguard not to block anyone. Any thoughts on this ?

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  On 11/10/2010 at 8:19 AM, Vineetrika said:

Based on information provided yesterday, I am pretty sure Araver is bad. The hitman should kill him tonight unless the hitman is blocked. I suggest to the bodyguard not to block anyone. Any thoughts on this ?

That sounds like an FBI suggestion...Maybe the bodyguard should block you? If there are any likely FBI agents that the bodyguard is aware of, he should take full advantage of that fact. Maybe Araver is FBI...and maybe you are, too, and willing to sacrifice one of your own so that you can 1.) appear to be Mafia, and 2.) get in your own night kill.

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May be I am an FBI but I am not. Look at the voting pattern yesterday, I don't think baddies would sacrifice this early in the game. I agree with you that the bodyguard should block me so hitman's action can succeed.

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Marq was tired. She'd been let out of the FBI questioning station just that morning, and she hadn't enjoyed it. Well, at least that's over. Or so she thought. For just then the familiar FBI car pulled up next to her, and the Interrogator jumped out. She had just enough time to inwardly sigh and think Not again! Before she was bludgeoned once more and dragged into the car.

OT was browsing LoTR merchandise online, admiring a chess set with a map of Middle Earth beneath the semi-transparent board. She just wanted to reach out and caress it… A shadow fell upon her. Quite a large shadow, actually. She turned around and saw the bodyguard, holding a frying pan with a strange-shaped dent in it. She fell into a deep, deep, sleep, imagining herself as one of the chess pieces…

The Surveillance Specialist had finally gotten clearance on those traffic cams. He'd had the tech specialist program it for him to recognize Izzy's license plate. Anywhere she went, he'd see.

Araver's phone buzzed in his pocket. A new message from the Consigliere… He opened it and read it very carefully. This one was legit.

The Inside Man mixed among the crowds of mafia, having conversations and analyzing everything.

EDIT: No one's dead. Day will end same time tomorrow. Results as soon as possible.

EDIT 2: 7:00 PM EST (Or is it EDT now?)

Edited by NickFleming
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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM




6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

9. Vineetrika

10. Glycereine

11. Marq

13. onetruth

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner.








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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM




6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for onetruth

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth

Agreeing with Glycerine.

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Not disagreeing with Glyc, but doesn't this take precedence because it explains yesterday?

Hosts: NickFleming and EDM




6. Izzy is voting for araver

7. Molly

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for onetruth

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM




6. Izzy is voting for araver

7. Molly

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for onetruth

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth - Voting for araver

@Glyc...I don't know why the FBI didn't kill last night...Perhaps the target was the Godfather, which would be automatically blocked by the bodyguard (unless I'm not remembering the roles correctly). If you guys want to take me out, I'll be sad, but I don't have the most important Mafia role. I'd rather you guys take out a known FBI agent, but I'd also to prefer to keep some of the more important Mafia roles alive. We can lynch araver today and at night the Initiator (if not slick 2.0) can see if I'm telling the truth.

@Hosts....How does the Initiators role work? Do I need to give a direct statement that can be verified?

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@Glyc, if I understand correctly why you suspect OT - there was no FBI kill and only 2 persons that were block were OT and Marq. Marq being FBI and getting blocked by the FBI (why block their own kill?) and for the second night in a row makes no sense to me. So I'm inclined to believe it too.

But that just cleared me: The Inside Man, the Surveillance Specialist and the Interrogator all appear in the nightpost. So if OT is FBI and was blocked, then she is the Tech Specialist.

@Vine - Maurice is also a he ;)

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to put the votes:

Hosts: NickFleming and EDM


4.araver - Voting for onetruth


6. Izzy - voting for araver

7. Molly

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for onetruth

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth - Voting for araver

Edited by araver
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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM


4.araver - Voting for onetruth


6. Izzy - voting for araver

7. Molly

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for Molly

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth - Voting for araver

I think OT is clear for now. I am not very sure though. Want to hear from Molly.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM


4.araver - Voting for onetruth


6. Izzy - voting for araver

7. Molly - voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for Molly

10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth

11. Marq

13. onetruth - Voting for araver

I like the dodgy voting. Vine, you've had it out for me since D1. I'm as bad as you are.

Vipe should have been voted off yesterday, though. We've been lucky with blocking the night kills (or the FBI picking the Godfather). The next day, Vipe votes for MK. I also vote for MK hoping that more FBI will out themselves by jumping on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, someone (DD or Vine) cut us short by calling it out. I can't really blame them, but eh.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM


4.araver - Voting for onetruth


6. Izzy - voting for araver

7. Molly - voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for araver

9. Vineetrika - Voting for Molly

10. Glycereine - Voting for araver

11. Marq

13. onetruth - Voting for araver

if the FBI target someone who is unkillable (Godfather in this case) would it be written as an attempted kill in the night post or ignored like it never happened?

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hmmm, about 2.5 hours to go and still no answers from Nick/EDM and 3 no-votes. I'm not sure how to interpret the night post compared to what Maurice stated. According to the role description for Tech Specialist, I would think that the person he targeted would know they had been misdirected but that doesn't appear to be right. Maurice stated that he targeted araver on N1 and that araver was the TS. He also said he guessed he was redirected on N2 because it showed that he was the Informant. But randomly redirecting a player back towards the FBI would be a pretty risky move for N1 w/o knowing what would be revealed in the night post, so I'm still leaning toward believing that Maurice got a good read on N1. But if that is so (i.e., araver is the TS), then it implies that the FBI chose to not perform a night kill which is very odd as well. Unless someone has better logic, I say we stick with lynching araver and see what that reveals. If he's the TS, then we can focus on Vipe/MM tomorrow. If he's not TS, then we know to lynch OT.

edited for grammar.

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@Hosts....How does the Initiators role work? Do I need to give a direct statement that can be verified?

Generally things that could be considered to have a truth value. For instance if someone said "I don't want to kill the Initiator," If they were a baddy, then their WinCon would include that, and that would be a lie.

If a kill targetted the Godfather, and the Bodyguard was still alive, it would be written about in the post, but the target of the kill would not be revealed.

Note: A bit of an error occurred on the Night Post. I must consult with a non-player to figure out what would be best done about it... This means my punishment is extended for an additional week.

Edited by NickFleming
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Marq was tired. She'd been let out of the FBI questioning station just that morning, and she hadn't enjoyed it. Well, at least that's over. Or so she thought. For just then the familiar FBI car pulled up next to her, and the Interrogator jumped out. She had just enough time to inwardly sigh and think Not again! Before she was bludgeoned once more and dragged into the car.

Marq was not blocked by Interrogator... Reasons why of course I cannot tell you. I am sincerely sorry for any reasoning and such I corrupted.

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