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Everything posted by Panther

  1. Liar Game BD Round 3 1. Jay 2. Framm 3. Brainy 4. Molly 5. Phil 1882 6. Panther 7.
  2. Liar Game BD Second Round roster 1. Framm 2. Flamebirde 3. Phil1882 4. Brainy 5. Rob 6. Molly 7. Panther ... Be happy (I am ), for the internet in my hotel has finally decided to work No more sitting in smoky pubs for me Edit - Mobile tag screw-up lol
  3. I'm afraid I am currently on holiday, with limited access to the internet. I didn't mention already because my hotel is supposed to have internet, however it's not working and I'm currently sitting in the local pub typing this I think i'm gonna have to sit the next round out, cause I really need my computer at home to keep track of stuff I'll be back for round 3 though Oh, and if I forget to do something I said I would (PMs and such), sorry
  4. Money is hidden... *clears throat*... Let the games begin!
  5. Liar Game BD First Round Roster: 1. Panther 2. Brainy 3. 4. 5.
  6. Hey folks, sorry bout being MIA for a while, just kinda drifted off lol... but I'm back now, and this community is to awesome to be allowed to fade Cheesy, I know, but I don't care Just let me know if I can do anything (other than what has already been posted above )
  7. I enjoy Y-san's question about B,A,C and agree with her answer. But I doubt that the Witch has a titration measure of the Wizard's potion, so I see risk in Y's proposal.
  8. I'm now gonna read the other replies and probably realise that i've made some great mistake
  9. brain, pain, spine - nervous system relay, 50m, discus -
  10. Panther

    Weewar!! :D

    So... I recently came across a web-based online game called Weewar. It's a strategy game (as far as I can see, anyway) involving moving units across a board. There are many kinds of units - they all have different strengths and weaknesses, and the terrain affects each unit's capabilities. Thought maybe there might be some people on here that might want to give it a shot. It is free, though you may to pay for access to more units, maps etc. My name on there is Swift17, most of you will recognise the picture If anyone is actually interested, post your name in this thread and i'll start a game with us all Oh and, if you join, be sure to investigate the paid part (it's called 'pro'), you get it free for 3 months when you join
  11. Panther


    I'll make a thread about it
  12. Panther


    Thanks for the game On a side note, does anyone play/want to play weewar? Just discovered it yesterday, and it reminded me of this game Lemme know if anyone's interested Edit - if you don't know what weewar is, google is your friend
  13. Coffee, caffeine, truffles - Things you've already said Lightning, nitrogen, water vapour
  14. breast, chop, fillet - Meat Bacon, toast, eggs - _____
  15. caffeine, coffee, truffles - Things that are the colour of CHOCOLATE! (I know that's probably not what you intended, but... why not ) dirt, lava, diamond - _________ ps. Yodell - got it in one!
  16. Panther


    Honestly... I'm not sure we would win that battle
  17. Panther


    Yup, still here... does that mean if no one else turns up then I win?
  18. Panther


    The reason, I assume, (as I made the same mistake) is that you gave invalid coordinates and phil just gave you a random move. Remember, you can only move like a chess knight
  19. Panther


    Edit - PM'd instead
  20. Panther


    Ah ok, thanks PM really is coming shortly this time Edit - Can you move ships to anywhere? i.e not just to adjacent planets?
  21. Panther

    Knock Out

    Milan ++ Osaka ++ Paris -- Best Holiday Destination. Either your favorite place to go, or your top of your must-visit-places-before-I-die list. Paris, France - 18 Istanbul, Turkey - 16 London, UK - 16 Osaka, Japan - 14 Mumbai, India - 14 New York, USA - 16 Sydney, Australia - 14 Dubai City, UAE - 12 Milan, Italy - 13 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 12 Shanghai, China - 12 Cape Town, South Africa - 8 Havana, Cuba - 6 Cairo, Egypt - 6 KNOCK-OUTS 15. Moscow, Russia
  22. Panther


    Sorry, I was away all day yesterday and was too tired last night to check lol What happens if Player A attacks player B's planet at the same time as Player B moves more ships on to it? Who's move happens first? PM coming shortly
  23. Panther


    Hope so... c'mon Hirk
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