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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Glad you're doing so much research. The argon is leading you down the wrong track though... Oh, and congratulations ;P.
  2. Lol...you're not crazy, you're very clever...but the answer is actually not that complicated...;P
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Ooh...just figured out a better way to illustrate the symmetry simply...
  4. Yoruichi-san

    Thanks to the ppl who dug this up...
  5. At 6am, having just finished writing the paper that was due in class that morning, which, as usual, she had procrastinated doing until the last minute, Y-san headed to the computer lab of her dormitory at Redrum University to pick up the printout. Rifling through the unclaimed printouts to find her own, she stumbled upon a sheet of paper with the following printed on it: & 6 4 9 9& 1 5 3 8 2 0 9 8 2 9^ 8^ 5& 3# 9& 3 6 3 9 0 0 9 3 1 2 3 2 9 9^ [/codebox] Y-san rubbed her tired red eyes. After a few moments of squinting at the sheet, after assuring herself it wasn't just a caffeine overdose-induced hallucination, she grabbed the phone next to the printer and dialed campus security. Luckily, she remembered the person's room number. When the campus security desk picked up, she hurridly instructed them to send a security to that room, then sprinted there herself. As with most of her friend's room combos, she knew this person's by heart. Flinging open the door, she saw the culprit and the victim sitting around a table, on which rested the fixings for tea, along with a cake and a knife to cut it with. Behind them, she saw a computer screen open to word processor document that the printout was for. Y-san breathed a sigh of relief. The person was still alive. Soon after, the campus police arrived and took the culprit and the evidence into custody. After they were gone, the victim looked up at Y-san gratefully and said "Thank you for being clever enough to figure out my message!" Y-san shook her head and gave the person the benefit of her lopsided smile. "No, you're the clever one...you thought of it first."
  6. You're right...sorry, my bad, I was considering the case of being lit by a match thrown in...and then I realized I neglected to include matches in the inventory . But yeah, some pencil shavings or anything organic will work. Thanks for pointing that out.
  7. I agree. I like it, it's creative ;P (and well-written, as are all of Itachi's puzzles). And his hints were definitely pointing the answers in the right direction. Those who came up with alternative answers can pat themselves on the back for their creative thinking too...I like to think puzzles are more than just finding the right answer...they're about the thinking process, and even if the answer isn't the one intended by the OP, the thinking ppl go to arrive at their answers is valuable and productive. Anyways, had to throw in my two cents. Nice puzzle, Itachi...and be warned...Redrum Uers like their pranks ;P.
  8. Yep...that's the other part of the puzzle...thinking up a suitable apParatus for collection...there is probably more than one answer though...;P No...don't get confused by the 'liquid'...butane is a liquid too...liquid oxygen is quite flammable...I have personal experience to testify to that ;P
  9. Great thinking! (and googling bps ) I think you've figured out the method...good work . But a bit of lab knowledge...the tanks of Argon and Helium are under the conditions that they are a gas when they are released. Sorry, I realized I neglected to specify they were gases, but I did say the tank of Nitrogen was liquid nitrogen ;P.
  10. Alright, so being half-Schrodinger's Cat, Y-san isn't content just playing DDR. Her wandering mind wanders onto the question of: How much total (ground) distance does she actually move during a song? Her DDR Pad (as shown in the pic), is 33in by 33in. It's evenly divided into 9 squares. Assuming that she steps in the exact middle of each arrow, that she starts with both feet in the middle but never return her feet to the middle between steps. Also assume she belongs to the playing style school where you always alternate feet unless it's the same arrow, i.e. if the previous step was with the left foot, the next step is with the right foot, then left, then right, etc...unless it's the same arrow twice or more in a row, in which case you step on it with the same foot as before. What's the total distance she moves playing this song?
  11. Good thinking...but no...you would still need to complete the circuit by connecting the electrodes, and there are no material available for those connections. No...no tanked oxygen...but there is something else in tanks... Good idea, but the lighters were the flint kind that are kept in chemistry/biology labs, not the butane kind you would buy in a store. For all your good efforts, here's another hint... There's actually not that much chemistry required to get this puzzle...maybe a wee bit of googling though...;P
  12. Your second one is on the right track...but there were no wires/plugs/etc as mentioned before to allow circuit creation...you need to use other things in the room...;P
  13. Sorry for leaving you guys hanging...been away... Anyways, the point about the lab bench is that you can't cold burn a lab bench...so it was definitely a fiery explosion...
  14. Good thinking...you're going in the right track, although it wasn't a catalyst...all the chemicals needed are stated in the problem, no extra chemicals were hidden in the beaker...;P
  15. Nope, as Bonanova pointed out, I was trying to stress in the OP that there wasn't any particularly explosive chemicals placed in the room...just the stuff mentioned and stuff that is normal and ubiquitous on earth...;P
  16. Very good points...I can tell some horror stories about LN2 'bombs' ;P But I hope the burnt lab bench that was also mentioned will steer the answers in the direction I was thinking of...
  17. Good thinking, but the lab bench was burnt too...sorry, just included the burnt hand for story description purposes, not meant to imply that the rest of him wasn't burnt... There was definitely a fiery explosion... ;P
  18. Clever, but by "things of that sort" I meant wires, voltages sources, etc...the stuff you would need to create the circuit...;P
  19. Great thinking, but there are no electrodes or anything of that sort in the room ;P
  20. No, he had more than just a burnt hand...as the Police Chief noted, there was definitely an explosion in the room. Edit: For those of you new to my mysteries, the key is not to get caught up in the wording (I can be terrible at wording things) but to accept the facts and try to figure out the method.
  21. Disappointed that Prof. Templeton's guest lecture had been canceled due to an incident involving a large animal amidst the sakura blossoms, Y-san decided to take the time to check out a lead she had gotten from Police Chief Leroy on IETNAT. Apparently, there had been a series of murders in which the assailant threw an incendiary device through the windows of his victims and blew them up. According to Police Chief Leroy, an anonymous tip pointed the finger of suspicion at a student working in the Biology Building. Upon entering the building, Y-san's ears were greeted by an all too familiar sound...screaming. She looked up to see her friend Woon, who was working as a Teaching Assistant for the Biology Department, running towards her. Being used to this by now, she stopped him and addressed him in a calm, resigned voice, "What's wrong now?" Woon paused just long enough to catch his breath, then blurted out "It's Vic! There was an explosion in the lab he was working in. Someone attacked him!" After sending Woon to call an ambulance and the police, Y-san headed over to the lab in question. There was indeed evidence of an explosion in the lab. The floor of the lab was strewn with metal beakers, spatulas, stirring rods, clamps, small lighters, and other lab instruments. The side wall was paneled with posters of DNA models. Propped against the back wall were heavy, stable, pressurized tanks of helium, argon, and liquid nitrogen. Leaning against a burnt lab bench was whom she guessed to be Vic. Frowning at what she saw, she stepped over to him. Seeing Y-san, the injured Vic's eyes widened. "Thank goodness you're here!" he cried. "Someone threw something through the window." He pointed towards the open window with a burnt hand. As Y-san studied the surrounding more closely, her frown grew deeper. A few minutes later, Campus Police arrived. Y-san left Vic's side and walked over to them and whispered "Get Police Chief Leroy." When Police Chief Leroy arrived on the scene, before he could utter a word, Y-san gave him her usual enigmatic grin, and declared "Here's your killer for you." After the suspect was in custody, the Police Chief, flipping over the reports, turned to Y-san with a confused look on his face. "Okay, I see why you suspected Vic, but I still don't understand," he admitted. "The only things in the lab were the usual harmless lab equipment and non-volatile gases." "Exactly." Y-san said. "He was trying to clear himself by setting himself as a target. He can't be outside throwing the incendiary device in and inside as the victim at the same time." The Police Chief shook his head vehemently. "Yes, but I still don't see how he caused the explosion..." Edit: Terminology ;P
  22. I'm with woon ;P. Sneaky dimensional analysis!
  23. Yoruichi-san

    Wow...that was...painful... I have no idea what Sylar is right now...except maybe whipped......seriously though, he just seems to listen to whoever is there at the moment...Arthur, Elle...and then there was the whole Bonnie and Clyde thing that started before the eclipse...uh...last episode it seemed both were going to get serious, but it seems like they're both back on the evil henchmen gig... The Daphne situation was kind of sad though...although the way they did it was terrible...XP Peter and Nathan's brotherly quarrel was annoying and out of place... And Claire and HRG...well...I don't even want to comment on that... And the preview for next week...definitely doesn't leave me excited...XP
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