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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Okay, to the ppl who haven't voted/contributed...(except Marth who is excused for this one)... If you don't contribute at all you will be replaced. I expect everyone to vote. I'm giving one "benefit of a doubt" where if you know you're going to be gone at the end of the day or something and don't have a clue who to vote for, you may miss one vote. Please do not take advantage of this, since I'm doing this in good faith. Please vote if you can.
  2. Lol...the asterisks were there for a reason...;P Day ends 24 hours from the Night Post.
  3. Yes! I was just coming back to point this fact out...FIF died on night 1 and was brought back to life by Max, and since Vizzini can't die on Night 1, FIF must be innocent! Thanks CL ;P.
  4. Yeah...and on that note, it would really really REALLY help to know who Marth was...how about a hint, grandpa? ;P Edit: And if Itachi is valerie then he can't die tonight, and outing him would get him protection by the Clergyman. So...it won't hurt Roberts to go for the attack ;P.
  5. Yes, and if you read the rules, especially the part with all the asterisks ;P, you'll figure out why CL was included in the Night Post.
  6. Okay, I should go to bed...but I've been going over the posts and I can't resist replying to this one: Uh...Aurora, anyone? *cough* ;P And I can think of another kind of "trap" Itachi was probably trying to set...not for baddies...but for Vizzini's other win condition target . Oh, and looking more on something else said by the Narrator, I think Prof. T is who he says he is. I also think CL may be who I originally thought she was, and therefore the reason for her aggressiveness and her innocence can be easily confirmed by Mekal. If he doesn't, then her actions are highly suspicious in my eyes... Based on the Prof. T thing, I am also fairly sure the Humperdinck inaction was a setup, and if not by CL, then most likely it was oriented by the shifty eyed one, and hence...j'accuse! Okay, bedtime for me...XP
  7. NIGHT ONE If Looks Could Kill…;P In a small apartment, Light sat in a wooden chair by the dining table, hunched over his Death Note. A good portion of the table was covered with Chinese takeout containers, mostly half-empty. The wrappers from fortune cookies were crumpled and strewn randomly throughout. Misa, dressed in her usual fashion, bounded up to Light and threw her arms around him, causing his hand to waver on the page. “Light, light!” she cried, happily oblivious to his obvious annoyance at being interrupted. “Not now, Misa,” Light grunted through the side of his mouth. “I’m working…” A pout formed on Misa’s face, but she didn’t let go of him. Instead, she leaned her head into his. “Come on…Light-kun is always working…or scheming…” “Well, that’s because becoming God is a full time job which requires serious overtime.” As he spoke, Light attempted to remove Misa’s arms from his neck. Misa clung to him obdurately. She brought her mouth to his ear and cooed “aww…Misa Misa thinks Light-kun should take a break…so Misa and Light can…” She was interrupted by a round of coughing. The welcome (at least to Light) intrusion was caused by the dark haired man with glasses sitting across the table. Straightening up, Misa glared daggers at Mikami. Mikami stuck out his tongue at her. Oh...if looks could kill…;P Misa’s Shinigami eyes glowed red with fury, and Mikami’s name and lifespan (coded in the Shinigami algorithm, of course), appeared in her vision. She reached out her arm for her Death Note, which sat on the table. “No, Misa,” Light said, putting his hand on her arm without looking up from his work. “For the 13th time, no, you cannot kill Mikami with your Death Note. We still need him.” “Oh, thank you, God!” Mikami blustered, his eyes shining with admiration for the great Kira. “I am your faithful servant, someone who will worship you and follow your scripture as long as I live.” Casting a triumphant glance at Misa, he added “and I for one can spell ‘Shinigami eyes’ correctly…” Well, Light had only told Misa she couldn’t kill him with her Death Note…so Misa lunged at Mikami, claws extended. The impact rocked the table, knocking takeout cartons over. One carton which was near where Light had been working teetered precariously, then fell, spilling out its contents. Light deftly snatched up the Death Note just in time to avoid the catastrophe. Then he noticed one last untouched fortune cookie sitting on the table. He picked it up and unwrapped it. Sighing as he watched Misa and Mikami wrestle, he thought, oh well, that’s how the cookie crumbles, and snapped the cookie open. He withdrew the slip of paper and read his fortune: You will be successful in your work. Light couldn’t help it…he chuckled. He definitely planned to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L twirled his fork around his plate, mashing down the last cake crumbs. Walking in from behind L, Watari picked up the plate with one hand and with his other hand placed a laptop in front of L. On the white screen appeared his signature: L clapped his hands together to dust off the sugary residue. Then he picked up the microphone and began to record: Hello all, I'm a bit nervos being L it's a big role, so I'll try and be quick. On Day 2 I'll come out as L. Until then... chat. Alot. Watch out for Block Voting. Wide range of voting gets more people talking. That's what's needed. Good luck everyone. Wedy: I need to send you something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at his home, Dawh pulled a batch of brownies out of the oven. His bare hands were scalded by the hot pan, but he didn’t flinch. His eyes were blank and stared without focus on a random spot in front of him. Placing the pan in front of him, his eyes not moving from that position, he reached one burned hand into the pan and scooped out some of the concoction. He stuffed it into his mouth, smearing chocolate over his face. A few minutes later, the “special ingredient” he had added to the batter began to take effect. Dawh’s body keeled over and went to where his mind was…into oblivion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherry Lane was out on a walk down a hedge-lined path in a garden. Suddenly she sneezed. Could it be her allergies? Maybe…but she had the distinct feeling that someone was saying something bad about her…actually…she felt like they were writing something bad about her…mysteriously, the words “Death Note” popped into her head. CL looked around. There was no sign of trouble amidst the peaceful rows of polychromatic flowers. She shrugged and continued on her stroll. Well, at least she was still alive. She might as well enjoy herself. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy 10)Rene83 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law Day ends in 24 hours!
  8. Uh...yeah, and in that ABR...you were wrong about "Surge" being Alucard, which is what got you into trouble...here, your denial of the Narrator's outing Itachi as Vizzini is what is making me really suspicious of you... I support that the Prof. T as Humperdinck theory is possible, and if you hadn't been so keen to defend Vitachi, I would be leaning towards the other reason I saw for your aggressiveness, which makes you an important innocent. I dunno...well, if Mekal says you're an innocent, I'll believe it ;P.
  9. ...uh... You realize "Shinigami King" in Death Note is in Japanese...and in these languages the ruler is always called "King"...;P
  10. Uh...what am I wrong about? You or Itachi? Itachi didn't believe Slick was a baddie, he believed that Slick was an easy lynch target. He could have gone for any of the other ppl who voted for Mekal, and did it earlier, and knowing Itachi, if he were really innocent in all likelihood he would have gone after Bb...so... I don't think...I am very certain...unless the person is craftier than I thought...the Narrator basically has told us Itachi is Vizzini. You're making it look more to me like you're Humperdinck trying to save Vizzini now that you know who he is, so that you can draft him...
  11. Hmmm...I am fairly certain Itachi is Vizzini. I think you out of all people (besides Itachi) should be able to figure out why. The fact that you deny it makes me more suspicious of you. I can't explain more without outing the Narrator...but if you are the one who set Prof. T up it's likely you have already figured it out and the Narrator will be dead by morning...hmmm....
  12. Uh...I'm pretty sure the Narrator did...find that Itachi was Vizzini...;P
  13. Sure that Itachi is Vizzini, that is...;P If only I really was Dread Pirate Roberts...*sigh*...
  14. No...it's the fact that Itachi has been giving the impression of being a spy role...which he obviously isn't, since he would have spied Slick and known for sure today. Also, something another player said makes me sure ;P
  15. *Takes a deep breath* Okay...finally I can talk...I didn't know I wouldn't be allowed to...or I would have said some things before I got lynched...it's been killing me...XP Prepare for a long post: Okay, now we KNOW Itachi was lying...if he had spied Slick he would have know he was innocent. Actually...I'm pretty sure I know who Itachi is...my suspicions of him have been growing...but I'll start from the beginning... I know who Mekal is. And knowing that, the most likely to also figure it out and want Mekal LYNCHED is Vizzini. On the first day, it's easiest to get a random bandwagon going, and by hinting that he was a spy role to do it, Itachi put himself on my suspicion list as Vizzini. I don't buy the whole "it was a trap" argument, particularly since it came right after the "I'm surprised I survived" line...if he knew Mekal was innocent when he went after him, then why would the baddies want to kill him? He would only be surely killed if he had correctly voted for a baddie, making himself look like a spy role. Given these things, and something else said by another player, if I were Dread Pirate Roberts , I know who I'd be going after tonight...;P On the whole Prof. T thing today, based on what PG said, there's a lot of possibilities. PM could have been Humperdinck, but I don't think so, again based on something said by another player. So either Prof. T is Humperdinck, or it was a good setup. How quickly CL jumped on Prof. T alerted me, but there could be another reason for that, which goes along with some other things I noticed. But her sudden assertion very close to deadline that Slick was innocent also alerts me...initially she said she was suspicious of Slick also...why the sudden change, CL? And CL didn't do the setup...well...you know who's always on the suspect list...;P...and he's been awfully quiet...>.> I disagree that it was a bad move...I think it's a good move...there's a 2/3 chance Buttercup's "charms" will work, and if they don't, it casts confusion by making us thing Marth was Humperdinck. It also may draw out Valerie of the Narrator, which would be good for the baddies as well. Edit: Fixed the DPR smiley ;P Edit 2: Oh...and the fact that Bb and Itachi aren't all over each other...you know that means that one or both are baddies
  16. *Cough*...watch who you're calling a mushroom...I do have quite the collections of Death Notes, after all...and I'm not afraid to use them...;P
  17. Thanks guys As always, it's nice being appreciated . Yeah...there's something to be said about both the manga and the anime. I like the ending to the manga better, and it's more complete than the anime...but the anime uses cinematography (or whatever the animated equivalent is) to build suspense, which is cool too... Just waiting on some final input now...got most of the Night post ready...
  18. Hmmm...didn't have the problem with the original DNM...oh well... The game is afoot! ;P Night Post will come as soon as I have all the Night Actions...hopefully soon...
  19. Wow...I really do feel like I'm secluded in the abysmal expanse of the Shinigami world...
  20. Hehe...yeah...that was my fault...I claimed to be you ;P... Yeah, I had them pegged after cycle 1...if only my team had drafted me...they wouldn't have gotten Klaire...but then Frost confused me...and got himself killed...XP Oh well, congratulations Heroes, very well played! Thanks for the great effort trying to draft me on both sides...;P
  21. Okay...for certain reasons I need to do some reshuffling...so the Night will last slightly longer... ********************IMPORTANT: THE ONLY ONES WITH BTSC ARE THE DEATH NOTE HOLDERS, LIGHT, MISA, AND MIKAMI. NO ONE ELSE MAY CONTACT ANYONE ELSE REGARDING THIS GAME.*************************************************************************** * If I don't PM you, you're still the True Name you were originally.
  22. ***Oh, another tip I want to add: Pay attention not only to your role, but to the possible interactions b/w roles. That's a big part of how this game was set up. Remember...apart you are weak, together you are strong...and be willing to make sacrifices for the team ;P. And activity is highly encouraged...to facilitate interactions as well as for informational purposes...which is important.
  23. As for #10... There aren't a lot of things that (17) could be. Still fewer words end in "nat." O.o Yes on 12! Excellent...hehe...the reflection matrix...;P and the fact that "nat" is lowercase and black means that it's not part of the final solution...all added letters which are in the solution are capitalized and in the dark red color... Yep, you've got the structure right...217 isn't uncover though... Yep...that's what the 17 is
  24. Yoruichi-san

    *Doh*...true...how abstract the demonstration really necessitates your actions keenly.
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