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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Thank you ;D. Yeah...so I agree with Sinistral that Impervious is probably an important role...Linderman? (hoping ;P) And Niki, if you're still alive, give me a little time...been a busy day so I haven't really looked at all the posts that much...I'll give you my suggestion as soon as I can ;P
  2. Well...I was the one setting the trap...don't I deserve to be the one to spring it? ;P
  3. AHA! Matt Parkman – chooses one person each day to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered and may send one message to Matt. He cannot be protected two nights in a row. And we have our first Company member, ladies and gentlemen. Since there is a chance Niki is dead, but Ted is definitely still alive, I'd say Ted should take Impervious ;P.
  4. No...when Matt checks someone, they are informed they were checked. So Impervious says the person who he checked and whether they are good/bad. That person can confirm or deny that they were checked by Parkman.
  5. If he checked a baddie, Ted/Niki has a good target for tonight...plus Sylar needs HRG dead to kill Claire...so Sylar would want to kill the baddies first . If he checked an innocent...the innocent would be inclined to confirm Parkman did indeed check him. If he checked a baddie, the person wouldn't... Impervious needs to answer to prove he's not Candice's friend ;P Edit: Misread...
  6. Prof. T, I don't think Itachi is Company, but he might be Sylar...Sylar would want Isaac dead for the obvious reasons...but right now I'm more inclined to believe he is innocent...but we can save that discussion for tomorrow. Well...since Matt's out, I would say Claire has her work cut out for her ;P And I don't get why you didn't edit out the question... Edit: Oh yeah, remember Candice's ability...Impervious, it'd be good for you to say who you checked the first day and whether they're innocent or guilty...;P
  7. Well, Prof T, I believe you and so you don't have to worry about your safety tonight...you'll be dancing to the tunes of the ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion Oh, and Wedy, I mean, Parkman...I have a message for you ;P
  8. I agree. If he is lying about Bb being DL, he'll most likely get a visit from Niki tonight, so I think it's a waste injecting him. The ST bandwagon worries me...it came on too quickly and easily... I do think Itachi's concern is innocent though, he also neglected Niki's attack last game when accusing GC (who was DL then). I'm really not sure who to vote for, but I would like to hear Impervious give a defense. I agree with Itachi that Marth's last minute tip is suspicous too...
  9. Interesting range of choices... 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster-voting for-Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Star Tiger 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells 12) Sinistral 13) Itachi - voting for Star Tiger 14) Kat 15) Star Tiger - voting for Prince Marth Don't know about ST...but ppl who give illogical reasons to bandwagon make me suspicious... Itachi gave a relatively decent reason for his starting vote...Prof T. didn't really give a reason, which is unlike him...hmmm...
  10. Still a mystery... Whoa...binary...clever, but not what I was getting at...lol...you're actually making it more complicated than it needs to be...but you're right about the previous activity...and it was quite a long paper... *Not a magic eye puzzle* Seeing won't help...doing might ;P
  11. Yeah...stupid drawing tool only lets me resize the square by certain amounts...it won't put the vertex exactly on the circle... <_<
  12. Well...he might have been on the unsaved side of the Niki/DL pair... Well...I accuse you of...umm...drunken and disorderly! ;P Edit: Oh, and ST, you're not alone...I keep everything in my head too...
  13. Yeah...forgot about that...and Bb was not Sylar since he can't be killed until the night after his first successful kill, so he was definitely a Hero...CP could be Linderman, Candice, or the Haitian, but Linderman was saving one of them...so we're very probably looking at two Hero deaths... Out of the Heros, as mentioned, Claire and Ted couldn't be killed. Claire probably wasn't saving anyone last night since she can only save once every other night. Nathan was saving someone, probably himself (that's what I would do on Night 1). Since (thankfully) Niki didn't act, DL was saving someone, probably himself or Niki... I think that if he were Nathan, Bb would have saved himself, so that narrows it down further...hmm...
  14. Whoa...didn't see that coming...sorry Bb, and here I was so looking forward to finally playing a game you again... And I agree with CL...glad to see that perhaps the ranting hit home ;P Well, anyways, CP and Bb can't be Ted. CP can't be Claire. The only way Bb could be Claire is if CP were HRG...
  15. Or you could just look at my drawing ;P
  16. Good question... Wow...that's a clever interpretation...but actually...the reference to the eyes being red and tired was part of the running joke about procrastinating and all-nighters ;P My hint was referring to the prior activity...(and I think some ppl have picked up on where that leads...) Lol...it'll all make sense when you figure out the message ;P
  17. Lol...it's okay...seeing as how Vic was busy with his 'side projects', I doubt he would have gotten tenure...;P
  18. Okay...after much struggling with the drawing tool...(I'm totally illiterate when it comes to that stuff XP)...
  19. Alright...'nother hint...
  20. Lol...well, I wouldn't recommend drinking the cryogenic liquid...;P
  21. Refilling works just as well...not like Vic's going to have a use for that LN2 when he's in jail...;P
  22. Wow...great ideas...you could definitely fold the posters as the final vessel...those are excellent ideas for the ignition (I do believe you're smarter than Vic ;P)...the collection though is still unresolved... ...oh, and if you want to keep the LO2 cold (which you do)...there is a more surefire way to do it...;P
  23. Lol...sorry...the 'congratulations' is leading you down the wrong track ;P...it was about something else (unrelated to the puzzle) But that's a clever thought...I didn't think about shielding...just that the explosion wasn't that huge ;P The last part of the puzzle is to think up a suitable apparatus for collection of the LO2 using what's in the room...more than one possible answer ;P
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