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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Okay...well, since I can't be protected two nights in a row and there's a good chance I'm going to die tonight...I'm going to come out with it so as not to leave you all with a false idea... I know who Parkman is. I also know one other person is a Hero. The reason I needed the baddies to think that I was in contact with Parkman is b/c I wanted to be able to convey my information without outing myself or them, by using Parkman as my pretense. I also wanted to share info with Parkman, hence asking for him to contact me. And I strongly suggest no other Heroes give out any info to the Company/Sylar tonight...if you don't believe me, fine, you can take care of me tomorrow...although I doubt I'll make it that long
  2. If I were lying...Parkman would know...and he would check me...hence learning who am I...then I can get my message to him...which is what I requested on Day 1 if you remember...;P...if I were a baddie, why I would want Parkman to check me?
  3. The reference was a hint...;P And read the second line of what you just quoted... It wasn't about whether I wanted to kill Impervious...I was obviously trying to get a second vote option...since votes aren't set in stone until the Day ends, we can use what we find during a vote that Day to decide our final vote...to figure out if Slick were innocent (the Co would rather vote for him)...if he were Company...and since he had a chance to be HRG (as I pointed out), Sylar would rather kill him than Candice...as Prof. T asked earlier...why are you making me spell this out? Edit: Clarification Edit 2: And you're the one who doesn't seem to know about Parkman...or his abilities at least ;P
  4. Oh yeah...how could I forget...Bb, the reason I couldn't kill you was... ;P
  5. Nah...as a baddie, it's much more fun to get your teammates to kill you for me ;P. Yeah...Sinistral was on my Sylar list...I think I know who Itachi is...although why he doesn't get it I don't know...;P Wow...um...Prof. T may be Watari, but I'm the Shinigami King...;P It was what the baddies think that mattered to me...not the Heroes... And I know who Parkman is...you're basically just giving the Company and Sylar more info... Edit: And Marth, it looks like you're doomed...unless you have something else to say? Hiro, don't bother retracting your kill...try Kat for the last Company member, or Sinistral for Sylar... Niki/DL...hold off on the choice...need more thinking...
  6. Thanks! I got the idea from a Death Note comic ;P And no, Slick's not the only one...there are others...which brings up part of the reason I wanted the second voting options . Awww...thanks! I'm so flattered that I'm a better baddie than Brandonb! Okay...either he *still* refuses to read Candice's role description (and the pages of the thread where we were discussing Impervious's slip-up ;P), or he's Company...given what he said earlier about "reading the thread"...and the fact that if "only baddies would vote for him", why aren't the rest of the Company, (including those on my suspicion list ) voting for him instead of Impervious?...I'm going with the second option ;P Anyways, I'm sad no one wanted to help me find that pesky Sylar......it's only a matter of time before he gets Nathan/DL/Linderman...once he has one of those saving abilities he's invincible at Night...we might have to inject him twice *after* finding him...so I'd think we'd want to use every opportunity to get information on who he is...;P
  7. <_< Lol...interesting observation, but no...not quite...if you post your list of keys, maybe someone else can help you out...;P
  8. *Heroes 1.1 Game Show!* Round 1: Impervious vs. Prof. Templeton 100 points. Prove that the expected number of rolls to get a 6 on a fair die is 6. Round 2: Impervious vs. Unreality 200 points. Write the best VNA program. *ooh, folks...looks like it's getting tough for Impervious, but no worries, he's still got a chance...double points!* Final Round: Bonus! Impervious vs. Slick 500 points (could be the deciding round!) And the question: (answer quick!) Couldn't resist ;P
  9. Based on logic...Linderman can't save himself or HRG, so if he wasn't saving you...well...then he had to be saving the other one...hence it couldn't have been CP... Edit: Anything other info you would like to give me? ;P
  10. Thanks...that confirms that CP was a Hero...;P
  11. Haha...if you played Mafia, you would understand the need for anonymity ;P

    Loved your spiral puzzle btw :D

  12. *Sigh* Unreality, CL, if only dawh could of been here...;P
  13. Actually it was Itachi who snagged Marth ;P Thanks Impervious for confirming Slick's your partner ;P You should have learned by now that your bluffs don't work...in fact...they give you away Bluff #1: Surprised at not being killed (Credit to CL for catching that) Bluff #2: Pretending to be HRG ...and this makes Bluff #3...
  14. Wow...not voting for the known baddie but voting for the person who was responsible for outing the known baddie... Think about it ;P. Edit: And still no response to the Candice thing...
  15. Wow...what convenient timing of the last two posts...*cough*
  16. Actually, it was his lack of replying about it that made me suspicious...(and it wasn't just the rules...it was about the last two pages of the thread that he apparently hadn't read). But his not responding would make sense if he knew he was doomed (like Marth's lack of defense )...after all, I am 'in contact' with Parkman...;P Edit: And I seriously don't think a straight-out bandwagon is going to help the Heroes right now...there's other Company members to be found...
  17. Aw...no, of course you're not...you figure out that I was hinting at you to recreate the document in the first place If I answered that question...it would give away the solution ;P
  18. It should be an option when you exit out of Firefox...little box pops up asking you whether you want to save your tabs... And adding to the actual thread: -When I come home from volleyball with an injury, but I neglect treating it and immediately get on BD instead...;P
  19. Hmm...well, I knew it couldn't have been Nathan... Prof. T, and here I was protecting you...*tsk* ;P Sorry, Niki...I guess it's a good thing you didn't attack after all Oh, and, unfortunately, the only Company member it seems CP could have been is the Haitian...
  20. Thanks to whoever saved me! It's unfortunate Niki didn't listen to me though...if they were saving Impervious it meant they weren't saving Slick... I don't think a straight-up Impervious (who is most likely Candice) bandwagon is going to be our best idea...ideally we want to get Linderman, and then with him dead/nullified, Niki *this time* can kill him...or if we don't get Linderman, Hiro can take care of Impervious, since he can't be saved from Hiro. Well...since they weren't saving Slick...probably means he's one that can't be saved, i.e. HRG or Linderman... Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Slick 2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - voting for Impervious 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster 6) SomeGuy - voting for Impervious 7) Impervious - Injected [Matt] - voting for Himself 8) Prof. Templeton 9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane 11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 12) Sinistral 13) Itachi 14) Kat 15) Star Tiger - voting for Impervious
  21. Yeah...I've never had to worry about browser history...I always a browser with at least two tabs open to BD...there's a 'restore previous session' option in Firefox...XP
  22. In a word processor document like the victim did? (not on BD ;P) Remember...it's not about seeing...it's about doing...
  23. By the fact that Impervious is trying to get us not to attack him...he's not savable ;P I agree with what SomeGuy said. He's not HRG...so that leaves our favorite evil old man who makes the yummy pot pies...unfortunately I think Ted will be burning them to a crisp tonight Niki could pay a visit to Slick...if Hiro wants to act I'd suggest one of the ppl who put in their vote for ST later...(it's highly unlikely she was Company since she and Impervious were voting for each other)...Itachi made a good point about Marth...;P
  24. Uhh...read Candice's role description...and everything else that's been said on thread...
  25. Uh...I think we've found Co. Member #2......Niki...about that suggestion... Nice bluff Linderman XP.
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