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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Oh, and PG, I feel for you about the ppl not reading the rules and asking you about outing their roles first... Would you like to borrow a Death Note? ;P
  2. Well, Bb, I still think you deserve to die for being the most useless spy role ever... But I'm going with CL on this one...sorry, CP, j'accuse! Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster – lynched and found to be Miracle Max Itachi-san – dead, killed by Rugen, revealed as Buttercup Prince_Marth85 – dead, killed by Roberts Brandonb - voting for Crazypainter Frozen_in_Fire – dead, killed by Humperdinck CrazyPainter voting for - Brandonb Woon – dead, killed by Vizzini Mekal - voting for Crazypainter Cherry Lane - voting for Crazypainter Prof. Templeton – lynched and found to be Humperdinck Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik - voting for Crazypainter DMS 172 – dead, killed by Vizzini Star_Tiger - voting for Brandonb Sorry for not checking earlier...c'est la vie du Roi du Shinigami ;P
  3. Uh...some ppl are still missing the point... In the Night 2 post, it says "as the Death Note Holders had written it". Do you see anything like that in the Night 1 post? The 'demonstration' I was talking about it in my last post is the difference...
  4. Uh? Accusations? Voting? Oh...and pointing out...when the DNH choose to specify details of the death it will be noted in the Night Post, as demonstrated ;P
  5. Links before bed... Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face
  6. Aww...thanks Bb ;P Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster – lynched and found to be Miracle Max Itachi-san – dead, killed by Rugen, revealed as Buttercup Prince_Marth85 – dead, killed by Roberts Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire – dead, killed by Humperdinck CrazyPainter Woon – dead, killed by Vizzini Mekal Cherry Lane Prof. Templeton – lynched and found to be Humperdinck Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik - voting for Brandonb DMS 172 – dead, killed by Vizzini Star_Tiger
  7. NIGHT TWO With A Smile On His Face The magnificence of the full moon was obscured by drifting clouds. Briefly, the clouds cleared away from the lustrous orb long enough for the luminescent rays of moonlight to ensnare the artful movements of a shadowy figure. Although his movements seemed effortless, they were calculated carefully and precisely. The clouds capped the moon once again and when they passed, the silhouette was gone. Clearly bored and oblivious to the Night’s activities, Ryuk was loitering down a deserted street. He scratched his scalp with one large hand and cocked his head, staring at his Death Note. How strange. An unexplainable sensation of familiarity washed over him. It was called “déjà vu” by the humans, he believed. He had wrote Joe’s Student into his Death Note, but yet, he didn’t feel the power from the life he was trying to steal flow into him. Hmmm… Elsewhere, the Night’s scene was unfolding just as the Death Note Holders had written it: Joe’s Student walked into a bar. Immediately upon arrival, his attention was drawn to the figure of a woman leaning sitting on a stool, chatting with the bartender. The woman had long blond hair and she had on a slinky turquoise dress, which showed off the smooth skin of her white back, which was turned to the door. JS summoned up his manlihood and tramped towards her. His trajectory was abruptly blocked by another person, who teetered in front of him. The drunken man was SomeGuy, and he too had his sights set on the woman at the bar. “Hey…” he slurred his words and shook a wobbly finger at JS. “Back off, buddy…” JS frowned at the stench of the man’s breath. He attempted to push the man aside and continue his advance. However, SomeGuy grabbed JS’s arm as he tried to pass. Clumsily, SomeGuy threw a jab at JS’s jaw, which JS easily ducked. Infuriated, SomeGuy used his hold on JS’s arm to pivot and sling JS into a table, knocking it over and sending its contents crashing onto the ground. Glasses full of foamy liquid shattered and spilled the elixir everywhere. After pulling himself up, JS lunged at SomeGuy, and grabbed him by the waist. SomeGuy struggled, and the pair pushed themselves out of the room into the crisp night air on the balcony. SomeGuy manage to pull JS off him and threw another punch, which hit this time, on JS’s cheek. The blow sent JS into the railing, which reverberated with the impact. Getting up, JS retaliated by punching his fist, hard, into SomeGuy’s gut. SomeGuy keeled over in pain. Taking advantage of the layout of the situation, JS rammed himself into SomeGuy, and the momentum transferred caused SomeGuy to go over the balcony railing. JS stopped to catch his breath. A moment later, he limped over to the balcony and looked down to observe SomeGuy’s crushed corpse below. JS dusted himself off as he walked back into the bar. He smiled when he saw that the woman was still there. He marched triumphantly up to where she was sitting. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, sliding onto the adjacent stool. The woman turned her head, revealing the black roots of his/her hair under the blonde wig and a pair of red eyes with four black dots in them, three in a triangular shape and one in the middle. “Hi, I’m Itachicup!” he/she said in a sultry voice. On the bar sat his/her drink and a napkin containing a half-eaten brownie. JS noticed that a brownie crumb had fallen into his/her ample bosom. “JS went after it, and smothered to death while trying to retrieve it from Itachi[cup]'s bountiful breasts.” Joe’s Student died peacefully, with a smile on his face. Aloof in her throne in the Shinigami world, watching these scenes transpire below her, the Shinigami King couldn’t stop laughing. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law Day ends in 24 hrs!
  8. Oops...lol...missed that...okay, nvm...we have all the baddies pegged...Woon, Prof. T, dms, Bb...
  9. Hmmm...if you're telling the truth, that leaves one...care to comment, CP?
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Oh, yeah, I thought I saw him too... But on tonight's episode: Awww...Sylar and Elle... Awww...Matt and Daphne... Awww...Nathan and Tracy...uh...kinda... Awww...Peter and Claire...(yeah, it's wrong, but can't you sense the on-screen chemistry? XP) Yeah...basically...nothing interesting...the Hiro becoming 10 mentally thing is just annoying...
  11. Haha...the ironic thing is...the fact that he doesn't (or didn't) know gives him away... Sorry, Bb...but you were the only player who missed "I am Buttercup"... But thanks for killing Woon for us ;P Bb, would you be a dear and kill ST tonight? Merci beaucoup Lol...I think you answered your own question...;P
  12. ***Cough*** It was all in the rules, for anyone who bothered to read them...and asterisks are there for a reason... <_<
  13. Just making it official... Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law
  14. ...yeah...you know how much blood and sweat from the poor peasants of your country went into the taxes that paid for those ...
  15. Links... Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception
  16. Oops...sorry...my bad...did I mention I was really tired? XP Edit:...really really REALLY tired?
  17. DAY ONE W-Interception The sun was slowly melting into the horizon. Rapidly waning rays of red-gold sunlight streamed through the windows of the Investigations Building, and came to rest upon the enervated group of people inside. Fifteen of them sat in plush chairs around the large oval mahogany table. They were all staring blankly at the sixteenth chair, at the head of the table, which was now empty, pining for the great man who once sat there. Star_Tiger leaned forward, putting her elbows on the table, and asked, “Anybody got an idea who to vote for?” Joe’s Student’s brows furrowed in contemplation for a few minutes, then he shrugged and pointed a pale finger at Prof. Templeton. “Sorry, but your sad smiley makes me suspicious. Oxymorons are a definite sign of a baddie!” Prof. Templeton shook his head vigorously. “Nope, I’m not guilty.” He pursed his lips, then replied, “But I think the evil brownie fairy must have been Sinistral!” Mekal, who had been dozing off (those plush chairs are really comfy), and counting down numbers in his sleep, abruptly sat and and proclaimed “No, we should lynch PG! They must have been her brownies! She made them to go with the lemonade to give to her masked lover!” Seeing the looks the rest of the group was giving him, he blinked. “Oh wait, wrong game…” Kat began to say something about last night’s victim and attempted victim, but instead she hiccupped…4 times. SomeGuy shrugged. “I have no idea…” he muttered. He reached into his pocket and took out a 16 sided die. He tossed it onto the table. It came up with the number 8. “Eight it is then…” he grunted. The die had landed in front of Ben Law, who picked it up and stared at it for a minute. Then he shrugged and tossed it again. Lucky number 7. Brandonb scoffed, “I don’t need a die. I’m going for Orange. I’m voting for Sparanda.” Everyone turned their stares to Sparanda, who cringed and recoiled. “Hey, I’m just the new guy…” Star_Tiger frowned at the situation. “Well, I think JS is being paranoid,” she declared. “So I’m voting for him.” “Yeah, his wanting CL to out her role was definitely strange,” Sinistral reasoned, stroking his chinny-chin-chin thoughtfully. Slowly but surely the majority began to chime in in agreement. As the vote landslided to JS, the group members began coming out of their lethargy. JS could only stare in blank amazement as the tide of the room turned against him. Some members felt a sense of déjà vu as Itachi stepped up and sealed JS’s fate with the last vote. Itachi picked up the syringe from the table and advanced in a ninja stance towards JS. Suddenly a man holding a pirate sword and enrobed in a black costume which only revealed his eyes and a few tuffs of gray hair appeared and knocked the syringe out of Itachi’s hand. Taken aback, Itachi gaped at this masked man. The intruder’s costume fitted too tight, showing the paunch of his belly from too many pastries over the long years. The man straightened his back, put his hand on his hip and decreed “JS must not be killed today!” Then he turned and walked away, flipping his cape. The room, awestruck, stared at the giant W embroidered on the back. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy 10)Rene83 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law Okay, send Night actions ;P.
  18. Okay, since it doesn't look like anyone is going to be on in the next 30 minutes, Day Post coming... Warning: I'm really really REALLY tired...so the Day Post is going to be...um...different from my usual style XP Edit: Added more "really"s...
  19. Uh...so Vizzini obviously missed Itachi's "I am Buttercup"... *cough*...that makes him Mr. MIA...Brandonb ;P And it appears Prof. Templeton is the not-so-good Prince after all... Hmm...which one is more dangerous...given the 100% kill chance of the good Professor... Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster – lynched and found to be Miracle Max Itachi-san Prince_Marth85 – dead, killed by Roberts Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire – dead, killed by Humperdinck CrazyPainter Woon – dead, killed by Vizzini Mekal Cherry Lane Prof. Templeton Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik - voting for Prof. Templeton
  20. Oh...no interest in women, huh,...so, a priest, maybe? ;P
  21. Interesting...then what does that make you? ;P
  22. I guess he's become resistant to your charms...;P
  23. Okay, day ends in about 5 hours...
  24. I'm really tired, but others on my suspicion list are Bb and Woon. And Itachi, if you are who you say you are, why don't you just use your ability on Frozen so he can't kill you? Edit: Oh, and Prof. T, so since the only two not mentioned in the Night 2 post (besides Roberts) is Montoya and Humperdinck, then Marth has to be one of those. So if Humperdinck acts tonight...well, you're getting lynched .
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