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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. It'll make sense when you get to that part ;P. Good observation, though. Yeah...you're complicating it...lol...as I hinted...notice a pattern in the solutions to the other two pictures? It holds for all three...and the order matters...and grouping also matters...*cough* ;P Edit: Y-san's room is obviously a mess...so why did she go to all the trouble of organizing the items the way she did? B/c it's important ;P...
  2. Ooh...one of the things you mentioned is indeed correct...although you might not realize it ;P...it's probably not something that you've ever frozen before...and for a good reason...and that reason is part of the answer .
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Yeah...that was funny...but what I really liked was the part where he was like "It's not going to hurt a bit" *buzz*...so perfectly evil XP...but then they had to go ruin it by dumbing down the audience ten levels by having him say "Oh, I'm lying"...like that wasn't obvious... And while I love the title "Intelligent Design" for the project , I had a bad deja vu moment from The 4400 where they were showing off their super-soldiers...and then it was made worse by the actor from The 4400 showing up as the new test subject...what are they going to call the new serum, Promicin H?
  4. Yoruichi-san

    I prefer places that are warm and sunny year round...*cough*...(throw that one on your list) ;P
  5. Nice riddle... No...there are several steps...(cuz I felt like it ;P)...and Cherry Lane's comment was referring to the final step... Uh...nice try, getting there, but no...first off...take the 3 picture clues in order...and your interpretation of the second one is incorrect...then...it's not simple letter position...as Prof. Templeton said, it's "Y-san's usual routine"...and letter position isn't...;P...then...there's more to it than that...several more steps... Yep Uh...several steps ;P...and thanks Lol...actually it refers to the general, not any particular anime ;P...and it's not a clue for the puzzle...it's just the organization that Y-san's been fighting against...which has appeared several times in other mysteries puzzles. No...for the second picture clue...my "from:" may give you a hint...and notice a pattern in the solutions to the picture clues? ;P And finally...Prof. Templeton's second comment was also a hint...;P
  6. Haha! Funny thing is...after he killed you...I knew it was Sinistral ;P

  7. As Andromeda was exiting out of the building her last class was in at Redrum University, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and saw that she had received a new voicemail message. She pressed the button to connect to voicemail and listened to the message: "Hey...it's me...uh...I've kinda been kidnapped by some agents from IETNAT...not a big deal though..." came Y-san's voice in a nonchalant tone. "Anyways, I thought it would be fun to leave you some clues to find my kidnapper...they'll on my desk..." The sound of a yawn came through the receiver. "Oh, right, you should probably give Police Chief Leroy a call while you're at it..." Then there was a shout in the background, followed by some running footsteps, then the sounds of a scuffle, a loud thud...and then the message ended. After calling Police Chief Leroy, on her way to Y-san's dorm room, Andromeda ran into the visiting Prof. Templeton who was being led on a guided tour by Cherry Lane. Seeing the look of distress on Andromeda's face, they called out to her and she paused briefly to explain the situation. Then the three rushed on together. The door of Y-san's room hung open. The floor was strewn with various papers and books...signs of a struggle? No...just Y-san's laziness... On Y-san's desk, they found a cardboard box, on which was printed "10x Cocoa Puffs, 17.5 oz". Inside the box, on one side, there was: A poster, A graph that looked like it had been part of a homework assignment that had been drawn on with a marker, And some Wei Chi tiles arranged as such: At the other side inside the box was a regular six-sided die. Next to the box was a sheet of paper with the following printed on it: ^& Prof. Templeton studied the box for a moment, stroking his chin. Then he shook his head and muttered "Looks like Y-san is up to her usual routine." Then his eyes shifted to the paper and he added in a resigned tone, "Someday she's going to get herself shot by an Extremely Mad Physicist." Cherry Lane sighed. "Yeah...and in the end she's as enigmatic as always." Just then an out of breath Police Chief Leroy stumbled into the room. As he leaned over, panting, he withdrew a notebook from his pocket and flipped it open to a page. "Okay..." he finally managed to say, "So Y-san was helping me investigate some shady characters. We suspected that one of them is a IETNAT agent. I have their names and addresses, so if we can figure out which one is the culprit, we can find her. The suspects are: Ichimaru Kyu Uno Diez Quatre Treize YiSan Wu Otto Ventisei Zwolf Sieben But which is one is it? I don't have the manpower to cover all of them..." He was interrupted by Andromeda, who hopped up and down in excitement. "Ooh! I know, I know!" She pointed her finger eagerly at one of the names in the notebook. Later on that day, a group of police officers broke down the door to the culprit's house and combed through the rooms to find...Y-san sitting on a couch, reading a magazine. Around her lay strewn the unconscious bodies of IETNAT goons. Looking up at her rescuers, Y-san smiled and declared "Well, about time! I was getting hungry..."
  8. I am in the dark on this completely - must be a simple answer. Haha...no...no doughnuts...but it was something edible...;P
  9. Hey...it's okay, we all have bad days XP...I hope you'll feeling better now though...

  10. Okay...for the second part... Edit: Clarification
  11. Seems like... Edit: Working on the other part...seems to follow from the first part...but I could be wrong...
  12. Oh...and a suggestion for the next game...you could give Sylar the choice of either using a secondary ability or finding if a particular action had taken place. Looking over the logs, Sylar could have won if he had known DL had been recruited...he would have had to kill Itachi, and frame ST as Sylar using Parkman's power... Anyways, just a suggestion ;P
  13. Haha...yeah...something felt off when Impervious was injected and revealed as Matt...I thought that as Matt he would have done a lot more to try to keep himself from getting injected (like you did ;P)...so you're very welcome ...and it helped draw attention to myself like I had wanted...hehe... Oh...and you're mixing my orders...that order was to reveal your info to me...and you did fabulously...the post came off very naturally ;P...sorry about your test though... Edit: Oh yeah, and thanks again to SomeGuy for playing DL perfectly (at least until you got recruited )...you played just the right level to keep yourself from looking suspicious and manage to keep off the radar of the baddies...so that I could play my plan of being fish bait ;P
  14. edit: nevermind, it's just the glop, I went back through. Uh...no, the ring was not from the kitchen...I don't know what gave you that impression, but I'm sorry if it did...the ring was brought along...it's the thing added that's important...and the hint is for that...;P
  15. Anyways, great game all! Many thanks to Frost and Bb for making it...I had a lot of fun . Prof. T, thanks for making the game interesting ;P. I saw what you were doing immediately...since I had been planning on doing pretty much the same thing...there was no way I was going to attack you ...I just said that about Niki to try to stay the 'lynch Prof. T' campaign... SomeGuy, you were a great partner, and it was great working with you. Thanks for putting up with all my crazy schemes ;P. Itachi, thanks for making the game...challenging ...but seriously...I ended up enjoying it all the more b/c of that . Although if I had been Sylar...I wouldn't have tried so hard to provoke the Company and purposely try to get myself attacked... And it appears Sinistral was being really sneaky after all...;P. Haha...after Night 2 I told Frost that I thought Sylar was good and making all the same moves I would have...hence I thought it was Sinistral...great playing...I bet with our combined powers we kept Frost's inbox full...;P ST, great playing...you had me fooled...I thought you were Ted...I was surprised when you turned out to be Parkman...but all's well that ends well ;P...sorry about the 'lovely threat'...although it did save your butt...;P CL, thanks for always being the reasonable, intelligent one ...great job putting an end to Sylistral... Unreality...uh...I think I may have gotten you killed...sorry about that...although I was surprised you didn't save yourself on Night 3... I was really sad Bb didn't get to play along with us though...it was partially his game as well...maybe that's partially why I went after the Company with such a vengeance . Company, well played...you got unlucky on Day 1...the voting and Impervious getting caught basically outed all of you ... Anyways...thanks Frost for everything...including bringing me back to life to kick the final Company @$$ ;P...thanks everyone for making the game so good! The rest of the Heroes, well played as well
  16. Actually...the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (finally )...is that I was waiting for your reaction...and the fact that you admitted the Slick thing was a bluff was another bluff and I figured he was probably innocent (and Claire based on his Day 1 comment)...however...then GC made his ghost post which implied GC himself was Company and Slick was Claire...and so I had to adjust to try to ignore that to preserve the integrity of the game as I saw it...so...basically you did give yourself away again ...you're just lucky I'm a Hero at heart ;P
  17. Well, to use Itachi's words...by killing me, you were just "unnecessarily prolonging your own defeat" By leaving me alive...you risked me stumbling across the strategy by which you cannot win...and forcing ST to follow it with my 'lovely threat'...;P Anyways, I really was sad that you got recruited...you were a good partner ...I wished you could have stayed on the winning side And yeah...the deception was so much fun ...I think I may have broken Bb's record for most lies in a single game...although I'll still have to work on the lifetime achievement award...
  18. I was sad you were drafted too...... But yeah, after the Night Post I was fumbling around figuring the strat to clear as many ppl as possible and to post it before I got RIDed...if only you had RIDed me earlier...XP Oh...Frost, I was so involved in playing I never told you that I loved the posts...especially the ones with me ...although, I have a confession... Can't wait for the ending...;P
  19. Okay...let's give this a twirl... 1. Izzy 2. Andromeda 3. Lemonymelon 4. NM EJL 5. Crazypainter 6. Kat 7. neaners87 8. octopuppy 9. ST 10. Prince Marth 11. Jane 12. Puzzlegirl - I just remembered to add her because we skipped her in II (Sorry ) 13. Reaymanator 14. woon 15. Kay 16. Skywalker 17. Xucam 18. Brandonb 19. Y-san 20. SarahJane Muhahaha...;P Edit: Accounting for Andromeda's post...
  20. Haha...yeah...the original Iron Chef was so much better...loved the dubbing...it was hilarious! 1) Cold or room temp 2) Doesn't matter 3) Doesn't matter Okay...here's a hint...
  21. Awww...I thought Itachi's no contest ended the Day...oh well... Can I come back and kill off the Company? Pleaaaaasssssee?
  22. Wow that's clever...but how do you account for the red goop? And yes, you can put the mop in the freezer at the school...you just can't bring any already frozen items to the the school...since it's a cross-country journey...;P No liquid nitrogen in the kitchen...just a walk-in freezer...and lol...not horseraddish ;P It was goop. ;P Somewhere b/w liquid/solid...mushy...stuff like that...
  23. Then SomeGuy should be able to save himself...so he wouldn't die...but we'll wait to hear from Frost...
  24. I think I would lose my 'Niki' ability to kill...but that's fine...the game should end...assuming I'm right in assuming you 'verified' Parkman...;P
  25. Uh...whoever gets recruited loses their ability...so if I'd been recruited...I wouldn't be able to attack you...and you would be able to save yourself, since the rules say "as long as Niki is alive", and recruited or not, I'm still alive ;P
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