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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Sorry about that...cleared out now ;P.
  2. Thanks for catching that...my puzzle-checker fell asleep on the job...literally... ...anyways, it's fixed now. To everyone else: don't be scared of the big math-breathing dragon...the knight of spreadsheets can make the task simple ;P
  3. If you're stuck, you can PM me with what you have and I'll try to point you in the right direction...some things are harder to see than others ;P
  4. The solution to the puzzle itself will tell you what to do next ;P.
  5. One day, King Leroy, the High King of Middle Mafiadom, called together all the greatest heroes and adventurers in the land (i.e. you guys) to his Royal Court. After sighing deeply, he proclaimed: "Prince C.C., that irascible puzzle pusher, has undertaken a perilous journey to seek the Holy GRail, which he plans to use to unite the warring mafiadoms...but I'll let him tell you about that when you find him. Oh great and valiant Warriors of the Mind, I beseech you to take up this Quest to find my rogue son and lend the mental edges of your swords to his aid. I will not lie to you; the journey will be difficult and precarious. However, I am confident that you all are up for the feat." Then King Leroy waved his hand and his attendant brought in a scroll. It was the first clue left by the Prince. On the scroll was scrawled: Start by lending the man of the hour a hand and showing your degree of affection by decimating this puzzle: 2:51, 9:00, 1:40, 6:49, 7:09, 11:29, 3:33, 8:04, 7:07, 4:58, 6:00, 5:25, 5:49’, 10:24, 7:40, 2:15, 4:49, 12:38, 9:20, 4:45, 3:25 6:05, 3:51, 7:47, 8:55, 12:16, 9:53, 11:20, 3:18, 6:38, 9:55, 1:31, 3:55, 8:02, 10:58, 4:31, 9:16, 2:45 Edit: Oh, and since this is a hunt, feel free to discuss but please don't post solutions on the thread. Thanks!
  6. That's why it's screen-shotS, plural ;P Nice job finding the solution...and if you are curious about the RH League...well, that's elementary, my dear Watson .
  7. One day, Y-san was eating lunch in the cafeteria with her friend D.D., who was lamenting the state of the economy. "Yeah, it's so hard finding a job these days," D.D. said, stabbing a lettuce leaf with her fork. "But my friend J.J. was really lucky! He was passing by this shop the other day and he saw a 'Help Wanted' sign so he went in and asked about it...and they hired him on the spot! They must have been desperate, because he's a total slacker too...all he does is spent all his time playing online Blackjack. Today, he even had the audacity to rub it in my face by sending some screen-shots to me." D.D. crushed the helpless lettuce leaf. "Geez, I wish I had been the one to pass by that store, 'The RH League' or something..." Y-san, who had been playing with her chopsticks, her mind lost in thought about her current project, perked up to attention at hearing the store name. Her golden eyes glanced up at her friend curiously. "Hmm...can I see these screen-shots?" D.D. shrugged, but pulled out her laptop and opened the e-mail with the attachments. The screen-shots in question showed in the player's hand: King of Clubs, Queen of Hearts 3 of Spades, 2 of Diamonds, King of Spades, 3 of Diamonds Queen of Diamonds, 9 of Spades 6 of Hearts, 2 of Clubs, 5 of Spades, 9 of Clubs Ace of Hearts, 7 of Spades, 8 of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds 5 of Clubs, 4 of Spades, Ace of Spades 6 of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, 6 of Spades, 5 of Hearts 2 of Hearts, 9 of Spades, Queen of Clubs Queen of Spades, 5 of Spades, 7 of Clubs Ace of Spades, Queen of Spades 7 of Spades, Ace of Clubs King of Clubs, 2 of Spades, Queen of Clubs 9 of Spades, Ace of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs D.D. sighed. "Yeah, he spends all his time 'working' playing Blackjack online...such a cushy job..." Then she glanced at the screen and her lips formed an even deeper pout. "And he's not even good at it! Look at that last round...he hit on a 20...he's an idiot!" Y-san shook her head. "No...," she mused. "He's actually a genius." She smiled at D.D. enigmatically and added, "I think perhaps we should give Police Chief Leroy a call...he's going to be interested to see this..."
  8. Hehe...b/c it's who I am ;P. Anyways, I was saying that if I had that as Rail Tracer...it would have given me away...
  9. ...I meant as Rail Tracer...I was being Incognito ;P...what does that have to do with the OP? Edit: Going ghostly grey
  10. Yeah...if I had known Itachi was going to out me anyways , I would have Guess great minds think alike ;P
  11. "Boot the DLer"...guess you've never played on Battlenet...XP
  12. Well...to make the three month wait seem shorter ;P...here's a summary of how the Night went down: Ted (of Bill-and-Ted fame) was attempting to hit on Candistral, but his advances were being halted by the icy glare of Frosty the Haitian. Meanwhile, an infuriated SomeGal, who was possessed by the vengeful spirit of Sliki, decided to give Ted the shock of his life. Prof. HRG was perched atop a building, taking a sniper shot at Senator GC. However, he should have realized that when the laser of the rifle achieved 100% transmittance through Senator GC's body, that the bullet would too... However, after saving Senator GC, Prince_DL was booted from the game by a company of impatient players. While Prof. HRG was laughing at this, SpideY-san, wearing the cloak of a Sith Lord, used the Force to push him off the edge of the 42-story building. Meanwhile, a LinderKat ran through the alley, and rummaging through a trash can, dug up the bones of STrelli, which, 'through a series of events that are describable but I'm too lazy to do it', brought her back into play.
  13. You've never watched DragonBallZ then, I gather? ;P
  14. So...our lovely host went to bed b/c Bb needs his beauty sleep . Yeah...so apparently the game's over...we lost ...well played...clever risking LinderKat to revive STrelli...and in case you're curious ;P, my nicknames for you all have been: LinderKat, STrelli, Prof. HRG, Candistral, and of course, Frosty the Haitian. (I didn't have one for SG...but how about...SomeGal? since 'Elle' is french for she...)...and I have confess...I made that last RIE mostly b/c I wanted to say "Frosty the Haitian" Anyways...we'll wait for Broodingb to post the ending
  15. Okay... RIE#8.2 "Unreality is not Parkman. Frost is the Haitian"
  16. RIE#8: I (Yoruichi-san) am not Ted, Frost is the Haitian. (Frosty the Haitian ;P)
  17. ... You're only considering the advantages. Decision making requires weighing advantages over disadvantages. 1/2 getting the right team vs 1/2 getting the wrong team. The amount you could help your team by attacking the other team is the same as the amount you could hurt your team by attacking them, so overall, the weight is 0. Plus, with all the RIEs, the only really helpful draftee is Claire, and she can't die...but if you want to use the 1/2 argument, there is 1/2 chance your team will draft them vs 1/2 chance the other team will draft them, so it's the same as attacking a team. But the enemy MIA is 100% on the other team, and that fact makes it preferable to attack an unside then a team. Edit: And the independent role are definitely LESS strong than the team roles, since the RIEs give out almost all the information that they would have gotten...and saving/killing/power-stealing roles are much more useful.
  18. Uh...each team has a 50% chance of drafting the team member, so for the true unsides, it's still Expectation 0, and add to that the positive expectation of actually getting the enemy MIA...or 'nah that would never happen'? Edit: Oh, about 'really useful team member'...all the RIEs pretty much make Parkman obsolete...plus, once he's drafted, the team probably already knows who all the unsides are and they might be afraid to use his ability on the other team, b/c it would give away the fact that Parkman got drafted. @ reference to Elle attacking Niki first cycle Hybrid 1 (if only Claire hadn't done her random save...XP)
  19. *Sigh* If he attacks a team, it's 50% helping his team and 50% hurting his team...so the Expectation value was 0. Whereas if he attacks an unsided, he has 0% chance of hitting a teammate and 25% of hitting Claire (which does nothing) and 25% of hitting the enemy MIA, who he knows is on the other team, even if he doesn't know which team he is on. So the Expectation value >0 and is preferable to attacking a team.
  20. OMG...TED...what the hell were you doing...
  21. RIE #4: "I (Yoruichi-san) am not DL, SomeGuy is Isaac" RIE #5: "I (Yoruichi-san) am not Niki, Reaymond is Isaac" RIE #6: "GC is not DL, Limeliam is Parkman." RIE #7: "dms172 is not Niki, SomeGuy is Parkman."
  22. Rolling out the RIEs, as requested ;P RIE #1: "I (Yoruichi-san) am not Peter, LimeLiam is Claire" RIE #2: "Prince_Marth85 is not Nathan, SomeGuy is Claire" RIE #3: "Akaslickster is not Mohinder, Twin Pop is Claire"
  23. Haha! Love the caption Grayven (even thought it had nothing to do with Mafia ) But I have to confess...the main reason I drew it that way was...
  24. -When you realize how useful the above is for Mafia...;P
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