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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Sorry..."along the not stayer weapon" was implied ;P
  2. -Says Schrodinger's Cat...who was born in the year of the Rat
  3. Aww...you moved SarahJane up...I wanted to be after Bb again...
  4. Yep on 1, no...on 2...it's simpler than that... Almost...not "-position" ...'insult stance'...;P Not Flax...something else...yep on 11...good job (that one's my favorite) Yep. Nice. Right equation...but in the 'incorporated' form, of course...;P Lol...and I didn't even have to give the Elmer Fudd hint I had ready...oh well, good job! Yep. Good work ;P. Yep. Don't you love how many different denotations q has? ;P Nice work. Yep...just like he had written on his gravestone... (*envisions Boltzmann rolling over in his grave*) Hehe...I'll let someone else explain that...
  5. -When I try to figure out how to synthesis one of the yet undiscovered elements just for the sake of being able to claim credit for its discovery so that I can name it something that will shorten to the symbol 'E'...(...Enigmaticium? ;P) ...and all for the purposes of facilitating puzzle-making...(who cares about Nobel prizes and whatnot XP)...
  6. -When I hope to someday see in the dictionary this entry: e-nig-ma: verb to spell out with elements on the periodic table and then find their sum. (Thanks CL...;P)
  7. Just one question... [spoiler='About (18.2, 21.2, 14.1, 34.3, 31.1, 44.2, 18.1, 33.2, 34.3)'](23.1, 19.3, 27.4, , 2.1, 2.1, , 8.2, 28.1, 3.1, 10.1,9.4,3.4, , 19.1, 6.1, 13.2, 11.3, 25.4?) ;P
  8. 1. failing grade is your mom 2. hesitate is short for 3rd most densely populated state serious 3. annoy is not out not science 4. french life is english "je suis" (with bad grammar) 5. job is depressed stress incorporated over loudness 6. short for beginning of speech is not nuts not woman unchanging firewood count of diminutive declares 7. second antacid is religious service raptor from Jurassic Park large town 8. rearmost tooth gaggles is pessimistic unarming of bomb share-economical judge lax of focus 9. Jedi power is not warm unit of resistance's steady accusation 1 attack 2 over divorce made even 10. tined utensil (first 1/4th straightened out) is insult posture ill-humored with coerce 11. Mr. Bennett (middle of first 1/3 rotated 45 deg) is pirate punishment's unwavering not old
  9. edit: hi, woon, nice to see you here. I also see you beat me to the answer. oh, well. nice going. Haha...great minds think alike (and at the same time ;P)! Great job, both of you, and everyone else who helped solve the pieces of this deceptively long puzzle ;P. Yeah...blame the quantum physics in me for making a box into a math equation (particle in a box anyone? ) *greedily scarfs down some beef tendon noodle soup* Edit: And the Physicist was Extremely Mad b/c of my abuse of ElectroMagnetism ;P
  10. Awesome puzzle, Prof. T! And as a scientist, I'm flattered that others start using my published algorithms ;P.
  11. Yes...that's exactly the reason I'm always on as invisible...to torture you ;P (jk)
  12. Yep, those are the steps...lol...and thanks for officially making 'enigma' a verb . But sorry, not Death Note Mafia...just regular Death Note...although...the second L liked post in red...both times ;P Yeah, good thinking, but no religion changes in this one...
  13. is priceless. That is the tradition I was trying to uphold by writing what I saw. Saying that the ends justify the means is a slippery moral slope. My own case aside, I completely agree that nobody should have to be afraid that their contribution will be ridiculed. You're right, the transformation is interesting...but honestly...I have to say that the transformation is mostly due to the excretion of the artist in how detailed/realistic they choose to make the objects in their drawing. And b/c that is an effect of the drawings, that's only half the game. The other half of the game that makes the game interesting is the fact that no two people will interpret the same drawing the same way. The artists add their own touches to the game by their choices and their artistic style. And I think that's what the responsibility of the caption writer to add their own touches by adding their own perspective and their own interpretation of the drawings. If someone just wants to enjoy watching the transformations, everyone is free to read the thread and laugh and enjoy. But I believe that by signing up to play a game, a person accepts the responsibilities of trying their best to contribute to the game. I know you meant well, and that's fine...we're all still learning from our experiences...and in order to keep learning, we have to continue on even when the road gets tough or bumpy... Anyways, my 2 cents on the issue.
  14. No...no religion changes in this one...but it does become enigmatic as Cherry Lane commented ;P
  15. Aww...nice save XP...(but thanks ;P) I don't think our lovely host gets it yet though...lol...
  16. Thanks! You're right...nm does indeed stand for that...;P *stomach growls really loudly*
  17. Maybe I can be creative? Who do you think you're talking about here...
  18. Getting warmer...but no...
  19. Yoruichi-san

    [Peter] *looks at cut on my otherwise perfect face* Hmmm...well...since it's the holidays and all...maybe I should go pay a visit to my cute blonde niece...you know how much family means to me...;P [/Peter]
  20. Hmmmmm...I wonder if one of my Stackers knew or met someone working on the show...well...my college was really close to LA...and they would film parts of Numb3rs there...
  21. No...sorry...you're getting Plancked here on the waves... the Physicist is Extremely Mad...remember? (and there are no anagrams) Edit: Also, this puzzle is kind of taking a lot things I did in earlier puzzles and amalgamating them with a few new things...;P
  22. No...like I said...the interpretation of nm as "nautical mile" is incorrect...look at the hints (google or wikipedia might help ;P)
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