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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Thank you Kat! Remember that Hades has Argus, and with that the Heroes can figure out who you are. To dawh and Impervious: Wow...seriously? If "Y-san will boss you around" is the best argument you can think of...
  2. How have you earned victory over the Heroes? The Heroes have made rational moves and put the effort into reaching out to and helping the Independents. If anyone's earned victory, it's not the Olympians... Kat...you're breaking my heart...:cry:...;P
  3. You're right, but the goals of the Heroes are and have always been beneficial to 7 people, and their actions have demonstrate it. Hence hopefully those 7 people will support those goals. Edit: grammar
  4. So I summon Agememnon and nullify Zeus sending a message to Aphrodite? Works for me. Also, I think if our message gets through to Diomedes we should boost/kill...and use our remaining guesses to nullify Poseidawh's attack...but we have time to discuss over the Night I think... To Itachi: gotcha ...need a faster refresh rate on my computer then...;P Edit: gaaaahhhh...Kat...out of all days...why did it have to be today she's not online...XP
  5. Well, let's not go down that road...I know dawh always put in as much time and effort as he can, actually more than he should ;P, when he signs on to play a game. I'm not calling the shots. All I'm doing is trying to express clearly what the goals of the Heroes are and the logic behind choosing one side over the other. If I'm doing anything, it's showing that I am trying to achieve a victory as swiftly and smoothly as possible for the most people I can. Kat, GC, I hope you come in time :/ .
  6. Ah...come online Kat...ahhhh...XP My main fear is that someone will change their vote at the last minute...I'm not sure why Prof. T is voting with us, but he's been known to change his vote at the last minute...if he's Demeter, that makes sense...he wants a solid offering instead of a chance of one...maybe he's Diomedes though...I dunno...but if we can swing either Kat or GC I'm pretty sure it would be fine... Wow...I'm going to get like no work done today...XP...congrats Itachi on creating such an exciting game ;P
  7. Looks good to me. I'm working on modifying the hwad cipher so it's a little more natural (instead of actually working...lol XP)... But it looks like I might have been paranoid after all...*whew*...unless Bb is just toying with us and going to change his vote at the last minute... ...but we've been working on it one vote at a time...lol...*pant*...this is hard work! Note to self: Never become a lobbyist XP.
  8. Well, I would argue that Poseidon's abilities are the stalling ones (preventing killing, preventing sacrificing, etc) and Diomedes's abilities nullify the stall . AphroGuyte has active abilities, but she's already lost one ;P. Basically the Heroes can nullify the Olympian's abilities and with the help of the independents and their active abilities, it's a perfect synergy. The Heroes realized the benefit of a united victory with the Independents first, b/c it's the most synergetic for the Heroes, and b/c all along they have been careful not to do any harm on a potentially helpful independent, whereas the Olympians have been trigger-happily friendly firing. And that's not your fault as a player (you all have my respect as players ), it's actually because of the fact that you do have active abilities, so you can't choose the faction of the player you're targeting, whereas, the guess nullifies nullify exactly the faction they want to, i.e. guess about Zeus and nullify Zeus's action, instead of attacking Impervious who could or could not be a teammate or potentially helpful independent. And it's not just what you say, it's what you do. The Heroes have demonstrated this and their understanding of this. Kat, GC, hopefully you can see the sincerity of this and the desire of the Heroes to help both of you win which has been there all along.
  9. Lol...thanks Bb ;P And thanks to ST and Prof. T for seeing reason . Kat and GC: We would like the cooperation of either and both of you, in achieving a peaceful co-victory with you all. If you keep your vote, there is a chance you will be beyond our help . From the beginning, the Heroes have expressed nothing besides a desire to defeat the Olympians and win peacefully alongside the Independents. Kat, if you remember, I requested that Heracles stop torturing you, which hurt both of you since he was wasting his labors and you weren't getting to do anything. The Heroes also know that you are powerful and would ask your cooperation in the Night as well as the Day to expedite our happy united victory. So instead of leaving it up to chance, you have the power to help reach our united victory by changing your vote to IDNE. Edit: In response to Poseidawh...the Day's not over yet ;P
  10. Thanks . I only wish GC wasn't so busy and hence inactive......I think I'll try pleading to Kat when she gets back from school or whatever...anyways...do you want me to compose the message to Diomedes? I think it's ST, in which case they probably realize it too, but if not, it's best if we give him a code that won't make him obvious to the other team...like maybe a modified version of the Hwad code from Mafiaholics'. I'm pretty sure everyone knows to highlight now...(which is why I didn't go with that suggestion), so if Diomedes puts in a hidden message it pretty much gives him away. We want something that the other team might not realize is a code... We can use the vignere cipher to communicate with the person, but if they want to communicate with us, it's best if they don't use an obvious code...hmmm... Well, we'll see...
  11. Aw...and I thought you were a man of your word...or have you become a man of your wu-ord? ;P
  12. You're right. Thanks . I think you should send a message to Diomedes and then I can use my guesses to prevent Zeus from stopping you... Lol...ironically, as much as I talk about efficiency on the thread...I am totally kicking myself for not targeting AphroGuyte instead...I should have known Poseidawh would go after someone he hadn't targeted before...but I was playing it safe ...damn... One thing is really bugging me though...Bb...if he doesn't vote for you, he is playing totally irrationally, and based on some recent tension b/w him and me the only explanation is that he doesn't want to be on the same side as me...he wants to beat me...and of course he knows I'm not Hades and that means I'm on your team...it's really not fair to you and Diomedes to lose the support of Hades b/c of that...so...I'm considering withdrawing from the game......it's a great game, and it's been fun, but I don't want to hurt you by being here...
  13. Remember that Hades had an ability specifically designed to counter Zeus (Hermes...) ;P Talking about chances of winning...
  14. And I will guess that Zeus will guess that you will guess he is using Hermes... Question to Itachi: Does the player who gets chosen their summon back have to have been one that lost a summon? I.e. is the random selection of players out of the players who lost summons or out of all players, i.e. if a player at full summons is chosen, nothing happens? Grr...Bb is being annoying...<.<
  15. I think so too...;P...it's a waste of an ability use to target an indie, and I was just pointing it out as an example of which team has been more efficient. But I disagree that indies change sides easily...a team can easily maintain an indie on their team by making a sacrifice to that indie every 3 days, and of course they will to prevent the other team from recruiting indies. In fact, the intention of IDNE's team is to prevent the other team from having ANY indies sided with them at the end of the game, allowing all the indies to win with them.
  16. Well, either you or I...whichever we think is less counter-able ;P
  17. Basically, 7 ppl can win this game, 3 starting team, 2 indies on a team at the end of the game, and 2 indies who are independent at the end of the game. So, indies, pick a team you think is most likely to manage to recruit you or keep you from getting recruited by the other team. As long as you vote with that team, the other team will never get the majority needed to make an offering to you. IDNE's team has more nullifications than the other team, especially counting Diomedes's counters of Poseidon, making that team the better choice in my opinion. It's already been demonstrated by the successful number of nullifications of the other team by IDNEysseus and Nestor. Think about it.
  18. Lol...you sound like you are in communication with Zeus...;P...but no, I was just pointing out that you seem to know which team you're on...and Itachi wouldn't put something random in the game that isn't in the rules...he's a good host . Edit: And yes, as I pointed out, I'd pick the side that doesn't randomly fire on friends and potentially useful independents...XP
  19. Haha...sorry...it was based on the secret message sent by Oceanus, i.e. the "puzzle" you mentioned...since it was something only you and I had seen (well, besides Itachi of course ;P). It's okay though...it's not really a big deal...it was kind of fun thinking up all the Bleach references, lol... Oh, and good job stopping the messages from Hermes . That was a stroke of brilliance. And I have been totally amused over the amount of friendly-fire on their team... Although Heracles's apparent affinity for Impervious is really annoying ...
  20. Whether or not you trust IDNE, you can trust Itachi...the Night Post proves that dawh is Poseidon, since Poseidon was nullified and dawh was the only one nullified...and he's been siding with Impervious all along...and still is...also, if you notice that Zimpy successfully boosted Poseidon, meaning they know who each other are...although they friendly fired on poor AphroGuyte ... Ni deng zhi de ren shi wa, wa jia zhuong shi di wang, wa zhen shi lao tou. ;P Edit: And there's still plenty of time during the Day...
  21. Hey, IDNE...don't forget to vote . Ahh...ST has gone to the darkside...I'm trying to swing it with logic...we'll see how things turn out...
  22. True, but the funny thing is, AphroGuyte saved himself by doing that. Two mistakes apparently make a right after all . Nestor was probably expecting Poseidawh to attack IDNE, himself, or maybe even you again...
  23. You're wrong, based on what I've surmised, you want Heracles and Demeter as allies as well...they are strong ;P But even if they're not recruited onto IDNE's team, if they choose to support that side, they can prevent recruitment onto the other team, b/c the other team will never get the vote majority, and the bonus number of nullifications of IDNE's team will prevent Athena/Apollo from messing with the vote. Although only two Indies will be able to have BTSC at a time, the rest can communicate through the messenger summon, like IDNE did with Hades, and set up a coded message system, and the extra nullifications will prevent the other side from nullifying the messages ;P.
  24. I'm not saying anything about sides, but if we look at what has transpired, the team of Poseidawh and Zimpy has been randomly targeting and attacking people (Poseidawh attacked ST, remember?), whereas the team of IDNE has been pretty cautious and on-target with their actions. The Indies will win if they survive or win with a team, and their best chance is to support the team that isn't attacking them and won't...unless the join the other team. And I know IDNE has other teammates as well...and I'm wondering where they are right now...
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