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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. *Shrugs* actually it's probably more accurate to say my CPU cut me off at the knees... And the word I was confused about was "barely", which I know is not taking away, but to me, neither really is "collapsed"...the matter is still there, just in a scrunched up fashion...but that's probably just me. I'm running into the 'as I try to do these, I keep coming up with more of them syndrome'...
  2. The date is not relevant (other than a reference to the time of these events) to this puzzle, although it might come into play in later puzzles in this series, whose mantle will be taken on by B-kun in the late Y-san's place.... Excellent work! Good job to everyone who discussed and contributed . Now just finish up with 2 while I go finish the writing for 3 .
  3. Yeah...I was attempting to log on to post the answer to 2 but my netbook decided that was too many programs to run simultaneously and died. Oh well... Question: For the 7th one, am I right in thinking "collapsed" is the indicative word? I don't like to assume (unless it's going to be followed by a rigorous math proof ;P)...you know what they say about 'when you assume...' that is somewhat similar to this puzzle...
  4. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    At the end of this sentence there is a point.
  5. [spoiler=]Do I? Care to further x-PoUNd on that? Et, desolee, je ne suis pas Americain, je suis Chinois ;P
  6. Nice observations. I really should go back and read the thread more carefully...but there's the billion and one things I have to get done (most of them self-inflicted...including my own puzzle story adventure which the awesomeness of this has inspired me to...). The lovers...more animates or refering to Annabel and her husband? And the scarecrow and the "cornfield's errant knight" could be refering to the same thing, maybe...and the floppy hat...
  7. Yeah...I noticed that too...also the references to chess, which is also a grid...
  8. The chirality (or whatever the equivalent 'feetedness' term is), is not important. But good job on noticing all the different elements. The Witch of Secrets was on the right track, minus the spaces, and you've noted the missing elements. Now just put it together and make it add up to a nice number . By border, you mean country? If so...I officially declare war . Just kidding...I'm into the character, not the actor...although the good looks don't hurt, I suppose...*whistling*. But ironically, you're getting much closer to the solution to part 2...;P
  9. Um...neither? As an aside, you should sign up for my new
  10. Sorry about the repeated first screen...it's a remnant of first making a word document, which turned out to be too big to upload, and then attempting to copy-paste into google docs, which failed the first time (except apparently the first image), and then attempting a second, successful copy-paste. I'm not sure what blurriness you're talking about...the image is clear for me. As for the edges, those bars are repeated in the images above/below (use the numbers on the left for reference), so that you need only focus on the area from, like, the number next to the two yellow rectangles on top to the last number on the bottom. Yes, spaces refer to an empty space. Multiple (3) empty spaces indicated the end of a line.
  11. I've been feeling a little disheartened (by life) lately :/, and I'm really happy to see that there is still a good effort going here . Thanks. In return for the good work (discussing ideas is good too, sometimes I feel that people are hesitant to post unless they have an answer they are certain of...building off each other is a great way to interact and nothing feels better in the end than a team effort), here is a hint to make it a tiny bit easier...
  12. Very good! You even did the full analysis with calculus...hmm...I'm going to have to figure out a special symbol to give out...maybe the ITG double star?
  13. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Through my extensive years of gaining wisdom, I've finally come to realize that one will always think they have more wisdom than they do...as its impossible to know everything you don't know. :/
  14. Many games, in fact, probably most games, do not have an optimal solution or Nash equilibrium, that is, if a player chooses one strategy, his opponent(s) always can do better for themselves by changing to a different strategy. One such example is the infamous "which is the poisoned cup?" scenario, in which, for example, if the poisoner picks the strategy "he thinks I'm going to put it in his cup, so I'll put it in mine", then the poisonee is incentivized to move to the strategy "he thinks I think he's going to put it in my cup, so he'll put it in his, so I'll pick mine," and the poisoner then is incentivized to change to "he thinks I think he thinks..." and so on and so forth. However, there are strategies that, once adopted, force a local equilibrium, that is, the players involved have no incentive to change strategies. Now let's make this slightly more interesting...let's say that one cup contains water and the other coffee, which, due to its antioxidant properties *cough* makes the poison 20% less effective, that is, it will only kill you 80% of the time. Find equilibrium strategies for this scenario.
  15. Ohh...well, I would add triangles to like, anything, particularly on the inside, but that just might be the graphene growth analysis talking...;P
  16. No, you don't have to know anything about the game...and if I could make a Sphinx cry that would be awesome . It's like...making a banshee chuckle or a buddha lose their composure. Edit: And for the second part, its completed unrelated to stepmania, although it is related to one of my other loves...;P
  17. [With Respect To] and it's a+bi=a(1+Bi), where B=b/a. It's common for mathematicians to use capital letter to represent a newly defined coefficient that is related to, but not equal to, the old coefficient.
  18. Don't be silly...some of us never get away from math in our thinking...;P Thanks for the exercise, it was fun.
  19. What are the rules for the 'corner' pieces of the original triangle? For any non-triangular shape you're going to be left with 3 of that shape to construct more of that shape and then triangular corners. Do you add the shape to the corners like you did the original triangle?
  20. When that last spot is taken...hopefully soon . And what's with the avoidance of the number 8? In asian cultures it's lucky...
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