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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Smuggling round 5 begins now. Smuggling amounts must be submitted by 9pm CST tomorrow, 3/23. Thank you.
  2. Brainy was inactive. Calls for smuggling round 4 must be made by 9pm CST 3/23. Thank you.
  3. [spoiler='Smuggling round 3 results] North Team Phil - 195mil Panther - 91mil Flame - 40mil Team account - 325 South Team Framm - 0 Brainy - 50 Jay - 0 Team account - 499 Smuggling round 4 begins now. Smuggling amounts must be submitted by 9pm CST tomorrow, 3/21. Thank you.
  4. Anytime other after amounts have been submitted, i.e. in the last 48 hours of the 72 hour round.
  5. Phil was inactive. Calls must be made by 9pm CST 3/20. Thank you.
  6. Smuggling round 3 begins now. Smuggling amounts must be submitted by 9pm CST tomorrow, 3/18. Thank you.
  7. Since it was announced Phil was inactive, I assume you refer to the Flame and Panther. You only have enough funds to call doubt 100 on two players, anyways .
  8. 4.5 hours until calls for smuggling round 2 must be in.
  9. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    The spring is in your step b/c someone *cough* O:) put silly putty on the bottom of your shoes.
  10. Phil has been inactive. All other players have submitted smuggling decisions. Calls must be done before 9pm CST Sunday, 3/17. Thank you.
  11. Untitleddocument.pdf Can't find a way to post equations from google docs and converting to word messes up the formatting :/.
  12. Smuggling round 2 begins now. Smuggling amounts must be submitted by 9pm CST tomorrow, 3/15. Thank you.
  13. No you may cast as you wish, later calls override previous ones, the last one before the deadline will count for the final tally.
  14. You may call doubt on as many opposing players as you wish, however, only one player from your team may call doubt on each opposing player. Right now, it stands: North Team Phil - Doubt 100mil called by Framm Panther - Doubt 100mil called by Framm Flame - Doubt 100mil called by Framm South Team Framm - Doubt 6 called by Panther Brainy - Doubt 6 called by Panther Jay - Doubt 6 called by Panther
  15. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Honor goes to PG in remuneration to his imagined slights ;P.
  16. No inspection questions? Reminder: Calls must be done on this thread. Thank you.
  17. Smuggling decisions have all been submitted . The inspection part of the smuggling round may commence. Final calls must be made on this thread by Thursday, 3/14 at 9pm CST. Thank you.
  18. I believe the answer to those questions are in that paragraph . About 6.5 hours until deadline to specify how much you are smuggling. Power-play is allowed. If you fail to submit a smuggling decision, you will not be smuggling this round and it will be announced. Thank you.
  19. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    On that note... ...the root of all...
  20. A few addendums: If a player fails to submit their smuggling choice by the deadline (the first 24 hours of a smuggling round), then it will be announced at that time that they inactive. A player may not call for an amount greater than they can pay an indemnity for, i.e. a player may not call for an amount greater than twice what they have remaining in their personal account (their original account in enemy territory).
  21. Apologies, I accidentally left out a specification: Calls must be done in this game thread. The team may change their mind, the final call before the deadline will be the one taken. You may only smuggle money from your account, i.e. your 200 mil BD$. Smuggled money is deposited into a single account in safe territory. You may think of the safe territory as a neutral third territory bank, if you wish. The whole team decides what to call for each opposing player, but the player who posts the final call will be held as the Inspector for indemnity purposes. In response to your example: First, note that the maximum you may smuggle in one smuggling round is $100mil, so Chris's scenario would not occur. Alice would gain an indemnity of $50mil from the player that made the call, it is deposited into the team account in the bank in the safe territory. Bob's $100mil BD would be confiscated and deposited into the opposing team's account in the safe territory. Questions are always welcome . It is a much more interesting game when the rules are well understood .
  22. Round 4 Contraband Game All players have been loaned 200mil BD$. It must be returned at the end of the round, if players cannot return the full 200mil, they will gain a debt. Each player's money has been placed in a 'bank' in enemy territory. Players must smuggle the money out and deposit it into the 'bank' in safe territory. There will be 6 smuggling rounds, which will last 72 hours each. During the first 24 hours of a smuggling round, each player on each team must decide if they want to smuggle and how much they want to smuggle (in whole mil BD$ from 1 to 100mil). The opposing will attempt to intercept the money via 'inspection'. For each opposing player, they may: 1) Say "PASS" if they believe the player is not smuggling any money. If the player is smuggling any money, it will be deposited into the 'bank' in safe territory. 2) Call "DOUBT" and state the amount of money they believe the player is smuggling. - i) If the player is not smuggling money, then half the amount will be deducted from the 'bank' account of the player who called doubt and deposited into the smuggling team's account in enemy territory, as an 'indemnity'. - ii) If the amount called is equal or greater than the amount being smuggled, the money is confiscated and deposited into the inspecting team's account in safe territory. - iii) If the amount called is less than the amount being smuggled, the smuggling team will receive the full amount they were smuggling plus the 'indemnity'. Any money left in a team's 'bank' in enemy territory at the conclusion of the 6 smuggling rounds will be given to the opposing team. The money in each team's account will be divided equally among team members. A BTSC for each team will be set up. As always, each player is free to contact any other player in the game (CC me, please). Also, each team may ask 'Inspection Questions' of the other team in this thread after the initial 24 hours. In each smuggling round, one team will be designated to go first in the questioning. That team may ask a yes-no question in bold, italic cyan. Anyone on the other team may answer that question, and then the other team may ask a question in the same format. If the first team answers that question, they may ask another, and so on and so forth. During each smuggling round, once a team has answered at least 1 inspection question, they may ask the Liar Game official via PM to verify if ONE of the other team's answers is TRUE or FALSE. For each additional 3 inspection questions they have answered, a team may ask the Liar Game official to verify another answer. Liar Game BD Round 4 North Team: 1. Panther 2. Phil 3. Flamebirde South Team: 1. Framm 2. Brainiac100 3. Jay Smuggling round 1 of round 4 has started! BTSC's will be set up shortly. Smuggling amounts must be chosen by 9pm CST tomorrow, 3/12.
  23. Hmm...that's pretty clever, but after falling down a rabbit hole into a bizarre land where the Queen makes edicts on whim, maybe it's best not to assume that things like the order of the alphabet are the same as in the land you're from...or even that the custom is to order alphabetically by the first letter .
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