Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
Aaaahhh... well done!
6, 8(maybe not), 12 & 13 to be got still....
Slick: I am not terrorist. I was attacked first night by prisoners. Anymore evidence needed that I'm not a baddie? lol I vote Panther...
Ha people never like my posts! Thats just like GC Edit: Btw FOTH, my replies to CL there were also to answer you
True, this doesn't clear Sinistral BUT I still think Bb wouldn't have just chosen a player at random to frame as L. It would be too messy for his style... So I still think that Bb on Night 1 decided to see a random Task Force mamber name, got Sinistral, and knowing he was an innocent decided to frame him then. Think if Bb hadn't confirmed Sinistral's innocence? And say Sinistral was a baddie. Upon reading he was being framed as L, who would be top of Sinistral's list for those who would actually be L and doing the framing? Brandonb of course! It's a total Bb move. And Bb would have known he would be top of Sinistral's list. So would he risk picking a player at random to frame... I don't think so really. It's too messy no? Edit: Typos
Sure we could hope for that, would be a decent outcome, but we shouldn't bank on it. You're right sorry, I presumed he could kill Light by accident sorry.. What I meant was that the 1 who's vote was manipulated who we know is going to be killed in this Night Post, could be Ryuk... but my reasoning stemmed from thiking Light could be killed acidentally, which isn't the case so ignore that My point about Misa was that I thought she would be doing something different tonight, but now seeing PT's post, I'm not sure what to think. I mentioned what I thought Misa might do already. I don't want to talk about it too much in case the option hasn't been thought of by our DNH's... -------- Am going to just add that I think we have 2 suspects for Ryuk: -Rene83 = because of what Bb said, and as he was innocent, we can trust he was saying it for our benifit -woon = Ok, BL as Rem made two votes on inactive players. woon made a vote on a neighbour, both ended up voting for FOTH and both were poor reasons for voting. A link maybe?
Despite things not going exactly according to plan today I think the TaskForce are in a good position. We know at least 1 player will die tonight as the control over a vote the DNH's had means they got the True Name of a player right on Night 1. That would leave us at 6 vs. 3. I then think we should be careful as I think our DNH's will gain another Task Force member's True Name after tonight. Ryuk probably won't attack as he doesn't want to run the risk of killing Light (or maybe he does.. too many permutations ), it's a tough one Ryuk at the minute for sure... Also Light will now know who Ryuk is as Rem is dead. The one who's going to be killed tonight could still be Ryuk as DNH's might have decided to keep him alive after finding out he was Ryuk (Ryuk can't kill night 1). I doubt this though. Light could then try and kill someone else tonight... Worse case scenario but is that Ryuk and Light are both right with what they write in their Death Note (if that's what they decide to do) and that means another 2 Task Force members die. This would leave things at 4 vs. 3. During the day that would change to 4 vs. 2 as we lynch Misa. At that stage I think it would be a good idea for the Chief, Mellow and Near to take more risks on who finding a player's True Name... So if things do go as above, which is how I see the worst case scenario, then I still think us TaskForce are in a good position.
Like others have said unreality is prime target #1 for being Akatsuki at the minute. I thought he was since the first day so yeah, lets lynch him Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat -DEAD (executed and found to be Deidara) 6) Prince Marth - voting for Panther 7) Laharl - voting for unreality 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student - voting for unreality 10) woon 11) Panther - voting for Unreality 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Panther 13) GC - voting for unreality 14) Brandonb 15) FIF -DEAD (killed by Kakashi & Kabuto) 16) Wally West - voting for unreality 17) Sinistral
That's super unlucky people... I can't believe that. I think we all at one point wondered whether Sinistral was really L but not enough to question it properly, especially since Sinistral came out agreeing he was L... But it was a super clever tactic... probably devised by Bb as soon as he found out he was L. I think Bb's first action was to find a random Task Force Member name, so that he would have an innocent to frame as L. When he got Sinistral it was perfect as he guessed Sinistral would go along with it, seeing the advantages. One reason behind framing Sinistral, I think, was that I might have meant 1 or 2 Death Notes being wasted on him. One DNH and maybe one Shinigami would have put down Sinistral's True Name as "L" on their Death Note, causing it to fail and wasting another kill... this is of course only if the DNH had decided to try and rid the game of L. In general it caused (I'm sure) the DNH to be totally fooled, making them concentrate alot more on Sinistral. Bb is always a main target for people in the opposite faction from him, but with this for once the spotlight was off him. This would have been good for us TaskForce because of him being such an important player for us... It's a shame it had to happen, would have liked to have known what Bb was gonna put in the Night Post tonight. Our dear apple-holder choose wisely. Also I wonder what Wedy did? Did they choose to try and receive a message from L or did Wedy second guess our DNH's and Shinigami and try and make contact between L's successors?
Wow I'm actually raging I have to go to school... that was totally unexpected!
On a tactical note: I've been thinking of ways for TaskForce members to inform other TaskForce members of who they are. Why doesn't Sinistral, (if Wedy takes you up on suggestion [which obviously they should!]), as part of his message, include a way for Wedy to make his player name known to him? i.e Sinistral you could ask Wedy to say something specific or put some sort of pre-arranged code in one of Wedy's posts to let you know their player name... something inconspicuous obviously, but enough to make it obviuos to you that player x is Wedy? Any developments on this anyone can think of? Edit: clarification
Because of Yoruichi's recent post I'm going to vote sooner than I thought I would but it's better that I do... So yeah PT gets it. I don't want to seem to be jumping on the band wagon, because I'm not. I already was a bit funny on PT before GC's voiced his thoughts (I must say I'm a tad suspicious now of GC though.. ah godammit I'm confused ). I also don't want to seem to be hounding PT, but his 2nd last post added to my suspicion. He tried to explain and justify his quick vote in an odd way. Not making much sense here I know. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1) Dawh - voting for itachi 2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Brandonb 3) Sinistral 4) Cherry Lane 5) Grey Cells - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Itachi-san 7) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 8) Joe's Student - voting for Prof. Templeton 9) Rene83 10) Woon 11) FoolontheHill 12) Ben Law - voting for Joe's Student Edit: I'm not trying to lead a lynch against PT. My reasons for voting this way are more to do with feeling than fact so if I'm wrong I will hold my hands up.
Btw I'm not trying to cast suspicion on PT exactly, but you all know when you read something and just think, "there's something about that post I can't quite put my finger on". Well it was one of those just...
I must say congrats to Yoruichi.. this is extremly hard (in the best way). So far we have mini Bb/Itachi thing going on again, and I would prefer to avoid voting for one or the other. Although I agree with the view that Bb mentioning the clichéd trick of Itachi trying throw suspicion off himself as a tiny bit suspicious, I think if it was Bb trying to cast suspicion on Itachi, as a DNH himself, he would have realised people would have seen through it. To be clearer, if Bb (as a DNH) was trying to cast suspicion on Itachi by saying that Itachi selected himself/(was selected) in the Death Note, I don't think Bb would have brought it up as he would have realised people would be suspicious of him doing so (as PT and dawh are). So I believe Bb was merely saying aloud what he thought every one else would have thought anyway... maybe? But not as DNH and not trying to lay suspicion on Itachi. (Btw I'm not saying he's TaskForce either, I'm just saying that his quote isn't what we should go on to lynch somebody..) Am I making much sense here? Trying to construct these sentences so that they're clear is hard . ---------- Would just like to add that PT's Post in reply to Bb's thoughts struck me as... strange. Having now played a few games with PT it seemed a unlike him. I thought he seemed pretty decisive in his vote, his response to Bb's was the first, and he voted right away, without hearing any discussion on it... is that his usual style? I'm not making anything of it really but as we've so little to go on i thought it was best say whatever thoughts I had. And that was it, I thought PT's statement was odd. **Btw BenLaw thanks for giving me that lovely pink colour , was just waiting for something I could comment on. Even now I haven't got much to say
Any response FIF?
Like everyone else am going to go with Kat before I hear from PM... if PM turns out to be inactive I think the votes for PM should be changed to Kat, as PM wouldn't get defending himself. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF 2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru] 3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat 10) woon - voting for Dawh 11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth 12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Kat 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF 16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth 17) Sinistral - voting for Kat Would just like to say that I'm now suspicious of both woon and PG. There is clear evidence against Kat, so woon, if you're confused surley you should vote for the confirmed Akatsuki... super strange why you wouldn't no? And PG why would you vote for FIF again when we have a known Akatsuki in our midst... I'm confused by your post you say Frozen, then mention you will go for Kat, but vote for Frozen...
Roster: Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Dead][Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS voting for - dms172 4)woon -voting for- dms172 5)FIF 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172-akaslickster 8)limeliam - voting for dms172 9)silverheart - voting for dms172 10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T] 11)Slick-voting for- dms172 12)Reaymond -In Hospital: May Not Vote/Post 13)Panther - voting for dms172 14)foolonthehill [Dead:killed by Prisoners][Mission Handler]
Sorry PG.. totally right. guys i take back what i say, sorry SM.