Joe's Student
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I believe we have different interpretations of the mechanics of this problem. This wasn't my understanding. I assumed that the first Ctrl+V replaces the three typed A's since they're still selected, much like everyday word-processing software. In otherwords: - Ctrl+A selects - Ctrl+C copies - The three A's are still selected - Ctrl+V replaces the selected A's with pasted ones. That was the basis for my work, though your interpretation may well be correct. Maybe BMAD could clarify exactly how the process works? Edit: From BMAD's examples it looks to be the case that the typed A's are indeed replaced. However, your interpretation would make an equally interesting puzzle!
Also excuse the messiness again, working on it whilst I'm writing is never a good idea! Btw, is there a neat way of indicating the less-than-or-equal symbol?
Woke up this morning and came here to post exactly this! Beat me to it! I'll work some more on it
A quick solution. Bear in mind it's 4am here and this is my first post on BD in years, so forgive the terrible formatting! [spoiler=Not sure about an actual code, but it'll look something like this.]For N<8 it's just writing A N-times. When N>7 there are two cases: If N odd then S = { A*([N-1]/2), Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V*([N-1]/2)-1 } And if N even then S = { A*(N-2)/2, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V*(N-2)/2 } For any N>7 we look at N-2 to account for the Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C. The 'final' buttons pressed will always be Ctrl+V and so what we'll have is: S = { (string of A's), Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, (String of Ctrl+V's) }. We're looking for the two integers that sum to N-2 (one representing the A's pressed, and the other representing the Ctrl+V's pressed) that in turn give the largest number when multiplied. This is always given by the integer(s) closest to one half N-2, which is where the above formulas come from.
Things seemed to have cleared themselves up very nicely I knew there was something going on between Framm and GJ but where I should have seen innocence in it, instead I was suspicious of it. Night 2 is going to be tricky. An obvious vote in DN. I considered leaving mine where it is, but in case of a baddie bandwagon and China's influence it's best if I change it. Could someone do it for me because I'm on my iPhone where I can't manipulate colours and use quotes.. sorry.
I don't see why you would want to point this out... if Sweden didn't realise this before, they do now.
I missed this. Don't think I would have voted for Segul had I seen this, not sure, but it's sitting there at the minute, I'll leave it for the time being.
Speak up Segul Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Blahblah - Voting for Framm 2. DarthNoob 3. Hirkala - Voting for Blablah 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS - voting for Segul 6. Framm - Voting for DN 7. Petrus 8. Segul - Voting for Petrus 9. maurice - IMPRISONED by Australia until N2 10. firno - Voting for DN 11. golfjunkie - Voting for DN
A quick question araver: 1) Can Australia imprison themselves? And now to my vote... It appears as if there's a toss-up between two players, whether to believe one or the other. I agree with Framm in that what you said GJ maybe wasn't the wisest thing, for your own sake . There's also an apparent coherence between Framm and GJ, or not, can't tell yet. DN, it doesn't look good for you. In your favour you haven't gone and said what GJ did, unfortunately for you though he's made a bold claim that it's hard to look beyond. If I didn't feel there was something funny that I can't figure out about the DN-GJ-Framm triangle my vote would be a clear one for DN. He could well still be guilty, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more to the aforementioned triangle.. there's still plenty of time A filler vote for now, I'll be on for the rest of the evening to act on the whole DN/Framm/GJ scenario, he's still in the lead to get lynched, I'm going to focus my attention elsewhere. Firno, I was just about to vote for you then I saw your latest post, thought you had voted and then ran. I agree with you about Segul. Segul, do you know something about DN that we don't? Not so much your vote that raised suspicion, more the comments beforehand, they were a bit obscure...
Finally at my laptop! Had to negotiate metres of snow and then my firewall gave some trouble . Anyway hello, don't think I've played with too many people here before, looking forward to it.
If nobody minds Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Blahblah 2. DarthNoob 3. Hirkala 4. EDM 5. JS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Special backup (replacement for assassinated player) 12. slick Other backups. 1. Molly (After the new year) 2. 3.
I've been waiting all my BrainDen-life on this thread <3 yet it appears during the one month I leave . I've spent hours reading it all. Took the quiz, (was US-centric for me but still interesting), and no real surprises to anyone who knows my stand on things. You are a far-left moderate social libertarian. Left: 8.68 Libertarian: 2.88 Foreign Policy: -8.72 Culture: -6.37 On healthcare; I think it's a basic right of every human being, regardless of creed, colour or social standing. I find it strange how governments and countries can justify running the health of people as a market. It's not a market. People's lives aren't the basis of a 'market' in which to make money. There should be no value placed upon an individual's life, no cost placed upon examinations, treatments or operations - even having a system based on health insurance I find extremely immoral and disgusting. On Globalisation/Free Trade: Having complete globalisation with trade barriers are incompatible ideas. Globalisation is a product of Free Trade (or in some cases vice-versa). Both are harmful to both the poor and middle-classes, by eradicating the most of the middle-classes and widening the gap between rich and poor. If you lived in a settled, equal world, globalisation/free-trade would be ideal, but implementing them before this utopia has been reached would place an even greater burden on people in poverty. Though I fear I've come too late but it was enjoyable reading your debate with UtF . His extremity in valuing material possessions over human life was pretty scary .
I'm in. Hosts: Unreality & Frost 1) Filly 2) Golfjunkie 3) Framm 4) Molly Mae 5) Blablah 6) Izzy 7) yuiop 8) MissKitten 9) JarZe (unconfirmed) 10) Klose 11) JS etc... Backup: 1) LJ
Thanks unreality (once again) for a great game. I'd love to play another. There were two stand out things for me in this game: 1) that as someone else I think mentioned, there wasn't a time frame for each hour. Even a hazy one would have suited me better maybe. 2) And this is more to do with me, but I guess I didn't fully grasp the nature of game right away. It took me a while to realise that there was no fixed way to play it, that it wasn't so much a case of Ask someone what did at this time? and where were you at that time? etc. The mechanics weren't clear to me, and I was slow to catch up on them. That's why I want another go . Also, a quick question to whoever can answer: How much could we as players bend the rules as we went along and change the storyline. For example, when Izzy was passing instructions to dawh, was this something that unreality said could be done, or something interpreted by you Izzy? And Izzy, well played . You did it brilliantly. What made you have dawh kill me off? Again as an example of my question above, was this something you took upon yourself, or was it pre-ordained that you could kill someone off using dawh? I'd be lying if I had said I had anything concrete on you, but I only suspected you. I didn't suspect anyone else really because we were all on a level playing field, ie everyone had a motive, means, and something to hide, so nobody stood out except you. And you only stood out because, you knew everything pretty much, always one step ahead, like a good murderer . Again I had nowhere near anything concrete, and I definitely wasn't going to guess any time soon because this was just a feeling, and it probably could, and would, have changed down the line. But yeah, great game everyone, I really enjoyed the role playing, that added something to it, it was hard getting out of the habit of usin' the ole a-pos-tro-phe
I'm afraid I'm going to have to respectfully disagree here . I have a completely different view of the British Media. Yes compared to most American outlets they infinitely better, but the reason I have both such distrust and dislike of the British Media is that, in my eyes, it has this veil of respectability, appearing to be reasonable and catering to both sides. Yet the majority of the mainstream media (bar maybe the Guardian in the print media and Channel4 news for television - though they are by no means perfect) is neither reasonable nor caters to both sides. They are right-wing outlets (which would be fine except that the reason for this is that they are owned by big business), that for the most part supported Iraq and Afghanistan wars, support Israel etc. But because they come across as being reasonable the general public accept that what they are reporting is an unbiased, objective view of a situation - it is harder to question their message, and their ability to sway public opinion is masterful. Which is worse imo that US media which, with a bit of awareness, can be seen through. Just to illustrate what I'm saying: http://www.glasgowme...ntent/view/4/2/ <---- A report by Glasgow University on the reporting of Israel/Palestine conflict in by British Media. Worth a look, far more succinct in explaining my point. Oh and that's great how you knew about Bloody Sunday, but, and this is only from my own experiences and the experiences of my peers, which are obviously not widespread but enough to form an opinion, your insight is would be rare. And I don't think it's a coincidence that you know about WikiLeaks as well. But don't get me wrong, it's great you had the view on Bloody Sunday. And back to WikiLeaks: WikiLeaks founder breaks cover
[Reno Starkey] (Dockhand) Don't know about y'all, but I ain't no rich guy, I ain't no artiste - I ain't any of them fancy things. I work 60 hours a week, I have a wife and kids who rely on my paycheck and there ain't gonna be no food on their table if I can't get home. Hell I'm up here longer than a dry season in the desert as it is, I'd wanna be gettin' home even if there was no Mrs. Starkey and no little Starkeys. So to me all this funny business is just in the way of that, and I wan' it cleared up as soon as it can be. I can help, so if anyone be interested in what some people be callin' "alliances" - I just be callin' it gettin' off this damn ship - then come talk to me.
I think WikiLeaks is great, for most of the reasons already mentioned. I read the helicopter story on the Guardian when it came out, the video really is horrifying. The truth about a similar incident, Bloody Sunday, to do with an army, this time British, murdering unarmed civilians in Derry, Ireland, was made official where I live recently. It was a momentous day, as although the events unfolded 38 years ago, since then media-led propaganda painted those murdered as gun-waving terrorists, and the murderers as brave soldiers backed against a wall. A £200m ($400m) enquiry, The Saville Report, finally revealed to the wider public what had been known by the oppressed/open-minded/educated minority. It showed the extent to which the media's influences both our version history and our socio-political outlook. David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, sounded shocked when speaking about what he had read in the report. He leads The Conservative Party, and openly said, "The 1970's [relating to Bloody Sunday] was a period I learnt about, not lived through." On first glance that statement is meaningless, but his education of the 1970's would have came from right-wing, government-supporting news outlets. He went on to apologise on behalf of the government to the families of those killed. The actions of the soldiers on Bloody Sunday, although lightly questioned, were never really put under the microscope, and those without the proper awareness would have taken the official British Government line on the days events as the complete truth. Just like David Cameron. That day shaped Northern Ireland for the next 20 years. So did the media during that period. The source of news-censorship on ongoing wars comes from The Vietnam War. The reason barely any American will have heard the helicopter story, is, as you both have made clear, that it paints a negative picture. Although there were numerous reasons for America's pull-out out from Vietnam, one of them was that journalists and reporters had a free pass at the time to film, photograph and write about whatever they came across. Inevitably the atrocities perpetrated made their way to the West and became part of the pressure that caused to Nixon pull out. But that was the last time widespread reporting of their offensives was permitted by America and its allies. But that brings us to a new problem. You're right dawh, America's foreign policy is idiotic, but only if it's aim is to make peace. Referring again Orwell's 1984, Oceania is constantly at war with either Eurasia or Eastasia, which is a very similar situation to the US. The US's economy needs the country to be at war. The Defense sector contributes massively to your GDP whilst also being the fastest growing sector of your economy. From Haliburton, Lockheed Martin and the other huge 'defense' multinationals, to the smaller corporations that are fed the sub-contracts and sub-sub-contracts. Without both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq this portion of your economy would not have contributed half as much. It's an argument that scares me personally. Admittedly this was Bush-era 'politics' but even so, where would America be without War? So I would contend that America feeds it citizens the stories of soldiers' heroic deeds against the armies of "freedom haters" and cover-up those less tasteful, because it needs its people to not question but support its wars for as long as possible, because without them it would incur a bust not unlike the dotcom bust of the nineties. And the US isn't alone in arms industry-led economy. The main reason Israel avoided the global financial meltdown was because its economy is heavily reliant on both the defence and technology industries. And so why then does Israel have so many "enemies" and "threats"? Anyway, I went off on a tangent there. Those involved with WikiLeaks are extremely brave, I'd love to have the courage to do work of that nature.It's really honourable stuff.
Fancied Hex4Dash9 myself, wasn't quick enough either dawh yuiop-Detective A - angry, insistent, by-the-book, impatient, wants answers DudleyDude-Detective B - chill, laid-back, stoned out of his or her mind, but has interesting insight Joe's Student - Reno Starkey (Dockhand) - practical, rough around the edges, just getting dough for the wife and kids back on Earth Human Servant - careful, precise, very professional and always snaps to attention of Rombridge; rises in the ranks to be personal manservant to such an important guy Mr McCudgeon - victorian royalty, distant cousin of the prince. A heavily bewhiskered man who's here to pretend to be nice while gleaning pieces of informational meat to use in his business of interstellar commerce (being the CEO of Star Merchants Incorporated) GMaster479 - Mrs McCudgeon - his wife; this is the person that gets drunk way before everyone else Chief Mlaku - leader of the human tribespeople that have assimilated into the local flora and fauna of the forest planet of Shoshth; Mlaku is very strange (and it's a running joke that the gender is unknown) and talks in somewhat broken english with even stranger social customs Maw(dry) Mivvelton - renowned poet(ess) and painter. Cliche artistic bohemian to the point of being a sellout. However, his/her work is absolutely loved by Rombridge and he invites him/her to every party and event like this Abhisk - Jicochi - yep some punk kid with an astro-harpoon managed to break in with a video camera to prove his/her stunt to his/her friends back at the one of many orbital space station residence units. Except the video camera may have captured useful footage… Framm 18-Captain(ess) Fleur - the sharp-eyed captain of the LEVIATHAN, Rombridge's ship, and a renowned ex-space-stunt(wo)man. The only person here qualified for an exterior shell traversal procedure. Fleur is an extremely stubborn Baptist straight from Kentucky, drawl and all filly678 - Al the Random Person - this person had no clue what their name was until they saw it on their wallet ID along with 500 dollars in cash. They have no idea how they got here. Their name wasn't on the guest list. They've become sort of the interesting focus of the party, with all the rich patrons eager to hear & gossip about this development dawh - Hex4dash9 - special all-purpose synthetically-intelligent servant robot. TALKS IN ALL CAPS. Has to follow a certain list of rules only known to h4-9
First BD post in a while Host: Unreality 1) filly678 2) GMaster479 3) dawh 4) DudleyDude 5) Izzy 6) Framm 18 7) yuiop 8) Glycereine 9) LJayden 10) Abhisk 11) JS
Well for a start I could only be one baddie because of what happened Night 1, but I'm not him. In otherwords I'm can't be a Prisoners. I have no proof about my role, other than I have been rather effective during this game... Host: Mekal Co-host: Brandonb Ship Manifest: 1) Kat - DEAD Lynched, Found to be: Room Cleaner 2) Akaslickster-voting for JS 3) Scsw - DEAD Killed by: Prisoners 4) Limey voting for GMaster479 5) RainThinker- voting for JS 6) Abhisk - voting for GMaster479 7) GMaster479 - voting for JS 8) underground_dan voting for Limey 9) woon - DEAD Killed by:Prisoners 10) crazypainter- DEAD Killed by: Prisoners 11) SG - DEAD Lynched, Found to be: The Framer 12) Marth - voting for JS 13) GC - voting for GMaster479 14) JS - voting for GMaster479 And, sorry did Gmaster get away with this b/c he said he wasn't going to be around. What a great defense. People just have it in for me .