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Everything posted by unreality

  1. I love your personal statement :D Though shouldn't "discriminate you" be "discriminate against you"? Just a minor detail

  2. Hehe :D Actually it's not my real birthday, sorry to disappoint ;D June is the month, though

  3. I saw your sig, but I just don't know if I'm ready to risk my life for justice :P Hehe jk. Yeah I'm probably too busy, though I'm trying ABR4 to see if my schedule can take the abusive, addicting game that is Mafia, cuz I might host soon :D

  4. So each pirate knows the amount offered to the other pirates? And the Captain's proposal format is like this? "Vote off a, offer x gold to b, y gold to c, z gold to d, etc". The pirates that accept get their gold as well as contribute the captain's vote, and those that vote against it do not get the gold amount. And they hear what each pirate is bribed? thanks for all the clarifying
  5. unreality

    Mekal: I'm not that interested in starting a debate with you, to be honest. Mostly because we're Brainden buds, and it would be dumb to ruin that We can agree to disagree. I was riled up before, and even sent a PM to my atheist buddies (hehe ;D), though I'm riled down now
  6. unreality

    *imagines holy music surrounding an Oreo* Now we know the origin of their divine taste
  7. That's really all we have to go on at this point Who do you suspect?
  8. unreality

    What do you mean, how do we know? There's so much evidence it would fill a warehouse with books and tanks and bottles and petri dishes. If you're implying that our entire perceptions are altered in a way that "nothing is true" and "nothing is real" then nothing would be real, including evolution (and including your god). Rene Descartes tackled this problem, and concluded that the outside world exists because sensations come to him without him thinking of producing them.... and if it doesn't, it's all our brains know, and is very consistent, so it's "real" to us either way. And in this world, evolution is very very real, undeniably in fact, unless you are going to shut out your mind to the evidence in favor of outdated beliefs Like what? I can say the same thing about Zeus, and back it up just as well. Probably better. But evolution is different, in that the evidence is actually valid Those are big questions, that have been tackled for many many years. You know that. We all know that. There are zillions of theories, I'm not going to recount all of them. But the fact that nobody has any definite answer doesn't suddenly make your own answer right lulz. What about Zeus or Buddha? And why is a god needed to explain this stuff (in the following quote)? It's not. Closer to the sun = more energy. Evolution There are a lot more reasons too (all evolutionary), but I suspect your question was theoretical and you don't actually want to know. If you do, it's very logical.... if a true grew in some other direction or in a completely different manner, due to mutations, combined chromosomes from mating, etc, it would die out, and the "victorious genes" would prevail onward. Evolution is very simple, and not random at all. Trees are only the way they are because that's the type of shape and growth that the conditions favor(ed). If something different had happened zillions of years ago perhaps, they would look completely different and we would wonder why they were like that (if we existed, that is) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...18144214AAc2Dd6 This really has no relevance to anything religion-related lol Though I might add that it's an instinct from evolution. If you think that evolution doesn't exist, birds shouldn't fly in a V-shape at all. But they do. (Or you could say "well Zeus wanted them to fly in a V-shape, that's why they do"... that's when the question WHY is appropriate ;D) basic psychological behavior, evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago, mostly in Africa but partly in groups that had migrated to Asian areas. Sticking in groups increases chance of survival (think herds of zebras; it's the same thing) and of course more things spring from there, emotions and whatnot springload off of it, etc And your point is? Are you suggesting that if we can't figure something out, we should give up and say "oh well that's how Zeus wants it to be. We can't figure something out, so no reason to even try anymore, it's just Zeus's whim or Zeus's Big Plan"? I don't think so, and I hope that's not your mentality, cuz it's a sucky one to have. It's actually called 'God of the Gaps' and a typical apologist behavior... ie, "You scientist morons don't know why seeds are arranged in pentagons within an apple core? THAT MUST BE EVIDENCE FOR GOD!!!" That was just random example off the top of my head, we do know why apple seeds are arranged in pentagons, it has to do with the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Numbers and their recurrence in nature (something which is very fascinating, and also explainable, if you were going to jump on the God of the Gaps bandwagon again ;D) I agree. Words are words, and math is math - nature is built upon math, though it's mysterious as to whether math is manmade, naturemade, or a mix of both. Clearly one thing and one thing make two things, so I would say that nature definitely plays a role here uh, why? Cuz 2+2=4? If 2+2=5, everything would be different, and 5 would be the new 4. Maybe 4 would be 17 and 17 would be 1548126 and 1548126 would be 5. Does it really matter? They're just names Your reasoning for "everything comes down to god" is fallacious, and probably based on the Argument from Design. It goes something like this: 'You see a beautiful, intricate sand castle on the beach. Would you expect it to be a product of sea and sand caused by the random processes of nature? No, you would expect it to have been made by a person. Now look at the world. Someone had to design the universe. It was Zeus' First, jumping from "someone had to do it" to "it must've been Zeus" is fallacious in its own right, but let's ignore that and move to the larger point: At first this seems appealing, but in fact almost all Christian apologists have moved away from it because of its flaw that is realized when you think about it for... a couple of a seconds. Basically it boils down to: "if every complex, beautiful, intricate thing has to be created by a higher-leveled intelligent entity (by the theist's own definition), then Zeus must be created by a higher-level entity too. And that entity must be created by a higher entity, and so on and so forth." It doesn't disprove Zeus, but it entirely blows to shreds your argument for his existence, unless you want to adjust your beliefs to incorporate an infinite ladder of Zeuses, stretching on back forever. But then why not have a universe with no beginning? Much simpler. And the 'sand castle' analogy can be applied to life on earth, however what is misunderstood is that evolution actually will produce that 'sand castle' over a long period of time (not a literal 'sand castle', but some complex organism or whatever). In life, everything you see around you starts out simple and grows, evolves. Even you, from the moment of your conception to your cell growth and birth, etc. Everything starts out simple and grows to be very very complex. That's how we have eyes. That's how we have brains and arms that can build sand castles. That's why nature is full of metaphorical 'sand castles'. Complexity is an emergent pattern quote: No, we do not know if he is real... but nor we do know if he is not. That is why you may not believe in God and I might. unquote I agree. The fact that it cannot be proven either way makes it frustrating to show truth to people who have been blinded by conformity or parentage or what have you. However neither can it be proven that I have an invisible, undetectable dragon in my garage quote: That paragraph is SO going on my Sig... unquote My suggestion: don't put it in your sig You will probably get unwarranted PMs from various atheists picking holes in your statements and showing you all of your logical fallacies and where your reasoning falters note: this may get deleted by Martini, so I coped it in case you want to move to the religious debate
  9. unreality

    Nice How does China go to Jesus? lol
  10. To clarify, the Captain makes all the bribes (one bribe to each pirate, 0 gold to a pirate that he's not bribing) at the exact same time, and the bribes are accepted/denied non-sequentially without the pirates knowing what the others were bribed or if they accepted/declined?
  11. Nobody died, interesting... maybe the villains are quaking in their shoes . Or maybe it's a tactic - because now we have nothing to base a lynch off of. But that's a stupid tactic, cuz there's not that much on the first day anyway Does anyone have any suspicions?
  12. unreality

    nice ones, jane! yes i made it up and yes it sucks too. Hehehe
  13. I'm still very busy Which is why I won't be on much, but at least once per 24h at the minimum.
  14. Ooh good play, Dawh And very true about the disadvantage... when it gets down to 2 people, obviously you will X the other person and Z yourself, the question is what to do with your Y. Even with a SP difference, either person could win, but having a higher SP going into the 2-person endgame is crucial as well The game gets much simpler to analyze when it hits 2 people, thus your main strategy for the end of the game should be happening now, when there are three people ;D
  15. no problemo I can't wait to slaughter you innocent little - oops lol jk. I get to be a good guy for once ;D The evil mentality just sticks, I guess
  16. is there a definition of a "least common power" rather than "least common multiple"? Is such a thing even possible, other than x0 = 1 = y0, which must be excluded Is there any power of 2 that equals a power of 3? (other than 1 of course)
  17. unreality

    nice Pamphlet -> Pirate : 3 clicks (Giterdone, RiceCake), runner up 4 clicks (Unreality, Sinistral) Fruit Punch -> Robot : 3 clicks (Sinistral), runner up 4 clicks (Unreality) Barney -> Ninja : 4 clicks (Sinistral, Rossbeemer), runner up 8 clicks (Kioshanta) Oreos -> Necromancy : 3 clicks (Rossbeemer), runner up 5 clicks (Kioshanta)
  18. I have no clue, sorry. Whenever I think I have enough free time. I won't be able to get on much because of school and various other stuff, so I dunno...
  19. ~~~ Round Seventeen ~~~ Dawh X: Panther Y_Z: dawh Z: dawh Panther X - Dawh Y_X - Panther Z - Panther DMS X: Dawh Y_Y: Panther Z: DMS Dawh +2, -5 : net -3 Panther +1, -1 : net 0 DMS +1, -0 : net +1 Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 2 2) Panther - 8 3) DMS - 8 -1 from all Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 1 2) Panther - 7 3) DMS - 7 Good luck in Round 18! Dawh's gonna need it
  20. I am stepping in for CP, to let everyone know
  21. Oh it's good ol basic Mafia as in no stats or RPG elements involved. No crazily new elements. I had a few ideas for some drastically different systems, but dismissed them. The voting process is essentially the same as I introduced in Mafia 1 Though most of the roles, and some of the concepts, are very different than you've seen before And there's more ambiguity and mystery - it's not just who is what role, but what each role does. I don't provide the exact role descriptions except to the person that has the role
  22. Well I've pretty much finalized everything Not sure when it'll start, though definitely after ABR4 (which I've just replaced CP in ;D)
  23. He did, which is why Dawh had -3 (-1 from DMS, -2 from you) Yeah I'm not exactly sure why he did that
  24. slick: JS was just kidding This will have about 17 spots everyone else: cool ;D Also it is nothing like previous games (and it's not the Mafia VII ruleset, which we still haven't played ), so mentioning roles in other games doesn't matter - this is something completely new and different I've been coming up with
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