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Everything posted by unreality

  1. I guess it's better than lynching a more active innocent, but losing an innocent still sucks Should we have any strategy tonight, or just each his own?
  2. alright then Actually I was just going to vote for Mekal, because he seems to be the popular vote Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for unreality 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat - voting for Mekal 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for Mekal 9) Joe's Student - voting for unreality 10) woon - voting for Wally West 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Panther 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Mekal 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West - voting for Panther 17) Sinistral - voting for Panther sorry Mekal, but I've yet to hear a peep from you in defense
  3. So I won't lose a Defense for not voting? And I'm glad to be here (for however short a time before these guys conspire to lynch me for no reason lol)
  4. You played a good game The Final Three is a big accomplishment ;D *Unreality swoops in, clears all the bodies from the Duel Chamber, leaving just Panther and DMS staring at each other, ready to flick their wands into action at the slightest twitch*
  5. He wasn't asking for more information, I can bring up quotes if you'd like. He accused me from the getgo - to NOT act defensive would be ridiculous. What did you want me to do? Laugh him off and say "haha I know you're just kidding about voting for me, I'm not even going to bother to counter your points, haha"? That's not me, and you know it You have yet to see a REAL defensive mafia ploy come from me (think lostpedia mafia 'The Cult' game hosted by TheWhispered on LP, if you know what I'm referring to) anyway, itachi, did you see post 91?
  6. CL: I also fixed up woon's all-green voting declaration As for who I should vote for - well I have no clue, to be honest. Itachi, since I'm leaving in a little bit and won't be back until later, can I not vote and also not get marked down for inactivity? Cuz I've been very active today, I just have no voting target in mind and will be gone during the final hours
  7. Actually I have the feeling that if DMS weren't gone, he knew that Dawh was going to die no matter what, so in knowing that the game was turning individual, he would've obviously done this: DMS X: Dawh Y_Z: DMS Z: DMS rather than supporting Panther's Y which was going to kill Dawh no matter what. Thus DMS is +2, -1 with a net of +1, and the stats going into round nineteen: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Panther - 8 2) DMS - 7 Who will win? Can Panther's slight advantage ensure him the victory? I don't think so. Strategy will be needed ;D
  8. fixing up the roster: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality <- was voting for me cuz she had no suspicions, remember ;D 2) Mekal - Voting for Kat 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student - voting for unreality 10) woon - voting for Wally West 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West - voting for Panther 17) Sinistral
  9. ~~~ Round Eighteen ~~~ Dawh X: DMS Y_Y: Panther Z: Panther Panther X - Dawh Y_X - Panther Z - Panther DMS X: Dawh Y_Y: Panther Z: DMS (DMS should be back after this... he predicted he'd be gone around turns 15-17 and pre-sent his moves but it turned out to be 15-18, so I'm using his same move from rounds 16 & 17. This works out perfectly because it's about 3:00ish, which is the usual time for updates during the weekday (and tomorrow starts the week)) so... Dawh +0, -9 : net -9 Sorry Dawh ;D Panther +2, -0 : net +2 DMS +1, -1 : net 0 Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 0 2) Panther - 9 3) DMS - 7 -1 from all Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 0 2) Panther - 8 3) DMS - 6 Goodbye Dawh It was a fun game! Cya round the Den ;D Duel Master: Unreality 1) Panther - 8 2) DMS - 6 The two above players have been surviving the game since the beginning [other than Panther being controlled by CL for two turns] ... now it's come down to the final two!!! Who will emerge victorious, and who will be left behind with the others that have fallen in this intense Mage Duel? Only rounds nineteen and on shall decide! The Round Nineteen results will come in about 24 hours ;D
  10. Good observation. I forgot that I took over for CP And obviously I can't really defend anything CP said, but let's face it, she didn't always make much sense in mafia games, sometimes that was even her strategy. I agree that what she said sounds suspicious, in fact incriminatingly so. First let me say that I didn't think you could come through with anything substantial, so good job (Though I see you are still holding onto the suspicious "extra" evidence card [the 'unknown knowledge' card, ie, saying that you have a reason to suspect someone that you are not saying so as to make others discover evidence themselves while you may not have had any in the first place]), sorry for doubting you in that regards ;D Anyway, back to CP. (Wait another tangent: why should I not respond with a long post? You made a serious accusation against me, on the first day. Of course I'm going to respond). I cannot defend or justify anything she said before she quit the game [obviously], though I am going to say that it would be unnecessarily cruel to villainify me based on what my previous compatriot said, being that it doesn't make much sense, even to me - because I'm a good guy! I have no idea why she said what she did. I have a suspicion as to why, actually two (1) her previous role (also innocent) had BTSC contact with another player. <- that's just one possible reason. I'm not sure what game she played last time, but when I have the time I'll find out and check it out (2) it has to do with our role (CP's and now mine). The nature of it is that we want to fish out bad guys. In fact I don't understand every intricacy of the role yet, but I know the basic gist and goal. And that means CP probably didn't grasp the idea any better than me when Itachi first PMed it. CP may have sounded too baddyish in her attempt to succeed at the role's abilities. I can't really say anymore or it would give the role away, but I swear I am innocent Now what about you, JS? Do you have any defense? On the first day, you are deliberately and unswayingly attacking a specific person, and playing some suspicious cards while doing so. I'm not voting for you, but my suspicion level has definitely increased
  11. Instead of vaguely saying "oh I picked up on stuff" and not saying what you picked up on (so that I can debunk it, because I assure you I'm not Akatsuki), actually give some cold hard evidence. Even a quoted post would be fine. But saying something like "oh I picked up on something... you know..." without elaborating is a crucially bad play, and you know this and I know this and you know I know this and I know you know this... making such vague sweeping statements in an attempt to get others to 'search' for something 'bad' I said is a very suspicious thing to do. So how about you back up your statements, and I will let it pass Oh, so you think I was defending Kat? And so you think Kat was suspicious and that's why I am suspicious? But your reason for Kat being suspicious is me defending her while being suspicious? That is circular reasoning, my friend It's like saying "Supose broccoli tastes good. Thus Broccoli Pie tastes good... because broccoli pie tastes good, it proves my assertion that broccolis taste good" You're connecting 2 and 2 and getting Santa Clause, JS ;D If you abandon the faulty bouts of logic and give some actual reasons for voting for me, I will happily comply Furthermore, I was not defending Kat in any way. That should be obvious to anyone unless you are willing to twist my words. My original defense was Kat was based on an intution I had regarding my role and what hers could be (both good), though I could be wrong of course, and so I didn't push it that hard and even agreed to vote her off, cuz it was the best course of action. If you look, I was very willing to vote her off when it was best for the group... that's because I'm not defending her! Jeeez. She was the best pick to leave.... however when she returned I sensibly withdrew my vote, as should all of you. The metagame-level problem of inactivity has passed, so we need to start focusing on more concrete evidence.
  12. Now I have no clue who to vote for... Mekal seems as good a pick as any, but I'd rather hear him defend himself first before jumping with GC & FIF
  13. thanks for coming back, Kat I'm withdrawing my vote of course Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal - Voting for Kat 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther - voting for GC 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral
  14. changing Kat(?) and Kat/Sparandas to just Kat Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal - Voting for Kat 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - Voting for Kat 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther - voting for GC 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral don't come back just for us - come back only if you want to edit: If you do come back, I for one will remove my vote
  15. updated roster: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal - Voting for Kat/Sparanda 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat/Sparanda 5) Kat(?) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - Voting for Kat/Sparanda 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther - voting for GC 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Kat/Sparanda 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat/Sparanda 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral wait, why does it say Mekal is voting for Kat? Did he switch or not vote for anyone?
  16. Bad move, my friend. I'm not sure how many mafia games you've played, but it's a bad idea to vote randomly Good - there is a logical reason for Kat to go now, so that's what we should do. She could even be a villain Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat/Sparanda 5) Kat(?) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for Kat/Sparanda 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther - voting for GC 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat/Sparanda 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral
  17. unreality

    lol I didn't know that was a window
  18. unreality

    I could not believe that African Flora and Fauna (which listed like every wildlife in Africa) did not have flamingoes!!
  19. Very good point. I don't think it's a good idea to randomly vote for Laharl (though I commend Dawh for starting up the voting process ), although I'm hesitant to place a vote for Kat too. In an in-game aspect, I may or may not have additional knowledge, but since the main basis of voting for her is on a metagame level, I think we should be fair and wait until x amount of time until Itachi can find a replacement. If he does, we don't want to have piled up votes for someone because of that and not have enough time to retract them in lieu of a more calculated choice. If he doesn't find a replacement after x hours, then we should definitely vote for Kat, as she'd be more use to us dead (with role revealed, giving us some info) rather than alive (and inactive, with nobody to play her, and someone else lynched instead that may have been good). So it comes down to... how long is 'x'? How long do we wait before voting off kat? Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat(?) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat/Sparanda 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral In case I don't get on in enough time tomorrow, I'm voting for myself. Otherwise I'll change it when I get on
  20. Interesting... maybe I was wrong about her being an Innocent. Are you sure?
  21. I disagree. We have to think past metagaming and think in-gaming. We have no idea as to the nature of Kat's role. In fact due to the nature of my own role I think I know what Kat might be, and she's probably on our side as a key player for the good guys (or whoever takes Kat's place). It's better to vote out an active villain than an inactive goodie ;D Out with it hehe
  22. unreality

    Exactly! That's the beauty and awe of nature that we both share... we just look at it in different ways, which is fine. You attribute a higher power and order to explain it, while I look "from the bottom up", I guess you could say. Of course there is questions. There is always more questions, and that's the beauty of the universe. No matter what route you take, there is more questions... even with a god. Where did the god come from? What are they and what are they made of? No matter what angle you view an object from, there's always a side you're not seeing ;D I, for one, love questions, more so than answers even. Questions give us the opportunity to explore more about our world, while answers have a decidingly finality to them. In fact, if you find one solid answer to anything in nature that doesn't spring more questions, you're doing something wrong. Nothing should, and can, explain everything As for why trees recycle oxygen, did you know that it's actually the other way around. We only use oxygen because it's abundance. Oxygen is actually a WASTE product, a waste product of plants. Yet we evolved to survive with it because that's what we had at the time ;D (we as in tiny organisms). It's like bacteria that eat our fecal matter What would happen to THEM if we stopped sh*tting? ;D
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