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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I know what you were trying to say, that our ideas about nature are only as true as we know them. But that's not as true as it seems - we always test and re-examine what we know (at least scientists do, it's the best way to evaluate old knowledge and ascertain new knowledge). So the idea of aether wasn't held "true" for very long before tests eradicated the concept. It had been brewing in minds for a while, but when it was proposed as a scientific principle, it didn't take too long before a clever test was devised and it was proved false. So we don't "hold on" to our notions about nature. Think about how Einstein completely smashed the old ideas of gravity, just after some thought and some experiments. Well a LOT of thought and a LOT of experiments have gone into ghosts, and returned negative results. Even if you don't accept that ghosts existing defies all constancy, you still have the overwhelming scientific invalidation against the concept edit: Just to be clear, it IS possible. I have an open mind, and the "einstein of ghosts" could come along and prove that ghosts exist. Until such a radical (and improbable ) event, you should live your life assuming that ghosts do not exist (which you probably do anyway, let's face it, I don't think it pops into your mind much ;D)
  2. Then it wouldn't be Fedex Ground would it? They obviously burrow underground, digging a straight line through the earth... a spherical chord is much less the length of the arc it creates (I'm not sure of the exact ratio ), thus reducing the amount of time from, say, New York to Alaska Clearly ;D
  3. unreality

    No, Deal or No Deal +2-hr SNL = no Chuck and no Heroes
  4. unreality

    Actually, andromeda, people just didn't "believe" in ether and then try to prove it and end up disproving it (with the famous silvered mirror experiment). Ether was a valid scientific thought, it was known as "luminiferous ether" and had scientific proposition with it: basically that all waves need a medium to propagate through. Ie, water waves need water. Sound waves need air or some other material to propogate through. Thus the belief was that light needed some medium to propagate through - light had been observed within a vacuum, so they knew it was something other and more undetectable than air. They called this the "luminiferous ether", as the medium for light to travel through. Thus as the earth rotated, the "ether wind" would shift directions, so a variety of experiments were done..... which disproved the idea of aether. So scientists start assuming something DOESN'T exist. If an idea emerges scientifically or even semi-scientifically (like ether), they test it, and some cases it's true, some cases it's not. And all tests of 'ghosts' have been inconclusive and in much favor against them, just like ether A Person: So you believe in quagamas? By your own logic, it would be more irrational to NOT believe in quagamas than to believe in them. And yet, I'm sure you don't believe in quagamas. See how your assertion is flawed? You need something else that justifies your belief in ghosts other than ridiculously faulty logic, or would you believe everything that everyone tells you
  5. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    I modeled Reflex as a tribute to the 2nd book and also as it pertains to the Reflex's ability of slowing time. There is no other reference and I made it up myself (with a bit of Matrix-esque type influence on the Reflex's badåssness ), so don't waste time and effort ;D edit: although watching the movie Jumper or reading the book may give insight into a certain connection between characters... ;D Not sure if it's relevant yet edit2: actually, there are no Paladins in the books Talk about the movie being way different! The book is just some sci-fi story about a guy teleporting.... the movie is the epicness ;D
  6. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Actually I named 'the Reflex' after the sequel to Jumper, which is called Reflex (I haven't read either book) Good try though ;D
  7. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Sorry, taliesin It was fun having you on board, for however short a time Good luck in whatever you do next!
  8. unreality

    So...for all those saying there's no proof quamagas exist, there's no proof that quamagas DON'T exist (and no way to prove that they don't exist) So you can only prove that quamagas exist, and cannot prove that they don't. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is to believe in quamagas. You were okay up until the last two sentences. But just because you can't prove something doesn't exist doesn't mean that it exists, or even that you can prove it does exist, which you really can't in any definitive way. It's like saying "quamagas exist, PROVE ME WRONG! You can't prove me wrong - but i CAN prove that they exist, if I had a quamaga eye or somethign similar to show you. So they exist!" Just because you can't disprove something doesn't mean it's correct. And just because you THEORETICALLY COULD prove something IF it existed doesn't mean it exists I'm not trying to be mean, but if that's your definition of a "logical conclusion", you need to go back to logic class
  9. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two will end in about 23 hours!
  10. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Meteora, Greece The sun was sinking into a shimmering red blanket on the horizon, dotted with massive pillars that rose from the beautiful Greek landscape. The monks were down on a surface grove for evening worship, and the upper aerial balcony was clear, overlooking a massive drop to the ground far below. Over an hour, various Jumpers - and Paladins pretending to be Jumpers, for they had infiltrated - arrived at the platform, taking a casual glance at the terrifying drop. No drop was terrifying to a Jumper, of course. The reason they were there was simple: the Paladins for sure had infiltrated the Jumpers, everybody knew it now. And something had to be done... Machu Picchu, Hours Earlier The Intersect arrived a few feet above the ground and fell the rest of the way. They adjusted their clothing and looked around. "Aaahh," they muttered. "Machu Picchu..." "I should be safe here." Buenos Aires, Argentina, ~1726 miles away from Machu Picchu The Head Paladin strolled through the market streets warily, hand clasped at their side, ready to use their shock baton to deadly effect. After a few more hours of waiting, they paced nervously. Finally, a gaggle of men and women arrived, with dark expressions. The Head Paladin's eyes rose inquisitively, but the Paladins shook their heads. "The Intersect isn't nearby," they said. "Don't worry... we'll find them..." "Then let's pack up and get out of here," the Head Paladin glanced at their cell phone. "There's a lynching in a few hours, I have to make it." São Paulo, Brazil, ~1563 miles away from Machu Picchu "How did you know the Intersect would be in South America?" Roberto asked, curious. "We had a little system going," the Unknown explained. "I picked up on it... or at least on something. When the only way the Intersect can communicate the next location to me is with where they teleported to last time, they're gonna need a code. But to get it just on the second search, I got a little lucky too. Hopefully the Paladins didn't..." "So you know where the Intersect is?" Roberto muttered. "I got this far, didn't I?" the Unknown quipped. "I got to South America, I think I've tracked them to... Machu Picchu." Machu Picchu Whoosh. Someone arrived directly behind the Intersect, and they spun around to receive them. "Oh, you again," the Intersect muttered. "We've gotten damn lucky, haven't we?" the Unknown commented, pulling the familiar electrode out of his/her pocket. As they attached it to the Intersect's head, they said: "This is three. Three of five. You know what that means, right?" "We work together? Like you explained last night?" "Yes, but there's been a complication," the Unknown said. "We can't exchange identities just yet... we have after tonight's events. The Paladins still have a chance to redeem themselves by killing you tonight... you know what happens if you... you know, if you die." "Why do we have to wait? You have 3/5!" the Intersect said. "That's full control of the neuron points." "Yes, but a lynch system has been set in place," replied the Unknown. "There are Paladins among us, and we need to kill them. Meteora, Greece. In a couple of hours. After that, we'll meet sometime in the night... unless the Paladins kill you of course." With that refreshing conclusion, the Unknown took back the electrode and disappeared. The Intersect felt into their jumpscar and sensed Meteora, Greece. They smiled and disappeared. Meteora, Greece "Come on, guys!" Taliesin said. "It comes down to this: do you want me in the game or not? Do you trust me... or not?" "I think we've established that we don't trust you," said some of the Jumpers and Jumper-impostors. "Sorry taliesin," Mekal said. Electrical wire was produced, and people began wrapping it around taliesin, shocking him and anchoring him to one spot. He yelped in pain and frustration. "Why not just throw me off?" he shouted. "If I'm a Jumper, I'll teleport and survive. If I'm a Paladin, I'll fall to my death!" "Because the Rogue can teleport too," Fool explained. "We don't want them getting away, do we?" "I'm not the Rogue! I'm-" Taliesin was flung screaming off the balcony of the monastery, and only their final words rushed up to meet them: "... the Paramedic!!!" "Oh yeah," said Brandonb thoughtfully. "I recognize their voice now.... I guess I won't be getting saved tonight." "Someone save Taliesin!" someone shouted. A Jumper launched themselves off the balcony, spying taliesin flailing toward the ground, and jumped downwards in vain, but by the time they appeared where taliesin had been, taliesin had already hit the ground, blood pooled around his head. The Paramedic was gone. * The Paramedic - saves one person per night from death. No restrictions on who they can save. Also, the Paramedic teleports themselves with the target to a new location, of 8 different continent/regions: 1) North America, Central America & Gulf of Mexico 2) South America 3) Atlantic Ocean 4) Eurasia & the Mediterranean 5) Southeast Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, etc 6) Arctic Circle 7) Antarctica 8) Africa, Middle East, India, and the Indian Ocean Which are linked to 8 different effects: (not in order as the regions) 1) the Paramedic learns the role of the target 2) if target is a Paladin, the Paramedic dies 3) the Paramedic saves themselves in addition to the target 4) the Paramedic fails to save, but boosts the target's Escape Chance to 50% for both tonight and tomorrow. This only occurs if the target is a Jumper. It has no effect on non-Jumpers 5) the Paramedic cannot save the target again after this 6) the Paramedic must save the same person tomorrow night if possible 7) the Paramedic gets two saves, not one, tomorrow night 8) No Extra Effect Meteora, Greece Everyone filed out dejectedly. They had lynched a Jumper on their first day; no less, the Paramedic... and the Paladins would kill again tonight. But the Jumpers had the upper hand in the battle over the Intersect... how would the night events play out? Eventually, only two people were left. One of them leaned against the balcony rail, smiling smugly, the other was preparing to jump away. "Hey, Reflex," the one by the balcony called. The Reflex spun around quickly... and saw the Crusader. "You know what I can do," the Crusader hissed. "You know why I'm here. I know who you are... and you're not getting away this time." They pulled out their knife and unwrapped the brown cloth slowly as they approached the Reflex, who just smiled. "You should know by now..." the Reflex said. "You can't kill me. You learned your lesson last night, I thought you would stay away. But you're back... I'm not just a normal Jumper. That's why they call me the Reflex. You can't kill me in the normal way... no, I'll only die when I choose to die. When I have a cause to die for. A person to die for. So you can't kill me directly, my friend. But you can try." "Don't call me your friend," seethed the Crusader, coming closer. "Don't worry, this won't count as a 'strike'," the Reflex added. "You got my name right and matched it with my role... but you didn't learn your lesson from last night." "You'll learn your lesson NOW!" the Crusader roared and lunged forward, knife outstretched. The Reflex jumped away to the other side of the balcony, snickering and watching the Paladin regain their composure. "I kill without fail when I know what I'm up against," the Crusader hissed. "You can't deny my ability!" "My ability specifically mentions yours..." the Reflex laughed. "Haven't you learned? I'm indestructible, at least to your direct attacks." The Crusader growled and whipped around, hurling a shock baton at the Reflex's chest. Just in time, the Reflex slowed time, and watched the baton spiral toward them. They jumped a few feet to the left, grabbed it and twisted it out of its momentum (a difficult task), changing its course. Time sped up again, and the baton nailed the Crusader, sending them skidding backwards against the other side of the balcony. The Crusader yelped as the electricity charged through their nerves, then rolled away and stood up. "How's that knife wound?" the Crusader jeered, and hurled their knife at the Reflex's throat... but the Reflex had already jumped away. Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl 10) itachi-san 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal 14) dms172 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
  11. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    The day is officially over (the results the same no matter who woon & taliesin vote for), so stay tuned for the day post edit: NOW I'm starting the day post
  12. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for Taliesin 2) Kathleen -voting for Woon 3) star_tiger - voting for woon 4) Frost - voting for Mekal 5) Brandonb - voting for taliesin 6) Dawh - voting for woon 7) Joe's Student - voting for woon 8) foolonthehill - voting for Mekal 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for taliesin 10) itachi-san - voting for woon 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Frost 12) crazypainter - voting for taliesin 13) Mekal - voting for taliesin 14) dms172 - voting for - voting for taliesin 15) PrinceMarth85 - voting for taliesin 16) woon - voting for ? 17) taliesin - voting for ? day ends in approximately 20 minutes
  13. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    I'm going to bed now, I'll be back in about 17 hours to catch up on events and then make the day post (day ends in 17 hours with or without me)
  14. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    That's not what I meant at all! I was speaking in general terms. Obviously you're either going to lynch a baddie, or not (well neutrals are a grey area, but you know what I mean ), but I wasn't implying anything about woon or taliesin or any of the specific votes that had been cast at the time. I was just making a general statement to represent my anticipation of who will be lynched
  15. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Right now taliesin is on the hot seat with the most votes (provided woon accepts that Mekal switched his vote back for him ;D)... I feel the excitement building Are you going to a nail a baddie on the first day... or not? Plenty of time to discuss and think over what you know, as there is 18 hours still left in the day ;D
  16. unreality

    I agree... (and was likewise surprised)
  17. Ah okay, thanks... then most of the solutions above will work
  18. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    I was wondering where Kat was, thanks fool: I agree, and it's definitely going the full time ;D Which means the day ends in approximately 20-21 hours
  19. the .00000000002 (or whatever) below from 15 that made it 14.999999988 was almost certainly an error in human measurement edit: Please don't take that the wrong way, I think what you did was awesome... but don't you think such a small decimal is probably a slight (uber-slight) measurement slip up?
  20. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    the Paladins are definitely the baddies
  21. Everything is backwards
  22. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    A couple different things, actually ;D Are any of the accused going to defend themselves? I hate to see poor woon (who hasn't been on the last few hours) get too many votes before he can defend himself
  23. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    you missed PM's vote: Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for woon 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger - voting for woon 4) Frost - voting for Mekal 5) Brandonb - voting for dms172 6) Dawh - voting for woon 7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for taliesin 10) itachi-san - voting for woon 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Frost 12) crazypainter - voting for taliesin 13) Mekal - voting for woon 14) dms172 - voting for I-san 15) PrinceMarth85 - voting for taliesin 16) woon 17) taliesin - voting for taliesin I know, I was speaking about later today. But personally I'd like to see it go the full 22-23 hours, I think there's some good discussion (and good discussion topics) that haven't even come out yet
  24. bn, can we get a definitive response to post 12? What makes someone a liar - the intention of being a liar (in which case there are many answers) or the actual things that the person ends up saying?
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