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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Day Three - A Mafia First The game has come down to the wire, folks I have no clue who is going to win. Either side could come out of this victorious... wow. This has been a craazy game. You'll see afterwards, when I show logs and stuff. Crazy stuff happened, stuff I didn't even anticipate. lol. This has been nuts. It seems like there's spying roles everywhere, even though there wasn't, at all... just wow ;D Good luck to everyone left alive in Night Four
  2. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    wow only Mekal is a question mark
  3. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Day Three - A Mafia First The Wave, Arizona "Goodbye Frozen," Reaymond jeered. The group of Jumpers and Paladins were gathered in the exotic rolling canyons under the azure Arizona sky. The hot sun made sweat trickle down their backs and beams of light sear their vision. A knife flashed silver in the sun, and before Frozen could react, Reaymond shoved it deep into his gut. "Hahaha!" Reaymond laughed. "You think you can Jump in time, foolish Yang? You think you can evade the Cardinal? Not even the Yin can come to your rescue now." The Yin, Dawh, cried out as if part of his own mind had been stabbed. He jumped next to Frozen and knelt down, but FIF was already dead. Dawh looked up and the last thing he saw was star_tiger's sneering face. Dawh's eyes refocused on the barrel of a gun before she pulled the trigger, and he fell atop Frozen: Yin and Yang tumbled down the slope: united in life, united in death. "RRrrrraaaaaahhhh!" Frost yelled. His skin was boiling with heat, turning into oozing magma and charred skin as if radioactive energy were coursing through his system. He was like a supernova about to erupt, and he sprinted into the midst of the two Paladins, tackling Reaymond (the Cardinal) and star_tiger (the Head Paladin!) and carrying them both over the edge into the canyon, toward the bodies of Dawh and Frozen. There was a massive explosion of intense energy that blew up a geyser of light and force and smoke that temporarily blinded every standing on the cliff above. When the smoke cleared, a jagged crater was left behind below, with all five bodies gone: three Jumpers and two Paladins, completely incinerated in the explosion. Their matter was one with the universe, their energy blasted into the Wave of Arizona. "Wow," someone said. Everyone was utterly shocked. Within the past three minutes, five people had paid the ultimate sacrifice of this tangled war... but two more lives were yet to be lost. One of them was Joe's Student. The Rogue cried out in furious anguish when star_tiger was consumed by the bright flames. "No!" he shouted. "No! I was supposed to kill her! I needed to kill her! The Head Paladin and the Unknown, my enemies!" "Hey!" someone cried confusedly. "JS is the Rogue!" "It's time to finish our fight," growled the Warrior, and ran at the Rogue, jumping them both away from the Wave. In the canyon, DMS suddenly gasped in pain. Everyone looked at him confusedly. "DMS, the Shadow... you are an abomination. Time to die!" hissed a voice. It reflected off the canyon walls and reverberated everywhere, seeming to come from the very earth. DMS, who discovered an acid-tipped dart in his neck, started foaming at the mouth and collapsing. The poison was flooding his bloodstream and shutting down his bodily systems. He let out a final gasp and was still. Eiffel Tower, Paris The Warrior and the Rogue were perched precariously atop the well-known structure, fighting for their lives. The Rogue fought valiantly, punching and jabbing and blocking and hitting, but the Warrior had justice on his/her side and eventually won out, slamming Joe's Student against the side of the tower. "Your fight is finished!" the Warrior said, and looked up. A small unmanned camera airplane was zooming overhead, snapping shots of the Eiffel tower. It was on the smaller side as planes go, but still pretty big. JS tried to jump to the savannahs of Africa, but the Warrior followed the jumpscar through and teleported them back, and up into the air... leaving Joe's Student in the propeller space of the airplane. The Warrior was just out of the wind zone and fell undisturbed, but the Rogue screamed as they were sucked into the prop and dashed to pieces within a millisecond. The plane's engine burst on fire and started spinning wildly toward the ground. The Warrior jumped back to Arizona to tell what happened, to see the body of DMS. "Wow..." Seven people dead on one day. It is down to the nailbiting conclusion... It's down to Night Four Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - DEAD [Cardinal] Blown up by Frost 2) Frost - DEAD [intersect] Blew up! 3) star_tiger - DEAD [Head Paladin] Blown up by Frost 4) Kathleen 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh - DEAD [Yin] Died with Frozen 7) Joe's Student - DEAD [Rogue] Win condition failed 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire - DEAD [Yang] Lynched 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - DEAD [shadow] Killed by Crsuader 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched edit: grammar ;D
  4. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    6 minutes until the day ends Host: unreality 1) Reaymond voting for Frozen 2) Frost - voting for Frozen 3) star_tiger - voting for Frozen 4) Kathleen - voting for Dms 5) Brandonb - voting for Frozen 6) Dawh - voting for Brandonb 7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb 8) foolonthehill - voting for Frozen 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Brandonb 12) crazypainter - voting for Brandonb 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for JS 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon - voting for Frozen 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched edit: 3 minutes edit: 2 minutes!!! edit: ONE MINUTE!!! hehe this is fun edit: zerooooo minutes. FIF is the lynch target... I'll get started on the day post ;D This is an integral day another edit: just gotta do something real quick then I'll get started
  5. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    just came on to do this, then I'm off to bed Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Frost and Kat were switched on the roster for mysterious reasons.... Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Frost - voting for Frozen 3) star_tiger - voting for Frozen 4) Kathleen - voting for Frozen 5) Brandonb - voting for Frozen 6) Dawh - voting for Reaymond 7) Joe's Student 8) foolonthehill - voting for Reaymond 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Reaymond 12) crazypainter - voting for Reaymond 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Reaymond 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon - voting for Frozen 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched about 16 hours and 10 minutes until the day ends ;D
  6. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost - voting for Frozen 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter - voting for Reaymond 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
  7. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    links & roster Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
  8. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    I think he's already made quite the difference
  9. It seems that the answer is,
  10. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Stonehenge Fog curled through the night like wraiths, blowing between the massive megalith doors... the doors of Stonehenge, slowing crumbling from the weight of time. All was silent, and the dark green ground sparkled with dampness. Then there was a flicker of movement as a figure appeared silently by a looming monolith, a pillar of stone that towered over this newcomer. The newcomer cast their gaze around, prowling through the circle of giants. There! Their target, waiting by one of the collapsed windows, humming softly to herself. Crazypainter. The Rogue crept closer, judging the location. They would just need to appear directly behind Crazypainter, grab the sides of her head, and twist it sideways with a sickening crack. Then the job would be done, and they could rifle through her pockets and check if she was one of the ones the Rogue was looking for... Before the Rogue took a deep breath in preparation of the act, they felt a burst of fog roll in their direction with sudden velocity, as if it had been displaced. The Rogue whirled around and beheld another Jumper - the Warrior - perched atop one of the mighty stones. The Warrior looked up and seemed to notice the Rogue; they teleported to the bottom of the monolith and walked calmly forward... then jumped right in front of the Rogue, tackling them to the ground with a savage blow. Crazypainter looked over in surprise, but a rag was placed over her mouth from behind, and chloroform sent her into a spinning fall to the ground. A black van with a catering company logo on the sides rolled up, tires pressing into the wet grass. The back doors opened and two masked Paladins helped the third carry Crazypainter into the car. They wanted this to be an Elite Kill; they wanted to learn her identity. Meanwhile, the Warrior and Rogue were rolling around in the grass, punching and wrestling. Neither had brought any sort of weapon, and definitely not a gun (which could harm Stonehenge ). The Warrior usually killed their victims by teleporting them into fatal situations, and the Rogue liked simple unarmed combat... speaking of which, they hurled the Warrior off with a grunt, but the Warrior, undeterred, launched themselves at their foe, jumping them both away at the impact. The observation deck of the Empire State Building glowed neon blue in the night, surrounded by a glittering array of night-lit skyscrapers. The Rogue used the Warrior's momentum against them, flinging them to the side, but the Warrior lashed out with an arm and jumped at the same time, only a few feet away, but on the other side of the protective railings. New York skylights flashed past them as they tumbled toward a honking, bright street. The Warrior was about fifty yards/meters beneath the Rogue at this point, and flailing through the air like an uncoordinated stork. The Rogue, on the other hand, was spread out into skydiver form, and hounded down on their prey... which is when the Warrior jumped up in a series of short but intense blasts, blazing upward toward the Rogue and leaving shockwaves in wake... they hit the Rogue head on from below, knocking their air out, and then teleported them both. Splash! The fall's momentum was taken by the cerulean beauty of Wayag, Indonesia. The Warrior and Rogue descended into the clear azure waters, a spectacular reef surrounding them. Then they were gone, leaving only a complex spherical whirlpool of water and bubbles that rushed to fill the space. Then they were atop Pigeon Rock (the larger one with the hole in it) as sun set on Lebanon. Shale skipped away from their feet as they fought and struggled, grunting with the effort and energy. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/84/25084252...125a7a5.jpg?v=0 The Rogue jabbed with an elbow and followed up with a brutal punch, blocked by the Warrior who grabbed his/her adversary's arm and twisted it to the side, jumping to the other end of the natural pillar and using it to hurl the Rogue off the side. The Rogue frantically cartwheeled their arms to regain steady vision and glanced toward the far pillar, the smaller one, and jumped there, rocking a little and catching their balance. Then they turned and faced the Warrior, who was standing on the other rock. The Warrior yelled and ran forward, jumping from one rock to the other and hitting the Rogue in the chest. The two fell for the ocean, and would've hit with a painful splash if not the Rogue had jumped them back above the larger Pigeon Rock and flipped over in midair, crushing the Warrior underneath against the hard and uneven stone. The Warrior groaned and rolled out of the way, struggling to their feet, but the Rogue was already up, and kicked them in the head, sending them back to the stone with a bloody mouth. The Rogue set their foot atop the Warrior's head. "If you jump," the Rogue said softly. "I'll follow you through. You can't escape... you started this fight- and I'll end it." They brought their foot up high, aiming for the Warrior's temple, but the Warrior jumped themselves against the Rogue's other leg, causing the Rogue to yelp in surprise, and they both tumbled to the ground. This time they were both able to rise to their feet, and the Warrior kneed the Rogue in stomach, followed by a vicious headbutt. The Rogue grabbed the Warrior's head and tried to twist it, but the Warrior jumped away too fast and the Rogue practically fell through their jumpscar, landing hard in the grass at Stonehenge, right outside the Paladins' van. The Paladins had been trying to wake Crazypainter up for the last three minutes. "You idiot," one of them grumbled. "You used too much chloroform." "It's not that big of a deal," the other replied haughtily, and opened a box of medical smelling salts, cracking one under CP's nose. Her head lurched up confusedly and she groaned, her head splitting with pain. "What's going on?" she mumbled, and tried to stand. "Whoa, whoa!" one of the Paladins shouted, but she had already gone light-headed and collapsed back down, tumbling out of the van and into the wet sod. The Warrior was crawling away from the Rogue and teleported to the other side of CP, managing to stand up. The Rogue, meanwhile, was already standing and approaching crazypainter with an air of certainty. While the Warrior had been an annoying distraction, their main target was still CP. It was the same with the Warrior. "Don't you steal my kill!" the Warrior shouted angrily, walking closer too. CP was in the middle of a deadly triangle, with three sides that wanted to kill her. "Well well well," one of the Paladins chuckled. "How is this going to end?" They pulled a large pistol out of their black coat, fitted on a silencer, and put it to the back of CP's head, where she remained, kneeling on the ground, confused and groggy. At the feel of cold metal she flinched and tumbled out of the way as the bullet thudded into the ground. Calmly, the Paladin re-aimed. Seeing that his/her kill was being stolen, the Rogue disappeared for a moment and reappeared with a machine gun. The Warrior was looking around with a sense of realization in that they had chosen the same target as the Paladins and the Rogue. They turned and saw the Rogue aiming the machine gun... the Paladin kicked CP in the head to keep her down as she struggled to stand... "No!" the Warrior yelled. "Yes," the Rogue grinned, and pulled the trigger. The Warrior jumped at the Rogue, tackling them into the ground, but it was too late... for the Paladin at least. The spray of bullets nailed them in the chest, sending them toppling to the sod with the sound of repeated thunder. One of the Paladins cried out, but the other muttered, "That guy was just a goon, hired yesterday after Marth's death at Dos Ojos. Here, I'll finish this." They grabbed a switchblade from the wall, but Crazypainter had already made it to her feet, her head clearing already (despite the blood running down one side of it). She went for the gun in her back pocket, but the chloroform still grogged her reaction times, and the Paladin had already flicked the switchblade. It twisted through the air with the flash of polished steel... it was a large knife, and obsessively sharp. Everything seemed to shift into slow-motion, and all CP could do was stare as the knife spiraled slowly toward her forehead.... the Rogue had thrown the Warrior off as well (in slow motion) and turned to watch as his/her kill was being stolen... ... then everyone seemed to realize that the slow-motion was happening for real, and a new player was entering the scene. The Reflex, mouth curved into a silent "Noooooooooo!", was leaping through the air, flying in front of CP and taking the knife in the chest, the momentum vectors mixing and sending him diagonally past her, skidding into the sod. Itachi-san lay in the grass, shocked and dying, a knife sticking from his chest. This time, the wound was too deep - and halfway into his heart. He would die in seconds. He let his bloody hand fall away from his chest and he stared up at the beautiful stars which danced above with their otherworldly glow. "Take me, Nature," he sighed, and was gone. His last effort was to expel the remainder of his energy, jumping everyone around him - and one whole Stonehenge monolith - to random locations around the world. The next morning, authorities would discover a dead man lying in the middle of Stonehenge with a knife sticking out of his chest, a serene smile on his face - and one less rock. * The Reflex - badass, cannot die. The only way the Reflex can die is if they sacrifice themselves for someone else [not even the Crusader can kill the Reflex], or are lynched. The Reflex MUST pick one person each night (not themselves), and if that person is targeted for death, the Reflex sacrifices themselves to save the life of the original target Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched The day ends in 23 hours ;D
  11. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    update: gtg do something real quick, then I'll resume writing it It's a craaazy night ;D Emphasis on the 'crazy' part
  12. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    writing the night post now
  13. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Off to bed Adios. I'll be back and working on the night post in about 18 hours ;D
  14. I thought it was Palin 2012?
  15. unreality

    So scientists should debunk every claim of alien abduction? Every sighting of bigfoot? Every head shot of Nessie? Scientists aren't some "resource" that have nothing better to do than running around doing the bidding of paranoid people who believe a government conspiracy or supernatural fairy tale is behind every corner. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a scientist (at all), but I respect them, and they have a hell of a lot better things to do than run around and debunk every silly claim of someone's dead grandpa speaking to them in a ghastly foglike semitransparent form. For example, the computer you are typing your words on. Or advanced particle physics. Or the technologies that save lives in car crashes.
  16. I think I posted that one But I didn't make this one up - in fact, I don't even know the answer ;D
  17. I think Obama being elected was the best thing for the country - we'll see how he lives up to his promises. Also, polls were conducted across the world, and something like 90% (or very high) supported Obama and hated McCain, so this will improve our worldy status by a LOT, which is always good
  18. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye
  19. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    sorry to those that died Nice having you in the game! Night Three will end in 21 hours ;D
  20. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Dos Ojos flooded cave system, beneath Mexico "Kill Prince Marth!" shouted DMS. "I watched him last night, he visited Mekal!" "Kill Prince Marth! Kill Prince Marth!" Individual voices were soon lost in a massive chant that echoed and re-echoed across the cave walls. The gaggle of people were at the entrance to the underground river, in a small half-underground chamber where the water cast rippling beams of light against the smooth walls, and green overgrowth from the outside world crept in a dazzling display of nature. They were at the border of the surface and the underworld. At first Prince Marth was submissive as they pushed him closer to the edge of the pool, but then he just laughed nonchalantly, wading backwards into the water. "You fools," he spat. "You're all here at once. All of the important players in this little war." He pulled an M-16 out of his coat. "I can pick you off one by one. All that will remain is the Paladins! Maybe I will kill a Paladin, too - and as the Shepherd, take over their position within the Paladin hierarchy. Prepare to die and go to the Infinite Hells as abominations that you are, foolish Jumpers! This is your last gathering." The machine gun rattled off gunfire, and suddenly time slowed to a crawl. People observed in shock as a storm of bullets spiralled slowly toward them. The Reflex arrived in a blur, slamming into Prince Marth and tackling him into the water. The Shepherd fought back viciously as the Reflex swam with them deeper into the cave. At the entrance, Jumpers and Paladins alike were scattering and throwing themselves to the ground (in slow motion of course) to avoid the slowly advancing cloud of shiny bullets. Meanwhile, deeper into the underwater cave, the Reflex was losing their breath... Prince Marth had already lost theirs. The Reflex let go and watched the dead body drift away in the mysterious current. The Reflex was met by some other Jumpers, who had jumped and grabbed scuba gear. The Reflex grabbed his/hers gratefully, and the four returned toward the surface. They emerged to a celebratory mood... they had nailed a baddie, a Paladin no less. Specifically, the Shepherd. * The Shepherd has no power other than taking the place of any Paladin after they die. The Shepherd is always seen as "Shepherd" regardless of role taken on (which can only be done once) Thus, unless Mekal was a Paladin, Prince Marth had no actual ability yet. Gradually, the party dispersed, leaving only Puzzlegirl, who was sitting at the edge of the water with her feet dangling in the gentle pool. A shadow soon grew behind her. Suddenly she was screaming in pain, tendrils of electricity blazing through her body. She tried to jump but she was anchored to one spot by the intense pain and loss of focus. She burst out of the cords with a writhing wriggle and went for the gun at her ankle holster, but the Crusader had already grabbed her shoulder and pinned her to the wall. The zealous Paladin unwrapped their knife. "Goodbye, Messenger," they hissed, and drove it deep into Puzzlegirl's gut, and higher still. She gasped in pain, blood dribbling from the corner of her mouth, then died. The Crusader growled and withdrew his/her knife as he/she slung Puzzlegirl's body to the left, into the water with a bloody splash. Satisfied, the Crusader cleaned off their trusty knife, rewrapped it, slid it into its hidden sheath, and trekked out of the cave. Night was falling (on half of the world) and tonight would be intense. * The Messenger - uses their prowess to aid the Jumpers by performing special operations. The Messenger knows who the Intersect is (they are very important), and can choose to protect them from death OR to go after the Paladins, attempting to infiltrate their network. Each night the Messenger has this choice (Protect or Infiltrate). If they choose to infiltrate, a die is rolled, and one of six actions occur: discovery (learn who one random Paladin is, dead or alive, cannot learn same twice), intel (learn the complete description of one random Paladin role, cannot learn same twice), high espionage (plant a nerve exploder device in a random Paladin, kills them the following night), diversion (protect the Intersect at the same time AND reroll to do one of the other actions), coded message (send a PM to me of a message the Messenger wants to send to any player, and I will send corresponding numerical code to the person indicated), or capture (the Paladins discover the Messenger snooping around and kill them. Bye bye Messenger ) Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
  21. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    i gtg eat dinner. Bbl Sorry
  22. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Sorry guys - my internet was out all day Lemme catch up ;D Hopefully you guys ended the day ~2 hours ago like it was supposed to without me hehe
  23. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Going to bed, gotta get good sleep tonight Day ends in 18 hours ;D
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