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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I agree Go nature! ;D
  2. Quadrangle was playing number theory games when his mother called. "Quaddy!" she shouted from the counting room. "Head down to the Numeraland Grocery Store and get me some new numbers! Our primes are getting rotten and the perfect squares aren't much better." Quadrangle sighed and headed downstairs, grabbing the grocery list on his way out, not bothering to look at it. He hopped on his pentacycle and pedaled down the street, which was parallel in a non-Euclidean way with the adjacent street, so eventually he crossed over and found himself at the Numeraland Grocery Store. He ditched his bike in the Klein bottle storage receptacle and headed inside. He glanced around at the intimidating aisles. "So many sets!" he muttered. "And not enough intersection." He passed right by the Irrational Numbers section (his family weren't big pi fans) and the Imaginary Aisle (his little sister was already part of the new so-called 'imaginary generation', she didn't need any more imaginary influences in the house), as well as the pesky Infinitesimals row (you had to be of at least Hyperreal status to gain access to those after the notorious Epsilon Incident). Finally, the familiar Natural Numbers section: fond childhood memories rolled over him, before the days of the discovery of Zero and the Negatives, known as 'puberty'. He browsed the aisle absentmindedly until remembering the grocery list. His mother was making a very specific function for dinner tonight, and all the ingredients fit together like a pattern. Quadrangle read them off out loud: "Zero and One," he started. "Of course. All series start with those. Duh. So the next one is 'negative one'. Uh-oh, I'll need to find the Negatives Freezer for that. The fourth item is two. Ah, that's right over here, perfect! Then -1 again! Yikes! What is mom making tonight? Now what? 5... that shouldn't be too hard. Then -4, then 29, then -13. Then...... what's that supposed to be? The last number is smudged out! Gah!" He thought for a moment, remembering that it formed a sensible series. "Aha!" he said at last. When he got home on his pentacycle, he had all of the ingredients for his mother to make a delicious Whole-Number-Grain Wheat Bread & Soup. What was the last number that Quadrangle bought?
  3. oh yeah... haha I forgot that conjugate rule: thanks for spotting that I did have a knack that they were probably the same after some manipulation, but not that little ;D hehe
  4. Nice! I'm pretty sure that works. Good job This is my solution:
  5. unreality

    They are talking about human euthanasia, not animals. Animal euthanasia is legal... and since humans are animals too, I'm not exactly sure where the line is drawn jk. But really. I think, that if someone wants to end suffering, why not. It's their life. I mean c'mon. Who really cares <- not to sound mean at all, but basically I was saying that it's no reason for it to be a big issue. So I'm for OR against it lol
  6. Besides, when you make non-character roles, you have much more freedom as a host in making any kind of roles to add to the game and add your own elements and not be restricted the storyline too btw Impervious thanks for PDFing the guide, that was awesome
  7. yes All discarded stones (those in your downpile after you go out, as well as if excess are discarded if the pile reaches full and nobody gets it) are just discarded... They are thrown out of the game completely. So if you had 8 stones in your downpile and slapped on a pile of 20, your winnings would be 20, and you would just toss your downpile stones into a bag or something
  8. unreality

    This is awesome!!! By squinting rather violently I can make it shift
  9. 100 small, smooth polished black onyx stones 10 players, arranged in a circle 10 stones each Onyx Stones!!! Each player starts with 10 stones in their "downpile". An 'originator' is chosen, who starts the game by placing 1 stone from their downpile into the middle. Then play continues to the left, each person placing 1 stone (from their downpile) into the middle. Anyone can slap the central pile (the "middle") at any time. The stones are obtained as the player's "winnings pile", and the player is out of the game, discarding the rest of the stones in their downpile. The new originator is the next non-out player to the left of the player who just went out. The new originator begins play again by placing a stone in the middle, and play continues to the left. In the event of a slap-tie, where multiple people attempt to take the middle pile at the same time, nobody obtains the pile and gameplay continues. If you slap, it must be IMMEDIATELY after the stone is put down, thus afer a stone is placed: either 0 people slap, 1 person slaps (and is out), or multiple people slap (and nobody gets the pile). No slap-ins are based on other people slapping, or not-slapping, in the same round... all slaps occur simultaneously. If at any point someone has no stones to lay down, they are simply skipped and the next person goes. If all stones are in the middle and nobody has ANY stones to lay down, and nobody won the pile (either because nobody slapped or multiple people slapped), the stones in the middle are divided equally among the remaining players, discarding any excess so that everyone has the same amount. Then the new originator is the person to the left of the most recent originator. Play continues until everyone has "slapped out". The player with the most stones in their 'winnings pile' wins the game. ~~~ What is your optimal strategy for the winning the game? (along with backup strategies, etc)
  10. well here you've hit a roadblock disclaimer: your input can be assumed to be a real number
  11. Mekal said he could be done by the end of the day, not sure where FOTH is progress-wide, but everyone is in agreement on the tournament type, right? (post 41, top of this page)
  12. We all know the absolute value function of x: abs(x) or more commonly |x| |25| = 25 |-25| = 25 It takes the positive part of the number, or more formally, the distance from zero (thus right-trangle trig is used to find the absolute value of complex numbers). But how can you do it, using only the basic functions? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentation/rooting, logarithms and the two extraction functions: real(a + bi) = a imag(a + bi) = b [not bi, just b] Note that the plus/minus value of an even square root is unknowable! (ie, √25 could be 5 or -5) We'll say that in the beginning, a random decision is made of whether all square roots are going to be positive or negative, and they all will hold to this rule, but you have NO way of knowing which it is So, can it be done? If so, how? If not, PROVE that it is impossible! Good luck
  13. That's in there somewhere (Strategy section I think ) or something similar. Anyway, it's up now, check it out!!! Hopefully this will solve a lot of problems of people not knowing anything about Mafia and playing, as all of the hosts no longer put the basic rules in their intros, just the specified rules. And a big thanks to rookie for stickying it! I'll get back to Mafia VIII now
  14. Newbies' Guide to Mafia Version 1.6.1 1.3: Note, I've touched this guide up, fixing typos, adding new content, elaborating on previous content, adding new links, revising and updating outdated things, etc, so be sure to check it out ;D 1.4: I've added a bunch of new categories for role types (section IV, part b) as well as a couple links here and there (BB's role list, incog and games on incog, etc) 1.4.2: I touched up a lot of things for formatting, grammar & visual aspects. I also updated and expanded the 'Stuff for Hosts' section (VII) as well as IIIc/e 1.4.3: added a hosting tip and changed some role name examples to prevent confusion; also touched up and expanded the links section 1.4.4: fixed the FAQ section 1.5: fixed typos and smoothened wording in sections I, II, III and VIII; linked to profiles of me, sin and ysan for faq/help; added (to Links section) a list of some experienced players who are available for questions from less experienced players (to add your name to this list, PM me - that's how the people that are there now got on); added to the FAQ with a question addressing inactivity; added to Baddie Strategy and Gaining Strategy; added "why?" to FAQ as per suggestion by Frost 1.6: Added "Random Advice" subsection to part VIII 1.6.1: Upgraded BD to this version from its much earlier version I. Introduction: What is Mafia? II. Factions and Win Conditions III. Basic Rules ( a ) Night and Day ( b ) Voting ( c ) BTSC ( d ) PM repping ( e ) Death IV. Roles ( a ) What are roles? ( b ) Types of roles ( c ) Independent roles V. Game Strategy ( a ) Overall Day Strategy ( b ) Innocent Role Strategy ( c ) Baddie Role Strategy ( d ) Independent Role Strategy ( e ) Gaining Strategy VI. Links [past Mafia games, external links, etc] VII. Stuff for Hosts VIII. FAQ and Random Advice ~~~ I made this with spoilers so that anyone with any level of experience can quickly access the things they need. Enjoy! ;D ~~~ I. Introduction: What is Mafia? II. Factions and Win Conditions V. Game Strategy ( a ) Overall Day Strategy ( b ) Innocent Role Strategy ( c ) Baddie Role Strategy ( d ) Independent Role Strategy ( e ) Gaining Strategy VII. Stuff for Hosts
  15. Just from skimming your discussion about the QAs, it looks like some good ideas, though I haven't been able to read it yet - I'm nearly done with the Guide, though very soon I'll leave and won't come back for a while so I'll finish it later
  16. Actually no, not at all - you've been in a lot of Mafia games, at least if I'm remembering correctly But as a general rule, the more time you spend on a game as a host thinking it over before you play it, the better it will be ;D
  17. unreality

    I agree - the problem is, there is nothing we can do to help. I'm normally an optimist, so believe me, that means a lot coming from me. The best thing we can do is withdraw sooner rather than later, and save American (and Iraqi maybe) lives, cuz there's no way that we, a bunch of foreigners, can fix their messed up problems (possibly made worse by us, which sucks but is unfortunate ). We try to be good-meaning but what's the point? They don't want us there, we don't want us there, nobody wants us there! It's time to concede and pack up our pride and our so-called responsibility to 'help' other nations and just get out of there, before more lives are lost and we spend more money trying to fix other nation's problems while our own country goes further in debt and the economy worsens (hopefully Obama will help us out of this bottomless chasm) edit: missed a word
  18. Depends on Mekal and FOTH, and when they PM in their programs
  19. A little over halfway now Hehe, unfortunately I'm going to bed, and tomorrow is gonna be awesome (football game, visiting sibling in college, going to a party, then my potential girlfriend's house [ooh lol], then some other thing I forget, then homework) but I'll try to find time
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