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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    what is "in the spirit of the forum" supposed to mean? Was that part of the question or part of the answer? The answer should either be YES or NO, and the 'spirit of the forum' shouldn't affect its leg number status...
  2. After hosting another Mafia, I have a few basic ideas that I think hosts should follow... * Night Information: from now on, all roles that receive night information should only receive it directly AFTER the night post is over. This has three important functions: (1) they can change what they want to do at any time during the night [ie, the first thing they PM in isn't final] (2) their choice could affect other night choices, especially if their choice involves immediately PMing a player or immediately learning another player's role/faction/etc (3) it requires the host's presence to be online 100% of the time in the night for the ideal expansion of the concept, which is something that mafia is set up to NOT do and shouldn't do > These reasons are pretty strong, and from now on, in any future games I host, all night results will be PMed directly after the night post (if the player involved is[are] still alive), and hopefully other people's games too * Special Cases: obviously you (the host) can't predict every wierd clash of roles that's going to occur, but you should at least try to think of as many special cases as possible that seem contradictory, etc, and make sure that somewhere in role descriptions or rules or whatever has these conditionals. Ask questions like "what would happen if..." and figure out the answers of what should happen and include it in the initial info so that you don't have to scramble for an unbiased answer once the game has begun. If you don't want to unnecessarily clutter a role description, you could have a separate section in the OP about "What If..." scenarios between roles (if role descs are known of course)
  3. hehe presuming that fool accepts the loose time constraints: 1) unreality 2) Frost 3) dms172 4) Mekal 5) FOTH 6) 7) 8) possible unreality #2
  4. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    On some second thought I'm not working on the other Mafia... I might later, not sure The next I host could either be this one, or Mafia VII, who knows... though I won't host again for a long time so it doesn't really matter ;D
  5. unreality

    (1) Mammal? No (2) Reptile? No (3) Does it lay eggs? Yes (4) Is it an amphibian? No (5) Bird?
  6. unreality

    (1) Mammal? No (2) Reptile? to get the best score, we can only have one floating question a time! EDIT: (1) Mammal? No (2) Reptile? No (3) Does it lay eggs?
  7. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    they're not "knockoffs", it's just themed differently. I still have the Mafia VII setup, of course. I think it's posted in Mafia Discussion
  8. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    thanks guys for ze compliments I've just started working on another, new mafia... a pretty revolutionary one, I think. Not sure when I'll host it, but first I must perfect it ;D This one's going to be very insanely wicked
  9. There's no stressed-out time limits in this game It's not Mafia, hehe. Take your time ;D
  10. if we're short on people I could enter my second program, but I expect some more people to show up today
  11. halfway there I sent a PM earlier today to taliesin, fool, vimil, BL and octopuppy, maybe they'll show up ;D
  12. 1) unreality 2) Frost 3) dms172 Just a shoutout: you don't need to have a finished program to sign up The tournament will start when everyone is done making and perfecting their programs ;D Sign up ASAP so we can get a bracket and stuff ready
  13. unreality

    this puts the 'Alternate Reality' into 'Alternate Reality Game' mainly because it's not even a question... ...which means the answer MUST be:
  14. You get your own custom title when you hit 1000 (possibly kicks in at 1001 not sure)
  15. Sorry, but Forbidden Kingdom was the epitome of suckiness The 'Monkey King'? It was so cheesy and so childish and so predictable... The Jet Li and Jackie Chan fight scenes were AWESOME (obviously) but the plot sucked
  16. Entrants in the tournament so far: 1) unreality 2) Frost keep em coming If you have any questions, feel free to PM
  17. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    thanks guys PM: I realize that now... dang. Joe's Student could have attacked woon at night and won Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Sorry JS Who knows whether you would've killed woon or not... so you were a half-winner too Great game And great game by everyone... I was pleased by the level of activity, and usually the roster was filled almost entirely with votes within like 4 hours And thanks for the compliments ;D I don't know if I could host another Jumper game soon, but maybe sometime... the thing is, the second one would also have to have hidden role descriptions. So basically I would make all new roles and it could be very different lol. Unless you want me to keep the same roles, make minor tweaks, and then just make all roles openly known... but then this makes roles such as the Geneticist pointless. Hmmm. It's a dilemma... kind of like what I did for the Yakuza in Mafia VI. The Mafia thought that the Yakuza had some wincon, and if they failed they joined the Mafia. That was true... except the Yakuza's wincon was to kill off the Mafia hehe, but after the game ended and that was made known, I couldn't use the Yakuza again. It's a similar dilemma with this game I think the best for Jumper Mafia II would be to completely remake the roles, I think I could do it better a second time around Anyway, the game was nothing without you guys! You were all fantastic players... I didn't think Bb and Fool could pull it off as the odds started to tip against them in the 2nd night / 3rd day. Them, Dawh and Itachi were excellent strategists! Good job guys
  18. VNA 2.0 VNA 2.0 is a game of epic cybernetic warfare - it's easy to learn, but from its simple rules comes a lot of thrilling complexity and hardcore battling. In this game of wits and passionate skill, your job is to design a killer program that can destroy its foes in a virtual environment where only one program can emerge victorious. During the actual battle, you play no part (it's run by my emulator) - it's up to your program! You can only wait for the results as two programs duel it out for control of the VNA... *** Introduction *** This is an improvement over an earlier game I made (here on Brainden), called VNA. It's a game that involves a cyber-environment called the VNA (which stands for Virtual Node Array), which is just a list of 200 lines of code. The code is written in VNAC (VNA Code), which I've devised based off of an ancient game known as CoreWars, and tweaked to be better and easier to learn & optimize. For VNA 2.0, I've made some changes to allow accessibility and easy learning for people who have never done an ounce of programming in their life. In the VNA, each of the 200 lines is called a 'node' (thus the name 'Virtual Node Array'), although I use 'line' and 'node' interchangeably, and each node contains exactly one command and then three parameters (a,b,c) that the command uses as input. The parameters are separated by semicolons. Most commands do not use all three parameters, so the extra parameters can have any value, it doesn't matter (the default is 0). Some programs may use excess values to store data. The most basic type of command is BLANK 0;0;0, and the VNA begins with all 200 lines filled with these BLANK commands. Then two players enter the VNA. Each player submits a program with the aim of destroying the enemy program. The two programs get entered into the VNA at random starting points, overwriting the BLANKs that they are copied over. Each program can be a maximum of 40 nodes long, thus the closest two programs can be is 40 nodes away. [Note: the programs retain their order. You could have a 20-line program that gets copied onto line, say, 57. Thus your program will replace lines 57 through 76. If the opponent's program was 10 lines and got placed on line 112, their program would occupy lines 112 through 121] After the programs have been copied into the VNA, the battle begins! The game progresses in rounds. Each player has a 'pointer', which starts out at the first line of code of the player's program, wherever that may be in the VNA. In each round, player A's pointer runs one line of code (one 'node'), and then player B's pointer runs one node. After a pointer runs a node, it moves itself forward 1 node in preparation for next round [but each round, each pointer only runs ONE node, no exceptions]. [For example, take the previous Note - your program got placed at line 57 and occupied lines 57 through 76. Thus your pointer begins at line 57. Your opponent's program started at line 112, so your opponent's pointer begins at line 112. On the first round, if you go first, your pointer runs line 57. Then your opponent's pointer runs line 112. On the second round, your pointer would run line 58, and your opponent's would run line 113. On the third round, you would run line 59 and your opponent would run line 114. etc. Pointers will always increment by 1 after they are finished executing a command, unless otherwise specified!] A pointer is destroyed when it executes a BOMB command, and the other player wins! *** Nodes & Commands *** So how does VNA Code work? It is very easy to learn! Each node has a simple format: CMND a;b;c a command name followed by a space followed by the parameters, which are separated with semicolons. Each command does a specific action, using the parameters as its input. Here is a list of commands: COPY a,b copies line a into line b (overriding the current line b) JUMP a jumps the pointer to line a BOMB destroys the pointer that ran this node EDITA a,b a is the line number, b is the new a-value for that node EDITB a,b a is the line nummber, b is the new b-value for that node EDITC a,b a is the line number, b is the new c-value for that node EDITX a,b,c a is the line number, b is the new value, c is 0/1/2 to denote a/b/c to change BLANK what the original VNA is filled with. You can use BLANK commands too, it's basically a "do-nothing" command EDITI a,b,c a = line number, b is how much is added to the current value, and c is 0/1/2 to denote a/b/c to change. 'I' stands for increment SHIFT a,b,c copies line a into line b, then jumps pointer to line c PCOPY a,b copies only the command part of line a into the command part of line b (stands for "partial copy") SWAP a,b switches line a & line b (happens immediately) [/codebox] Before I go on, let me clarify EDITX and EDITI. The a & b parameters of EDITX are the same as the a & b parameters of EDITA or EDITB or EDITC. That is, the 'a' parameter designates the line number to edit, and the 'b' parameter represents the new value. However EDITX also utilizes the 'c' parameter. The c parameter can be either 0 or 1 or 2. Zero means that it is editing the line's a-param (as per EDITA). 1 means that it's editing the b-param (as per EDITB), and 2 means the c-param (as per EDITC). You wouldn't use EDITX if you knew you would always be editing a specific parameter... you would only use EDITX if the actual parameter you were editing was going to change too. EDITI is the same thing as EDITX, except that the 'b' parameter is different: instead of representing the NEW value, it represents what is going to be added to the current value [just a shortcut I made because a common use of EDIT is to increment a parameter] So how do you represent a line number? The current line is always seen as 'line 0', the next line is 'line 1', the line after that is 'line 2', etc. The line BEFORE the current line is referred to as '-1', the line behind that being '-2', etc. Because of this, there is no absolute definition of line number, and the VNA wraps around as if it were an infinite loop, so line 200 or 400 or -600 is the same thing as line 0 (which is the current line). For example, say your program is this: COPY 0;1 when the pointer runs this node, it copies the current line (0) into the next line (1), and looks like this: COPY 0;1 COPY 0;1 remember that the pointer increments itself each round, so next round it will run the SECOND node, which is also "COPY 0;1", and thus this program is basically an infinitely-repeating program that cannot die and cannot kill anything. After five iterations: COPY 0;1 COPY 0;1 COPY 0;1 COPY 0;1 COPY 0;1 ...etc [[i]Note: technically, it should be COPY 0;1;0, because even though the c-parameter is not used, it still should be shown[/i]] *** Parameters & Functions *** So what can you use for parameters? You already know that you can put numbers in, but usually you want to have a function: a function is something, like add(5,2), that takes in input and produces an output. For example, add(5,2) will add 5 and 2 (5 & 2 are the input) and output the number 7. Functions will always churn out a number as output, and for input, they will accept either numbers or more functions. For example: add(5,add(3,2)) will add 5 to the addition of 3 and 2, thus the output of that whole thing will be 5+(3+2) or 5+5 = 10 There is no 'official' limit to the number of functions you can have nested within other functions, but at a certain point it may clog up my VNA emulator, and usually there's no need for such uber-nesting So what are the functions? [btw, a fancy name for "output" is "return". For example, add(7,2) returns 9] [codebox] a(n) returns the a value of the node at line n b(n) returns the b value of the node at line n c(n) returns the c value of the node at line n add(m,n) returns m+n sub(m,n) returns m-n mul(m,n) returns m*n div(m,n) returns m/n mod(m,n) returns the remainder of m/n pow(m,n) returns m^n log(m,n) returns log (base m) of n abs(n) returns the absolute value of n int(n) returns the integer part of n com(m,n,o,p,q) compares m & n. If they are equal, returns o. If m>n, returns p. If n>m, returns q equ(m,n,o,p) compares m & n. If they are equal, returns o. Otherwise, returns p geq(m,n,o,p) compares m & n. If m>n or m=n, return o. Otherwise, p leq(m,n,o,p) compares m & n. If m<n or m=n, return o. Otherwise, p nzero(n) if all three parameters of line n are 0, returns 0. Otherwise, returns 1 rand(m,n) returns a random integer from m to n, including m&n. 'n' must be greater than 'm' As you can see, functions are pretty useful for evaluating data and deciding what to do. *** That's It! *** That's all you need to know! Simple, right? You may not think so yet, but it actually is. With the above stuff, you can make some awesome programs. Take this, for example: COPY 3;40;0 EDITI -1;3;1 JUMP -2;0;0 BOMB 0;0;0 Believe it or not, this simple thing is actually a powerful program. Let's analyze what it does, line by line: COPY 3;40;0 Okay, 'COPY a,b' copies line a into line b, overriding the current line b. a=3 b=40 So line 3 is the line three lines forward from 'COPY'. This is the 'BOMB' line! The 40 means it copies the BOMB line into a node 40 nodes forward from the current line. Note that 40 is the minimum distance the two programs can be apart from each other, and thus the first possible space that the opponent's program could be on. After running the COPY line, the new VNA state would be this: COPY 3;40;0 EDITI -1;3;1 JUMP -2;0;0 BOMB 0;0;0 ... ... (36ish BLANK commands would be here, I just don't have the space ;D) ... BOMB 0;0;0 Simple so far! Next, the EDITI command. It edits line -1, which would be the COPY line, and it edits the b-parameter of the COPY line because the c-parameter of the EDITI line is 1, which corresponds with 'b'. So 3 means that the b-parameter is incremented by 3. Thus, the new copy line looks like this: COPY 3;43;0 in other words, the EDITI command added 3 to the COPY line's b-parameter, turning 40 into 43 The next line is JUMP -2, which sends the pointer back 2 lines, to the COPY line. That means the next line that the pointer will run is the COPY line... the COPY line which was modified. Now the COPY line will copy the BOMB 43 spaces forward, instead of 40 like last time. Each iteration of the program will churn out another BOMB another 3 spaces forward! As you can see, the BOMB command is part in the program but is never actually run by the program (unless it gets corrupted by the enemy prpogram), just copied across the VNA in an attempt to destroy the opponent This type of program is called a "Bomber", and is one of the simplest possible forms of Bombers. Other Bombers may have defense mechanisms built in (to stop if it gets close to bombing itself), or better methods for efficiency, etc So I'm going to start out VNA 2.0 with an "Opening Day Tournament", in which I need 8 battle programs submitted to me to compete in a bracketed tournament format. If you have any questions about VNA or VNA Code, feel free to PM me! If you understand how it all works, and can decipher programs... but have no idea where to start in making your own, then... If you want to know about things you cannot do that cause infinite loops, Note that nzero(n) = equ(a(n)+b(n)+c(n),0,equ(a(n),b(n),equ(c(n),0,AZ,NZ),NZ),NZ) Where AZ is the result if line n has all-zero parameters, and NZ is the result if line n has at least one nonzero parameter. I didn't actually program nzero as a function in my emulator, I just added that to help you out - if I see a use of nzero, I'll replace it with the above longer version and use 0 for AZ and 1 for NZ... but the longer version is better for you to use raw because you can make the AZ and NZ anything you want that suits the specific purpose The random function... So if you're interested, feel free to PM me about the game and submit your program today ;D I'm hoping to get 8 people for the Opening Day Tournament
  19. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Keep an eye out for my upcoming game... VNA 2.0
  20. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    haha, the crazy thing was: even if you hadn't switched with Kat, you STILL would've blown up two Paladins edit: thanks Kat
  21. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Final Roster: Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - DEAD [Cardinal] Blown up by Frost 2) Frost - DEAD [intersect] Blew up! 3) star_tiger - DEAD [Head Paladin] Blown up by Frost 4) Kathleen - DEAD [Warrior] Killed by Paladins 5) Brandonb - WINNER! [Mercenary] 6) Dawh - DEAD [Yin] Died with Frozen 7) Joe's Student - DEAD [Rogue] Win condition failed 8) Foolonthehill - WINNER! [Crusader] 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire - DEAD [Yang] Lynched 12) crazypainter - DEAD [Federal Agent] Killed by Warrior 13) Mekal - DEAD [Geneticist] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - DEAD [shadow] Killed by Crsuader 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon - regrouping? [unknown] 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched congrats to the Paladins! Final Links: Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Day Three - A Mafia First Night Four - The Climax
  22. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    Jumper Mafia Intro Night One - Welcome to the War Day One - A Fall From Meteora Night Two - Fall of Anonymity Day Two - An Eye for an Eye Night Three - Triple Sacrifice Day Three - A Mafia First Night Four - The Climax Mt. Fuji At a Torii shrine near the summit of the 3776 meter mountain: (Minus the people) Up here, there was no such thing as night or day. The view was spectacular and chilling and amazing all at once - the five players in this crazy game (three Jumpers and two Paladins) were standing at what seemed to be the summit of the world... they were like gods, looking down from their shrine of ice upon their domain. The end was coming, and they all knew it. Just one slip of the fighting and one could plummit over the sides. The five people formed sort of a ring at the edge of the world... otherworldly mists drifted past... Kat, the Warrior, slowly drew a gun... she hesitated near woon, but Brandonb's continual goading got to her, and she re-adjusted her aim, pointing at the Federal Agent, Crazypainter. The last Neutral left alive, after the Rogue's demise (at the Warrior's hand) earlier that day. In fact, the Federal Agent was no longer neutral... they had joined the Jumpers on day two, getting BTSC with their previous nemesis, the Shadow. But none of that mattered now. This was the end game. This was Kat's decision. She threw her gun off the edge of the mountain. She was a Jumper - she didn't need a gun. She jumped into crazypainter, knocking the Federal Agent off of Mt. Fuji, ignoring her screams as she plummeted through the ice-jagged air, from their celestial shrine and down into the world of mortals. "We've got you at last!" Foolonthehill laughed. The Crusader unwrapped his trusty knife while Brandonb (the Mercenary) watched with a sly smile. "This is the last kill my knife will make," growled the Crusader, taking a step closer... who would it be? Woon or Kat? Woon or Kat? "After this, my crusade is over. The Paladins have victory." They chose Kat. Before anyone could react, Brandonb blasted her with a shock baton. She screamed in agony as hot lightning blazed through her system. "This is it!" Foolonthehill seethed, taking a step closer, letting the ruffled brown cloth fall from the knife. It was snatched by the wind and carried away, off of the bleak summit. "I can feel the end!!" Kat struggled where she stood as lightning arced through her body. If only she could break free... if only she could escape... It was too late. With a victorious yell, the Crusader plunged his knife into her flesh, and watched her die, tumbling backwards through the shrine and off Mount Fuji. "Well done," said the Mercenary. "Two Paladins left... and one Jumper." "Where is woon?" Fool gasped, looking around. Woon, the Unknown, the slippery and mysterious leader of the Jumpers, had jumped away, perhaps back to some hidden lair to regroup. The Paladins had won this long and bloody war. However, they knew there would always be opposition; there would always be Jumpers. The Unknown had probably gone away to form a new alliance of Jumpers, a coalition of new people with this exotic talent from across the world, joined with their unique ability and common purpose against their obsessed enemies. "You did your duty well," the Crusader grunted. "You know where the money is. I am grateful that I hired you, Mercenary." "What will you do now?" Brandonb asked, as he turned to descend the mountaintop. "I am the last of the major Paladins, really," the Crusader acknowledged. "I'll have to rebuild. Start from the ground up. I am the new leader of the society, I think I have earned it... some of the rookie Paladins will move up, and we'll get some new recruits I'm sure. What about you?" The Mercenary spread his arms wide. "Wherever the wind takes me." He grinned and jumped off the mountaintop, disappearing with a flicker. JUMPER MAFIA Roster with Roles [thanks to random.org] Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - Cardinal 2) Kathleen - Warrior 3) star_tiger - Head Paladin 4) Frost - Intersect 5) Brandonb - Mercenary 6) Dawh - Yin 7) Joe's Student - Rogue 8) Foolonthehill - Crusader 9) Puzzlegirl - Messenger 10) itachi-san - Reflex 11) Frozen_in_fire - Yang 12) crazypainter - Federal Agent 13) Mekal - Geneticist 14) dms172 - Shadow 15) Prince_Marth85 - Shepherd 16) woon - Unknown 17) taliesin - Paramedic Paladins * Head Paladin - star_tiger * Crusader - Foolonthehill * Mercenary - Brandonb * Shepherd - PrinceMarth85 * Cardinal - Reaymond Yin/Yang = Dawh/FIF ~~~ Thanks to everyone for playing! I think I would have done some of the roles differently, and despite the hidden role descriptions, it did seem like a lot of information was going around too quickly. Thanks for being the guinea pig of this crazy idea I think it turned out pretty good, and had some crazy things that happened... lol. I didn't really know what would happen, but it seemed like every night & day explored some special situation of role abilities clashing or crazy effects occurring. Hehe. Again, thanks for playing! I had fun, hopefully you did too ;D
  23. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    I have everything in Night Four post coming ;D
  24. unreality

    Let's assume "proven" = "shown without doubt to be true", as I assume that's what you mean 'This statement cannot be proved' thus equals: 'This statement cannot be shown without doubt to be true' If the statement is false, then the statement CAN be shown true If the statement is true, then the statement CANNOT be shown true... which doesn't mean that it isn't true, it just cannot be proven going back to if it's false, thus it CAN be shown true... if it is possible to show it being true without doubt, then it must be true. Thus if it's false, then it's also true Which means the only non-paradoxical option is if the statement is true. Being false means that it's false and also true, but being just true means that it is TRUE but CANNOT BE PROVEN to be true it is true
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