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Everything posted by unreality

  1. I'm about 3/8 done already
  2. really... hmmm. I think at very least I could program my emulator to check for both programs on some sort of easily recognizable loop that's resulting in no new bombs (like COPY 0;1;0 or SPLIT 0;x;x), but it would be complicated and I might as well watch for it myself But that's an interesting tidbit ;D edit: Yeah I meant 6 not 7 sorry
  3. most recent version of Mafia VIII I've written almost all of the quests, just brainstorming Royal Emissary quest still and working on adding something to the City Guard's quest ~~~ I've also decided I'm going to write a Newbies' Guide to Mafia regardless of whether rookie stickies it or not - I've seen the need for it increase a lot, so we'll just have to bump it up often with substantial posts if it doesn't get stickied
  4. thanks for the input This is how it will go: each of the seven programs (or six, I'll remove the Gladiator if you guys want) will fight each of the others, playing one match. One match will consist of 'game pairs'. A game pair will be the same random starting position, switching places and first moves, as Prime suggested. A game pair is only won if a program wins both scenarios. Game pairs are iterated (at new random starting loc each pair) until one program has won 4 pairs, then they win the match At the end, I will have a scorecard of the number of matches each has won or lost. For example, if we use 7, then each program will have wins & losses that total to 7. The one with the most wins wins the tournament. A tie will result in a secondary tournament with the exact same rules but only the tying programs participate. A second tie means the programs involved in the tie are equally matched this will be the official format So no more PMs/suggestions about the tournament setup from anyone please, though I just want to thank Prime for improving greatly on the previous bracket setup ;D Thanks Prime!!!
  5. unreality

    Obama better withdraw - he did promise to do so within x amount of months (not sure what that was), which, at this point, is definitely a good thing
  6. I've devised a formula that covers general cases, I'm pretty sure it's correct x = number of black aces y = total number of cards c = position within deck (1=top, y=bottom) when c=1, formula is x/y other c values: (x/y)(y-c)(1/[y-1]) it just so happens when c=1 that the second two cancel each other out and it simply becomes x/y edit: looks better as: (x/y)(y-c) / (y-1)
  7. A rectangle exists with dimensions ab, where 'a' and 'b' are the values of the lengths of its two sides. Find a ratio for a/b so that the following is true: When cut in half [cut so that the shorter side is left intact and the longer side is halved], the ratio of a:b or b:a (it will alternate a/b and b/a) is perserved and remains constant, no matter how many times you cut the rectangle into smaller and smaller rectangles. Prove that this is the only ratio of sides that allows this property (excluding negative side lengths of course )
  8. 1) a/b/c parameters are evaluated when my emulator first reads the command name, turning them into numbers based on the current situation. When referenced again, they may be a different value if things their functions are based on have changed. So in your example program, a(-1) would be evaluated as positive 1 before the copying took place 2) Yes, each parameter-function (a(x),b(x),c(x)) references the line it appears on
  9. Good strategy As I said in the PM, when I find time I'll definitely look over your roles so far ;D
  10. I beg of you, Lexi*penguin (and even Impervious, even though you've played 1 or 2 games), do not host!!! Please!!! You have no idea what it even involves - have you played a single mafia game yet? This forum keeps getting cluttered with games hosted by mafia-noobs (no offense, it's not derogetory, it's just a factual title representing your Mafia experience, I'm not trying to be mean at all so please don't take it that way ), and I see so many problems in all of them I want to scream and tear my hair out!!! I'm incredibly passionate about this issue, sorry But it's a sad reality that people think it's cool or something to host games after playing only a few. Just because you have an idea for a game does not mean you should host! Play at least 5 games before considering, and get a lot of experience. To host a decent mafia game, you'll need it So, again, I beg of you! I absolutely BEG of you!!!!!!! [/rant] (again, I'm not trying to be insultive, sorry if it came across that way - I'm trying to educate)
  11. btw, Slot #8 is officially being opened up Anyone and everyone can fill it, just PM me if you want to submit a second program (though if anyone new comes in [unlikely at this point] they will take a higher priority of course)
  12. I already addressed this - the programs keep fighting until one has one 6 games, AND 3 more than the opponent Frost: I have two because somebody a few pages back suggested I should add another of my own in case we didn't get enough people. I'll be happy to withdraw if we can find another person
  13. Did you like this one? I'm thinking of making a similar one, but better & harder & more clarified in what it's asking for
  14. What if the problem was ANY ace? I'm not sure how much that would change it
  15. no that was an automatic redirect to the home page of the forum Which means that user 1 doesn't technically exist as a normal user with a "userpage" and stuff edit: for something unrelated to this, see post 23 please people ;D
  16. More than that - I did copyright it As displayed by the eminent and threatening and all-powerful copyright symbol © © © © I agree - I once PMed rookie asking if he'd sticky a topic I made as a "Newbies' Guide to Mafia" type thing, but he said no as games is for all games (although I'm not sure why that means you can't have a guide be stickied) anyway, so I didn't make it because it would get lost in the torrent of much-posted games in the Games section. After that it got me thinking, a little idea in the back of my head... a mafia forum would be a nice idea, ie, a 'Mafia' Forum and then just an 'Other Games' Forum, so that the other games don't get lost and pushed behind mafia games. Also, in the new Mafia Forum, perhaps that guide I was planning on writing could be stickied. And the types of games would be better manageable and overall more accessible and less confusing. More than that, the Mafia Forum needs to be a bit more structured - we need to have a sticky called 'Host Signup' or something similar where we can have one orderly, central signup where we can see who is hosting, and when, and what dates, and in what orders, so that we could have like a max of 2 or 3 mafia games (which would include mafia-like games) running at once. The mods haven't played one, they probably don't understand the mass hysteria that occurs with many mafia games running at once So it would be a bit better organized and more structured, and hosts could maybe get approved by an experienced player/hoster (such as me, bb, frost, itachi, dawh, CL, ysan, PG, etc, just some random names coming to mind)... no offense meant at all Impervious, but you've only played 1 or 2 games and you're already hosting one. It's like everyone is trying to at once, which causes confusion I think. ^ my above lengthy post probably doesn't matter, as I don't think Rookie will agree to this idea due to the fact that there is no logical reason for raising mafia above any other game
  17. 1) unreality - The Awesome 2) Frost 3) dms172 4) Mekal 5) FOTH 6) unreality - The Gladiator 7) Prime 8) <Still Open> Prime: thanks for the tournament suggestions I agree in alternating first move, and I'll do that... first to win 6 games wins now, and they must win by 3 or more than the opponent to win like I said a few pages back, I've already determine the random order (thanks to random.org ) *** Bracket Order: 41583762 [(4v1) v (5v8)] v [(3v7) v (6v2)] = Winner #8 could end up being a random simple program ~~~ DMS: I'm not exactly sure which you want to use. I know I helped you make most of your program, but I have no idea which version you actually want to use of those, sorry
  18. I definitely have two programs 1) unreality - The Awesome 2) Frost 3) dms172 4) Mekal 5) FOTH 6) unreality - The Gladiator 7) Prime? 8) ???
  19. #1 is probably the "root admin" account used to set the whole thing up, then rookie wanted to make a more personalized account than just "root admin" or "admin" or whatever ^ just a theory.... but a copyrighted one © ®
  20. Haha, I made a program that finds the enemy in 1 round and then bombs them to shreds... but as I suspected, my emulator wasn't exactly capable of running it ;D Snare, by Unreality EDITB 2;megastructure;0 EDITI 1;2;1 COPY 2;0;0 SHIFT 1;b(-1);-2 BOMB 0;0;0 megastructure: equ(a(40),0,equ(a(41),0,equ(a(42),0,equ(a(43),0,equ(a(44),0,equ(a(45),0,equ(a(46 ),0,equ(a(47),0,equ(a(48),0,equ(a(49),0,equ(a(50),0,equ(a(51),0,equ(a(52),0,equ( a (53),0,equ(a(54),0,equ(a(55),0,equ(a(56),0,equ(a(57),0,equ(a(58),0,equ(a(59),0,e q u(a(60),0,equ(a(61),0,equ(a(62),0,equ(a(63),0,equ(a(64),0,equ(a(65),0,equ(a(66), 0 ,equ(a(67),0,equ(a(68),0,equ(a(69),0,equ(a(70),0,equ(a(71),0,equ(a(72),0,equ(a(7 3 ),0,equ(a(74),0,equ(a(75),0,equ(a(76),0,equ(a(77),0,equ(a(78),0,equ(a(79),0,equ( a (80),0,equ(a(81),0,equ(a(82),0,equ(a(83),0,equ(a(84),0,equ(a(85),0,equ(a(86),0,e q u(a(87),0,equ(a(88),0,equ(a(89),0,equ(a(90),0,equ(a(91),0,equ(a(92),0,equ(a(93), 0 ,equ(a(94),0,equ(a(95),0,equ(a(96),0,equ(a(97),0,equ(a(98),0,equ(a(99),0,equ(a(1 0 0),0,equ(a(101),0,equ(a(102),0,equ(a(103),0,equ(a(104),0,equ(a(105),0,equ(a(106) , 0,equ(a(107),0,equ(a(108),0,equ(a(109),0,equ(a(110),0,equ(a(111),0,equ(a(112),0, e qu(a(113),0,equ(a(114),0,equ(a(115),0,equ(a(116),0,equ(a(117),0,equ(a(118),0,equ ( a(119),0,equ(a(120),0,equ(a(121),0,equ(a(122),0,equ(a(123),0,equ(a(124),0,equ(a( 1 25),0,equ(a(126),0,equ(a(127),0,equ(a(128),0,equ(a(129),0,equ(a(130),0,equ(a(131 ) ,0,equ(a(132),0,equ(a(133),0,equ(a(134),0,equ(a(135),0,equ(a(136),0,equ(a(137),0 , equ(a(138),0,equ(a(139),0,equ(a(140),0,equ(a(141),0,equ(a(142),0,equ(a(143),0,eq u (a(144),0,equ(a(145),0,equ(a(146),0,equ(a(147),0,equ(a(148),0,equ(a(149),0,equ(a ( 150),0,equ(a(151),0,equ(a(152),0,equ(a(153),0,equ(a(154),0,equ(a(155),0,equ(a(15 6 ),0,equ(a(157),0,equ(a(158),0,equ(a(159),0,equ(a(160),0,80,156),155),154),153),1 5 2),151),150),149),148),147),146),145),144),143),142),141),140),139),138),137),13 6 ),135),134),133),132),131),130),129),128),127),126),125),124),123),122),121),120 ) ,119),118),117),116),115),114),113),112),111),110),109),108),107),106),105),104) , 103),102),101),100),99),98),97),96),95),94),93),92),91),90),89),88),87),86),85), 8 4),83),82),81),80),79),78),77),76),75),74),73),72),71),70),69),68),67),66),65),6 4 ),63),62),61),60),59),58),57),56),55),54),53),52),51),50),49),48),47),46),45),44 ) ,43),42),41),40),39),38),37),36) [/codebox] hehe - I didn't even use the full thing. This just checks for a-params, I could've made a better (and about 4 times longer ) version that checks all three parameters... anywaaay, we still need another person or two PM everyone you know ;D
  21. unreality

    I didn't vote because it's clearly a mix of both. There's solid evidence that man-made emissions are speeding up atmospheric heat, but it's not just us because the Earth goes through natural cycles and whatnot. We need to reduce emissions, at a minimum
  22. The only thing I haven't decided on is how many ingots the Bandits need to win, I'll have to think more about it later when I have time
  23. unreality

    I sent it to RainThinker yesterday
  24. unreality

    Jumper Mafia

    no problem I am working on designing Mafia VIII (classic Mafia, Medieval version ) for some time in the future
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