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Everything posted by unreality

  1. yes, it is [plus learning his role, but any successful kill endows that] Claire and Matt. Matt perhaps more so. Isaac is also pretty good, but not as good as Matt... Except a) the risk of 0-0 weight is less as the roles are more powerful, so attacking a team is less payoff and less loss, so a "safer" 0 b) attacking an independent runs the risk of hitting Claire, which doesn't kill her, and then Ted wouldn't learn his role [unless Bb would still put it in the night post. Not sure. Hmmm] good point To me, the two options (attacking a team or attacking an independent) seem about equal in loss-gain. It more or less comes down to opinion on which roles are more valuable
  2. my guess is that Ted is: a) a newbie b) an experienced player that didn't think it through, or c) thought it was too dangerous to attack a draftable (and powerful, hint hint, draft me please ) independent, one that could help take out the enemies. IMO, if I were Ted, I would have done the same thing. Hitting a helpful draftable is too big of a risk. He had 1/2 of hitting the right team, rather than 1/4 for the enemy MIA. You can't use probability expectations because that's assuming all roles have equal power, when the draftable independents are stronger (hint hint you need me ;D) than the normal players [that's why they're up for draft.... liquidation sale coming soon! Get me while you can! lol]
  3. nice I've found two different routes to 'balast': unfortunately all of that was for "balast", which I've realized isn't an actual word It's ballast
  4. yes, so the trig functions reduce it on their own - my calculator doesn't do what you're saying So there is at least two fallacies then edit-typo
  5. these are some of my records so far: Not the largest possible I'm sure This is more of a community effort than a puzzle ;D
  6. actually - as I understand it ( ) - nobody has gotten it yet ;D
  7. unreality

    wow - this is by far the best fake-motion picture I've ever seen
  8. unreality

    if you turn your head around he looks like a football player lol
  9. looks like Ted made a 50/50 gamble and lost to Lady Luck
  10. oh yeah, nice I think that's archaic spelling, but we'll go with it ;D
  11. Start with one letter that is a word, and keep adding letters, one at a time, inserting them at any point in the word. After each iteration, your word must still be a word! Like so: a as ask mask or i is ins tins tines [etc] Obviously those aren't the longest words you can make starting with 'a' and 'i'. What are? And as there aren't any other legal one-letter words, what if you could start off with any letter and then every letter after that had to be a word?
  12. This is a good one eiπ = -1 [square both sides] e2iπ = 1 [take the natural logarithm of both sides] 2iπ = ln(1) = 0 But something is wrong! 2*pi*i does not equal 0, it equals 2pi*i, ie, ~6.28i. What went wrong? Post answers or your own mathematical fallacies
  13. No one has posted a non-calculus solution yet so I'll post mine It may "cheat" in a certain part, it's up to you to decide whether it could be considered wholly non-calculus
  14. unreality

    yes it doesn't exist in your higher consciousness, but it's still stored in your brain. Why would we remove the notion of the subconscious? The subconscious is like the iceberg of our brain, while our conscious levels are only the "tip" of the iceberg, so to speak. Ignoring the subconscious is like ignoring 90% of your brain matter
  15. yeah, pretty much, I think
  16. Ah, the good ol' early days of BD... I remember those days. It was phpBB at first, then there was a jump and rookie imported it to IPB. That was a looong time ago, though. Before there was 1000 members I think
  17. unreality

    one picture sums it up ;D On a more serious note, I'm more in agreeance with Socrates. I'm an atheist like Izzy, but she has reduced everything to its de-facto biological/physical existence. But when you think about it, our universe might not exist at all, and nothing is based in its own reality. It doesn't matter that we are made up of subatomic particles following discrete physical laws... it doesn't matter that we are made up of cells working together in design by evolution... what matters is what is represented. At the basic level, we could be made up of matrices of numbers, or pure energy. Who knows. Like I said in that free-will topic I started a while ago, things are built upon other things. Complicated and unpredictable systems emerge and grow from simple rules. While you know exactly what a banana is, the atoms that make you up do not know what a banana is. So "the soul" may not physically exist, but it mentally exists. It exists as a representation built up of lesser things. More than the sum of its parts, so to speak. So love doesn't actually exist in the physical world... but in the abstract world of meaning built upon our physical world of nomeaning, love exists as a force of attraction. I have to go, so the second half of this post (on whether love conquers all, lol) will have to wait til after dinner ;D
  18. great job with the calc solutions
  19. unreality

    No, actually - I was pointing out the article's opinion, not really mine However I have heard some negative things, but they look like a cool company.
  20. unreality

    I use Firefox... have an old version of Safari too, which I don't use. I think we have IE too, but IE sucks So yeah, I use Firefox. Chrome looks cool, but really there's not enough incentive for me to switch. Also, I read an article on how Chrome sends everything you do to the evil central Google database, and they like start a file about you and what you do to feed to their search engines... it claimed Chrome was made by Google to complete their "internet monopoly" as an info-feeder to their search engines. Or something. Not sure if that's true, but I don't really care either way Just throwing that out there
  21. Yeah that seems to be the primary weakness of hoppers - they can be hard to kill, but they don't accomplish much. They either keep avoiding the enemy's attacks or overwrite the enemy (inciting an infinite spiral). The only way a hopper can win is to avoid the enemy until the enemy bombs themselves, but all bombers I make have anti-self-bombing techniques, so hopper-vs-bomber games can have 4 outcomes: 1) after any amount of rounds (probably in the first hundred), the bomber destroys the hopper 2) a long time passes with the hopper not jumping onto the bomber and the bomber missing the hopper, and the bomber not bombing itself 3) as #2, except the bomber doesn't have an anti-self-destruct mechanism and bombs itself 4) the hopper overwrites the bomber and they dance around the VNA forever of these, two are ties, one leads to a bomber win (#1) and one unlikely option (#3) leads to a hopper win. For VNA 3.0, I think the best bet for a hopper is to augment it with some sort of bombing capability, ie, a bomber-hopper hybrid. This would be harder, though. I'll work on that next. Also, feel free to run battles against any of my programs. I'm busy so I can't do anything right now, but I'll post them Hydra FOOD 0,0 JUMP 2,11 JUMP 3,13 JUMP 4,15 JUMP 5,17 JUMP 6,22 JUMP 7,27 JUMP 8,35 JUMP 9,40 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-1 JUMP 0,0 COPY -1,60 EDIT -1,5,b+: JUMP 0,-2 COPY -4,120 EDIT -1,5,b+: JUMP 0,-2 COPY -7,180 EDIT -1,5,b+: JUMP 0,-2 JUMP c_p2_300_2_0_0,c_p2_300_-9_1_1 JUMP c_p3_300_3_0_0,c_p3_300_-7_1_1 JUMP c_p4_300_4_0_0,c_p4_300_-5_1_1 FOOD 0,0 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-5 JUMP c_p2_300_2_0_0,c_p2_300_-15_1_1 JUMP c_p3_300_3_0_0,c_p3_300_-13_1_1 JUMP c_p4_300_4_0_0,c_p4_300_-11_1_1 FOOD 0,0 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-5 FOOD 0,0 SET! -22,-2 EDIT c_!_230_-23_-23_100,62,b~: SET! -21,-2 EDIT c_!_230_-22_-22_100,122,b~: SET! -20,-2 EDIT c_!_230_-21_-21_100,182,b~: FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,c_e_7_-7_-7_-8 FOOD 0,0 SET# -28,-2 EDIT c_#_230_-29_-29_100,122,b~: SET# -27,-2 EDIT c_#_230_-28_-28_100,182,b~: JUMP 0,-5 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-1 This is the first program I made - it's okay, but not very good. Hydra II was a big improvement, but still not the most efficient: Hydra II FOOD 0,0 JUMP 2,11 JUMP 3,12 JUMP 4,13 JUMP 5,14 JUMP 6,15 JUMP 7,16 JUMP 8,23 JUMP 9,30 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-1 JUMP 0,0 COPY -1,m=!+60 JUMP 0,-1 COPY -3,m=!+100 JUMP 0,-1 COPY -5,m=!+140 JUMP 0,-1 COPY -7,m=!+180 JUMP 0,-1 SET! c_!_80_2_2_m=!+5,0 JUMP 0,-1 FOOD 0,0 JUMP c_p2_300_2_0_0,c_p2_300_-11_1_1 JUMP c_p3_300_3_0_0,c_p3_300_-10_1_1 JUMP c_p4_300_4_0_0,c_p4_300_-9_1_1 JUMP c_p5_300_5_0_0,c_p5_300_-8_1_1 JUMP c_p6_300_6_0_0,c_p6_300_-7_1_1 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-7 FOOD 0,0 JUMP c_p2_300_2_0_0,c_p2_300_-19_1_1 JUMP c_p3_300_3_0_0,c_p3_300_-18_1_1 JUMP c_p4_300_4_0_0,c_p4_300_-17_1_1 JUMP c_p5_300_5_0_0,c_p5_300_-16_1_1 JUMP c_p6_300_6_0_0,c_p6_300_-15_1_1 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-7 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-1 I made Redhopper before Hydra II actually... I've posted Redhopper on here earlier: Redhopper COPY !,m=!+117 SET! c_!_3_0_0_m=!+1,0 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,c_!_0_114_-3_-3 this one is probably my deadliest & quickest bomber yet, although it has a crucial hidden weakness: Scythe SET! 48,0 FOOD 0,0 JUMP m=q+1,0 FOOD 0,0 SET! c_!_235_48_48_m=!+2,0 COPY 2,m=!+q JUMP 0,-3 JUMP 0,100 this one I recently posted: A Scanner Darkly FOOD 0,0 SET! 60,-1 EDIT -1,c_!_0_5_-5_-5,a+: JUMP 0,c_!_0_-3_1_1 SET! -3,-1 FOOD 0,0 COPY 3,! SET! m=!+1,0 JUMP 0,-3 JUMP 0,0 It scans for nonzero a-parameters, and when it finds it, bombs it apart. It's an early version and has lots of weakness - ie, I haven't yet installed a mechanism to stop if it doesn't find one and is about to search itself, nor have I installed something to prevent it from self-bombing. But still, it's a good first step for scanner-programs
  22. incog Hybrid is welcome there you know ;D Keep in mind. Future games. hehe edit: those sentences made no sense, did they Thanks for the clarification I was wondering about that
  23. nice - but what does JUMP FOOD mean in line 3? Is the 'JUMP' not supposed to be there, or the 'FOOD' not supposed to be there? Or something else? edit: this is a program I made the other day A Scanner Darkly FOOD 0,0 SET! 60,-1 EDIT -1,c_!_0_5_-5_-5,a+: JUMP 0,c_!_0_-3_1_1 SET! -3,-1 FOOD 0,0 COPY 3,! SET! m=!+1,0 JUMP 0,-3 JUMP 0,0 true to its name, it scans the VNA for nonzero a-parameters, then starts bombing edit2: haha I just ran your Redhopper-Gone-Crazy on the emulator - awesome! The only forseeable problem is clashing with itself and getting confused - I assume you tested different numbers and pick the most spaced? It seemed to work pretty decently for a couple hundred rounds.. also I'm not sure if it collided with itself if it would still work by running the next segment also I love the way you used q*4 to space them out after creation... clever
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