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Everything posted by unreality

  1. if we had a discussion on twilight, it wouldn't be on actual love-crossed vampire teenagers but rather on why shrieking little girls & teenage girls are fanatically obsessed with it excellent book - though it reads like an encyclopedia, and you really have to be a LoTR fan to enjoy it (I think I read it when I was much younger and more into LoTR), so its appeal is not universal I like the theme but to be honest I haven't found any of Michael Crichton's books that exciting. Jurassic Park was a droll, but I managed to finish it, not so with Prey. Although I've heard he has some good books too, so let me know if you find one - I've heard about him and i'd like to read some of his better work too while I like Colfer's wit, Airman was too much for me in its ranting anti-atheism. It was actually kind of scary lol. But a really good book by Colfer is the Supernaturalist or something like that [i don't remember the exact name]. Good book
  2. congrats on 3000 - when you think about, 3000 is pretty big too. Any number in the thousands - that's a lot of people ;D

  3. yes, City of Ember is excellent, so is Pendragon - I forgot to add both of those I started Children of the Lamp and put it down soon after, to be honest it was pretty boring. I wouldn't suggest it. Though if you do read it and find that it's good farther in, let us know! (same with Dark Is Rising) peace*out: hope I didn't offend you, I was just saying that they probably wouldn't be good book club material since we're on the topic of listing young-adult-book-series, I'd recommmend the Gregor series. I think the first one is called Gregor the OVerlander or something... great books ;D
  4. PM me - I won't give you any answers but I'll help you understand source code stuff
  5. try the dot of the i or better yet, the source code B))
  6. also, this may sound obscure, but i have a bit of interest in game theory as well as computer cryptography... but I doubt anyone will need that
  7. hmm... * Slaughterhouse Five (starting that soon after I finish Speaker) * Fly By Night (excellent book, really surprised me with how good it was) * Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 (I've been meaning to read both of these) also I second Izzy's NO to the ones peace*out listed - sorry The majority of those are very juvenile, for little kids, or just have no substance. They may be okay for a quick read, but not for a book club discussion [edit - correct from 411 to 451 ]
  8. peace*out: the metaphor was that peace won out over brashness
  9. the big CNN is Cable News Network edit: IDNE pwned me
  10. edit: because of stupid atfreeforum, the end of the riddle is impossible now
  11. unreality

    I just checked, I didn't see it
  12. math (many different levels, even strange types of math the person reading this has never heard of ) computers, computer programming (lots of experience there), etc spanish and chemistry, though they aren't my favorites writing, english, grammar, etc (I have a good eye for spelling, grammar and content flow)
  13. unreality

    the bowl must be an English thing, I've never seen a platelike bowl
  14. Excellent It has begun ;D
  15. why were you looking through his Google bookmarks?
  16. unreality

    I have a good one involving limits of the yin-yang and how pi=2. but I forget it atm. I'll post it when it comes to me
  17. unreality

    there are a couple controversies in math that people like to argue over, like 0^0 and the truism .99999999999[forever] = 1, which some people aren't able to understand But for the most part math is absolute, yeah. And this topic should def be moved to 'Comments and Suggestions' ;D
  18. ST: yeah I'm sure the movie can't live up to the book, as usual
  19. well we'll have a new vote with new books I'll probably submit a few (Slaughterhouse 5, Pendragon, Fly By Night and City of Ember) ;D
  20. ST: the general genre is called postapocalyptic fiction - but Ender's Game would be like semi-postapocalyptic fiction Good examples of post-a fiction are the Giver (which I don't really like actually), the City of Ember and its sequels (really good books, though the original is the best), and other stuff like that
  21. I've been reading the sequel - not as good as Ender's Game so far IMO, but decent
  22. nice Scythe has a clever auto-editing feature [using pointers] but Speedy emerges the clear victor - I see a couple ways to improve speedy, do I mind if I make a speedy 2.0? It could be a collaborative thing Also sorry for not posting on here for a while, been busy
  23. http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com/ http://blueballs2.ytmnd.com/ http://blueballtragedy.ytmnd.com/
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