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Everything posted by unreality

  1. octopuppy: seward wasn't saying that's what his belief was, but that some people that think they are atheist and are actually theist about my friend, yeah, noted I wasn't planning on starting any debates (I think he's more our side of the fence than the other) Jrod: I've seen that story, and it's utter BS. Einstein was an atheist his whole life. He said the quote "God doesn't play dice with the universe", and it's often twisted out of context by theist, but for him, 'god' was another term for nature basically. Einstein was in all aspects an atheist. The thing is, the claims in the story are actually false. It's true that there is no such existing, tangible concept as cold or darkness (they are words representing the absence of heat or light), the professor should have known this. But it's used to lay the groundwork for "good and evil", of which NEITHER are existing, tangible concepts. So one could be the absence of the other or they could be anything you want to be. While heat exists and light exists, and cold & darkness their absences, neither good nor evil actually exist as a tangible concept, so they are relative to each other in any way you want. The professor in the story is obviously shaped to be an idiot, so don't think that represents all atheists. Since I read your story, you should read something like the God Delusion and tell us what you think edit: another thing was that they couldn't see the professor's brain so according to his own thing they couldn't accept the brain's existence. The thing is, there is heaps of evidence for the existence of brains, and brains within all human beings, and for a brain within the professor himself (maybe he got an MRI done at one time, or just that the professor exhibits mental activity, which is controlled by his brain, so by inference)... while there is NO evidence for the student's (who is not einstein) god. Evidence is more than the 5 senses, in fact the 5 senses themselves, without much helping them, can be unreliable
  2. A followist - hehe nice term Just have a chat with her, show her your side of the argument, she should see it if she's bright (I'm sure she is, everyone is in their own ways). On an unrelated note, did you know that the Salvation Army is actually a church, and that it restricts its members from marrying any non-Salvation-Army members? Just saw it on yahoo
  3. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    you left out SomeGuy, PT, CL, Sinistral and ST... or do you not consider them baddies because they didn't raise any accusations against you
  4. that's a good point, I've never thought of that before - "Do you believe in god?" is like asking "do you accept the truth that Zeus exists?" either they accept it or not, but either way it's staged to be true. Interesting! It's kind of like that joke where you ask someone "Are you going to admit that you're [insert derogatory term of your choice here]?", regardless of yes or no, they're screwed
  5. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    yeah maybe you'll do something bad@ss and try to run away... but we'll get you in the end Kat: yeah the thought crossed my mind, itachi has definitely raised the suspicion level a little bit, but there are so many factors that I'm tangled right now, and can't know anything for sure
  6. thanks I think ThingOfTheFuture: I get what you're saying, but unfortunately segregation still exists. Did you know that Boy Scouts are anti-atheists? That's right, you have to "pledge to God" to join them. The list goes on, I'm sure. It doesn't really affect me (since I hated the boy scouts anyway, we never actually did anything ;D), but I know it affects some people ~~ For the atheists, I have a question.... one of my good friends is going through some "religious self-examination" or something like that. Like a time where he's pondering philosophy. He doesn't say much about it openly but I can tell. His family is Christian, but like most people in my area, it's not a really big influence. I mean, he doesn't go to church or anything, and he's smart, and values reason I'm sure. The other day he said he wanted to talk with (or debate with, I can't remember) a priest about "philosophical matters", lol. Then the other day he said he liked to ponder "philosophical questions and evolution". I'm not exactly sure what he means since you can't really "ponder evolution", but I think it would be fair to say that he's grappling with religion. I kind of want to influence him, but at the same time I DON'T want to influence him. He's a cool guy and I think he would be able to break the vice that religion holds on America, but I don't know if he can do it alone. I don't want to bring the matter up either, that would just be kind of awkward. idk. Any suggestions?
  7. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    I believe the correct term would be LingMAO Frost: the vote is pretty much no contest I think we can safely end the day when you get home from school (about 50 minutes)
  8. wow! Star_tiger, you are a really good artist
  9. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    there are 3 people that rank high on my suspicions list... but no reason to bring out more names. I disagree with Ysan, and I think Impervious needs to go today - I'm not sure why she's protecting a known dangerous baddie to go after Slick, who I'm 50-50 on, so unless she knows something we don't, the best bet is Impervious edit: I went back and read more deeply, and see Ysan's point. But it's too much of a gamble, and we have Impervious right under our axe ;D Let's take him out now so we won't regret it later
  10. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    my vote is obvious Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Yoruichi-san 2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - voting for Impervious 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster 6) SomeGuy - voting for Impervious 7) Impervious - Injected [Matt] 8) Prof. Templeton 9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane 11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 12) Sinistral 13) Itachi 14) Kat 15) Star Tiger
  11. unreality

    is it a Titan from Greek Mythology?
  12. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    there's no way that you're HRG, Impervious, sorry
  13. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Aaughh this is so conveniently suspicious and perfect and exactly what a baddie would say in that situation... now I'm torn again If you are telling the truth, you might as well confirm or deny what Prof T said about Bb - was Bb = DL? edit: didn't see Ysan's post. Nice catch ysan!!! Looks like it was the right choice to switch my vote to Imp after all ;D
  14. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    wow... I made the wrong choice. Or would ST have been worse to lynch? At least Impervious didn't die... wow I think I've been misled. I need to go back and read
  15. I can do those with my keyboard ∏π •°¶‡§∞™€‹£¢›ªı?ÔÒØ?¨ÁˇFÅÏ˝ÎÍÔÅS><:Æ”’»±—πø??∫© ∆?˚ø¬≈√∫
  16. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    eager? I waited until the last minute when Frost asked me to vote for someone, as he didn't know what he would do in the event of a tie. Like I said, I think you're probably a good guy, but I am more confident in ST. You firing back like this (and calling me "eager" lol when there are three minutes left) is actually making me more suspicious when I wasn't before
  17. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    ST never did anything wrong, but was bandwagoned. This isn't fair, she could indeed have a good role. Of the two people whom I need to switch to break this tie, she seems less suspicious. So, bye bye Impervious I have no idea what your role is, nothing personal... it's just that I think ST is much less suspicious, that's all. You have a 50/50 chance of living, so if you're good hopefully you'll live ;D Host: Frost 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - voting for Impervious 4) Prince Marth - voting for Star Tiger 5) Akaslickster - voting for Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Impervious 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells - voting for Star Tiger 12) Sinistral - voting for Kat 13) Itachi - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Kat - voting for Star Tiger 15) Star Tiger - voting for Impervious
  18. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    I'm torn, between Prof T and Itachi and their claims. So instead I am voting for GC ;D Nothing personal, but usually you are pretty vocal, I just want to get you to post so I can hear your opinion on the itachi/profT accusation war, which will help me straighten out of my own vote Host: Frost 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - voting for GC 4) Prince Marth - voting for Star Tiger 5) Akaslickster - voting for Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Impervious 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells - voting for Star Tiger 12) Sinistral - voting for Kat 13) Itachi - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Kat - voting for Star Tiger 15) Star Tiger - voting for Prince Marth
  19. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    well if Prof T is a baddie, he has me fooled Otherwise, I think I agree with him. My vote remains unsure
  20. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    hmmm... at Itachi's request, I am considering re-voting for Prof T, but I'd like to hear from him first. If he views this but doesnt defend, or his defense makes me suspicious, I will join itachi fixing the colors: Host: Frost 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster - voting for Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Impervious 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells - voting for Star Tiger 12) Sinistral - voting for Kat 13) Itachi - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Kat - voting for Star Tiger 15) Star Tiger - voting for Prince Marth
  21. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    hmm, good enough for now Prof T I believe you enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and remove my vote, also because I don't want to put more pressure on you to reveal more info 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster - voting for Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Impervious 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells - voting for Star Tiger 12) Sinistral - voting for Kat 13) Itachi - voting for Star Tiger 14) Kat - voting for Star Tiger 15) Star Tiger - voting for Prince Marth
  22. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    kat: It's a code that's written in another numerical base with something extra thrown in You have to figure it out 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Impervious 2) Brandonb - DEAD[?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - voting for Prof Templeton 4) Prince Marth 5) Akaslickster - voting for Unreality 6) SomeGuy - voting for Sinistral 7) Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 8) Prof. Templeton - voting for Star Tiger 9) Crazypainter - DEAD[?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane voting for Impervious 11) Grey cells - voting for Star Tiger 12) Sinistral 13) Itachi - voting for Star Tiger 14) Kat 15) Star Tiger - voting for Prince Marth nothing personal Prof T, and I don't have that strong of a reason, but you've been talking in some cryptic language that I think has a little suspiciousness to it, so I just want a little explanation and defense, that's all slick: shunnnn the ESP, shunnnn ;D
  23. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    thanks CP, wish you and Bb were still in it, I have a feeling you guys were integral roles secret code: 44oa Ysan: I agree. DL saved himself or Niki on the first night and Nathan probably saved himself too, excluding them from being either of those. Hmmm...
  24. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Hmmm... great post Frost We now know that Molly knows 1 hero role and Peter has 2. SomeGuy said they should drop hints, but I think he is mistaken - they only know good guys, not bad guys. It does mean that they should subtly defend said heroes if they are accused, but not "drop hints" as to who some of the hero roles are. That would be bad for the heroes, and good for the company
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