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Everything posted by unreality

  1. apparently Izzy is dropping out as well PT: we want to recruit you, believe me And as soon as we find out how, we will. I suspect something is related to the Trojan horse here, but we'll see
  2. yeah when I first looked at it, I thought it would suck ... I super underestimated it lol
  3. I wouldn't be so sure dawh - Brandonb is winning the lynch vote, meaning there are more people (and thus independents) in favor of us Trojans rather than the Achaeans... only if both of the nonvoters vote for me will there be a tie, otherwise Brandonb dies Clearly we have the Achaeans cornered and they're starting to get desperate
  4. jumping/teleportation/whatever you want to call it For a while it was stopping time, but after I saw Jumper I was like "damn this is the best one". 3rd place is flight
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mP3FqUUAAw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lP0CmEA6PA
  6. Hermes is with us, 100% - the Achaeans can't get both gods, remember? We're all working together regardless of whether we have BTSC or recruitments yet. We've got you surrounded and you don't even know it Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaa
  7. I think I should be able to get Ender's Game tomorrow, though no guarantees oh and I just thought of a book we could do for the next one - I can't believe I forgot it before!! It's called Fly By Night and at first glance seems for youngerish audiences, but it's very deep and incredibly well written. One of the best books I've ever read...
  8. unreality

    interesting... kind of like the Philosopher hunt or the Yak Hunt?
  9. Tartaric? Tartarian? lol edit: supposedly it's Tartarean
  10. go back to whence you came, thrice-headed canine abomination
  11. Cerberus was the three-headed dog that guarded Hades, which was a god and also the name encompassing the whole underworld, which was split into sections like the Elysian Fields (paradise for heroes) or Tartarus (eternal pit of fiery doom), etc
  12. bwahahaha, in your dreams, spawn of Cerberus ;D
  13. haha we psyched you Achaeans out, didn't we? hehe. Athena can't act today... I may change it, but for now: Host: itachi 1) Izzy 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Frost -DEAD 4) dawh 5) Cherry Lane -DEAD 6) Star Tiger 7) LIS -DEAD 8) SomeGuy 9) Joe's Student 10) GC 11) PG 12) reaymond 13) impervious -DEAD 14) O'mally 15) unreality - voting for Brandonb 16) Brandonb [Achaean] 17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]
  14. Yeah, you mean a functional error, not an actual syntax error. The functional error is because the numbers are referencing the line +1 from the ending as the bomb. You could subtract 1 from the a-parameters of all of the COPYs, or just add one more line to the end: JUMP 0,0 and that should work
  15. Alright, I have the results Sorry about the time - I had to break to eat dinner I organized the game into matches, of which I ran 7. For each match, I generated a random starting loc and then flipped the two programs with the same starting loc, so each match has two games (except the match where it generated 150 because that would be the same game if flipped, so that just had 1) Key: sp = speedy sc = Scythe II Match Number starting locs ------- winner +round number of victory Match One: 127 sc 0, sp 127 ------- sp 25 sp 0, sc 127 ------- sc 38 Match Two: 175 sc 0, sp 175 ------- sc 34 sp 0, sc 175 ------- sp 25 Match Three: 61 sc 0, sp 61 ------- sc 10 sp 0, sc 61 ------- infinite ~ sp destroyed sc's bombing component, leaving just the guzzler/editor to loop forever while sp rebombed the same places Match Four: 223 sc 0, sp 223 ------- infinite ~ neither program overwrote the other, they just missed most of each other's code and then didn't affect each other after that sp 0, sc 223 ------- sc 18 Match Five: 101 sc 0, sp 101 ------- infinite ~ sp destroyed sc's bombing component, leaving just the guzzler/editor to loop forever while sp rebombed the same places sp 0, sc 101 ------- sp 34 Match Six: 150 [one game only as a flip would be the same] sc 0, sp 150 ------- sp 30 Match Seven: 182 sc 0, sp 182 ------- sp 25 sp 0, sc 182 ------- sc 14 WINS m1: sp,sc m2: sc,sp m3: sc,inf m4: inf,sc m5: inf,sp m6: sp m7: sp,sc 13 games were played, of which speedy won 5, Scythe II won 5, and 3 were infinite ties. So you may think it's a tie, but of the infinity-games, one infinity was an even tie, but in the other two, speedy was the dominant player, wiping most of Scythe II, even though Scythe II clung to life with the backup-guzzler-editer pointer. So I declare speedy the winner and the better program I've had an idea for Scythe 2.2, which would bomb in sections of 45 not 30, allowing to faster VNA coverage, and I think that may have fared better against speedy gonzales, but not sure - speedy is a good program ;D However it has a weakness similar to the original Scythe's, which is that all the pointers are in one basket, so to speak, and a single dropped bomb could fell all 9. Speedy's other weakness was that it could only do one sweep - after that, it bombs the exact same places all over again. Scythe lasts for two sweeps, then repeats, I was trying to find ways to improve on that but they weren't practical to impliment, at least for Scythe II. However, for speedy I could see a possible way to make it work. Anyway, despite those shortcomings, speedy's speed definitely overcomes it Great program DMS! Congrats!
  16. you're on This is Scythe II: JUMP m=q+1,c_q_8_5_0_0 FOOD 0,0 COPY 2,m=!+q JUMP 0,-2 JUMP 0,0 SET! c_!_270_45_45_m=!+30,0 FOOD 0,0 JUMP 0,-2 and I'm using this from your sig as speedy: jump m=1+q,0 copy 23,m=245+q copy 22,m=54+q copy 21,m=208+q copy 20,m=76+q copy 19,m=186+q copy 18,m=98+q copy 17,m=109+q copy 16,m=164+q food 0,0 copy 14,m=142+q copy 13,m=131+q copy 12,m=153+q food 0,0 copy 10,m=120+q copy 9,m=175+q copy 8,m=87+q food 0,0 copy 6,m=197+q copy 5,m=65+q food 0,0 food 0,0 food 0,0 jump 0,-22 jump 0,0 I'll run the battle now and post the results
  17. I was gasping in laughter over this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKOEQVgONh0 :lol: :lol:
  18. Yeah, that's how a bomber works. It usually has a line or so that's effectively a pointer-killer (like 'JUMP 0,0') inside its program that it never actually runs itself, but rather systematically copies it around the VNA, hoping to hit the enemy
  19. ohhhhh *slaps forehead* They have to be consecutive! lol... I have to rethink now
  20. uh, what? Lol COPY does exactly what it says. COPY a,b will copy line 'a' to line 'b'. I was just saying that you can use COPY to drop malicious code segments on the enemy, ie, to 'bomb' them
  21. I'm lmao constantly Some content may not be suitable for kids, but the majority is fine and extremely funny http://failblog.org/ right now I'm on page 18 ;D
  22. oh I didn't see that, sorry Ender's Game it is ;D I'll either be able to get it today OR in two days (Monday), but not tomorrow
  23. nothing is final until a book gets 5 votes
  24. Ender's Game needs 1 vote, A&D needs 2, and Slaughterhouse Five needs 3 more. It will be between those three for sure
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