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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I want to put my 2ยข in about the drug issue. Many drugs are dangerous, and deadly, and corrosive for society. But just as many are natural and generally safe (for example, the only long term effect of regular nitrous oxide inhalation is a Vitamin B-12 deficiency which can be overcome with vitamin boosts; psylocibin (sp?) mushrooms aka "shrooms" are generally regarded as "healthy and natural" as long as you don't get a poisonous one; etc) and seem to be illegal just for the hell of it. And drugs like MDMA generally tend to be dangerous because of bad stuff like meth laced in... which wouldn't happen if it was legalized and sold by reputable companies or governments. What I'm saying is, I think it's a mixed bag with drugs, when you consider it from a legal and philosophical standpoint. I am pretty much vehemently against anything highly addictive like cigarettes, heroin, cocaine, meth, etc. Even the people that do those drugs generally tend to wish they had never started, since it ruins your life. It should be illegal and philosophically frowned on. It's bad for the human and for the society. As for the more-healthy drugs, I think the government needs to step back a little. If it's healthy (even acid is healthier by a million than alcohol) and non-addictive, and if you're not dealing it to minors, I don't think it's the government's business what you put in your body. And many religions, like or not, have certain drugs associated with them. Native American shamans do "peyote", and the government legalized it for them... it just goes to show that church and state are still not entirely separated. Anyway, in a nutshell, I don't think Phronism should have an official stance one way or the other, and if a denomination wants to make that a centric of its "worship", then by all means. Phronism is about religious freedom after all
  2. unreality

    (1) Cramer's rule is already on your calculator [2nd] [x-1] accesses the "MATRIX" editor, where you can define and create matrices. Pan over one to the MATH submenu on the MATRIX editor and option 1 is "det(", which is used to find the determinant of the matrix that's inputted to it. Just letting you know ;D (2) It's possible to write calculator code in asm, or assembly. This is machine language that's much lower-lever, and a LOT faster. Tutorials and guides here. It's what MirageOS and Ion and the other gaming shells use. The asm gets encrypted and compressed, which is why you can't open it in the normal TI-BASIC program editor. It has to be done from a computer. In this way, your programs can (a) become faster and (b) become locked to outsiders. Also, MirageOS has a password protection system so if you want, people won't even be able to use your assembly programs if you don't want them to edit ~ as for 2nd+quit, a program caught in an infinite loop ignores this (depending on the calculator version I think) but you can still terminate the loop with the "ON" button
  3. unreality

    awesome, octopuppy A great summary of our hard work and mental toil ;D I say post it on RD.net and see what happens!
  4. I was doing strongest to weakest, so ABC would be A>B>C. Flipping yours or mine around, they're exactly the same that seems to work! I have an idea... I don't know what the 'computational complexity' of it is, maybe you can help with that:
  5. I've been working on some stuff, later today I'll think more on this problem too hehe [edit - typo]
  6. In spirit of the sixth Harry Potter movie coming out (even though I don't even like Harry Potter ), I bring you the third installment of and A distant realm has 100 people of wizarding blood, no more, no less. Recall from the previous riddles that no two wizards are of the same strength level. The Sultan of this realm (a nonwizard) wants to rank them from best to worst in exact order of strength, without error, using the ranking mind-duel process from the previous riddles. You are his main logician, called in to figure out how to do it. Furthermore, when a wizard runs a test, he/she charges in gold, so the Sultan needs to know how much to pull out of the treasury... so what is the shortest number of duels it could take to determine? What is the maximum necessary? What is the expected? What's your strategy?
  7. I think it updates the view count on a regular time interval, similar to profile views
  8. Just the other day I saw an ad for that stuff that looks like lipstick kinda that you apply over car scratches RIP Billy Mays
  9. unreality

    Looks like a huskie, yeah (my first dog was a huskie, I was really young though) how about "Azure" because of those beautiful blue eyes ;D
  10. ah, the classic Gambler's Fallacy Just because you just flipped 20 heads in a row doesn't make tails more likely on the next flip ;D (hehe actually I'd say HEADS is more likely since something's probably wrong with the coin) anyway, thanks for playing, again, everyone
  11. both of you are wrong, yet both of you are VERY close Gmaster, magic_luver, Kat, Izzy and Social_Darwin are dead... Gmaster/Kat/SD were team A, magic_luver and Izzy were team B * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 {A} 2) Kat {A} 3) Magic_luver {B} 4) underground_dan 5) crazypainter 6) randro 7) Izzy {B} 8) Social Darwin {A} and with that, this odd experiment of a game is over Team A: Social Darwin, Kat, crazypainter, underground_dan, Gmaster479, Randro Team B: Izzy, Magic_luver101 With both team B members dead, team A wins by process of elimination ;D The full roster is: * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 {A} 2) Kat {A} 3) Magic_luver {B} 4) underground_dan {A} 5) crazypainter {A} 6) randro {A} 7) Izzy {B} 8) Social Darwin {A} well this was... interesting, to say the least. It was quite a psychology experiment from the very start... almost every single person chose team A... and one of the B-people (magic_luver) wanted to switch to A shortly afterwards. There's some psychological moral here, perhaps an egotism or maybe just the lull of being on "Team A". Anyway I thought that was interesting, moreso because the result of people wanting that, it became true, because it lopsided the numbers accordingly. anyway good game, izzy and SD were both very close, one person off each. Well thanks for playing everyone Since I was forwarded almost no PMs, I'm curious as to whether people tended to honesty or dishonesty?
  12. incorrect ;D Gmaster, magic_luver and Kat are dead... Gmaster and Kat were team A, magic_luver was team B * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 {A} 2) Kat {A} 3) Magic_luver {B} 4) underground_dan 5) crazypainter 6) randro 7) Izzy 8) Social Darwin 3 down, 5 left Thanks for playing Kat, and good luck to everyone else!
  13. oh it's so much more than that You seem well-versed in mathematics so to be honest I'm really surprised that you can't have heard of it before - I can't begin to list all of its amazing properties and the unusual places it pops up. IMO it's up there with 'pi' and 'e'
  14. there are lots of different ways to program it, but the question seems to imply that you don't have the memory space necessary to fill up an array and check for matches. We can make up for the absence of array memory by having a nested loop... it will only save a couple variables, yet the downside is that it will take many cycles to complete I think that would work (it would need to be tested and debugged of course) [edit - typo] edit2 - just curious, is there any mathematical reason you chose the numbers you did? I remember some number-theory concepts from the back of my mind related to multiples of 123456789 and how it flips around in certain ways or something strange like that, but I can't put my finger on it edit3 - ooh I do remember one thing. If you have 12345679 (ie, no 8) and multiply by 9, the product is 111,111,111 ... not sure if that means anything for this problem, but that leads to some interesting places
  15. DeeGee: yep you got 3b d3k3: when you "punch" out a column, you do an entire column of unit cubes, to a total of 10 unit cubes destroyed if all of the column is intact, 9 if there's a missing unit cube from another punch, etc. You can't only do one cube in and stop. In other words, you point it perpindicular to the face of a unit cube and "punch it" and it creates a line to infinty, destroying all cubes on that line. So even if there's gaps in there, it punches them all out. So if I understand you correctly, you first knock off a surface row that's one away from an edge row. Then you say you hit off each of those unit cubes that are in the isolated row... You can't do that since the puncher would punch out all 9 in that row. I guess you could say it's not "small" enough to fit in order to one cube at a time. I know I didn't explain it perfectly, it's kind of hard to do it without a picture and I don't have any 3d-picture-making tools and I'm not very artistically inclined edit: it may help to think of cubes not being destroyed but rather being "off" or "on". They all start out "on". A punch to a row will turn all "on" cubes in that row to the "off" position, and the ones that are currently "off" will stay "off"
  16. if you have an official guess, I think it's best if you PM (or PC hehe) it directly to me. If you post it in the topic, I might not see it immediately thanks
  17. bamafan: correct Good job {and congrats to everyone that has solved #1 so far - so far we know of three different correct methods of solution, with bamafan giving us the third} as of yet, I haven't had enough time to try to make a solid "proof" for the 10x10x10 cube punching problem... after I get off the computer right now I'll think on it... we'll see if anyone else can come up with equivalent/better/proven solutions As for #3, nobody has cracked this one yet
  18. unreality

    The truth is that there is no truth, and yet, the mind and body urge forward into the dance of life; this innate wisdom to take the Prudent Path in Life is too strong to quell, it is an intricate web of human nature, tying us together into the infinite Essence...
  19. go to Games and click [Last >>] which should take you to page 9 with the following URL: http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?/forum/30-games/page__prune_day__100__sort_by__Z-A__sort_key__last_post__topicfilter__all__st__240 "prune_day_100" looked sinister to me so I was just making sure Also, regarding the reputation, I did not ask him to do that lol
  20. edit: Simon Legree got 1a too ;D I have fleshed out my original solution to 1a and corrected it. So there are two methods of solution so far for 1a: making a 45-45-90 triangle with the centers of the two circles inside a snug square and using the relationship of side-to-hypotenuse (ie, pythagoras) to calculate x. Or my original solution, corrected: I believe that this is the maximum but I have yet to prove it - gimme a bit and I'll get back to you and 'next' on this one incorrect... by circle I meant the mathematical definition of a circle, which is locus of points equidistant from a center. That is, I meant the people can only travel around the EDGE of the circle. I guess I didn't make that clear enough - I'll see if the edit time is up yet... if I can't edit anymore, then clarification: for #3, the people can only travel around the edge of the circle!!!!!!!! That's what I meant by "clockwise" and "counterclockwise"... ie, you walk a circular arc path. That should make it much easier
  21. edit: Simon Legree got 1a too ;D
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