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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I literally cried while reading that story. Tears came to my eyes. I've heard rumors of this stuff before... if I could get my hands around the neck or Mr. and Mrs. Peta, or whoever these people are, I can't honestly say that I wouldn't strangle them... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. well what I had to do was quicker than I thought * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 2) Kat 3) Magic_luver 4) underground_dan 5) crazypainter 6) randro 7) Izzy 8) Social Darwin 9) 10) So, everyone should PM me the team they want to be on (A or B), remember it's a private choice. In the meantime, we'll leave the other two spots open and see if they get filled, but it's not critical that they do let stage 2, Selection, begin!
  3. er, moving on... If you guys want, 8 should be a great number to play with... I have some stuff to take care of in a few minutes, so I'll leave the signups til I get back, then I'll start the game ;D So during that time feel free to PM me your team (A or B) to speed the process up. REMEMBER NO DELIBERATION WITH OTHER PLAYERS ABOUT TEAM CHOICE, NOT YET! The only difference between me just randomly picking teams is to give you a portion of control & fairness anyway, so yeah, PM me those teams
  4. thanks for joining everyone We have the minimum, I'll wait more to see if we get all 10 spots filled. Anywhere in 6-10 range is probably fine And randro, you mean real-life days I assume - this is not mafia. There are no stages, no days or nights or posts by the host. Once the game begins, it's one fluid period
  5. Hivemind "and ye shall know the collective power of the Group..." Hivemind is a game I invented that deals with themes of deception, sociology, psychology, statistics and trust. I'm starting this game elsewhere as well, (feel free to join both) and am going to see how the different games pan out. The game works in the following stages: 1) Signup: for the first game I want 10 players, that seems like a good number. 2) Selection: each player, WITHOUT ANY DELIBERATION WHATSOEVER WITH ANY POTENTIAL PLAYERS, will PM the host (me) with their "team choice". There are two teams, A and B. Each player can choose to go on either team, and the decision is not shared or discussed with anyone during this stage. 3) Gameplay: As soon as everyone has PMed me their team choice, I announce in this topic that the game has begun! From that point on, the goal of the game is for each team to discover itself and the enemy. Players can PM other players (please CC all PMs to the host [me] so I have a grasp on what's going on, even though you don't strictly have to) with the intent of discovering their team... but how truthful is the PMer? And how truthful is the responder? Like I said, it's a game of deception and trust. Players can also post as much as they want on this public thread, but of course everyone can see it. A team wins when one of its players PMs me with a complete list of who is on A and who is on B. If the list is incorrect in any way, the player "dies" (is kicked out of the game and can no longer send or receive game-related PMs or help out his team or hurt the other team) and everyone learns what team he was on. If the player is correct, then his team wins, and the other team loses ~~~ Signups: ~~~ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) I'm shooting for 6-10 players depending on how signups go
  6. lol I was thinking in terms of going across the center of individual squares on the surface area of the cube, not boring through the cube itself... I see now Dinnertime now, but I'll get back to this problem now that I know what it's asking
  7. p_m: close but no cigar
  8. oh I see Yeah I see how the wording was ambigious
  9. unreality

    Another bad joke, but I heard his last words were "take me to the children's hospital" ~~ er *cough* moving on, for real now
  10. use spoilers, and neither is correct hookemhorns got #1, #2 is as of now unsolved
  11. unreality

    i just tried phronism.mil, also blank You know, just in case
  12. hookemhorns got it for #1 The previous two posters fell for the trap #2 is yet to be solved ;D
  13. You have a bag of 100 small balls. They are all shiny, black and identical except for a property called "zwahmness" which is extremely hard to detect (it has no effect on the physical appearance of the ball, at least that humans can detect with their senses). You know that one of the balls is zwahm, the rest are fakes. You select a ball randomly from a bag... Luckily you have a zwahmbo machine! The zwahmbo spits out 90% of zwahms and only 10% of fakes. It "retains" balls that it does not spit out. You put in your selected ball and it spits it out! (1) What is the probability that your ball is the zwahm ball? (2) How many times as unlikely is the ball to be zwahm if it had been retained rather than spit out?
  14. PT got it If you graph distance vs time, the two different line slopes create parallelograms All three have been solved ;D
  15. unreality

    I don't mind at all, I think it's awesome if you actually are, honest to Essence, claiming that Lyra is a Phronist. Does the government need some kind of documentation showing how your religion is against this or do they just take it? I thought there was supposed to be separation of church and state edit: btw the name Lyra is awesome. It's pronounced "lie - ruh", right? Me and my friends always got in arguments over how to pronounce the Lyra character from His Dark Materials ;D
  16. unreality

    I'm a lot younger, so it more of just a shock, he was still pretty young (50 I think)
  17. haha well since he bought the bike with ice cream scooping tips it's probably of inferior quality
  18. edit: Ohhhh I see what the deal is. You assumed that Avory's bike was INITIALLY locked with Ben's bike lock. From that standpoint, your solution makes sense: B: lock the new bike to the old bike already locked to the pole, when it is the other guys break, he unlocks the bikes from the pole, and locks the new bike to the pole, then on the next break for avery he unlocks the bikes from each other and locks his bike to the pole ah, I see now Very clever. #2 needs to be split into two parts. Yours works if Ben's lock is initially locking Avory's bike, my answer was for Avory's lock locking Avory's bike
  19. right it wouldn't matter, however either way yours doesn't work since you said "lock the new bike to the old bike already locked to the pole, when it is the other guys break, he unlocks the bikes from the pole" the other guy can't do that since he can only unlock his own bike lock. But you were very close to the correct solution And the correct solution allows both to get their own bike back too ~~~ edit: solutions to 2 and 3 in my post here, however nobody has truly gotten #1 yet... yes answers have been proposed, but there's something more...
  20. unreality

    Like I said, I didn't read any of it, just glanced at the URL and the first couple sentences. I agree we want to distance ourselves from "hippyism" despite having quite a similar message... I think the important elements of that are expressed (with more thought) in Phronism in a more modernized package and our own spins and twists haha, ooh the cruelty anyway, I'm still liking what I said about weddings and funerals. I think we need to instill that mystic sense of religious connection and tie it in with the wedding with also the usual Phronist prudence. That is, we should stress rational thought with regards to whether to get married, but the actual ceremony and process and whole stigma is as it is now, not just because we want to sync seamlessly with existing religions to gain members but also because the whole method seems to work pretty well (especially if we infuse some more idealisms about not getting divorced and making sure you love each other, etc) and octopuppy what do you think about the "mountain cremation ceremony" idea for funerals?
  21. so good job to wakes and perk, see my above post for the answers to (2) and (3)... only #1 remains unsolved edit - well it's been solved but there's a higher realization that hasn't come to light yet
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