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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    you enchanting vixen ;D Uh-oh let's not get into this again I'm not sure that I've ever said on this site that I bought fully into the 'big bang'. Obviously a lot of work has been done and such subjects and I think the "beginnings" of the universe is something beyond my grasp at this point. I think the term "beginning of the universe" is redundant since, if 'universe' is being used to describe EVERYTHING, then it has no beginning and no end. Though I could be completely wrong... like I said, I just have no clue, and don't pretend to But what I do know is that the universe is definitely in a balanced state, always was, and always will be. Think of it as a graph... a basic 2d graph to keep it simple. Say a line divides the graph longwise into an upper half and a lower half, exactly midway between. Now imagine a spiky line coming in from the left, going up and down with beautiful fractal fluidity (), but always staying above the center line. Now imagine another dot tracing a line beneath the central divider, exactly matching the image above. Say one is positive, the other is negative. They will always add to be 0. So there is always the same "net matter" in the universe IMO, and that number would be zero. To be clear: ZERO, not NOTHINGNESS. At some point - and I'm not sure whether this point exists in the timeline or not - say the upper and lower parts are both exactly on the origin line. At this stage in the universe, there wouldn't be "nothing": it's hard to explain what I'm thinking right now lol, but it would be like the universe existing in the state of ultimate equilibrum (not just your everyday normal equilibrum ;D), a state of Zen I guess. Where everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Perhaps both lines jump away from this point, and this is called the "Big Bang". You may think I'm a hypocrite for all this philosophy without empirical evidence, but it differs because: 1) I don't follow this religiously. In fact, I just made up a lot of it just now lol, though it was putting various scattered thoughts from my life into a description 2) I do have evidence - and that's the world around us. It is in perfect balance now, and between one second and the next, what's the difference? It's always in perfect balance, thus perhaps when both + and - are at 0, going outward from that is a big deal. Though I suspect, whether or not such 'equilibrum points' exist, the timeline goes forever in either direction Interesting. So you do think either "side" will "win"? I don't see this as some sort of "cosmic war" - more of two things complimenting each other, yin and yang. Neither side is able to win, since they both need each other. Neither side can have a higher value than the other, or it would throw the whole universe askew ;D me too (see below post) But who decides that right and where it ends? You just did Morality is also a favorite subject of mine. What matters is what is currently accepted by the society for the society's continued existence - everything's purpose is to further its own existence so as to enjoy its own existence ;D So from this simplicity, complexity emerges, like all things. That would be morals between individuals and eventually societies. It is definitely subjective. What a primitive Amazon tribe considers right is probably different from our picture of right and wrong, but for them, that IS right and wrong. The society's morals and individuals' morals evolve together based on everyday interactions. Many years ago in the US, people with a different light-reflecting pigment gene were seen as lesser people, and it was commonly accepted. It was right - for most people. There are always people who's own morals have progressed differently from the society's - you might say "for better or for worse", but that's subjective
  2. unreality

    dnae see my post #130, about balance in the universe
  3. Main Entry: astray Pronunciation: \ə-ˈstrā\ Function: adverb or adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estraié wandering, from estraier to stray — more at stray Date: 14th century 1 : off the right path or route : straying 2 : in error : away from what is proper or desirable I meant it as Definition #1, though #2 probably won't be far off either, hehe Frost see post #10
  4. Since I'm in school too, just like you, there are no time constraints and it will all be very loose. So sign up Team ? 1) GC - Corsican Fever 2) 3) 4) 5) Team ? 1) NM_EJL - Team Ramrod 2) 3) 4) 5) Team ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  5. unreality

    Hehe, yes my goal was to actually make a statement that theists would agree with And I perfectly agree that everything is a balance, but 'good' and 'bad' and subjective phrases invented by people to assign to moral values... however I definitely think that the universe is in a balanced state, and that's how it's came to evolve. Matter and energy remain conserved, with equal amount of antimatter, so it all balances to exactly 0, all the time. That's the way I see it, in a way... and if you worshipped a deity where 'good' and 'bad' were objective, divine principles than it would make sense and would follow along with the universe to have an equal amount of good and bad. However, that's universally, and there could more bad than good on earth, or vice versa, but universally it would be equal since technically there would be infinite of both ("heaven" and "hell"), so it would balance out no matter how much 'goodness' or 'badness' was on earth. So if I was a theist I would understand the problem of evil. If I worshipped a god it could only be one that was like Yin-Yang, equal parts dark and light. However 'dark' and 'light', 'good' and 'evil', etc, are all subjective which change based on your perspective. For example, it would be a tough thing to argue if there is more good or more badness on the Earth, because how do you define those values? You can't just say "Hmmm my Goodometer is telling me 450 points of goodness while my Badometer is reading about 379"
  6. unreality

    Do You YouTube?

    omg, lmao. That was hilarious!!
  7. Is anyone else gonna join?
  8. unreality

    I'd say, from an unbiased point of view (not thinking in either direction), that the so-called "problem of evil" is the biggest thorn in most religions' sides, and keeps a lot of people away. Yes of course it can't disprove a god (could be an evil god too), but on hand they preach goodness, on the other hand there is suffering, and they also preach hell. I think this (the problem of evil) deters a lot of people, since it's not explained very accurately. I understand that it has small effect on the reality of a higher being, but for most people that don't give it much thought, the suffering part is a big deal and seems to make most people wary of religion - as they should be, but for different reasons. Just an insight on some of my thoughts, most theists will probably agree
  9. when we get enough people I guess
  10. here are a few challenge ideas I have in mind... * a game with points that involves devaluing others' point totals * a game based solely on diplomacy where two teams must agree that the other team will lose and go to TC * a game where the team that posts the xth post wins the challenge, however a team cannot post twice in a row under any reason or they're out and cannot post again until the xth post is made - this stresses teamwork (and fun) * you must play an online game and post a pic of your score, however cheating is possible with this
  11. Three Teams. Fifteen Castaways. One Island. One Destiny. One Winner. One Survivor ASTRAY. *** Game Process *** 3 teams of 5 each - immunity challenges, 2 teams win each challenge, the loser going to Tribal Council (TC), where one person is voted off from that team by their fellow team members and eliminated from the game - the first team to hit 2 people gets split up into the other 2 teams, one person going to each of the other teams randomly 2 teams left now - now only team wins immunity, the other goes to Tribal Council - when the total drops to 5 people, the teams merge into one 1 team left, of 5 people: the final 5 - immunity is individual, with only one person winning - the team goes to TC after each immunity challenge, with the immunity-winner exempt from being voted for - when it gets down to 2 people, the Jury decides who wins. The jury consists of 5 people, from the 7th place person to the 3rd place person, and they hold a final discussion where questions are asked, etc, then each juror casts their vote for the ultimate winner. For the ultimate survivor. *** Tribal Council *** A brief discussion will be held in public, then I start the voting and everyone PMs me the name of the person they want kicked off the team. I will tally the votes and the person will be asked to leave the show immediately (hehe). If the game is down to one team: Before the vote (during the discussion), if the Immunity Holder (IH) wants to give the immunity to someone else, they must state it before the voting begins! - It takes majority (above 1/2) to kick someone off the island - Immunity-Holder: if the game is down to 1 team and someone votes for the person with immunity, I will reply and tell them to change their vote. Also, the IH votes just like everyone else - Hidden Immunity: if someone has a secret immunity idol, when they PM me their vote they must also tell me they want to use it, or if they want to give it to someone else - Before revealing the vote tally, I will reveal if anybody used a hidden immunity or transferred immunity to anyone else. This can affect the voting: if someone is revealed as immune, all votes against that person are void, and the second-most voted person is sent packing - In the event of a tie, I will constrict the ballot to the names involved in the tie, and redo the vote. If the vote is still tied after the second redo, other options will be pursued *** Rules *** The No's : No insulting : No complaining : No announcing in-topic or in a PM that you have sent your vote in to me, or who you voted for, though you can of course say beforehand who you will vote for (however true that may be ) : No not having fun The Yes's : You can PM each other privately, but CC me in the PM!!! : Please PM your vote in soon after I call for the votes, or as soon as you can. If a majority is reached before you have the chance to vote, you will be excluded from the vote, unless I know that you have an immunity idol, in which case I will wait to see if you use it. This won't affect anything or give away info because nobody knows who has PMed me *** Challenges *** I have a few ideas for challenges already, and may create a system of stats, numbers, etc, and possibly reward challenges to go with that, not sure yet. I will think on the finer details while people sign up *** Sign Up *** Team ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Team ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Team ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) When you sign up, please copy the full roster over. Also, when you put your name in, also put an idea of what you think the team name should be. For example: Team ? 1) Bob - Team Zulu 2) Randy - The Awesome Team 3) 4) 5) Team ? 1) 2) 3) 4) Zirk - The Island Security Agency (ISA) 5) Team ? 1) Ribs - We Like Ribs 2) 3) 4) 5)
  12. ADP, Itachi wasn't saying he believed in God just cuz he wanted an afterlife, he knew that was ridiculous, he was just saying that he felt life has no meaning - and of course he is correct. As I explained a few pages back, that's where the beauty of life lies, in the fact that it has no meaning, something 99% of theists do not understand, or can't grasp. And, as I said earlier and as ADP said, even if a deity exists, life still has no meaning So enjoy it to the maximum, no matter what religion you are ;D
  13. unreality

    hehe btw sorry about your friend Scott. Tis unforunate
  14. 1) it's Unreality not 'UR' ;D hehe 2) I can't, I'm too busy now that school's started. Sorry
  15. unreality

    Still, though, she has a point. If God is so loving why not just throw everyone in heaven, no matter what?
  16. I feel that after M4F14, Speed Mafia, Anime Battle Royale, Cruise Ship Mafia, M4F14#2 and Pirate Mafia, everyone's getting more Mafia experience while I'm getting zip, zero, nada I think I'll have to join Sinistral's Pirate Mafia though, definitely. Maybe I'll run the Brainden-themed Mafia sometime. And of course in the near/distant/whenever future, Mafia VII
  17. Your porpucine experience is amazingly funny :D

  18. unreality

    I agree with everything Octopuppy said, because he is the Word of God lol jk But I still agree with everything he said ;D And I too want to hear more about Scott's exact beliefs
  19. unreality

    Do You YouTube?

    Too bad the camera didn't show the effects of that... does water blast out of the ground or something? lol
  20. actually I used to do it on The Revival, then I was wondering what the background was for BD, so that me and Bb could cheat and send secret messages to each other in Mafia V (we decided against it though hehe), and Bb figured out the background color and told me, then I decided to use it in the scav hunt.
  21. unreality

    Yeah they'll burn you to a crisp if you defy their awesomeness ;D
  22. unreality

    Noted Sorry. It's just NM (the creator of this topic btw) was making attacks on evolution, thus breaking his own original rule anyway. You know what they say - two wrongs make a right ;D Hehe jk. It won't happen again
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