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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Wow.... I say give your grievances, say sorry's, comfort people, etc, then remove yourself from the whole situation
  2. Hmmm... it seems like it will take a while, especially since I can only be on small amounts of time cuz of school, and I'll start to get much more busy next week... should we drop the game? Or should we find replacements - including maybe me... cuz if you guys are gonna drop, I might too, I'm pretty busy as well... sorry, I realized just yesterday how long it would really take, ie, about 42-45 "days" (yikes!, lol) Opinions, thoughts, ideas?
  3. unreality

    what about a 2-root-2 sequence, ie, where each number is the previous multiplied by the square root of 2? The 21st number x2 equals the 23rd number ;D hehe
  4. I've sent the encryption to WW, so the round can continue once GC, Bb and Itachi go. The triple asterisks mean that these people have to take their turn before the round can end and the next one begins: Team Corsican Fever CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector Frost: Beach - 3u from Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items *** GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items Team CoR Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector WW: Starting Mats - EW, 5/6/5/6, No Items NM: Shooting Gallery, 5/6/2/9, No Items Team Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector *** Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items *** Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items
  5. Rent the second season, it's amazing - my favorite season probably, except maybe season three. They're all excellent
  6. NM: did you read my post where I described the challenge? I already reducted everyone's Strengths and Swimming scores based on Health, you don't need to worry about that Frost: yeah that's all there is to it. And that's why I want people to hurry up, lol. I'll put asterisks behind people that have taken their turn this round: [NM wants to run to the Shooting Gallery, he can do this in one turn since he has a modified Strength of 5] Team Corsican Fever * CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector * Frost: Beach - 3u from Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items Team CoR * Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector * WW: Starting Mats - EW, 5/6/5/6, No Items * NM: Shooting Gallery, 5/6/2/9, No Items Team * Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items we're waiting on GC, Bb and Itachi - and I still have to PM WW the encryption, I'll do that now
  7. Team Corsican Fever CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector Frost: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items Team CoR Frozen: Cage, 6/4/6/4, Metal Detector WW: Starting Mats, 5/6/5/6, No Items NM: Starting Mats, 5/6/2/9, No Items Team Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items I'm going to bed now WW called EEW, I don't even know what the encryption is yet, I'll be back in 17 hours, good night everyone ;D
  8. Sinistral: yeah you can help Okay guys, I'm going to bed now, so either we can start in 17 hours (about 3:00 my time) or you can start earlier, but note that I won't be here for about 17 hours, so depending on if it gets to a point where you need me for the puzzle or stone-throwing, I won't be here til then - still, though, you might as well start now (after giving people time to change who's in the cage) so that by the time I get on tomorrow it will be ready for me to do stuff... just make sure you understand the rules completely if you're going to make a turn! Good night ;D edit: looks like WW started it off - however he spoke for NM, which he isn't allowed to do, and he didn't re-post the whole roster
  9. I can't stop you from PMing the rest of your team and working on it as a group - though note that the EEW user has to be the one to PM the answer, and they'll probably work on it the most anyway since the can't do anything else until it's solved, whereas the other players have other things to do each round
  10. A while ago I was gonna start a topic "You know you're a Braindenizen when..." in the Jokes forum, but I forgot (being me, lol ), this reminded me! We can sorta do the same thing on here You know you're a Braindenizen when... - you know that only Bonanova can use Bonanova's special red - the seemingly random string EEF2F7 immediately makes you think of the scavenger hunt - you find yourself applying ADP's logical fallacies to things people say (I don't actually do this, but maybe some people do, not sure ) - you think about ways to make a real-life Mafia game - you imagine situations involving prisoners who are about to be executed, but have a chance to redeem themselves through a complicated logic game involving hats, lightbulbs or doors (or all three ) - you see [i'm not going to continue this one, as it's inappropriate and possibly insulting ;D]
  11. You (as in everyone) can change who is in the cage if you want, just make sure you've read all of post 308 and know how to change the stat block accordingly... however you can only change who is in the cage before someone starts off the first round - I know WW wanted to change, maybe others
  12. First Immunity Challenge: Obstacle Course [The new stuff is after the big triple asterisk] Welcome to the first IC, set here on this tropical beach (imagine it )! For this challenge, two members from each team must sit out, leaving three people on each team as the main players. There are three square mats on the sand, close to each other - each mat corresponds to a team, and each team's players are standing on the mat. One player from each team, however, is locked within a cage just behind the mat - locked with them each is a metal detector, which is missing its batteries. Next to each mat is a turn-table cuboid circle type thingy meant for decoding encryptions. You can flip, slide, and rotate blocks to mess around and search for the answer. For someone to attempt to decrypt the code, they must spend a certain amount of time there. If someone does decrypt it, out pops a single battery (the metal detector requires two batteries to work). However one player should probably sprint across the sand when I blow my whistle, across the beach to the shooting gallery - which is just three side-by-side contraptions. Shooters must fling stones (from a large pile), trying to break a clay panel 50 feet away. The panel's bottom edge is hooked to a rope which is anchored into the ground, and the panel's top edge is hooked to a rope which goes up, around a pulley, straight across overhead, and then on another pulley, dangling a key above the shooter's head. If the shooter breaks the clay panel, the string will be pulled by the key's weight and the key will fall into the shooter's hands. The key can be used to unlock the cage. The key can ALSO be used to unlock a certain chest. The only problem is, the chest is underwater, a ways out in the ocean. You must swim out and dive down, unlocking the chest. There is one chest for each team, with different locks on each. In each chest is a single waterproof battery (the metal detector requires two to work). Once you've unlocked the metal detector (along with your third teammate), and have both batteries, you can insert them and run the metal director. You must use the metal detector to locate the final prize - a hunk of Island Gold, which will serve as one of the immunity idols. The only problem is, the idol is buried in sludge which is toxic to humans. The sludge is contained a short sprint away into the jungle, in a large holding pin (nothing is dug below-ground, it's all raised). You must climb up (there is a ladder) to the wooden posts that are sticking out of the sludge, and balance on them, waving the metal detector around. It takes a lot of toughness to balance yourself for what could be a long time over a precarious drop into toxic, disgusting-smelling sludge (with fumes wafting up), while the hot sun glares down on you. If you fall in (or if you jump in to grab the idol once you've found it), you need to get out QUICK, and the effects won't harm your Health. Now, remember that only one team goes to Tribal Council, and there is a secondary idol. When a team obtains the first idol, a cage far off springs open, revealing a small cubbyhole where the second idol is hidden. At any time, a team can run into the forest and push one of three mine carts through the jungle - it is extremely heavy, and depending on people's Strengths, will probably require all three people to push. Once you get to the cave, you must put the second idol into your cart to win immunity, and thus sending the 3rd team to Tribal Council. Note that this secondary idol doesn't open until the first idol is obtained, though you can start pushing your ore cart before that. Each team should pick the two people they want to sit out, as well as who they want in the cage, and after all three teams have decided, I will explain how this will actually be played out - it's heavily related to stats, numbers, etc. Note - I will be gone for about 2 and a half hours after posting this, might not even be able to get on for 3 hours or more. So if people figure out their lineup for this challenge really quick, be patient Thanks! *** I'm only going to explain how this works once: The challenge will work in "rounds", which I'm using as nonstandard, non-constant time units, which have no time limits in our real world, though try not to hold the game up. In a single round, each person playing (6 at first, more once people are unlocked from cages), can perform one action each. There is no specific people-order for the actions, the order can change each round. Once all people involved perform an action, the next round begins, and the person who ended that round cannot begin the next one and immediately do another action, someone else must start off the next round. To not get confusing, we will make a sort of stat block to keep track of the challenge status and where people are. The tasks can be performed in any order, though they have to flow together. There are six locations: - Starting Mats: this has the cages, starting mats and encryption wheel - Shooting Gallery: this is a short sprint (length of 10 units) along the beach from the Starting Mats - Floating Platforms: these platforms are floating out at sea and correspond to the chest beneath them on the sandy floor. It is an equidistant swim (length of 20 units) from both the Starting Mats and the Shooting Gallery - Sludge Pen: this holds in the toxic sludge. It is an equidistant run (length of 25 units) from both the Starting Mats and Shooting Gallery - Ore Cart Track: this starts from the Starting Mats and requires a cumulative strength of 15 or higher to be moved - though if it is moved, it moves the total amount of strength applied to it (15+) of distance units in the round. The track stops at the Idol Cave, which is a distance of 40 units from the Starting Mats. If people want to run back to the Starting Mats after a certain distance, it's that distance back - ie, if the ore cart has been moved 32 units so far, for a player to run and join the ore cart, it'd take a 32 unit run from the Starting Mats, or same if they were going from one to the other, etc - Idol Cave: the door springs open when the sludge idol is captured, and of the player(s) waiting at the Idol Cave WITH their ore car, whichever one posts to grab it first, grabs it first. This is if there's multiple people there of course, and if they have their ore carts. The Idol Cave is 40 units from the Starting Mats Note: You cannot get to the Sludge Pen or Shooting Gallery from the Ore Cart Track or Idol Cave, or vice versa, because of tough thicket and swamp in the way What Actions Can You Do In Your Round? * Run: you can run as many Strength units as you have, affected by Health and then truncated. You can run from various locations to another, depending on where you can get to from your current location, and you can stop partway there if you can't make it (your progress will be recorded). You cannot run while in the cage * Engage Encryption Wheel: for this, you must be at the Starting Mats (not in a cage), and you announce this and PM me, I will reply with the encryption. If EEW is done in a round, everyone can finish the round, but after that they must wait for me to PM before continuing the game. Be careful to call EEW, since your character MUST stay at the wheel until they PM me the correct answer to the puzzle, and then they get one battery and can move elsewhere. Again, if they PM the answer and they're sure of it, announce completion in the topic and the round can be finished but then you must wait for me * Swim: from the Starting Mats OR Shooting Gallery (OR actually anywhere in the short run in between), it is a swim of 20 length units to the floating platforms. Each round, you can swim your Swimming score [taken by Health percent, then truncated] in length units, and, when you reach the 20 mark, if you still have 1 or more Swimming left, then you can retrieve the second battery in that round and then resurface. Otherwise you have to do that in another round. You must have the key to get the battery, of course - and obviously two people can't have the key at the same time. Possessions (keys and batteries) travel with the person to their location, though they can be traded between players of the same team if they are at the same location [trading keys/batteries does not cost an action]. To swim back, you can choose the Starting Mats (mark 0), the Shooting Gallery (mark 10), or any length unit mark (1 to 9) on the beach in between to swim back to, and you arrive at that point after you swim the 20 length units back * Push: if you are at the point along the Ore Cart Track where it is parked currently - 0 for Starting Mats, 40 for Idol Cave, or any mark (1-39) in between, you can push. You push for the entire course of that round only, so you may not get 15 strength by yourself, but if a second person pushes in that same round, they can add to it, and a third too. The cart is moved (if at all) after the last person that can take an action in the round takes an action, to be sure that the people pushing currently are all that are pushing for the round. Strength is Health-ized and truncated like it is for running - and if you run to the location of the cart and still have a few points of Strength left over that you didn't use in the run, you can apply those in that same turn to the ore cart * Shoot - Health does not affect your Accuracy. The Accuracy is scored out of 12, and I roll, and if I match that, you nail the panel. You get one shot per round. For example, if your Accuracy is 7, each round that you fling a stone, you have a 7/12 chance of hitting the panel. Once the panel is hit, the key is immediately in your possession. Like with the puzzle stuff, if you fling a stone, you guys must wait for me to roll the chances before continuing to the next round * Search - if you have the metal detector and are located at the Sludge Pen, you can begin searching the moment you arrive, once, and then once in each round you dedicate to searching. The chances of finding the idol are Toughness/15 (again, wait for me to roll before next round), and although your Toughness is NOT affected by Health, it drops 1 point after each unsuccessful search due to the overpowering sun, disgusting stench and precarious balancing. After the challenge, the first point of cooked food you eat will restore your lost Toughness, don't worry. If you successfully find the idol, you retrieve it immediately (if two people do in the same round, it's whoever posted first, just like the cave idol), and the Idol Cave springs open as well Free Actions: * Trade - like said earlier, you can trade keys and batteries and metal detectors without action charge * Unlock - unlocking chests, cages, etc (if you have the key), is a free action, same with retrieving the metal detector from the unlocked cage * Equip - putting batteries into the metal detector, provided they are both in the same location, is a free action Because of a few things that are dependent on me (puzzle, shooting chances, metal detecting chances), the game will probably take a matter of days - be patient, and expect that, though don't make it even longer if you can help it, please. I will try to be on as much as I can to oversee and respond, though I have school and am very busy during the day, though I'm back at about 3-4 o'clock my time every day. Thanks for understanding And remember: this challenge is much more important than the reward challenge. This challenge determines which team will be the first to lose a member! Notation: we'll use a special stat block to denote how the game is progressing. Please copy the most recent and add your changes to it, reposting the entire thing. It will work like this: Team Name Name: Location, Stats, Items Name: Location, Stats, Items Name: Location, Stats, Items Ore Cart: Location (0-40) For all three teams. The stats are shown as Strength/Toughness/Swimming/Accuracy. For example: Team Awesome Bob: Cage, 5/7/3/9, Metal Detector Dale: Water - 15u from Shooting Gallery, 9/3/5/7, Key Ramia: Starting Mats - Encryption Wheel, 2/10/2/10, No Items Ore Cart: 0 See how I describe specifically where they are, especially if they are mid-route between two locations, I say where they are, where they came from (in case, for example, Dale should decide to turn around in the water next round and go back to shore, we'll know what water route he came from), and where they are headed, and how far they have traveled along that route so far. Also note that the caged person automatically has possession of the Metal Detector (not that they could do anything with it, it needs two batteries and is locked in a cage, but they've still got it ) Since the roster is: Team Corsican Fever Cage: CL Other Players: Frost, GC Team CoR Cage: Wally West Other Players: Frozen, NM Team Cage: Mekal Other Players: Brandonb, Itachi the starting roster for the game is: Team Corsican Fever CL: Cage, 4/8/8/4, Metal Detector Frost: Starting Mats, 4/8/2/10, No Items GC: Starting Mats, 8/4/5/7, No Items Team CoR WW: Cage, 6/6/6/6, Metal Detector Frozen: Starting Mats, 8/4/8/4, No Items NM: Starting Mats, 6/6/3/9, No Items Team Mekal: Cage, 6/6/8/4, Metal Detector Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/11/1, No Items Itachi: Starting Mats, 4/8/1/11, No Items But with Health applied to Strength and Swimming (the 1st and 3rd numbers in that quadruple-thing), the stats are: Team Corsican Fever CL: Cage, 3/8/7/4, Metal Detector Frost: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/10, No Items GC: Starting Mats, 7/4/4/7, No Items Team CoR WW: Cage, 5/6/5/6, Metal Detector Frozen: Starting Mats, 6/4/6/4, No Items NM: Starting Mats, 5/6/2/9, No Items Team Mekal: Cage, 5/6/6/4, Metal Detector Bb: Starting Mats, 1/11/9/1, No Items Itachi: Starting Mats, 3/8/1/11, No Items Note that .836 * 1 = .836 truncate to 0 in Bb's case, but 1 was the lowest limit, so I left it at 1. Same case for Itachi's .932 * 1 Anyway: I guess there's no reason not to start right now ;D Hmm, though I seem to have overestimated people's Strength scores. Perhaps reducing the distances may not be so bad. How about: * 5 units between the Shooting Gallery and Starting Mats (not 10) * 10+ needed to move ore cart (not 15+), and you need need 24 to reach the Idol Cave (not 40) * the swim stays 20 units, but the sludge pen goes from 25 away to only 20 units away That should help
  13. What did I just say about re-posting everyone's stats? Hehe Team Corsican Fever Cage: ? Other Players: ?, ? Team CoR Cage: Wally West Other Players: Frozen, NM Team Cage: Mekal Other Players: Brandonb, Itachi we just need Team CF ;D edit: Didn't see Frost's post! Hang on a sec
  14. unreality

    haha, wow Then you can officially hang out with Kyle and see if it turns into anything ;D
  15. just post here when your players have been determined - something like this: Team Name Cage: NAME Other Players: NAME, NAME Team Name Cage: NAME Other Players: NAME, NAME Team Name Cage: NAME Other Players: NAME, NAME
  16. First Immunity Challenge: Obstacle Course Welcome to the first IC, set here on this tropical beach (imagine it )! For this challenge, two members from each team must sit out, leaving three people on each team as the main players. There are three square mats on the sand, close to each other - each mat corresponds to a team, and each team's players are standing on the mat. One player from each team, however, is locked within a cage just behind the mat - locked with them each is a metal detector, which is missing its batteries. Next to each mat is a turn-table cuboid circle type thingy meant for decoding encryptions. You can flip, slide, and rotate blocks to mess around and search for the answer. For someone to attempt to decrypt the code, they must spend a certain amount of time there. If someone does decrypt it, out pops a single battery (the metal detector requires two batteries to work). However one player should probably sprint across the sand when I blow my whistle, across the beach to the shooting gallery - which is just three side-by-side contraptions. Shooters must fling stones (from a large pile), trying to break a clay panel 50 feet away. The panel's bottom edge is hooked to a rope which is anchored into the ground, and the panel's top edge is hooked to a rope which goes up, around a pulley, straight across overhead, and then on another pulley, dangling a key above the shooter's head. If the shooter breaks the clay panel, the string will be pulled by the key's weight and the key will fall into the shooter's hands. The key can be used to unlock the cage. The key can ALSO be used to unlock a certain chest. The only problem is, the chest is underwater, a ways out in the ocean. You must swim out and dive down, unlocking the chest. There is one chest for each team, with different locks on each. In each chest is a single waterproof battery (the metal detector requires two to work). Once you've unlocked the metal detector (along with your third teammate), and have both batteries, you can insert them and run the metal director. You must use the metal detector to locate the final prize - a hunk of Island Gold, which will serve as one of the immunity idols. The only problem is, the idol is buried in sludge which is toxic to humans. The sludge is contained a short sprint away into the jungle, in a large holding pin (nothing is dug below-ground, it's all raised). You must climb up (there is a ladder) to the wooden posts that are sticking out of the sludge, and balance on them, waving the metal detector around. It takes a lot of toughness to balance yourself for what could be a long time over a precarious drop into toxic, disgusting-smelling sludge (with fumes wafting up), while the hot sun glares down on you. If you fall in (or if you jump in to grab the idol once you've found it), you need to get out QUICK, and the effects won't harm your Health. Now, remember that only one team goes to Tribal Council, and there is a secondary idol. When a team obtains the first idol, a cage far off springs open, revealing a small cubbyhole where the second idol is hidden. At any time, a team can run into the forest and push one of three mine carts through the jungle - it is extremely heavy, and depending on people's Strengths, will probably require all three people to push. Once you get to the cave, you must put the second idol into your cart to win immunity, and thus sending the 3rd team to Tribal Council. Note that this secondary idol doesn't open until the first idol is obtained, though you can start pushing your ore cart before that. Each team should pick the two people they want to sit out, as well as who they want in the cage, and after all three teams have decided, I will explain how this will actually be played out - it's heavily related to stats, numbers, etc. Note - I will be gone for about 2 and a half hours after posting this, might not even be able to get on for 3 hours or more. So if people figure out their lineup for this challenge really quick, be patient Thanks!
  17. I think this is the most recent roster: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia – 93.6% - 0/6 Pr – 0/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane – 93.5% - 0/6 Pr – 0/6 Fm 3) GC – 93.6% - 0/8 Pr – 0/4 Fm 4) Frost – 93.5% - 0/4 Pr – 1/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law – 93.6% - 0/6 Pr – 0/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 87.7% - 0/8 Pr, 0/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 90% - 0/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 84.7% - 0/6 Pr, 0/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 87.9% - 0/4 Pr, 0/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 87% - 0/10 Pr, 0/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb – 84.6% - 0/1 Pr, 2/14 Fm 2) Itachi – 93.2% - 0/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral – 90.4% - 0/7 Pr, 1/8 Fm 4) Mekal – 85.6% - 0/5 Pr, 5/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper – 90.9% - 0/6 Pr, 3/9 Fm When people do food stuff, they seem to only be re-pasting their own team. Please re-post the ENTIRE roster, or it gets very confusing! Thanks
  18. the roster: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 76% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 77.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 87.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 83.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 89% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 81% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 84% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 79.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 71.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 67% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb – 84.6% - 0/1 Pr, 2/14 Fm 2) Itachi – 93.2% - 0/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral – 90.4% - 0/7 Pr, 1/8 Fm 4) Mekal – 85.6% - 0/5 Pr, 5/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper – 90.9% - 0/6 Pr, 3/9 Fm I'm not counting NM's changes cuz he used the old roster I accidentally posted, and he didn't take into account his 81% Health in connection to getting 8 food - and then I can't count WW's either because it was based off of NM's already distorted posted-version. The roster confusion was my fault, sorry - NM and WW can do their providing now
  19. I trust you, Bb I'll look over in more detail in a sec roster: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 91% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 95% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 91.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 94% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb – 84.6% - 0/1 Pr, 2/14 Fm 2) Itachi – 93.2% - 0/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral – 90.4% - 0/7 Pr, 1/8 Fm 4) Mekal – 85.6% - 0/5 Pr, 5/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper – 90.9% - 0/6 Pr, 3/9 Fm
  20. Pieman: yeah it must be that the non-Americans are more pro-Obama than the Americans are
  21. the HP would occur at the end of the day, along with the execution, so no voting effect until after And yeah it's not the most beneficial activity, more of a last-resort thing, or if the High Priest wanted to do a coup of the E~C to gain spot #1 (protection, and power)... but I agree, the ability isn't a good one So, x out the HP's ability - in that case, I need a new ability idea lol
  22. Yes - I said a while ago that now it's time for providing/cooking/eating/etc And there was no point yesterday, but on every new day I reset the Pr and Fm stats, so why wouldn't I? Why are you even complaining about this? Do you not want them reset? Lol. There will be days where no providing will take place, that doesn't mean I won't reset - especially since a reward challenge could be who can produce more fish or whatever. Anyway, on page 25, I said that there would be time before and after the IC for eating/surviving (post 249 to be exact) ;D Does that answer your question? ^ sorry if any of that had a negative tone, I didn't mean it that way
  23. I've made some important changes to Aztec Mafia, though there's still a lot of empty holes that can be filled by ideas, and I'm looking for criticism, comments, etc on any balance issues someone might see I've hilighted parts that are still open for ideas in red Aztec Mafia 15 players, split into two groups: the Hierarchy (10) and the Rebels (5). The Hierarchy are the members that make up the Aztec Empire, and they are arranged in a hierarchy of 10 positions that determine voting power (x1, x3, x5), among other things, and they move up their position when those above them die. Rebels always have a voting power of x3 and are not part of the hierarchy list, though they are still secretly among the population, trying to overthrow the Hierarchy by killing off its members. Nobody is informed of being bumped up in the Hierarchy order unless they achieve a new voting status Hierarchy Key (Number of Position Within Hierarchy) Original Holder of that Position, Voting Power The Hierarchy (1) Emperor~Chief, x5 (2) High Priest, x5 (3) Master Astronomer, x5 (4) Warlord, x3 (5) Tribal Sage, x3 (6) Seer, x3 (7) Guard Captain, x3 (8) Temple Servant, x3 (9) Vagabond, x1 (10) White Slave, x1 Hierarchy Roles Emperor~Chief: can order one person's execution per night. Cannot be killed by the Rebels until the Guard Captain is dead, however the Guard Captain has no effect on executions, sacrifices, and poison dart frog assassinations High Priest: can sacrifice any Hierarchy role they wish during the day, and it occurs at the end of the day along with the daily sacrifice, revealing the name of that role. The High Priest picks the role name, not the person's name. They can only do this twice in the entire game, if they wish to do so at all. They have BTSC with the Master Astronomer Master Astronomer: gazes at the stars each night, trying to decipher ancient calendars. They can detect subtle shifts in the heavens that alert of an approaching Meteor. They have BTSC with the High Priest Warlord: this well-trained jungle-warfare general has a secret task that not many know of Tribal Sage: the TS is a source of much herbal knowledge and wise advice, and a favorite of the populace [Open To Ideas; maybe a message-carrier of sorts?] Seer: the Seer lives atop a jungle mountain near the Aztec Capital, and sits at the mossy peak meditating. The Seer has the ability to scry on people and discover their actions and abilities, and is often requested to do so. During the day, people send anonymous requests (via me), which are forwarded to the Seer, and the Seer must choose between the different requests, and the person that made the request is told the role of the person scryed upon, but the Seer does not learn the role. Rebels are not permitted to make requests. During the night, the Seer makes scries of his or her own, learning one role per night [Not sure about the balance of this, might need more thinking] Guard Captain: is in control of the temple~city's defensive forces, and can arrange to defend up to 2 people. The Guard Captain also always has people protecting the Emperor~Chief, and the E~C cannot be harmed until the Guard Captain is dead (unless the E~C is killed by the Poison Dart Frog or the High Priest or execution) Temple Servant: hears things [Open To Ideas], and is also immune to the High Priest's sacrifice [Like I said, "Open To Ideas", since this can't be their only ability] Vagabond: a wanderer from a distant land, the Vagabond starts off knowing the identity of one random Rebel. Every time the Vagabond obtains a new voting level (x3 and then x5), they learn a new random Rebel that is still alive White Slave: a captive from distant, exotic lands across the sea (ie, Europe). The White Slave was a pirate, and learns quickly, thinking on his/her feet, and thus can escape and take on a new life if they know the role and name of a dead Hierarchy member, whom they will become the impostor of. If checked by the Seer or Jungle Panther, or executed, they are seen as the White Slave, always, no matter what. The White Slave can only impersonate someone's role once, and it doesn't affect the Hierarchy order Additional Hierarchy Spot Perks * Hierarchy position (1), originally that of the Emperor~Chief's, has the additional perk of being protected by the Guard Captain each night while not decreasing the GC's number of saves each night (which is 2). The ability sounds exclusive to just the E~C in the EC's and GC's descriptions, but it applies to every single person that is at the #1 position * May add others [Any ideas?] Rebels (5) Poison Dart Frog: a stealthy assassin that uses darts covered with the venemous blood of the poison dart frog. Each night, they can PM me a name and a role, and only if both match up, the person is stealthily assassinated, ignoring the Guard Captain's defense warriors Jungle Panther: can blend in with the shadows, observing quietly. The Jungle Panther can learn the role of one person per night River Otter: if checked by the Seer, is seen as a random Hierarchy role, excluding the role of the person learning the data (either Seer or day-requester) Tree Viper: [i threw out the previous idea, since it didn't make sense at all, so this one is open. I could change the role name too if need be] Vicious Pirahna: the leader of the Rebels. Makes one kill each night, blockable by the Guard Captain, though the kill is typically a group decision. If the Vicious Pirahna dies, their killing ability is taken over by a random living Rebel. [All Rebels have BTSC] The Astronomical Cycle The game starts out at Day, then moves to Night, then Day, then Night, etc. * Day: everyone votes to execute one person. Some other day activities may also be taking place, and the High Priest may also choose one person to be sacrificed along with the person to be executed at the end of the day - Execution: a certain number of votes is required, but remember that the votes are weighted based on your Hierarchy position, or, if you are a Rebel, your vote is always worth x3, though Hierarchy members can have either x1, x3 or x5 voting power. A majority of the total voting power is needed to execute someone. For example, in the first day with all 15 people alive, the total voting power is 47, and thus 24/47 voting power is needed for majority - Time Limit: no Day is endless, though whether a specific time limit will be embraced or not is still food for thought (or pirahnas) * Night: this is when the Rebels make their move, as well as many Hierarchy abilities - Time Limit: Ends depending on whether (a) or (b) happens first: (a) Everyone that needs to PMs in their night activity (b) The time of night elapsed reaches 18 real-life hours, or longer depending on how the host (me) sets the time limit beforehand, since there can be exceptions - Guard Captain clarification: * Each Night, the GC saves three people: (1) The person in the #1 Hierarchy spot (originally the Emperor~Chief). The Guard Captain automatically saves this person without knowing their identity. They have no choice but to defend this person each night (2) Any player name of their choice (including themselves) (3) Any player name of their choice (including themselves) (*) Note that saving someone only takes affect in the night (and thus doesn't prevent against execution or sacrifice), and cannot defend against the Poison Dart Frog's assassination skills * Meteors: watch out for the astronomical phenomenon, meteors - only predictable by the Master Astronomer Peace in Tenochitlan * The Hierarchy wins when the Rebels are dead and the Empire secure * The Rebels win if the Hierarchy is overthrown and the Empire is in chaos
  24. We are not the same person Anyway, I've got a sweet immunity challenge planned, though I'll probably start it tomorrow, in about 22 hours
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