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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist] So... Things are getting a little tight around the collar... who's next? I'm looking at Ben_Law and Woon right now
  2. Wow, we have to choose who goes in the cage before we find out how the game is going to work? Ok. Team Cage: Mekal Other Players: Brandonb, Itachi
  3. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Very good news! We could have accidentally wasted a Lynch on an innocent today. So, of all the people that the baddies could have taken out, they ended up doing us a favor (or at least made the most beneficial kill that we could have asked for!) So now we have a better chance of getting a baddie since we will not be looking to take out frozen today.
  4. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Haha, I thought you said it was a nurse outfit? Aren't those thing supposed to be white?
  5. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Lol, Hey Mekal, 5* for hair-pulling suspense. Good to see that I'm still alive .... so what now?
  6. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Blah... well, I'm about 80% sure I know who the RW is now.
  7. SO who is it?

    Hmm, I think you have a new Alias ;)

  8. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Ah, I get it. You with held info that was crucial to the vote. Those announcements are supposed to be made during the day. Not at the post at the end of the day. The Prison Guard's action is supposed to be in the day post... the Tax Collector/RW is supposed to be ASAP.
  9. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    I was watching the 2hr Death Note movie. When I got back on it was 15mins past the hour. It didn't matter though, because the votes for Bodhi outnumbered the votes for Frozen it's a fact that cannot be argued, so can someone tell me what the heck is going on? Why do you think?
  10. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Lame, there's a 4-3 vote, no coin toss here. If there was a late vote then my vote for Bodhi should count now Edit: I have been thinking about Frozen...We should, never underestimate really sly enemies. He's a sly one, and could quite possibly be fooling us all. I dunno though... I think Kat is more suspicious right now. So my vote goes to Bodhi if we are going to play the "Imaginary late vote" game
  11. I'm in the Raleigh NC area... you'd think there would be something around here. The closest theater that I can find is in Virginia!
  12. Just watched the 1st part of the Death Note movie. I thought it was very entertaining. I haven't seen all of the TV show, so the movie filled in some gaps nicely, however I did notice a few things that were pretty far off. Blah, Now I have to wait for a month before the 2nd part hits theater. And guess what? The closest theater playing it is 66miles away! Oh well, guess I'll be waiting for the DVD <_<
  13. Why not just eat carrots and Broccoli raw? Those and many other veggies are healthier if eaten raw than they are if cooked.
  14. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Umm... I think voting ended 20min ago. Bodhi is a goner. Also... I'm a dead man tonight. Goodbye everyone Edit: BTW, what happens to the Magician when the Terrorist dies? Does s/he stick around?
  15. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    As it is, there's 4 for Bodhi, and 3 for Frozen, so Frozen is in the clear for now
  16. I see no point in reading past that line. You must have an unholy ability to judge character, or you see them the same as the rest of us. In either case it is important to realize that every politician is the one that you are choosing to act in your favor. Looking good and speaking well are not indicators of their intentions.... I'm speechless.
  17. Thanks. It took a while and paid off better than I expected. and thanks for fixing Phazon's health. I noticed the 2nd decimal after I ran out of time to edit.
  18. Knowing a candidates stance on issues is important. It helps to find out whether or not they are likely to veto a Bill that you would not approve of. However, one thing you can count on is what will happen if one party takes control of both Executive and Legislative branches,(I think it would actually be all 3), is that government will grow, and it will grow fast. Good policies, bad policies, it doesn't matter. The majority of bills made in the legislative branch will be heavily heavily influenced by the majority party. Since this is the case, the Executive of the same party will likely just let ANYTHING pass. That's bad... no matter what party you belong to.
  19. Yes, thank you Wally BTW, I just checked the numbers. And by using the method you suggested, we were able to add an extra 6.0 health split over the team! (about an extra 1.2% health per player)
  20. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    LOL! Sorry, I gotta remove my vote for Frozen. Good point CP, me thinks that I may have jumped the gun... Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for Frozen 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat - voting for Frozen 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb 10)Woon - voting for Bodhi 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen
  21. Old Roster: 1) Brandonb - 75.5% - 1/1 Pr, 14/14 Fm 2) Itachi - 72% - 11/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral - 83.5% - 7/7 Pr, 8/8 Fm 4) Mekal - 77.5% - 5/5 Pr, 10/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 9/9 Fm If Phazon uses 1 Pr and cooks 1unit at a time and then consumes it (cooked food x2) before repeating the same action, In the end he is able to make a difference of 6.92 health with his first 4 Pr, then an additional 3.66 cooked food. Sinistral does the same thing. In the end he is able to make a difference of 6.88 health for himself with his first 4Pr, then an additional 5.42 cooked food *Phazon and Sinistral give all their extra food to Itachi making him 81.1% health. Itachi uses 1Pr at a time and then gives Brandonb the resulting amount 1 at a time. Brandonb then cooks and returns to Itachi twice that amount (cooked=x2), which he consumes before providing Brandonb with another. In the end he is able to make a difference of 12.1 health (bringing him up to 93.2 total) for himself using his first 7Pr, then an additional 7.46 cooked food Mekal Follows the same method as Phazon and Sinistral and In the end he is able to make a difference of 8.1 health with his 5Pr and nothing additional. Itachi gives Brandonb his extra 7.46 cooked, bringing him up to 82.96. Brandon then uses his 1 Pr and cooks it and then consumes it. Bringing him up to 84.6% health New Roster: 1) Brandonb – 84.6% - 0/1 Pr, 2/14 Fm 2) Itachi – 93.2% - 0/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral – 90.4% - 0/7 Pr, 1/8 Fm 4) Mekal – 85.6% - 0/5 Pr, 5/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper – 90.92% - 0/6 Pr, 3/9 Fm
  22. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    The idea is that now the SWAT will not have anyone to go after tonight. Or at least no one that is confirmed. He may end up taking out an innocent if he acts. Our best move was to lynch someone else, and push the envelope so we can learn more. Your insistence to take away the target for the SWAT makes you and the others look pretty bad.
  23. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    I have explained myself. I figured that Itachi must be good since I am good. It has never happened before... but then again I had been making that guess in every previous game. I guess I finally got it right after being wrong so many times Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist] Voting for Bodhi seems pointless to me. He should be Itachi's target tonight. In the mean time we can direct our votes towards possible prisoners. By voting for the sure thing we gain ZERO information. I am voting for Frozen to see what happens. I dunno if he's good or bad right now, but at least we may learn something.
  24. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Then without a doubt, that should have been mentioned in the post. B/C we need to know who the attack was against.
  25. Brandonb

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    That all was supposed to be mentioned in the night post then. If there was any form of unsuccessful attack, it's supposed to be mentioned. The SWAT could not have been killed on night 1 unless there was a perfect mix in the killings of Slick, JS and CP. So as it is, the only options for last night's SWAT absence are: 1) The MH was JS, CP, or Slick, AND the SWAT was either CP or JS 2) The SWAT chose not to attack last night 3) Itachi is the SWAT. Of course #1 is far fetched, though possible #2 is not really possible. Since the Terrorist was vulnerable last night AND was been outed in the day post... The SWAT should have without a doubt taken out the Terrorist last night. There is no excuse for a living SWAT to not take out Bodhi last night unless.... he was locked up. #3 is by far the most likely.
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