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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Last ghost post to say.... Sorry! My fault
  2. Brandonb

    You can check out my Netflix ratings and stuff if you like. My nickname on Netflix is "Brandon B" that may be all you need to find me... I'm not sure
  3. Brandonb

    That's.... brilliant.
  4. Brandonb

    HAHAHA, nice! Too bad that this Bud Light Lime sitting next to me only comes in a bottle (no worries, I just went on Fall break... BTW, what is Fall break? I'd rather have a longer thanksgiving break)
  5. Well played Aizen. Too bad for you... there are still several people remaining that will nail you! However, there's one thing from last night that bothers me....
  6. I misunderstood. I thought he was able to control my actions, but my partner still did what they were supposed to do. Sorry, I guess he's more powerful than I realized And again, as I apologized earlier to whoever I came after... Sorry WW, I knew I was going to be the target tonight... I just hope you're a hero
  7. wait, why am I dead? I used Inoue last night
  8. Good point... I forgot that Onizuka most likely used Inoeu last night... crap. What's worse is that FIF has only a 2/3 chance of being a baddie. While this is not bad odds... there are 6 people on my roster that all have the 2/3 chance. FIF is just the only one that I know the possible character names. However, considering his actions, I would have to say that he is a baddie... on the other hand... I thought the same about Laharl. Did s/he ever come back? Or did Laharl just bail? Also keep in mind, Aizen will also be active tonight, that is an almost a certainty. As such I feel that I may end up attacking a hero... Then again, Aizen most likely used Inoeu on the first night... so he will be vulnerable tonight if he attacks. We really need to divide our attacks tonight in order to gain the most information, however, it's probably too late to organize that now.
  9. Well, going back through the stuff... FIF is even more likely to be a baddie now. He can only be Onizuka, Grimmjow or Ichimaru. We can be sure of it if Onizuka attacks FIF tonight. Please Anizuka, attack FIF so we can have another one confirmed tomorrow.
  10. Please allow me to apologize to whoever it is ahead of time... <_< So, how's the night post coming Itachi?
  11. Brandonb

    also, Parkman's trip was super-sweet. It was exactly like Homer when he eats the Guatemalan Chili-Peppers and goes on a spirit quest. Homer's animal was even a turtle... lolz. So Parkman is Homer and Mohinder is the Fly... I love the show but can they do something original ever? It's like a Tarantino movie (great, but nothing original) Yeah, I hear ya... I'm gonna be really PO'd if the show begins to become based and wholly revolve around the power giving serum for the rest of the time this show runs, like that other one... 1400 or something like that. I stopped watching that show when it became all about whether or not to take the serum and stuff... I hope this is just a seasonal thing with Heroes. But it seems like it may be terribly unoriginal and painful to watch if they keep going down this path. Though I can't help but wonder... what will HRG be able to do!? And good observation about Chili-Pepper-poisoned Homer Itachi! I hadn't thought of that, really funny
  12. wow, I just noticed that my roster is almost full... wild! We still have good odds. 5 baddies : 7 heroes. Only 3 baddies attack tonight... we can get alot done if we do this right. Of those 5 baddies, we know that Sweetness is one of them, leaving 4. On my roster, I am only missing 6... so the odds are decent that we can take out the Laughing Man tonight, and possibly the attacking RC. If we split up, and attack using the life-saving parter, we can possibly make a very good dent in them. So, do we split up and gain some knowledge tonight... or do we leave it to fate?
  13. well that sucks Edit: I thought it was kinda strange how we got such a unanimous vote, even from the baddies... I figured we had nailed one of the individual baddies like the laughing man... well crap... I guess I can out the character now... hopefully someone can take them out tonight... Edit2: LOL, almost forgot to post the name! Sweetness Kat
  14. This has become very interesting... Laharl is 50/50 and is running out of time... what to do what to do... I know! Ichigo! Heads up! I will be announcing my definite baddie's name tonight so that you can attack with 100% certainty if you like (as can all other Heroes if they 1) Don't have another target in mind 2) want to avoid accidentally killing a Hero 3) Don't want to defend tonight) But this is mainly directed to Ichigo, just in case you are itchin to go and use your bankai (and in case the target is an RC that would otherwise be defended and therefore be immune to my attack). I have an idea too......... but I'll share that one later BTW, the new rule kinda kills the "claiming to be another/dead character to avoid suspicion" thing. Unless of course you do not announce that someone will be fighting a captain (solving a riddle).
  15. 5 villians... 1 needing a blind and 4 that don't so 1:4 that we will need it... or a 1 in 5 chance.... same thing. Edit: keep in mind my ability as Major. I have known the identity of a baddie is since day 1, but I have not outed him/her yet (I really haven't even spoken with the person, b/c I do not want to implicate him/her). I will also know another baddie tomorrow... I just don't want to out any of them, b/c then we don't learn as much (Plus, I will need a target tonight so I don't accidentally kill a hero ). I considered it at the beginning of the day, but I have learned about 3 roles since the day began... so I think it's better of if we don't know, and we take out Laharl, Edit 2: ...and if not Laharl, then FIF.
  16. Aww, ur not gonna vouch for me too? I'm hurt We still need to figure out what's going on with FIF also. If FIF isn't going to come out, then if Onizuka and Ichigo come out... that should do just as well.
  17. Just playing the odds. There's only a 1:4 chance that the one that we lynch today will be the laughing man. But since the game will be ending soon, I do not see the need in keeping the blindfold lynch until tomorrow for the laughing man. When/If everyone comes out with their roles today we will most likely end up taking out the laughing man tonight anyway if we don't get him today. So I figure better safe than sorry. Edit: So who are you CL?
  18. I think I get who you are talking about. And sadly, it seems that last night I lost my first coin toss.
  19. Yeah, this was a great idea Itachi! Can't wait for the reappearance of the disappearing riddle
  20. Well, since you started yesterday... my pleasure Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC - 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG -DEAD (executed and found to be Gaara) 11) Brandonb - Voting for Laharl Blindfolded 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl 17) sweetness kat Edit: to fix PG
  21. No need, it's all good, I know who s/he is already. Likewise, you can confirm my identity. Now, to make things move a little.... The reason I have been hounding Laharl is b/c when I first got my role... that was the name I received as a 50/50 chance... So now we have Laharl and FIF are both 50/50. And since they were both on earlier but bailed as soon as they were called out, I would say that they are both baddies.
  22. Well that narrows it down to two. Possibly one if you really mean last night. So if you really were last night... that means you know who Ukitake is... is that right?
  23. Then if you don't mind, please come out with your role, since Laharl bailed instantly as soon as it was his turn.
  24. Let it be noted that: GC CL FIF Laharl Kat Are online and have not come clean... 5 of them, and 5 baddies remaining... We can possibly finish this tonight folks. Come out and we can get this thing going
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