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Everything posted by Brandonb
Itachi, are the posts still written in chronological order? Or can that not be assumed? Can Inoue revive someone after an attack from Grimmjaw?
it's b/c he had someone die for him... but he didn't care at all. Kinda puts him in the baddie category for me. I looked back and the only ones that do that are Lelouche or Grimmjow. Lelouche was active he couldn't have used that defense, which just leaves Grimmy, and we know Grimmy wasn't active, so he was certainly defending.
Seems to me that Mekal is either Lelouche or Grimmjow. Though considering Lelouche was active, that just leaves Grimmjow. So my vote goes for him. Let me just find the voting roster.... Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC - voting for Kat, unblindfolded 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG 11) Brandonb - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl 17) sweetness kat BTW, thanks for the red herring Itachi. <_< Also, who is Laharl?
? I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I am understanding your comment correctly, but I didn't mean to suggest that you should leave the US! Sorry if I came across unclear or in a derogatory manner towards you, I assure you that it was not my intention.
You can have France if you like.
What he said really wasn't racist. It was a statement that was specifically addressing and criticizing the actions of those people. It's not a statement of racism, nor does it hardly even qualify as bigotry. It is a statement of discrimination and possibly hatred of someone because of their actions. Racism is a much thinner line than what the cultural view has skewed it to now. Much more likely than not, when a person uses the term "racist" it is being used very ignorantly of the meaning and very deliberately as an attack, even though out of context. Depending on what comedian is using the term, it could be tied to anything if used out of context, and that's what makes it comedy. Lets get an example. To say that someone should not be hired for a job because they are a certain race, and because they are that race they could not possibly perform as well as someone of another race... THAT is racist. To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired for a job because they dress/speak like a thug, and because they dress/speak like a thug they probably do drugs and will not perform as well as another candidate that is better dressed (despite any race being thrown into the equation)... THAT is prejudice. To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired because they have a history of negligence and entitlement and they are confrontational... THAT is wise decision making skills... though it may lead to a law suit being filed under the false definition of racism.
*This is not a guess That's what fist came to mind for me also, but now I'm thinking that these hints may each be a part of one word.
So... I'm watching the debate... 1) Is it just me or is are these questions watered down? I think the recent spy glass on the moderator has left her... bland. They really should have disqualified her. 2) Biden is damn good at deflecting every single thing addressed to him as if it were addressed to Bush, without every actually answering anything himself. 3) Palin was crazy about stating that she now knows what the VP does she must've checked wikipedia in the past fews weeks. 4) The only thing I'm getting out of this debate is a clear illustration of one having the massive advantage in active-executive experience and the other having the massive advantage in keen-political experience. Not much more, not much less... I think I wasted my time watching this.
I'm thinking the letter "t" T-clamp for the first line 't' isn't pronounced as 't' in the last word of the 2nd line (and many other words) Can be confused with a plus (addition) sign or a cross For the 4th line I think golf tee or maybe tea or something.
It also sounds kinda like something from Jumanji
Wow, I really didn't want to laugh at that one. I really didn't
OK I just spent 10 mins trying to find something, I can't find what I was looking for to disprove your statement... but I do have two words that will disprove it nonetheless... Homer Cubed EDIT: I GOT IT! http://www.videosinhd.com/mega.html?file=OQTFBHXK 14:30 into the video... check it out.
I agree, that is quite amusing Having someone that cares enough to create two accounts in order to vote against your topics... that's funny but sad that someone would put in soooo much effort
I disagree with most of the stuff written so far. None of it qualifies as racist, though it may be stereotyping or possibly go as far as being prejudice, but it's certainly not racist. Racism is the belief of the inherent superiority of one race over. Viewing certain groups as bad tippers is simply a prejudice about the cultural norms and stereotypes attached to that group. I too was a waiter, and I also have to agree about the tipping stereotype. When I saw this topic I thought it was going to talk about how many promotion groups are stating that if "you don't vote for Obama then you are a racist." This statement is absolutely absurd. A competition between two people based on their stances on issues has nothing to do with race, unless of course one is voting primarily on the basis of skin color. So it's simple to point out that there are a few logical fallacies with drawing a direct line from vote to reasoning. Now, considering that these groups are promoting a candidate based on race, it is a logical conclusion that these people are casting their vote based on race, which in fact makes them and their statement racist. I guess it's needless to say that an ultimatum about racism that was issued by a self-proclaimed racist group is, well... hypocrisy at it's finest.
Haha, yeah. I had you confused with "The Philosopher" and kept hammering that I thought you were Unreality pranking me BTW people, just to give you the heads up. "Unauthorized duplicate accounts" are illegal in BD without prior permission from Rookie. 'Surge' got banned, so tread lightly if you have a dupe dup.
Yeah, they gotta have a plot builder episode after those first two epicsodes Though the bank thing was pretty cool. I wonder if Present Peter has all the powers of Future Peter now?
Time to revive the thread I brought her here to "feed you" LOL! I loved that. But the new team up b/w him and HRG is pretty sick.
The only thing that comes to mind for me is "pound" It roughly fits the first line if taken in as a verb The second line as weight The third line as a place of incarceration like a "dog pound" and the fourth line as money. Any thoughts?
Oh wow, I didn't know that duplicate guesses counted as individual ones. We can't afford to let that happen again. I don't think "The" can fit one of the criteria in part 1. There was a pretty distinct reference to something if I recall, that seemed to pretty well rule out "The." Nice one! I just don't know how to incorporate it into the first line of part 2.
Sorry I've been out for a while... looks like I'm back just in time Recruiter: ??? 1) JS 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG 11) Brandonb 12) 13) 14) 15) Edit: I can't really be fully active at all until the 5th, so this should work out pretty well.
So let me get this straight... the 2nd part of the riddle does not appear until after the 1st part disappears? Also, can one person make more than one guess? And if one person makes more than one guess do all they all count against the total 5? As for my guess... A Collar.
Right, a province is a country or region, a political devision specifically pertaining to a land mass. Not waters.
whao... two fleets can't be in the same ocean? if I had known that I would have made a different move. B/c I knew he was going to hold.
Manbearpig IS global warming. Excelsior!