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Everything posted by Brandonb
Here's all the proof that is needed. Akatsuki
Well, I think Ysan has something planned to go up after ABR4 I know HS 1.1 is going up sometime in the next few weeks, so that's nothing to worry about.
That was my first thought also. We may have trouble filling that spot back in, whatever the role may have been. And if we lynch someone else today, that person may not be able to fill Kat's role b/c he would have critical info/knowledge gathered from his previous role. It just seems less complicated, especially with the nearly-zero amount of info in the night post, to just go ahead and take out Kat/Sparanda. She may have been a good role, but what happens if we lynch a different good role today anyway? We would be even worse off then if we take out Kat. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for Laharl 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat(?) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat/Sparanda 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral It's the best reasoning I can think of for starting this thing.
cool, thanks bonanova! I thought about this again, and came up with a 'duh' solution that I am pretty sure doesn't violate the OP.
No worries. I'm sure Itachi has it covered. And so will the future edition of the game you mentioned
Oh I like that idea! Skip a day if they guess correctly, otherwise they get to guess every day. Nice
Oh, I just thought of something today. If the three factions have BTSC, then there is no reason for them to reveal their roles in the first place. The reason it happened before, was b/c the good guys didn't know who each other were, and they outed themselves to identify each other. But if they already know all the people on their team in this game, then there will be no need to out themselves in the first place. I don't have a full understanding of the format for this game, but now I'm unsure if it will be necessary.
Kinda, it would only kill one per night/day whatever. But it would put a damper on everyone else... Really, who wants to be the first to die instantly when the competition (lets call the role..."Frank") guesses them correctly? Maybe the first person thinks they can get away with it... then they get sent 6 feet under and are out of the game... Who's going to be next to start the landslide? Someone could if they wanted to, and they could be sure that the next day they would die. Or everyone could just come out with their roles in one big landslide....... Sweet! "Frank" now has his pick of the litter. What's that? A role with a 100% kill rate whether or not their target is defending? Sweet! Frank puts down the most powerful role right then and takes out another the next day. It's basically an art of war. Having the ability to use one guard to watch over 100 men. If the men are aware that there are people among them that would rat them out, and they are terrified of the suffering associated with being ratted out, then a very strong incentive is created for them to just behave. Of course, it would be complicated to have this role in your new format, but I think it may still be effective if tweaked.
Right^, and Right^, and Right^^ (for Ysan) There will be 5 "gray" players, but in reality only 3 of them will be truly gray while 1 is white (can only be recruited by one particular side) and one is black (can only be recruited by the other particular side). The 3 truly gray will go to whichever team can successfully recruit them first. That said... those players will never be confirmed as having been recruited. Through the entire game they will remain, on the surface, as a permanent part of the mix group, even after they gain BTSC with whoever recruits them. That ambiguity will leave open the possibility for people in the mix/gray playing as double agents. In particular, the 1white and 1black player that are already assigned to a side. From what I can imagine, it would be very difficult to pull off a double-agent act (but not impossible). B/C in the thread a gray player would have to be recruited by one team, then voice support for other team, and then attack the team the were supporting. No information could be gained from the opposing team, b/c the gray player would only have BTSC with the team that recruited him/her. Maybe one or two very clever players could figure out a way to do this successfully, but I don't see how it can be done without the opposing side figuring it out and seeking revenge soon after the betrayal. I don't really want to speculate any deeper on the strategical ideas that I have been considering. I would rather just see what other people come up with when/if I start this thing in a few weeks. In the mean time... Season 1.1 is coming soon! I don't know how soon... maybe not that soon... heck, the way I see it, there's really no way for it to be soon enough! And I just want to thank everyone for playing! I hope to see you all again in 1.1!
Thanks. If I were to make the Heroes Hybrid game it would be a while before I started it. Not until after alot of the current stuff has ended, and probably after Season 1.1. I just wanted to put the idea out there for now. Edit: But right now, Season 1.1 is what it's all about. Sylar has been tweaked, the Heroes have been tweaked, and the company... They will be feared this time
WOW, that's pretty close to the same idea I posted earlier in Heroes! Wild!
The characters would be the same. Besides, 1.1 will not be for a while. Probably at least two weeks or more.
Well, this is all theoretical right now. But if someone is guessed incorrectly then there is no recruitment for the team during that cycle. The person that was guessed still remains outside of the BTSC loop. And even if they are guessed correctly, the player would still be considered part of the mix group. The other team and the other members of the mix wouldn't know that one of them had been "drafted." Of course, the person that gets drafted will then have the same win condition as the drafting team (if they didn't already). Remember, they would have to match the correct person with the correct role. There's really no reason for them to kill the person if the guess incorrectly. I'm also thinking that there may be 5 people in the mix group: 3 that can go to either team (lets call them gray), and then 2 that are specific for one team and the other (lets call them black and white). If I make this thing happen I'm thinking that the gray people would probably be Sylar, Molly, and Isaac or a certain comic character. Then the other two would be random, one from each team.
Keep in mind, that in all of those games the night to kill was specified. It was an issue of "use it or lose it for two nights" so there was always a heavy pressure to use it even when unsure. In this game it was specifically setup to eliminate the pressure and have the killing roles be able to act whenever they wanted and still attach a restriction. That way the pressure to act on a specific night is eliminated. I really like this idea. It's slightly similar to 'Matt's Dad' but I don't really know quite yet how to make it work. Or even how to replace Molly's spot and who from the company would need to be eliminate to make room. Frost and I had discussed a role for Mikah in Season1, but it didn't add up to much more than voting manipulation like he did in the tv show. Season 1.1 still has some time before it starts. We will continue to work on it and we really do appreciate all the suggestions so keep them coming! Also, today I started thinking about a "Heroes Hybrid" game. -Heroes Hybrid would take characters from the show and from the comic. It would establish a bunch of roles to kinda even the odds. The game would be divided into 3 teams. One team of baddies with BTSC, One team of Heroes with BTSC, and one group of people that are unspecified and without BTSC, but some of them belong to the Baddies an some to the Heroes. Everyone will be announced as being a Hero, a Baddie, or in the pool of other players. (Something like 5 vs 5or6 and 5 roles 'in the mix') -The Heroes and the Baddies would know what roles were among them (b/c of the BTSC) and would therefore know which of their roles were in the mix of players. Every cycle, each team will get to PM the host and try and name one player+role in the mix to get them added into the BTSC circle. At the same time, each Cycle the players will act out their abilities as if they would in a night cycle. So a giant battle would ensue each cycle, just like 'night time' in a normal mafia game, which would be followed by a Post exlaining what happened. -In the mix there may also be a couple roles that could be added to either side if identified correctly, and they would be added depending on which team could guess it first (like molly). -The Heroes and Baddies will be balanced in a unique way. The baddies, by nature, will have more powerful, or just generally more numbers, of killers on their team. The heroes will have more information roles and a few killers. The Baddies will have more of the redirect and nullifier roles, and the Heroes side would have more saving roles. -Each side will know what people are on the other team, but they will not know which roles, nor will they know which of the other team's roles are in the mix. So targeting people in the mix is risky b/c they may kill their own or save a member of the other team. But at the same time, some the people in the mix will be on the other team and will be attacking the confirmed opposite side. -So it turns into a game of strategy, logical deduction, and some luck. I'm not sure what to expect. Please let me know what you all think. Could this thing actually work?
Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb
Well, it's highly unlikely that either Niki or Ted or both will act on the first night. It would really be a bad move on their parts. (Same with Hiro, but it isn't so bad. As we can see, Hiro never got to make a kill because of his action on the first night. So it's really not a great idea for him to act on night 1) That said... yeah, we figured that it may go down hill quickly for the company as soon as the first night was over. Not just b/c Sylar died, but because both Sylar and the Company's kills were botched on night one. Frankly, Peter and the Company should be Sylar's main worry on night one. I believe we have come up with an acceptable solution for this. For season 1.1- Once in the game, Sylar may take off for the night and will not be able to be killed, in exchange he will not be able to use any offensive or defensive abilities. All in all, the odds are very much in Sylar's favor. Since Niki and Ted will doubtfully act on night one, and assuming that hiro does, there would be a 20something % chance of him dying on night one. However, he has the same odds of killing a healer role on night 1 and getting the ability to save himself every night from there on in addition to his normal kill. Also, about the people coming out with their roles. This is not be a problem in Season 2. Matt's Dad will surely take care of that . However, Season 1.1 doesn't offer anything to prevent this from happening. It shouldn't be a big deal though, because like I said, it will be tweaked. The Heroes will not be quite as strong, and the lynch will also be tweaked. (I don't want to give anything away). Thank you for your observations though. They are very helpful and we will consider implementing something similar to the 'Matt's Dad' idea for 1.1 if we can make it fit. Season 1.1 will be much more balanced, and I hope to see you in the game
I hate to spoil the surprise, but since Impervious already mentioned it... The next game will be Season 1.1. It will be the same cast as this game, but with a few tweaks. This game was great for learning a few slight imbalances, the next game will be even better! As for season 2, don't expect to see that until after 1.1 and possibly 1.2. Frost and I have already been discussing roles for it. We just don't want to start Season 2 for a while because the whole cast will be changing... and we want to see a game with Sylar actually participating in it.
It shouldn't be too much longer until your demise
The Haitian's ability is only offensive, Not like Peter's reflection ability (Peter will be tweaked in the next game). The Haitian dies just like the rest of us. (well, some of us anyway) So Hiro will only be ineffective against the Haitian if the Haitian chooses him. Edit: clarification
Why doesn't the company come out and talk to us openly now? Kat, PG, CP, Slick2? Talk to us! That's wild how we had another all-female group of baddies to start the game! (Before Slick2 took over for CL) Well ladies and gentleman of the Company, c'mon out with it. Talk to us
Nope, you're just gonna have to watch it youself
You may need to go to NBC.com and catch up on the first two seasons. Candice died at the very beginning (maybe first episode) of season 2, and Linderman died in the season 1 finale. Candice could manipulate reality and make anyone see anything that she wanted. In the show she was a classically beautiful girl, but in reality (if you read the comics) she was shown to actually be... not so attractive to say the least. So she constantly made everyone see her as this other person in addition to anything she could imagine. Linderman had the ability to heal other people by touching them. I don't know if he could also heal himself, he never really got the chance because of the manner in which he was killed. With a picture, Molly can find anyone, anywhere. Just by thinking about the person in the picture she can pinpoint them on a map.
With the exception of the Haitian stopping him.